#so the fact this got made within like an hour and a half is preeeeeeetty impressive.
theolddarkmachine · 7 years
Levy hadn’t planned on being a pet sitter when she’d moved into the city. She also hadn’t planned on pet sitting for a sex god either, but here she was.
AKA the one where Levy is a pet sitter, Gajeel is her client, and Lily is the glue that binds them together.
I swear, this is the last boring chapter before things really start get goin. Now we have laid the foundations, things are happening. We’re gucci now. So bear with me for one more chapter, mmk? The ball will be rolling after this!
Sitting around the dining table were the four usual suspects. To her left was Lucy, her blonde hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun and the edges of her eye makeup smudged slightly from a long day of dealing with customers at her boutique. To her right was Juvia, who was still in her lifeguard bathing suit with a pair of denim shorts pulled on over it. At the other end of the table sat Erza, who had a smudge of dirt from the last hike she’d led that day across the apple of her cheek. And of course, Levy, who had called her roommates together for their little game.
The game in question had come about a few months after they’d set up the chore wheel on their fridge when Lucy had come home and exclaimed that no one would believe the day she’d had at work, and that because of it she shouldn’t have to do the dishes after dinner. This, of course, had devolved into a competition to see who had had the crazier story to tell for the day, and the winner got to sit out of their chores for that night. The rules themselves were quite simple. Every roommate got one chance to call a game a week-- something they’d decided on after Erza had gotten out of chores nearly every night for two weeks straight-- and they would all sit down together at dinner and go around telling their crazy story for the day with the game caller going last. They would then all vote on who had the best story, and the other three would share the chore that the winner got to sit out on. Erza, as a hiking guide at the state park, almost always won with tales of defeating some sort of horrifying nature on that day’s hike. Lucy held the second place spot though Levy sometimes wondered if it was fair she won as often as she did given she worked with boyfriend-- not boyfriend if you were Lucy-- Natsu and almost all her stories were thanks to him, but a crazy story was a crazy story so they let it slide. Juvia, who actually happened to lifeguard at the beach near Gajeel’s apartment, probably could have won more often if she didn’t have a habit of telling stories about some menial thing Gray did. Once in a while she would bring home a story about sharks being at the beach, or someone nearly drowning and her heroically saving them, but more often than not she’d launch into a story about Gray making some weird ice cream flavor that the hipster tourists went gaga over but any sensible person would question quite heavily. (Levy still didn’t understand how pink peppercorn ice cream had become a thing.)
As for the bluenette? She held down the last place spot, hardly ever having anything wild to talk about. Not that that was a bad thing. Normally when things were crazy for her at work, it meant something bad had happened, and she was more than willing to do her chores if it meant nothing getting out of hand.
Excitement thrummed through her veins as she eyed her roommates, who sat in silence after she’d concluded her tale about nearly having her arm ripped off by a dog and Gajeel saving her from certain amputation. (This is paraphrased, of course.)
“So are you gonna jump his bones?” Lucy was the first one to talk, and of course that’s what she’d say. Erza shook her head and their blonde roommate’s bluntness and Juvia let out an excited squeal, clapping her hands together.
“A little less bluntly,” Erza interjected, “It does sound as if he may be interested.” At least Levy could count on the redhead to be calm about things.
“I’m sure he was just being nice,” Levy said, looking down at her wrapped wrist and feeling the ghost touch of his hand on hers.
“Give yourself some credit, Lev,” Lucy said, bumping her shoulder into Levy’s as she winked at her. “Kitty Cat Sex God can’t possibly have stood a chance when faced against those big hazel eyes of yours.”
Levy rolled her eyes. She was certain that wasn’t the case. She was just his catsitter.
“Does this mean I win?” She asked, ignoring Lucy and Juvia as they leaned behind her to whisper something amongst themselves. Erza looked between their other two roommates, who just nodded at the head of the table.
“You win this round, Levy,” the redhead said with a smile.
“Now, in more important matters,” she continued, a devilish smile spreading across her face. “All in favor of Levy getting it on with Kitty Cat Sex God, say aye.” Never in her whole life did she ever feel as betrayed by anyone as she did Erza in that moment. So much for her being the cool and collected on she could count on. Levy moaned as she was met with a resounding round of ayes from her roommates. She suddenly regretted calling this stupid game.
Levy was in her pajamas and had her fluffy yellow towel wrapped around her hair when she exited her shared bathroom with Lucy. The hot water worked out the tension in her muscles and had even worked a bit of magic on the angry purple bruise on her wrist. The pain of it was just a subtle ache now, but the color was pretty bad and it did hurt to move it without the athletic tape wrapped around it. Which, now that she thought about it, she had no clue how to put back on. Sighing loudly, she plopped onto her bed and folded her legs beneath her as she got to work trying to wrap it back up. (Try being the key word here.)
“Do you need help with that?” Lucy asked, entering their room quietly and making the bluenette jump.
“If you don’t mind,” she replied, holding her arm out to the blonde as she sat down on the bed next to her. Lucy started to wrap the athletic tape around it.
“Ya know, I tease you out of love, right?” Lucy’s eyes never left the wrap she was working on.
“That’s random, Luce, but yeah, I know.” Levy made sure to let her confusion color her voice. They were the kind of friends who knew they loved each other but never felt like it explicitly needed to be said.
