#so sorry it took me so long to reblog her but she is lovely šŸ˜»
topgunreacts Ā· 9 months
Ayo! Greetings! I hope you are doing pretty well! Iā€™m really sorry for asking this as Iā€™m truly in dire need of help. My cat needs some immediate help for her surgery so Iā€™m trying to raise some funds for her. If you have some spare time, please check it out the post that I have pinned for her, and if you feel it in your heart to help, please do us the favor by boosting the post or share it! Even if you cannot donate, spreading the word is definitely more than enough. Thank you for your kindness, and so sorry again for being this direct! <33
But how do I know? And shouldnā€™t I reblog it just in case? Itā€™s a valid concern. Fortunately, there are a few quick steps anyone can take to assess the validity of a charity request. Because at the end of the day, spreading a just-in-case message can have real negative consequences as other people continue to spread the scam on a just-in-case basis.
A sense of urgency (sickness, eminent surgery, etc)
They ask you directly to give them something
Familiarity, such as calling you ā€œdearā€ or ā€œhunā€
Comments turned off
New account with few if any posts
Direct messages that ask for privacy in the matter
Use of pets, children, irrelevant mention of demographics (please help a disabled queer single parent feed their sick cat, etc)
No response to requests for more information
Copy and paste message that gets sent to numerous people
Photos that do not match up with the origin as found through reverse image search
Lack of creativity: you receive a similarly or identically worded request from a random account
Melodramatic backstory--we rescued this cat from an alligator attack that almost took the cat's eye!
Donation account linked to a country at high risk for hosting scam operations
And others. These are not ironclad rules, nor do they always show up in every scam post. Maybe they ARE a disabled queer single parent who can't afford to feed their sick cat. But these elements are patterns you can look for in order to make an informed judgment call. There is at least one popular tumblr account here that will not post any donation links unless the asker fills out a form allowing the account holder to independently prove their identity and issue. If a person is truly desperate and actually needs help, they will fill out that form. Asking for more information is always a good idea, as is doing a reverse image search to see where else the photos might have been posted. Checking keywords on tumblr is also a good bet. Remember: posting lies is quick and easy. Providing proof is not. And thatā€™s critical if money is involved.
Scammers suck. But some of them are very good at what they do. They are masters of using peopleā€™s guilt and empathy against them.
Let's dig deeper.
First, let's check out that melodramatic backstory. It's a doozy!
It was actually her Birthday yesterdayā€¦.well her gotcha Birthday! We found her on our balcony 4 years ago after an awful noise was heard and I still donā€™t know if she jumped up scared from something or if she was thrown on there šŸ˜” She wasnā€™t chipped. Vet said it looked like she hadnā€™t long had kittens and looked about 3 years old herself. Couldnā€™t find her owners, so she joined our family. (Oh I looked for kittens believe me) She is the sweetest girl we ever met. She even purrs when she sleeps šŸ˜»we so love her. We just very recently lost our cat Mimi. She had cancer sadly but we fought so hard to help her but in the end it won. We have an elderly dog called Billa who just two weeks ago turned 20!!!! Any day now we could lose her, sheā€™s feeling her age šŸ˜” I mention those two because itā€™s just too overwhelming and feels like Maggie is the only one I can help now. Upon an annual vet visit recently with Maggieā€¦.so I could get flea meds for her and her brother Milow that they were due to haveā€¦the vet found she had two massesā€¦.or tumors. One at the bottom of her back next to her tail (I donā€™t know how I didnā€™t see it before Iā€™m so ashamed) and when she pressed on her stomach, my loving Maggie started growling which I can honestly say in the time weā€™ve had her sheā€™s never done that. We did an X-ray and she found a mass in her stomach šŸ˜” we also did a biopsy. This is just so unexpected and so overwhelming after losing Mimi and knowing we will be losing Billa soonā€¦just canā€™t lose Maggie also. I hate being in this position. I really pay forward as much as I can. Iā€™ve helped out a couple of women with bags and cases of food for the cat colonyā€™s they feed. One woman with food who has a lot of fosters who needed help with food. I think itā€™s 3 different pet surgeries Iā€™ve helped contribute to for their treatment. It sucks to be on this side now but Iā€™m really praying somehow it might be my turn to get some help to help Maggie get her ct scan so they can figure out the surgery route to remove the tumor from her stomach. I wish I was in a better situation at this moment to not need any help. Weā€™ve always been there to help our babies no matter what theyā€™ve needed, you have to try at least to help them.. And weā€™ve been able to pay for it ourselves until now. Now Iā€™m able to work here, it can help set us up for future pet issuesā€¦.I mean, we do everything for these guys including going to work lol but Iā€™ve literally only had my permanent status the last few days instead of visas and itā€™s all been on my hubby until now who has been amazing, but after paying for Mimiā€™s help and then end of life, my flight to and from England for my immigration and all those fees and just paying for everything on his ownā€¦thereā€™s a lack of funds now. I just want Maggie to get some help and will somehow have to make this happen for her, so please if you have the means to, you can donate to my paypal which is linked down below
Come on, dude. At least be creative. Please make note of the highlights: dramatic injury, insistence (with evidence!) that the scammer is a Good Person Who Gives Back, Cancer Cat & Old Dog supporting characters, immigration drama regarding visas, sick cat had kittens that were never found, etc.
[speculation incoming] Also, laws regarding the importation of pet animals from other countries are strict, and always involve a vet visit. I doubt a vet would clear a cat with tumors to fly out of the country. Even if they did, the timeline here is weird. This vet clinic is in California. [speculation over]
Okay now let's look at these photos. (PSSST I instantly knew this person was a scammer because I've seen these exact x-rays and screenshots on other posts with different cat images. That's something else to look for. Scammers want to expend as little energy as possible in their hunt for your money.)
Where is the scam coming from?
Hovering over the Paypal link, I see the account is located in the Philippines, a country with a high risk of scam hosting. Red flags on red flags.
How to Reverse Image Search
Find a search engine that will let you search by image. This is Google Images on a Firefox browser on PC. Clicking the little camera gives me the option to upload, paste, or give the URL to a photo.
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This time, the photo search wasn't helpful. There were no identical matches that Google picked up right away. But I'm including how to do this anyway because it's good to know.
Search Tumblr
We all know tumblr search sucks, but after looking up "cat scam" in the search bar, I found Everything.
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Wait a minute.
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@kyra45 appears to have amassed some good resources for finding and documenting these scams.
Be aware, be smart, report scam accounts for spam, block them, and do not post donation links "just in case."
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