#so much whining and oversimplification and downright malicious twisting of words
constantvariations · 1 year
I genuinely cannot fathom why so many people are willing to bend over backwards to defend rwby so much, some even going so far as to stalk and harass anyone with the mildest criticism
And they always do it with this smarmy smugness of "I'm better than you because I'm upholding demographics x, y, and z while you worship a white man" like?? It's not activism to like a show nor does disliking a show equate to bigotry. I'm not racist for disliking Blackish nor am I an ally for liking Get Out. That's not how this works
I'm starting to think they're just addicted to feeling superior to others no matter how contrived. That's why they keep coming back to the tag to spew the same dogshit insults: they need that rush of attention and self-validation. It's why the anti tag is such a flaccid echo chamber of people pointing and laughing at out-of-context screenshots or whiny ho-hums about rwde's existence. It's a meaningless circlejerk meant to stimulate the ego instead of the intellect
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