#so reliving memories is the closest to italy I'm gonna get for now ๐Ÿ˜…
monstrosity-positive ยท 6 months
If you could relive any memory of your past, what would it be?
HRM interesting question, I'm not really sure. My family used to travel when I was younger (and when the university my dad taught at was better funded ๐Ÿ˜…) so I'd probably say one of those memories! It also depends on how long of the memory I'd get to relive, and if I could only relive the specific bit that I remember. Because I went to Australia as basically a baby and have about half a memory of that, so if I could relive that but MORE of it, I'd like to. But if it was limited to stuff I have a clear memory of, it would be visiting a castle in Italy and then having gelato afterwards. Or having cioccolata calda on a rainy day with my dad's colleague! Or visiting that same colleague's house and having a homemade dinner with her family! When I think back on it that was one of the coolest "vacations" I went on in my life but I was only 9-10ish, so I didn't fully appreciate all of it.
Ty for the question ๐Ÿซก sorry if I rambled a bit, it was interesting to think about!
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