#so they're not even that impressive about it. I could live to my thirties quite easily. I wouldn't have to be a necromancer about it
necromancelena · 5 months
I like to think that because Cora is immortal she likes to play up the whole "oh im actually so much older than i look but i have eternal youth because i'm so powerful" and then people assume she's hundreds of years old except what she actually means is that she's in like her early thirties and probably looks ambiguously in her late 20s to early 30s but still gets carded at the lcbo sometimes so she assumes everyone thinks she's younger than that.
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11111rffffffff3242 · 3 months
30/09/2000 - BBC Radio 1 'Lamacq Live'
An excerpt from a radio program touching upon a subject of rock bands recruiting new members and problems related. The short interview was held at the time when Queen Adreena was looking for a bass player (they eventually chose Orson Wajih).
Narrator (Steve Lamacq): Little did I know I would be on the phone to, among others, a band who were about to play the Kerrang! Weekender. Crispin Gray: Hello? Steve Lamacq: Hi, I'm phoning about the advert in this weeks NME; "Bassist Needed ASAP", I wondered if the job was still open? CG: Yeah, it's still open. Have you heard of us? We're called Queen Adreena. SL: You're Queen Adreena? You've got a record deal. CG: Yeah, we have yeah. What have you done before? SL: I've done a bit of bass playing in my bedroom and I once made a couple of demo tapes with a mate. CG: Well actually to be honest with you I think we're probably looking for somebody a bit more interesting. So maybe give it a couple more years. SL: Bit more interesting? CG: Yeah.
N: Despite being told I wasn't interesting enough, I did decide to drop in on the Queen Adreena auditions to get an idea of what to expect. Three days into the auditions they weren't very happy.
Billy Freedom: It's the most gruelling experience I've ever had. You can tell within about thirty seconds whether it's appropriate, whether it's going to work or not, and I think we've been being kind and giving them their five minutes. There's quite often been no point at all but I always feel incredibly mean especially if somebody's hitched from Sheffield, they plug in and tune and you say "Leave now, just get out." You've got the sort of richter smile by the end of the day because you don't want to hurt people's feelings and most of them don't even notice you want to kill them through that smile. It's really irritating but then as I say, if they've hitched down here and they've brought their girlfriend with them...That's the thing I can't believe. Some people have come in here and their girlfriend has just come in and sat next to them while they've been playing. I don't get it, it's like bringing your mum with you. After a couple of days of an endless stream of inappropriate people walking in, you actually feel the only way to deal with it is to be really cruel and I never ever thought I'd think like that about auditions because I always thought it was so mean to make people feel uncomfortable, that I'd actually enjoy making them feel uncomfortable after this.
N: I guess Billy Freedom from Queen Adreena has a point. The now quite beleaguered Queen Adreena again:
CG: First impressions they definitely count and you are usually about 95% correct on your first impression. BF: The worst impression that people create is when they dress the way they think you would want them to dress, like if they come in wearing a cape or if they've got a bat on a piece of springy wire above their head or they bring their own dry ice machine, you kind of think; well this isn't really going to work is it, you've totally misread the whole situation completely.
N: Losing the love for life; Queen Adreena:
BF: Today's been really really good so far there's been some really good people. I'm surprised actually. Katie Jane Garside: I think out of everybody there's two people we could definitely consider. BF: So we're probably going to have to toss a coin or pick who had the nicest shoes on, you know it does come down to that. You have to make a decision somehow and live with it. KJG: Yup. BF: And maybe we'll have to meet them separately outside of this room and just see what they're like when they are drunk, which is usually a pretty good test you know. If they start crying of getting violent then they'll almost definitely get the job.
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anemia-rp · 10 months
Yeah I’ve heard that a few times,if you’re worried about having a bad impression then you probably don’t.You’re probably right,deep down even the coldest people have to have a heart.
It’s a power struggle,and not the fun kind.That’s true people like to suppress those that they want to keep weaker than them.You really think so?
A work place?For the jewelry you make,or for everything you do?There are some things you can’t really understand what it’s like even if you can explain it.
Oh I understand that,I’ve been attracted to people for the wrong reason before…which is why I ended up in not good relationships.
