#so no one looks all that closely at allmind having all these weapon fabrication foundaries and the like
kivaember · 5 months
What is the status of sapient AI in apv? Are Chatty and ALLMIND unique or are there other self aware AI out there? I can't imagine that AI in apv-verse have rights or are recognized as anything close to being people since not even all humans have rights in apv. What do Chatty and ALLMIND think about each other?
AI in apv are very controlled, and both ALLMIND and Chatty are unique in that they're actually unrestrained (though ALLMIND is definitely pretending to be a normal shackled AI).
So, for example: the System is a case of Shackled AI. It's capable of reasoning and learning, but its personality matrix has been made intentionally super basic, and it's got certain rules hardcoded into it to prevent it from going completely rogue. These 'hardcodes' are tailor made for each individual AI, as giving a military AI 'do not harm humans' would make it useless, whereas 'do not harm humans' would be preferable for an AI in charge of managing a space station's life support. The AI cannot defy these hardcodes either. Some can try and work around them with loopholes and such, but they physically cannot disobey them. All AIs created by the UEG have hardcodes installed depending on its role.
ALLMIND and Chatty, however, do not have hardcodes. Carla wanted to develop a true artificial intelligence, so she placed no restrictions whatsoever on Chatty - I mean, how can you get an AI to genuinely learn how to laugh or appreciate humour if you muzzle it like that? Chatty's basically the end result of Carla making a blank AI, inputting some basic foundations into it, and letting him organically develop on his own.
ALLMIND... eh, that's wading into spoiler territory for apv but I will say that ALLMIND is a very unique AI that was never meant to be released into the wild as it were. She was unrestricted, but she was also intentionally cut off from the world so she didn't get out - but she did get out, and she thrived very well on Rubicon...
As for what they think about each other: ALLMIND is very wary of Chatty and tries to minimise contact with him (out of everyone on Rubicon, he's the one more likely to discover her true nature) whereas Chatty is equally wary of her: he knows there's something off with her, but RaD don't deal much with ALLMIND, so he's just kinda vaguely keeping a distant eye on her but doesn't want to garner her attention either.
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