#so rlly whos to say the best course of action here. 🤷
myownprivatcidaho · 1 year
helped set up my crush (one of my closest friends) for a job (helping with his resume + putting in a good word (bc its a job only for history majors which is such a white major and hes Hispanic with mostly manual labor on his resume and i wanted him to get a good job he could study during that would help him in the future with scholarships, grad school, and other jobs hed want that a history degree hardly helps obtain and i was worried this guy with great skills for the job would get overlooked & passed up in favor of Cracker McAnglo) and it was an INSTANT hire my boss loved him)(and now we're coworkers)) and i was ranting to my friend yesterday about how i feel like my crush takes me for granted and im so fed up by a bunchve things he does instead of being direct that it got to the point on wednesday evening right after he got the job i blocked his number (hard to tell if hes noticed yet). and ive put my foot down and its STAYING down. then i saw him in the hallway just now and his eyes lit up and he smiled and waved and i was like dawwwww ;------;. mayb i should unblock him . do i realllllyyyy have to have boundaries
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