Oh,I really do like them…but if I like someone enough I can be okay with not cuddling too much.I really only need them during bad times or if I’m not feeling well.
Yeah sorry,I like talking to you so you’re not scary anymore.
Oh like both of those too!I really like all the butterflies in Corpse Bride.It’s been a while since I’ve seen it,but I mostly remember the butterflies.Oh you do?How?
And some of the people who seem to have a warm heart can turn cold as well sometimes I guess. Or hide their bad traits behind a charming facade. I'm always skeptic that's why, especially when someone seems /too/ nice.
From what I can tell, yeah, there's quite some strength within you and maturity, too. Something many men lack, even if they're almost thirty. If you're just brave enough you could kick all their asses.
The jewellery and the fashion is something I create at home, just like I mostly do remixes on my laptop there. What else I do is actually top secret because humans would consider most of it as illegal, but let's say the mansion is for experiments, for office businesses and…for hosting business partners. You can imagine now what you will.
Some people mistake love for dependence I guess. It's not the fault of the victim though. It's a good feeling after all, having someone who can't live without you and who you have basically in your hands. Finding delight in stuff like that is one thing, but acting out on it is another.
Guess we all have our things we need when we're not feeling well. I'm mostly someone who wants to be left alone until I feel better. Prevents me from causing harm, too. It can get really bad when I'm pissed.
Yeah, okay, then I gotta live with being unscary I guess. Just wondering what you'd say if you'd saw my weapons. If you wouldn't get some goosebumps at least.
Damn pretty and sad, huh? The best things are probably a little sad. Like Jack Skellington I'm fancied by a lot of people but I feel as if not many really understand me and tend to being depressed when I don't get new challenges. And I have troubles letting others helping me. Mostly because I always think I get disappointed then since I only can rely on myself.
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aflyingcontradiction · 10 months
The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 188 - Centre of Attention
Jon: She did want to be friends. But she also wanted us suspicious, off-balance, uncomfortable. She wanted to be able to hurt us.
After this line Martin points out that this is a contradiction and Jon claims it is not, but I actually maintain that it is (a friend who actively wants to harm you isn't a bad friend, they're just not a friend) and I actually think it's better if you do read it as a complete contradiction but still as the truth because - well - isn't that kind of brain-breaking stuff what the Spiral is all about?
Jon: Then when Helen Richardson came in, it seemed like… she was in the same place I was, but worse, further along. I thought, maybe if I could help her, that would mean… maybe I wasn’t beyond help? Martin: I’m sorry for how it worked out.
TMA continues to be a tragedy in the "doomed from the start but still by their own decisions" sense.
Martin: D-Do they ever leave the windows, or…
I am very much imagining every window filled with that stereotype of a German retiree with nothing better to do than to watch (and, if you get a particularly lovely specimen, report to the police) everything going on in front of their window. Because I've met those and they are, in fact, TERRIFYING.
Martin: And the cameras?
I've been to actual non-apocalyptic London and "Wow, there's a lot of cameras!" was a thought I had back then, too. London of all places being the centre of the Eye's power is so, so fitting.
She had once counted how many times she could spot a camera watching her during her morning run: thirty-one in ten minutes.
If you're not currently also listening to this episode, please note that this is the PRE-APOCALYPSE count and I'm pretty sure it's realistic. HELL WORLD.
‘It’s late,’ the flatmate said, her tone level. Carmen’s throat tightened. ‘I am trying to sleep. This is not acceptable.’ (...) What time was it? She hadn’t been making any noise, how had her flatmate known? This was her room, her space, she was allowed to be awake, she was–
Well, if this isn't a highly familiar scenario from the thousands of times that my anxiety brain has created something damn near indistinguishable out of thin air (or at best, based on memories of some judgmental asshole or other who had long passed out of my life or was, perhaps, only in it for long enough to ruin my day)
There were memories, flashes of lying on the ground, desperate for someone, anyone, to help. But they had just watched silently. Some had taken videos.
And given the trend of taking videos of unsuspecting people in public, this is yet another scenario that has absolutely entered my catalogue of recurring anxieties. (Cf. above: HELL WORLD!)
