#so those versions of macaque would get clocked in a heartbeat
semisolidmind · 11 months
I know that Macaque in the original story is implied to be some sort of cannibal. Does your version of Macaque practice cannibalism in either one of your AUs? Or is that problem not present at all?
ok SO
yeah, i know that in the original story the six-eared macaque is an actual monster. if stealing identities wasn’t enough, he horribly abuses the monkeys of flower fruit mountain and cannibalizes a few of them. a couple other jttw artists have portrayed this in gruesome detail (fr its absolutely harrowing how they’ve shown just how much of a monster the macaque is. check out @celestialkiri and @journey-to-the-au if you haven’t already. their art is so GOOD ugh). in reality i wouldn’t let my reader within ten miles of this mf, he’s SUCH bad news.
and while my versions of macaque are also monsters, he’s based heavily on the one from lmk (as you could probably tell). so while in twice as bad and bad end he’s still very much a murderer and bad dude, he has the background of living on ffm and being wukong’s adopted brother and trusted friend. so no, im not gonna make him a cannibal in those aus, cause the lil monkey guys are his family too. all in all, the six-eared macaque in my aus is basically a different character from the one in the book. if that wasn’t obvious already.
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