#so now im an idiot liar and i humiliated myself when i tried so hard to do everything right for the past 3 years
sigurdjarlson · 5 years
Because I never get tired of pestering you with OC questions: Your OCs as dungeon/raid bosses! How would a fight with them go? Any snappy boss lines spring to mind? How do they react upon victory/defeat? (I can imagine Diily with her million pets as adds, and Ladelia spouting terrible fire puns)
I feel like a three part raid with all theee simultaneously would be an absolute HELLSCAPE..(I know nothing about making a raid/raid bosses so for all I know this is ridiculously OP but hey its for fun-)
Diily - ranged boss who has a small mini boss with her, Wildheart. She also summons adds but they’re obviously weaker than Wildheart for mechanics sake.
I feel like she has somewhat stealthy approach, being a huntress. She’s quick and hard to keep track of. Especially with Wildheart or other adds on your ass.
And especially with Alaluria and Ladelia on the field (yikes)
She is melee and an absolute pain in the ass to kite/tank. All the usual demon hunter powers and also maybe on..normal we add Shadowclaw to the fight too hm? A weaker add but one nonetheless because lbr my girls would have their cats in a fight. 
Ranged but also dangerous close up. Constantly dropping comets on your ass. If the fire doesn’t kill you the bad puns will! Sets the floor on fire. All kinds of fun stuff
Heroic - +Morningflower with Ladelia along with Wildy and Shadow
Mythic: +Brightheart who is no joke as an add. “Mother’s fury.” Buff and some brutal attacks. Or something like that.
Other mechanics
Sisterhood buff - increased attack and damage reduction when within a certain range of each other
Grief stricken - killing one will enrage the others. Each has a different sort of enrage. I would suggest killing Diily first. It would be..unwise to kill them in front of her.
Diily can revive Wildheart on Heroic Difficulty and up but will be unable to revive any of the other cats.
Ladelia will polymorph your ass. It’s not fun. Interrupt her
I just want heroic or mythic Alaluria to have a buff “well prepared” because well..
Diily Taunts
- “At least try to make this hunt interesting for me.”
- “Dinner time. Isn’t it, Wildheart?”
- “I’ll let them eat you alive for that.”
- “Catch me if you can.”
- “I do love the thrill of the hunt.”
- “Cat got your tongue?”
- “I don’t think they like you very much..”
- “It’s not too late run. I’ll even give you a heads start..but after that. The hunt is on.”
- “I promise I won’t bite…but she [Wildheart] will.”
- “I’ve been doing this since before you were born, surrender now. You don’t stand a chance.”
- “even children know not to mess with a nightsaber’s cubs.” (Brightheart summon)
- “I don’t envy you. She’s…a little overprotective..” (Brightheart summon)
- “lets call this..natural selection.”
- “there’s a reason they’re [sabers] at the top of the food chain, you know.”
- “Disappointing.” (Player death variant)
- “You should have run faster.” (Player death variant)
- “I told you to run.” (Raid wipe)
- “Such a waste. Why didn’t you listen?” (Raid wipe)
- “I didn’t want to hurt you..but then you tried to hurt my sisters and that is something I will not tolerate.” (Raid wipe)
- “I admit I enjoyed myself. A good hunt but I’ve had better.” (Raid wipe)
Alaluria taunts
- “Demons are more worthy prey than you.”
- “I wonder if your soul is worth anything. Doubtful.”
- “What? Are you expecting me to yell you are not prepared?”
- “Is that all you’ve got?”
- “I’m not even breaking a sweat.”
- “I could do this all day..”
- “I’ve fought felhounds more challenging than you.”
- “I can taste your fear.”
- “Won’t you just die already?”
- “you think I’m scared of you? I’m the monster here. It’s you who should be running from me.”
- “Pathetic.” (Player death variant)
- “Hardly worth my time.” (Player death variant)
- “Well, I guess he [Illidan] was right the first time around. You weren’t prepared.” (Raid wipe)
- “you could have at least made it a little challenging.” (Raid wipe)
- “I’m fine. Stop fussing. We have a mess to clean up.” [At Diily]” (Raid Wipe)
- “Nice gear…hm…you know, I’ll be taking that.” (Raid wipe)
- “Burn, baby, Burn”
- “It seems things are finally beginning to heat up.”
- “If you can’t take the heat…”
- “Say bahhhhh-“ (polymorph)
- “Does anyone else remember the floor is lava game? Let’s see if I remember how it goes..”
- “Now look you’ve got me all fired up.”
- “want to see a magic trick? I’ll need a few volunteers..”
- “liar liar pants on fire”
- “Like a moth to a flame.”
- “I’ll smoke you out.”
- “didn’t anyone ever teach you not to play with fire?” (Player death variant)
- “Maybe try being a little less..flammable.” (Player death variant)
- “That looked like it hurt.” (Player death variant)
- “I’d almost pity you if you weren’t trying to kill us.” (Raid wipe)
- “There you go kits [their sabers]. A home cooked meal just for you..uh sorry it’s a little burnt.” (Raid wipe)
- “Can we go now? I’m tired, hungry and would really like to wash this blood off my robes.” (Raid wipe)
- “All you had to do is walk away.” (Raid wipe)
And oh boy do I imagine there’s very unique and very painful dialogue for all the possible death combos? Like cinematic agony 
I would need some voice actors that specialize in “anguished wails of grief and agony” though.
