#so sick of people dancing around the point and implying shit I DONT UNDERSTAND THAT I CANT PICK UP ON THAT
fanficmemes · 3 years
Anon with the fanfic tropes list (most of these are somewhat specific but that's cause they just appeal it me), didn't think you guys want to see it that bad but here it is! (I said it's over 1k words so don't say I didn't warn you) (also Note: few of them are implied nsfw but it's mild)
-The italicized oh.
-Sun and moon dynamic
-Teaching someone how to skate
-comparing hand sizes
-picking a flower and putting it behind someone's ear
-babysitting together (bonus if kid thinks they're dating but they are just mutually pinning or kid figures out one of them have a crush on the other and either try to get them together or straight up blurts it out while the crushing tries to get them to shut up)
-when someone's laugh/smile/moan becomes a character's favorite sound/look in the world and they try as much as they can to hear/see it
-A Covering their face with their hands/arms/etc and B moving them and saying 'you're beautiful/I love you/I want to see you'
-Sharing headphones
-SHARING/BORROWING CLOTHES (bonus if it's too big for them)
-using nicknames
-Stealing food off someone's plate
-Sharing food with someone
-comparing them to either sun, moon, stars, god, angel, etc and ultimately saying something about worshipping them (and their body LMAO DONT CALL ME OUT)
-Riding on a motorcycle/bike together
-calling someone something in another language (bonus if they don't understand what it means and says it back)
-voice messages
-cooking/baking together
-when a character wears something new and asks 'how does it look?' And the other absolutely short circuits
-sitting between someone's legs?? (Doesn't have to be inherently sexual, it's just cute like:
-playing with someone's hair
-head on someone's lap and they just look up with the sappiest smile on their face
-oh my the inherent and absolute banger of peppering kisses on someone's face!!
-Kissing someone's nose (as in a 'boop' kind of way)
-FOREHEAD TO FOREHEAD (bonus if one of them is cupping the others cheeks)
-Kissing someone's hand
-Scar kissing
-watching someone play video games
-taking pictures of the dumb shit they do (and them favoring those pictures over normal ones)
-friendship bracelets
-personal special friendship greetings
-still using/wearing something someone's outgrown (small rings on necklaces, old tee shirts as headbands, etc also; "you kept that?" "Of course, why wouldn't I? It's special to me." )
-Painting someone's nails
-Seeing how peaceful someone looks while sleeping
-'I missed you.'
-Grabbing someone by the wrist as they're about to leave and saying 'wait-...stay.'
-Hand/finger on someone's mouth and the one with mouth covered is silently short circuits/panics
-pinkie promises
-maybe this is one sided joy but tickle fights
-pillow fights
-Going swimming (bonus if one of them isn't dressed for water and the other is so they just drag them into the pool)
-hugging someone from behind with arms around their waist and head resting on their shoulder
-hugging someone with so much force that they almost fall over
-putting someone's hair over their ear/clipping it
-Getting into a certain media because of someone
-When pets like a person and the owner is like 'Awww they like you, they're usually shy/etc' and it's symbolism for their relationship
-'oh you like this?' (Starts buying merch or whatever it is just for them)/(gives the one they own to them)
-riding something together and the other has to hold them tightly/close
-playing video games together or just watching them play
-Distraction kisses (whether to beat the other in a game or just to distract the long enough to let them escape, it's good)
-singing karaoke together or just preforming as a duo
-When a character wins or finishes a race and they immediately rush to a certain person, asking them 'did you see me/that/did I win??' Cause all they really care about is the person they're asking's opinion
-A staring at B from a far and B noticing them and either waving/smiling at them or blowing them a kiss from a far and A just looking away really quickly cause they were caught
-Saving spots/anything for somebody
-drawing somebody (bonus if the muse actually sees it and they're like 'woah is that me?? You're a great artist!!' And artist reacts by either quickly closing it or just dying)
-licking lips, wether it's their own or their partner's, it's good
-"you taste like (food)"
-aaa goes along with licking lips but like savoring the taste
-*calls other their s/o in front of people proudly and said s/o is either embarrassed or really likes that they're not afraid to be known that they're together*
-alternatively, calling the other their s/o when it's just them and they haven't decided what they are and said s/o is very much short circuiting
-ALTERNATIVELY that but they're together and one of them uses a cute nickname for the other!!
-Leaving Notes around for them w cute messages
-communicating through a notebook/notes together in class
-throwing paper airplanes at them (they have notes inside)
-carrying something someone else always forgets
-sending songs that remind them of each other
-not exactly romantic but this still slaps, other friends seeing their pinning from a mile away and putting bets on them
-when couple gets together, one person going 'TOLD YOU/CALLED IT! HAND IT OVER, (NICKNAME)' and the doubters reluctantly hand over 20 bucks
-and when they do get together and find out, friend group is like 'yeah and what?? Y'all were so obvious *acts out/recalls their past pinning*' and couple just shuts down
-Oh and the pinners somehow gushing to their friends about said crush
-making pictures of said crush and them as their wallpaper
-the dumbest possible contact names for each other
-making a flower crown for someone/putting flowers in the other's hair/tucking a flower behind their ear
-describing a kiss or a feeling as addicting
-describing something as downright sinful
-Siblings or friends cheering/teasing the couple (wether they're dating or pinning, it's always fun)
-running through the rain together and laughing
-Dancing together (bonus if one of them is reluctant or inexperienced to dance and the other teaches them or just tells them to have fun, also bonus if they do 'the dip')
-Taking care of someone while they're sick
-Intoxicated/high/sick person confesses that they like the other/gets affectionate/flirts and other is very blushy (bonus if other gets to see a side of the intoxicated they've never seen before)
-Sharing a drink (like milkshake)
-Kissing someone's lips to taste something or get lipstick
-The visual of lipstick smudged or all over
-A seeing B with a different hairstyle and absolutely being like: 😳💘‼️
-Same reaction but A hears B's morning voice
-Preforming on stage and performer (who's already with s/o) points at their s/o in the crowd and is like 'this one's for you, babe!' And said s/o is embarrassed but finds it endearing
-or the exact opposite where s/o points at performer and says 'THATS MY S/O!!!' very proudly and loudly
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Okay why is this so goddamn well thought out!!!! Honestly we should make this an ask game one day bc I’m the “THATS MY SO!!!!” trope
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