#so uh. I started to doodle the Scout from TF2 because he's one of my faves from that game
blizzardream · 1 year
I know I keep changing pfps it's a tradition of mine
Also I barely draw humans so. please be nice I know I'm not that good at drawing them yet ;-; I'm working on it
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I originally wasn't going to add more complex-ish shading but I got carried away again. oops
Original sketch + timelapse under the cut
It's in a different aspect ratio because I changed it upon sticking it into MediBang!
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And timelapse 👀
Okay all done :) (unless you wanna read more in the tags. I talk too much I'm sorry)
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ask-dr-fritzludwig · 27 days
...I dont think is very pro-
Hallo! uh...internet (I suppose?) uhm...
Name: Fritz. Ludwig
age: 39
height: 6'1
Currently: healthy. Maximum 180 beats per minute...
Currently I am at ze Builders league base with my fellow mercenaries. I have been told zhat creating an account on here will be helpful...in some vay...herr scout tells me to make friends on here anyvays...
OOC stuff at the bottom!! pls read!! vvv
Ough now time for the OOC stuff
Hiiii uh...so this is my first ever rp blog so sorry if I mess some shit up
Also im still pretty new to the TF2 fandom. I don't even have the game or SFM :(( i really want to though...
like I said I'm new to the tf2 fandom. I probably won't act out the medic right and i really apologize for that so yeah :/ also english not good sometimes idk why so ://
Mod is a minor! so pls dont do anything weird! Like super weird asks and stuff. but rizz up the medic all ya want ig? (he'll be confused or flattered. he doesn't know which one just yet)
ill respond to ask to the best if my ability and to stay in character
im planning to draw some sort of blog ask thingy for this acc- so sorry for the late reply
You know the usual DNI; if ur homophobic, racist, transphobic, bigoted zoo/pedophile stuff ect ect JUST DON'T EVEN BOTHER-
Also Also
ill add in a few head cannons i have for the blue medic. like the bio says. its based off blu medic from lil pootis and a bit off of emesis blue?
fellow blu rp/ask members id love it if yall interected too :DD love rping and such. Speaking of Rp...
ig main ship for this blog is...yk- basic as hell heavymedic and also ig engineer x medic (platonic wise ig?) [if there is like ship content ill probably be a bit nervous cus like...this is my first blog so qwq)
speaking of ships. ig any ship is okay. those 2 are my main for this blog (BUT MY 3 TOP MAIN SHIPS HAS TO BE HEAVYMEDIC, ENGISPY AND BOOTS AND BOMBS/ SOLDIER X DEMO SO EJCSKXKWKXKW) as long as its legal/isnt with miss pauling, scout or pyro (personally i just dont see 3 of em with the other mercs. pyro with anyone is atleast something friendly and miss pauling is just there to make sure the other mercs dont get into trouble...also lesbian miss pauling so :] )
If ya want yer ask to be drawn pls tell me qwq Ill probably draw random asks but not yours..like i said im switching between text and drawing out a reply so yeah...sorry
💉#Prepare for your examination...-> general medic stuff
💉#In my medical opinion -> medic answers Asks
💉#THE___IS (DEAD!) -> medic interacts with other blogs (medic just asks shit/start up shit/responds to other tf2 blogs) [also also because tumblers a arse. i cant even use the tag because apparently its inappropriate so yeah]
💉#turn your head and cough -> ship stuff? i think?(JWJDKWJS I SHOULDN'T HAVE CHOOSE THIS VOICE LINE QOUTE BUT ITS SO FUNNY FOR THIS-)
💉#you are SCHEWPID -> Shitty doodles (made by mod)
💉#danke schön -> random (mod) bullshit GO!!
I saw other blogs that do this but thier from diffrent fandoms so...uh claimed anons?? here?
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TF2 Sniper/Spy  Headcanon
Based on a random convo where we were talking about how Spy/Sniper tends to either have a) woofbified Sniper or Spy, b) creepy stalker Spy or c) feral bushman Sniper that has to be civilised by Spy. 
Primary concept: Why give us 10K of creepy ass spysniper when you could have the pair happily together, and they tell the team by announcing Scout now has two dads over dinner bc they went to Las Vegas over the weekend.
@camiluna27 said that Sniper could help Spy learn to be a dad to Scout, and well, I had an alternate idea, so... this happened:
Sniper has no experience.
If anything, Engie might be the closest the team has to a father figure. And Spy would prefer death over admitting it to the Texan...
Sniper, on the other hand, is just oddly casual with everyone even those he's going to kill. He can get serious, but mostly, it's chill... everyone can relate to him, in their own way. He listens, offers advice, and has your back on the field.