Diily - Alaluria and Ladelia’s deaths
- “Y-you’re hurt but I’ll fix it. I’ll make it better, it’s okay. I-im here..your big sister’s here. I’ve got you..it’s o-okay..it’s okay.”
- “It should have been me..I’m so sorry, it should have been me..I promised..I promised..”
- “It’s okay. I’ll just..let you rest for now. I’ll be right here. I’ll keep you safe. It’s alright.”
- “Why couldn’t you have just killed me too?” (@the wiped raid/Elune/fate)
- “Anyone but you..”
- “This is all my fault.”
- “I don’t know how to live without you..I don’t want to.”
- “I was supposed to protect you..I’m s-sorry..I’m so sorry. I failed you-“
- “Is this my punishment? Tell me! What have I done to deserve this? What have they done to deserve this..they didn’t deserve this.” (Seemingly @ Elune)
- “what’s the point if you’re not here with me?”
- “I’ll hunt down every last one of them, I’ll make them suffer for this..and then I’ll join you. I’ll be with you soon, don’t worry.”
- “I love you. I love you..you know that don’t you? I love you so much, I love you both more than anything. More than life itself. Please get up, I’m begging you please get up- I need you to get up.”
- “I was supposed to be the first to go.” (In general not exclusive to this specific incident. She’s always wanted to die first because there’s nothing more horrifying to her than outliving her baby sisters
Alaluria @ Diily and Ladelia’s deaths
- “Hey..get up. That’s not funny.. -voice breaks- it’s really not f-funny…”
- “I promise, I’ll kill them all. Every one of them. I’ll..I’ll make them scream for mercy.”
- “It should have been me.”
- “I’m sorry, I’m sorry..I’m sorry.”
- “But..we’re a family again..?”
- “I love you..i know I don’t say it enough..but I love you. I love you so much. Is that what you want to hear? Is that what it’ll take? Please-“
- “I need you to get up..I need you..please..GET UP!”
- “you idiot/s. Don’t you dare do this to me! Please- just get up..I..”
- “it’s only fair you leave me now, huh? Is this my punishment?” (Said with immense bitterness and self loathing)
- “it wasn’t worth it.”
Ladelia @ Diily and Alaluria’s deaths
- “W-wake up. You both need to wake up. It’s time to go..i don’t want to be here anymore..i..want to go.”
- “Please..don’t leave me. Please..I can’t..I can’t do this without you.”
- “Get up both of you. You’re scaring me. Come on..Diily? Ally? Im..scared..”
- “It’s always been so easy to forget you’re not invincible..”
- “please don’t leave me alone..”
- “I’ll burn it all down..all of it. All of them. I promise” (No humor/pun intended)
- “you said you’d always be there..”
- “please..don’t go where I can’t come with you..”
- “I can..I can fix this. I will fix this..it’s just..a few spells. I’ll be right back.”
- “It was supposed to be the three of us who win..I-it’s always been the three of us. It’s supposed to always be the..”
- “You promised.”
BUT ALSO fun banter because..that was sad ouch…and maybe you don’t kill them at all and you just fight until they have to surrender…
Ladelia: “I’m on fire tonight-“ Alaluria: “I swear if you make one more fire joke I will turn around and shove this glaive so far up your-“
Ladelia: “Hey, Alaluria. Need a..hand?”: “Put that down and keep casting.” Alaluria: “Put that down and keep casting.”
Diily: “A regular game of cat and mouse.” Alaluria: “Not you too..”
Ladelia: “Diily, look no hands! Dragon’s Breath.” Diily: “That’s wonderful, little sister- but I’m a little busy at the moment”
Alaluria: “Touch my sister again and I’ll leave you choking on your own entrails.” Diily: “Awww..you really do care.” Alaluria: “Shut up.”
Diily: “Awww look at the little puppy (worgen) getting chased by the big bad kitty..you better run faster. She likes to play with her food.”
Ladelia: “I’ll have you know can appreciate a beautiful woman and fight her at the same time!”
Diily: “This next arrow is going in your ass, Alaluria.”
Diily: “Plan B!” Alaluria: “Come on, I hate plan B…” Ladelia: “You love it.” Alaluria: “It’s humiliating-“
Ladelia: “We need more synchronized fighting moves.” Alaluria: “What are we the Barkstreet Boys!?
Diily: “I do hope your rotten flesh doesn’t make my cats sick.” (Player death taunt particularly at undead/death knights/warlocks/etc. if it’s a demon hunter Alaluria will grumble in mock offense.)
Diily: “Touch my baby sister again and I’ll skin you alive and use you as throw rug.” Alaluria and Ladelia simultaneously: “Don’t call me that in battle!”
Ladelia: “Flame on-“ Diily: “Is that a reference to something too?” Ladelia: “I don’t know it just felt right..?”
Alaluria: “Stop juggling your fire balls and do something-“ Ladelia: “Hah!!!!” Alaluria: Seriously? You’re over ten thousand years old act like it-“
Ladelia: “Those are some impressive hooves, you know. You should try kicking them like a donkey. Alaluria: “I’m seriously considering devouring your soul, dear sister.” Ladelia: “I’m being serious!”
Diily: “you need to be more careful-“ Alaluria: “is this really the time for a lecture?”
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