She could do what she liked and it would harm nobody. So why didn’t she feel it? Why was there still that small, panicked buzzing in the back of her mind that told her something could see her. That she was not alone.
I have, at times, half-convinced myself that there's hidden cameras in my living space and someone, somewhere will see me making a fool of myself or being disgusting, even when I'm completely alone, so ... yeah ...
My impression of this episode
Despite the fact that the entirety of The Magnus Archives is set up around the Eye, this episode manages like no other to really distill the essence of what is so terrifying about that particular Entity (at least for me, your mileage may vary...). Rather aptly, I feel quite seen by this statement. This, along with that one Lonely domain statement that had me absolutely bawling my eyes out multiple times, may be the most memorable statement for me in this season of TMA.
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette: after the final rose
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an: the bachelorette is finally over. writing this was…wow. interacting with my followers was so fun���� i hope to do so again in the future. do enjoy this and take a look at the poll at the end. my requests will be opening up again! feel free to drop something :)
tags: black, fem reader
taglist: @taybird
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The day after your wedding, you and Jean found yourselves in Bora Bora. Once you landed, you and Jean settled down for a moment. Your ideal plan was to unpack, get something to eat at the hotel you were in and probably go to sleep. Jean had different plans in mind. As you unpacked your suitcase, he kept massaging your shoulders. His hands moved down your arms and you didn't protest. Y'all, I don't write smut. Give me a few years and I'll write everything that when down.
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Despite getting married on television and the whole world knowing, you and Jean never saw yourself as a married couple. It was more like dating to you guys. There were times he's walked out on you because you were too "emotional" and you've walked out on him because he was too "sensitive". But you always found your way back to each other.
During the week of your first "wedding" anniversary, Jean flew you out to Corfu, Greece. The first six days, he recreated your first "honeymoon" night and on the seventh day, he got on one knee again and asked you to be his wife- for real this time. You immediately said yes and threw yourself at him, toppling him over. You both landed on the restaurant floor but that didn't stop you from kissing him.
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Wedding planning didn't take as long and it wasn't as hectic as it was the last time. You and Jean had decided to elope. You decided not to tell anyone, except Mikasa, that the wedding was real this time. Everyone you knew had been under the impression that you were spouses.
The day you went to court, Mikasa had been your only witness. You liked the idea of eloping. It was more intimate. No camera, no scripts. Just you and Jean.
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Buying what you call a 'mansion' was not on your bingo card. Before you officially made Jean your husband, you had lived in a penthouse that Levi owned. You thought it was perfect- there was enough space for you and Jean. However, it was time to put your big boy pants on.
The outside of your home looks scary. No, it was a pretty house but this was a HUGE mansion. The inside of your home was very homey, however. There were office spaces for you and Jean- which he loved because he was getting back into law again (he had to quit his job because fans and Yeagerists, Eren's "fandom", had found his place of work and harassed him in some sort of way. Jean works with an elite private firm now), a game room, an inside gym, and a sitting room. Your backyard had a pool, a cabana, a garden, and outside guest quarters.
To be perfectly honest, you both found yourself in your offices. You started your own successful wedding planning business and Jean had his cases. Sometimes you felt like a big home was a waste of time. It's not like you had people to live in it for you.
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"Jean, we need to talk."
Jean had just come home from work. It was one in the morning. You were standing in front of him in one of your many bathrobes. Jean walks up to you and plants a kiss on your forehead. "What's up, babe? No hi or anything?"
"I'm afraid that you're not taking care of yourself well enough," you start. "What do you mean, baby?" Jean asks mindlessly as he removes his coat. "Oh, would you stop with the baby thing? I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!"
Jean looks at you like you hit his mother or something. "I don't think a serious conversation includes you raising your voice at me," he answers. "Excuse me? Your thick head doesn't like to listen to anyone, so we got to yell things into it," you retort. Jean ignores you and makes his way to the kitchen. You're eyes widen- he's never walked away from you before. "Excuse me!” you call after him.