Spy, in contrast, has been made paranoid by the world in which he lives. Lies, deceptions, masks, targets, always the threat of death haunting every move... if your smile is even an ounce deceptive, you die. He has learned to be what people need to see, to adapt to a challenge.
Who he is, as a person, is a little difficult for him to gauge. The closest he came to being... him, a person, was when he spent time with Scout's mother, who challenged his normal statements, behaviours, seductions as utterly false. An act. And he suddenly realised she was right.
Now he was on a base, and he did not need to BE anyone. That is, after battle was over... he was just... Spy. And who was that?
He went for haughty, kept them at bay. The man he was, was dead, if you thought about it. Buried under a thousand faces and facades, all in the name of espionage.
Scout... was an unpleasant surprise. He'd thought, based on what correspondence he'd received in the last year from Her... that the boy was going to college for an art degree, and yet... here he was smashing in heads amongst hardened mercenaries?
Perhaps she had lied, although he'd noticed some clear artistic ability in the boy. The sketchbooks full of doodles, and even the other members of the team... he particularly liked the ones of Sniper lounging, asleep, in odd locations. Though not so much the ones of himself, which all seemed to have harsh angles and auras of menace. Was that how he was seen?
He detested the ease with which Sniper could just be there, and relate to others. Engineer was more obvious, making an effort and being loud to draw others in, but people just tended to gravitate to Sniper. In much the same way they unconsciously avoided Spy.
The pictures made him question everything. Maybe keeping them all at bay was not such a good idea?
And he tried, somewhat. Was less openly hostile, and it did win him the interest of a few members... though conversations were often one-sided and frustrating, because he would reveal nothing of himself during them. Only vague stories of espionage.
What else could he talk of, though? Who else had he been but a spy for decades? And no one was saying the obvious about Scout, which everyone seemed to simply know...
So that topic was off the table. For now.
Engineer irked him. Too open, and always stealing the limelight unintentionally... not to mention how fatherly he was towards the boy.
Pyro was worse, that blank stare and muffled phrasing concerned him no end. HE wasn't sure how to communicate with whatever lay beneath.
Soldier... was loud.
Demo, a surprisingly good conversationalist when he was in the mood to deal with 'Spy's shit'.
Heavy and Medic, he got along with rather well. Heavy for his knowledge and language skills; Medic for the same, and the strange bond of being a Support member frequently left to die by their team.
Scout... was warming up to him, at least. He still had the notecards from the whole bread disaster, the ones depicting his violent death and also fucking the Eiffel tower... he wasn't sure if he was meant to be proud at the skill or furious the little bastard had drawn them to start with...
But, he had bonded with the boy a little during that time, with the whole Miss Pauling date scenario.
And Sniper, he accidentally manages to get along with. That indescribable magic the man had seemed to have rubbed off... and one day they'd simply... had a conversation. It'd been mid-battle. Sniper in his nest, Spy having retreated there to let the healthkit he'd nabbed do it's job, after the BLU Pyro had decided to chase him clear across the map...
Sniper had asked if he was having a good day, and, utterly caught off guard by the strange question, Spy had let out a genuine laugh. Hooting an snorts intact. 
Immediately clapping a hand over his mouth, in horror, as he realised someone else had heard the awful thing.
But Sniper was beaming ear to ear. "S'that why you never laugh round us, mate?"
Spy refused to reply.
"Nevermind, ain't that bad, sorta cute really. There was this bloke at home that had a laugh that sounded like an explosion in a bicycle horn factory... and you've got nothing on him."
After a pause, Spy answers, "...your discretion is appreciated, bushman."
And the room goes quiet. It feels awkward to Spy, but Sniper doesn't seem perturbed; steadily gazing down the sights and picking people off...
At the last second, he sees a blue dot slowly, lazily almost, trailing up the RED's arm towards his forehead. Sniper hadn't noticed.
With a lurch, Spy slams into the man from the side as a sniper rifle goes off and his Sniper yells whilst the opposing one curses from somewhere close by. Too close.
And speaking of cursing... Sniper is already up, with kukri out as the third occupant of the room is forcibly made visible on impact. The BLU Spy had crashed into a wall as the REDs hit the floor.
Now he was trapped.
"Sorry mate, looks like I win this one." Sniper says, lashing out at the pinned backstabber. Spy pretends he didn't flinch when the blade hit home, killing the other man instantly. He'd been cleaved with a weapon of the very same make and model just two lives earlier... you never quite forgot a kukri-related death.
Sniper grumbles, wipes the blade dry on the BLU's suit pants and offers Spy a hand up. The latter deigns to take it.
"You alright Spook?" he asks, looking at the dissolving body.
"That was never in doubt, bushman. Although you were nearly killed twice over in a matter of seconds... you must pay more attention to your surroundings!" admonishes Spy.