“I really do think you should think about pursuing something with this Gajeel. You should have seen your face talking about him earlier.” Ah, there was the reason.
“He’s one of my client’s,” was all Levy could think to say. If she was being honest, it probably wouldn’t cause too much of an issues since she was just a pet sitter and didn’t actually run the company or anything. That didn’t mean it didn’t feel a little weird. Lucy used the pin to hold down the edge of the bandage down. It didn’t feel as sturdy as when Gajeel had done it, but it felt better than it most likely would have if she’d been the one to do it. The blonde pat the bandage gently before letting go of Levy’s hand.
“I’m just saying, Lev. Don’t let yourself be lonely because you’re hardheaded,” Lucy smiled at her as she pushed herself off the bed. Reaching for her purse that was on her own bed, she turned back to their door. “I’m going to Natsu’s tonight, so I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Your not boyfriend Natsu?” The bluenette asked, raising an eyebrow at her best friend.
“Yes, my not boyfriend Natsu,” Lucy stuck her tongue out at Levy.
“And I’m the hardheaded one?” Levy knew she was over compensating with her joking tone but she couldn’t help it. It wasn’t that what Lucy had said had been out of line or anything, but it did stir something in her chest. Her other roommates had all asked if she’d want them to set her up so she wouldn’t be the 7th wheel anymore, but she kept denying them, telling them that it was easier for her to focus on herself if she didn’t have someone else. While technically true, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel a pang of jealousy whenever any of them announced they were off with their respective boyfriends. “Not boyfriend” in Lucy’s case since for some reason she hated putting a label on their relationship.
“Think about it, Lev!” The blonde said cheerily as she stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving Levy alone with her thoughts
Gajeel was stretched across his couch, Lily asleep on his chest as he stared absentmindedly at the TV, not really taking in what was happening. Though, to be honest he didn’t really need to pay too much attention since he had the movie memorized. Hell, he could probably recreate the entire thing by himself. He started to stroke Lily as his mind started to wander towards the blue haired girl that had sat at his bar earlier that evening. It was stupid to give her his number the way he had, he knew that. Obviously he knew he’d done it as a way to just give it to her, but for all he knew she probably thought he was some pushy weirdo that thought she owed him a text just because he did a decent thing and wrapped her wrist up. His fingers continued to run through his cat’s fur as he growled in frustration and turned from the TV to stare up at the ceiling. Gajeel didn’t necessarily expect to hear from Levy that night, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t growing more and more anxious while he waited. But as the night continued to go on, and his phone continued to remain dark and textless, he felt just a bit more idiotic for the entire thing.
Poor Lily didn’t stand a chance. Gajeel sat up as quickly as if someone had shocked him, and the Bombay went tumbling off his chest and onto his legs with an angry hiss. He’d probably pay for that later but that didn’t matter right now. Snatching the phone off his coffee table, his eyes saw it was from an unfamiliar number, and he couldn’t help but feel a smile stretch across his face as he saw the picture of Levy’s wrapped wrist balanced on her legs.
I took a shower and took off the wrap without thinking about how I’d have to put it back on D’: is this okay?
It didn’t look too bad to him, and neither did the legs that it rested on. Ignoring the angry glare he could feel from Lily, he tapped out a quick message.
looks about right u shouldnt have to worry bout ur wrist fallin off with that
He reread the message a couple times before typing up another.
looks like u didnt need my help after all :p
Admittedly it had been awhile since Gajeel had not only flirted with anyone, but actually wanted to flirt with anyone, so he couldn’t help but feel stupid as he stared at the messages he’d sent. Did they sound flirtatious? Was he even allowed to flirt with her? All he was certain of was that he couldn’t stop thinking about those hazel eyes and that blue hair. His phone vibrated in his hand a few moments later.
You’re right, I just wanted an excuse to use you shamelessly for some athletic tape and an ice pack ;)
He didn’t even get the chance to try and think of a response when he got another message.
So what has you up so late this fine Thursday evening?
Turning to look at his TV, then at Lily and then back at his phone, he couldn’t help but feel like a loser for being up for the sole fact he had been sulking and was watching a movie with his cat. Of course, given that cat was how they’d met, maybe she’d find it endearing.
just watchin a movie with lil before bed
Wow, that actually did sound as lame as he’d feared.
That sounds like an amazing night :) What movie?
His heart did a little flip as he read Levy’s reply before he had to remind himself she probably meant that watching a movie with Lily sounded amazing, not watching a movie with him.
almost famous its my favorite
It really was his favorite movie. If it wasn’t for that movie, actually, he probably wouldn’t have pursued music journalism. There was just something so beautiful about capturing the rock-n-roll lifestyle and putting it into words. He was always in awe of the musicians he followed on tour, and honestly, he could wax poetic about it forever.
Ya know, I’ve never actually seen that one
He had known there had to have been something wrong with her.
u just cut me real deep shrimp
Haha, sorry about that. I’ll have to check it out sometime if it’s your favorite though!
His heart stuttered again as he stared down at the words on the phone screen. Another message came in.
I’m going to go to bed now though. Just wanted to make sure we did the wrap right. Goodnight Gajeel!
Typing up a quick goodnight, he pressed on the number at the top of the thread to save it in his contacts. Sighing loudly, he rubbed a hand over his eyes. He definitely wasn’t going to get Levy off his mind now.
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