There is no response from Jean, who pulls a white wine from the fridge. "You're not drinking that. Not until you hear me out," you try again. "Well, you could have told me instead of chewing me out about calling you 'baby', y/n," Jean responds. He turns away from you again and starts looking through the cabinets for a wine glass. You take this as an opportunity to take the wine off the island counter and pour it out. Jean's head snaps back once he hears liquids going down the drain. "What the hell is your problem? I can't drink now?!" he snaps.
"I'm worried about you, idiot. You come home late, I never hear you eating, you don't take your double showers and you're always exhausted. You don't think your job is hurting you? I don't even see you anymore. Your job is hurting us!" you cry.
Jean shakes his head and mutters some nonsense under his breath before placing the wine glass he picked on the island counter. He shakes his head as he leaves.
"Are you gonna be like this when the baby is here?" You call out.
"Excuse me?"
"Are you going to be working long hours and act like a jerk when I'm farther along? What about when the baby gets here? At this point, the baby doesn't even have a father."
Jean walks over to you with confusion in his eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm pregnant, Jean," you say with a small chuckle. I've wanted to tell you this whole time but you've been busy and I just got fed up tonight because I miss you."
Jean doesn't say a word. Instead, he undoes your robe and places a hand on your stomach. "We're having a baby? Are you serious? Us? How..."
You could only smile wider. Seeing Jean in awe about your very small bump was an entertaining sight.
"I'll...I'll talk to my b-boss. In fact, I-I'll q-quit my job...yeah! I'll q-quit!" he finally lets out.
"Oh no, don't do that. Just get your hours fixed and if they don't allow that, we'll find a different place, yeah?"
"S-sure," Jean stutters. "Are you hungry? Would you like me to order something? Do you want socks? What do you want?"
"I think I want you to take a bath and for you to sleep, mister," you answer. Jean still in a trance, obeys.
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"I can't believe we had two. I was under the impression there was only one."
"At least they'll keep the big room you painted busy."
Jean had one of your newborns sprawled on his bare chest. You cradled the other one in your arms. A little boy and girl. Your daughter, Maia, already had Jean wrapped around her finger. Your son, Marquis, was a little independent, despite being a few days old.
"I can't believe we made them," Jean says. After your emergency C-section, Jean was back into that trance he was in when you first told him you were pregnant. "We should have one more. We have pretty babies."
"Shut up, Jean."
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You never thought you'd allow a camera in your sight again. Obviously, there was the paparazzi that hounded you and your children down on the regular. But a camera allowed by you in your home? Never. Until today.
It's been seven years since you met the love of your life. You're thirty now and Jean is thirty-two. The two little menaces in your home are three. Maia and Marquis were just like their father- silly and full of life unless otherwise. But at least they look like you (except the pieces of ash brown in their hair that they picked up from Jean). You were pregnant with another. You hoped that your child would bring you peace but even if they were as colorful as your two, it wouldn't matter to you.
You sat in the family room with Jean and your twins as the camera team prepared their cameras and other equipment. Jean was trying his best to keep your children in one place, as you adjust your hair.
"Ms. y/n, are you ready?" Your interviewer asks. You nod and Jean gives you a nervous look. "Hey, kids...why don't you go into the sitting room. We'll come get you later, yeah?" you say softly. Your twins start to whine but they also start their walk to the sitting room.
"Mr. and Mrs. Kirstein, I'll count you off now," your cameraman says. You both nod, waiting for the interviewer to start asking you questions.
"Mr. and Mrs. Kirstein, I'll count you off now," your cameraman says. You both nod, waiting for the interviewer to start asking you questions.
"Mr. and Mrs. Kirstein, it's such an honor to meet you both. Seven years together...amazing. You've been together for almost a decade now," your interviewer starts.
"It's been interesting but it's been nice getting to know my girlfriend of seven years now," Jean says jokingly. "Oh stop it," you reply teasingly.
"How have you changed since the Bachelorette?"
You take a deep breath and Jean looks down awkwardly. "Well, we've been cautious. Obviously, with our privacy but also with the people we allow in our circle," you answer. "We've been in contact with a few contestants and it's been on and off. We've learned that trust is key...not only in marriage but who we bring into it," Jean says.
"If you don't mind me asking, who is in your life right now? Have you been in contact with your father? What about Levi?"
Jean clinches his fist and you take it in your hand, letting him know you were still here with him. "Well, Bertholdt and Reiner are still one of our biggest friends," you answer. Reiner and Bertholdt had a baby recently, a little girl named Gabi, but you decided not to announce that to protect their privacy. "Mikasa and I are still friends and we're still trying to get used to Eren being in her-our lives." Mikasa and Eren met up again and Mikasa was still head over heels for him. You were uncomfortable (because of his silence when his fans harassed your husband) at first but he was good to her. "The twins absolutely adore Levi and Erwin. They're their grandpas," you finish. You still hadn't answered the question about Jean's father.
"And your father? Mr. Kirstein?"
"My father is not in my life. Please stop asking."
The interviewer purses their lips, now feeling embarrassed. “I apologize, Mr. Kirstein. I’ll ask the next question: what are some obstacles you’ve faced in your relationship?”
“Well, we thought we had communication down. But we didn’t…at least not completely. But we managed,” you say.
“I think our children are proof of it,” Jean suddenly includes.
You glare at him and slap his hand, non verbally telling him to shut up. He only gives you a cheeky smile.
The rest of the questions were about hardships, what turned you both on, and your hopes for the future.
When the interviewer finally announced that the last question was coming up, you couldn’t have been happier.
“What are three things you appreciate about each other?”
You look at Jean and then back at the interviewer. “Er-well…I-“
“I appreciate how serious you get,” Jean interrupts, “ how kind you are and how dedicated you are- especially to your children and your career. I wouldn’t want anyone else but you.”
“Jean-“ your voice cracked. It always seemed like you had power over your husband and he was just your dog but he still knew how to overpower you with his words. “I don’t know what to say…you’re so dedicated to our family. Watching you play with our kids, feed them, and put them to sleep- you just prove that you're the perfect man for this job. I see how you treat your mom and I don’t worry about our children and me being mistreated. And you’re so strong. You lost the person who should have been there for you and your mom but you still worked hard and you found some peace. I love you, Jean Kirstein.
Jean takes your hand and kisses it. “I love you too, y/n l/n.”
The End.
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once again, thank you for reading the bachelorette! do me a favor and rate this series! it would be very much appreciated :) see y’all soon
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lillyblogs · 7 years
[Insinuation 2.7]
(Sorry about posting these out of chronological order; I didn't have a Tumblr blog yet when I first posted this one. Also, consider my liveblogs of 1.1 -> 2.6 lost to the ether.) [Insinuation 2.7] Brian and Alec were good looking guys, in very different ways. Lisa was, on the sliding scale between plain and pretty, more pretty than not. So Taylor admits to checking all of them out and also to finding them all attractive. Undersider harem when? Bug Please don't stick please don't stick I still want her name to be something cool like Myriad, but there's bound to be something of a joke to it. Lisa, though, put one of her arms around my shoulders and gave me a one-armed squeeze of a hug. She was a little older than I was, so she was just tall enough to be at the perfect height to do it. What caught me off guard was how nice the gesture felt. Taylor is attracted to girls theory: Confirmed?????? Actually, I get the impression that Lisa is supposed to be this but it's not quite coming across right and makes it seem like she has a thing for Taylor. We passed a twenty-something artist and his girlfriend, sitting on the sidewalk with paintings propped up around them. The girl waved at Lisa as we walked by, and Lisa waved back. Guessing she's an important character, a cape probably, but not one of the Undersiders. Circus? Spitfire? IDK I know too few names at this point. Alternatively, that was Uber and Leet. If that's the case, Leet was probably the girl and Uber the artist. If Tattletale's really a hacker, it'd make sense for her to be friends with someone named Leet. I supposed they might have a TiVo, though I’d never seen one. TiVo?????? Seriously, though, the Undersiders have a pretty fucking sweet loft. Also, Alec's an artist apparently. Knowing young fiction, this will either be the only thing he talks about ever or he'll never mention it again. ```“I’m jealous,” I admitted, meaning it.
“Dork,” Alec said, “What are you jealous for?”
“I meant it’s cool,” I protested, a touch defensively.
Lisa spoke before Alec could reply, “I think what Alec means is that this is your place now too. This is the team’s space, and you’re a member of the team, now.”How all great friendships start.“Last time he went up against Shadow Stalker, he came back here and bled all over a white couch,” Lisa groused, “nine hundred dollar couch and we had to replace it.”
“Fucking Shadow Stalker,” Alec commiserated.OOOH! Shadow Stalker sounds like they might be a rival villain. (Part of Faultline's group, maybe? Or perhaps the Empire, though the Undersiders don't seem to have major issues with them yet.) Can't wait to see them.Brian came back from the other end of the loft, raising his voice to be heard as he approached, “Rache’s not here, and neither are her dogs. She must be walking them or working. Dammit. I get stressed when she’s out.” He approached the couches and saw Alec sprawled on the one.OK now I'm 99% percent sure Brian and this Rachel girl are a couple, or he wants them to be. Or alternatively, she really is a mass-murderer with a dog fetish and that's why he's worried. Either way, isn't her identity public? If so, _why_ does she walk her own dogs, instead of having the other Undersiders do it for her? Indication of obsession? Possessiveness? Or maybe they have someone who can disguise people; Regent, maybe? Not sure if it would fit with his name, though. Regent, to me, suggests he might be part of some sort of Parahuman lineage (not sure how far back it could possibly go, since didn't Scion only appear in the 80s?) and that his power is _really fucking good_. He's their heavy hitter, the one who packs the most punches. Maybe he's a mini-Superman, complete with the "powers as the plot demands".“We’ll get you one,” he said, like it wasn’t even a concern. It probably wasn’t. “We generally haul in anywhere from ten grand to thirty-five grand for a job. That gets divided four ways… five ways now that you’re on the team.”Sounds like Taylor will be rich very quickly; she'll probably be against spending the money at first but give in after a little. She is the Queen Of Slippery Slopes, after all. In fact, I suspect the Undersiders are aware of that, b/c of Tattletale and are actively baiting her into falling all the way down and becoming a villain. However, they probably won't like the new, unrestricted Taylor Hebert.“I do know everything,” Lisa said, “It’s my power.”Still thinking superpowered hacker, possibly with some sort of tinkery flavor to it, with a probable focus on spying on and tracking people.“What?” I said, interrupting Brian. My heartbeat quickened, though I hadn’t exactly been relaxed to begin with, “You’re omniscient?”
Lisa laughed, “No, no. I do know things though. My power tells me stuff.”
Swallowing hard, hoping I wasn’t drawing attention by doing so, I asked, “Like?” Like why I was joining their team?
Lisa sat forward and put her elbows on her knees, “Like how I knew you were at the library when I sent me the messages. If I felt like it, and if I had the know how, I’m sure I could have figured it out by breaking into the website database and digging through the logs to find the address you connected from, but my power just let me skip that step like that.” She snapped her fingers.Damn it. I was wrong, wasn't I? But honestly that's a _horrifying_ power; she just _knows_ things she shouldn't. Like "everything about everyone ever", apparently. Perhaps it's some sort of weird form of clairvoyance; her power sees everything going on at once, but she can focus it on a specific person/area and it'll relay whatever it finds to her for her to make sense of with her deductive skills. Like having an omnipresent, invisible and intangible drone. Heck, maybe she's lying and she's just a Tinker with a specialty in surveillance and cloaking; would certainly explain how Rachel's able to regularly go outside, seemingly.Not giving him a chance to reply, she turned to me and explained, “My power fills in the gaps in my knowledge. I generally need some info to start from, but I can use details my power feeds me to figure out more stuff, and it all sort of compounds itself, giving me a steady flow of info.”Honestly I'm not entirely sure what she means by this, but it definitely seems like _every single one_ of my guesses as to her power was wrong.Lisa’s smile widened, “I’ll admit I cheated there. Figuring out passwords is pretty easy with my power. I dig through the PHQ’s digital paperwork and enjoy a little reality TV by way of their surveillance cameras when I’m bored. It’s useful because I’m not only getting the dirt from what I see, hear and read, but my power fills in the details on stuff like changes in their routine and the team politics.”At least I was right about her tendency to spy on people. And the PHQ's the _Protectorate_ ENE HQ, right? So essentially where the heroes work, and possibly live. Makes sense that Taylor wouldn't want to join the Wards if it's actually like that; she rather seems to enjoy having _something_ of a normal life and the ability to just go home and get away from this, to just be her father's daughter for a while. (Angsty plot twist: He's actually her stepdad, in addition to being a cape (maybe Armsmaster if he isn't a villain; tinkers seem sufficiently bullshit for that to work, and he was relatively nice to Taylor, if a bit businesslike-- _just like her father_.) and she learns both of these secrets at an inopportune time (perhaps after her first mission with the Undersiders?) and ends up leaving him and her civilian ID behind and moving in with the Undersiders full-time.)she grinned her vulpine smileNo way this isn't a fandom meme. Honestly, this just feels like such a memetic phrase and Wildbow _just keeps using it_. There are other ways to call someone sly and mischevious that don't involve how foxlike their smile is. Still thinking she's going to end up with Taylor, eventually and probably only temporarily. Unless she's also a double-agent. Would explain why she hasn't been the nicest to Taylor (she went out of her way to mess with her...), despite seemingly wanting her to join the team and seemingly caring about her. Grue, Alec and Rachel probably aren't going to double-cross the team, however. They seem like they're actually villains, albeit probably sympathetic ones. I can't wait to hear how despite seeming to only be in it for the money, they all have tragic backstories. Actually, perhaps having a tragic backstory is part of gaining powers; Taylor's got a lot of trauma and the Danny interlude did suggest that things turned from idyllic to tragic rather fast. And logically speaking, it makes sense that the villains would all have a lot of mental trauma; they're the people who society has chewed up and spat right out. Calling it right now that every Undersider is some kind of minority or other oppressed group: Brian: Black, possibly not straight. Possibly a single (adoptive?) parent? He seems close to the other Undersiders, so it doesn't seem like he'd live away from them by choice. If he's got a kid who he's desperately trying to keep away from this, things suddenly make sense. Or maybe a little sister/brother (I'm leaning towards sister), if he's too young to even be adopting children? Either way, he's definitely doing this for someone else's sake. If said person is old enough (i.e. 13+; I don't think the Undersiders would employ such a small child), they'll probably join the Undersiders after a few arcs of melodrama. Or if they're not, they'll do it (complete with the melodrama) after they grow up. Which Wildbow may only do so they can be paired with whichever Undersider doesn't get paired up, since I'm 100% sure they're going to end up a set of three couples, instead of a proper team of five. Bonus points if this hypothetical sister thinks Brian's a hero before learning the considerably more unsavory truth. Alec: He's definitely either gay or bi. There is no way that boy is straight. Also, he's got a French name, which is a pretty good sign he's going to be a Flamboyant Gay, especially if he picked it for himself. Lisa: A woman, also gay (probably). Possibly asexual, maybe? (She's definitely not aromantic, though; there needs to be at least something to use for shipping bait and "will-they-or-won't-they" tension, as Worm is basically YA.) Rachel: Maybe she's transgender? I'm guessing here. Didn't Taylor describe her as unladylike in appearance or something like that? Also possibly a butch lesbian* / gender non-conforming in some other way. *If she's a lesbian, Tattletale isn't one. It's a rule of how these things work. Though in that case, Tattletale wouldn't be a proper token character and would instead exist as a plot device / excuse for exposition and probably only exists to avert the Smurfette principle.They didn’t get a chance to tell me. I heard barking from downstairs. A matter of heartbeats later I was standing, three paces from the couch. Three snarling dogs had me backed against the wall, drool flying from their mouths as their teeth gnashed and snapped for my hands and face.``` Rachel can't control her dogs = confirmed? Or maybe she's a bit more unhinged than I was thinking, or both? I'm currently thinking that she's actually the sweetest and most innocent of the Undersiders, appearances be damned (it also makes her alias of "Bitch" rather ironic), but I could be extremely wrong. Since she works with dogs, she also probably has some skill as a vet, and probably acts as the Undersiders' medic as well.
I'm also starting to think that the Undersiders are using their actual names, and that they really do trust Taylor. Unless they're all lying about their names to each other as well as to Taylor, though they seem too much like fire-forged friends for that.
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