"He's right, you should." comes a familiar, haunting voice, as BLU Sniper steps into the room... and Spy curses himself for the inattention, as the rifle goes off and he's forced through respawn.
He did not see Sniper again until the match ended and they all traipsed back into the base, exhausted but exuberant  for having somehow won the King-of-the-Hill match.
"Mon dieu, I could use a shower..." Spy moans to himself, quietly.
He's shoulder-checked by the infuriatingly youthful Scout, as the runner dashes past with a cheeky, "Ya damn right there, Spook, can smell you from the checkpoint!"
And he questions how much trouble he'd be in with Scout's Mother if he accidentally pushed the kid off a cliff... before shaking off the notion. A companionable arm drops over his shoulder, which surprises and concerns the espionage agent. No one touches him, save Medic, and occasionally a teammate dragging him out of harm's way or to a medkit.
"We did good out there today, mate... nice work." Sniper says, clapping him on the shoulder before letting go. Casual, companionable, comfortable.
"...and you were not so terrible, I suppose." he tosses back, faint grin letting the other know it was only in jest.
"Really saved my arse out there, and I 'preciate it..." Sniper adds, after a moment, holstering his weapons in their spawn locker and snagging out a pile of clean attire. Clean towels and soap were always mysteriously present in the communal bathroom, though no one ever put them there or washed them; nor knew who did.
Spy does not respond, his own items would not leave him until he reached the assigned quarters for his Class. Less chance of the other Spy sabotaging them that way.
Sniper notices, "Uh, you coming to shower or do you have a thing for being filthy I should know about?"
The Spy's first reaction was mild outrage at the INSINUATION... but he tamps it down and adopts a smirk. "Oh? Did you just invite me to shower with you, bushman?" he says, tone overly saccharine and mildly seductive. One he used on targets, quite successfully, in the past.
The lanky man nearly falls over his own feet as he whirls to face Spy, visibly puzzling out how Spy could have inferred that.
"Er..." he managed, before someone else cut in.
"Oh my god, you two are far too old to be flirting about fucking in the showers..." groans Scout, looking horrified. "It's bad enough when Heavy and Medic do it... uh, the flirting, that is. Although ya do hear things when the guys in the room adjacent yours forget the wall's only like A CENTIMETRE THICK..."
Both the other two men were not looking at the runner, and Engie was now making his trademarked expression of disappointment at the pair.
Sniper, on the other hand, spluttered for a second, then gave the runner a light whack to the head; toppling his hat off. Scout yowled loudly, acting as if it was some grievous blow, and Engie's deathstare turned towards the sharpshooter. He tried to ignore it.
"Oi, ya cheeky wanker, m'not that old..." he mumbles, and Spy is amused to see the embarrassment all over the Australian's face.
"Oui, he is still of prime age... and not everyone can simply pine after someone who can never like them back, for years on end, Scout. That would be... sad, non?" he digs, and the runner goes crimson.
But Scout doesn't have a retort, so he deflates, throws a sad glare at both Spy and Sniper, then retreats. Uncharacteristic, and a little concerning.
"Ya didn't have ta be that harsh, Spah." Engie admonishes, a tad quietly. "He just needs ta work out Miss P, lovely as she is, ain't on the same baseball team if ya get my meaning."
"S'alright, I'll talk to him after we all get cleaned up. For a noisy little bugger, he sure loves to stargaze... just sits quiet as a bilby, on top'a me camper with me. It's nice..." Sniper tilts his head at Spy, "You might like to try it sometime..."
Spy raises an eyebrow, "Oh? Before or after we do something scandalous in the showers, mon amie?"
Sniper laughs and claps the masked man on the back, companionably, if a bit hard. "You're a bit of a wanker yourself, mate, must be genetic..."
And he's already gone, headed towards the communal bathroom; probably already full of steam, half-clean mercenaries and songs in all manner of languages being shouted over each other.
Spy grabbed his own attire from the locker, and hesitated, wondering if he could really trust his teammates enough. His own quarters had an in-built bathroom for the very reason of maintaining anonymity...
...but, the more he thought on it, the more he realised how ridiculous it was to save and be saved by the same people every single day... and none had seen him without the mask. Although, he did realise ironically, even if he removed the cloth... would the other mask ever come off, or was it permanent?
No matter. He was... rather oddly certain that, given time, he could work out who he was whilst amongst these men... and Pyro. The person behind Spy. Reclaim the name that was once his, and find out what was attached to it.
And it all started... with simply taking a shower, and joining a lanky Australian to stargaze.
How ironically simple, he thought, stepping into the starkly white tiled room of the communal showers... and slipping off his mask.
Sniper starts, as Spy takes the stall next to his -dividers chest-high and no more to prevent 'any hanky-panky' as the Administrator had termed it.
Then, the bushman smiles. "Glad to see you could make it, Spook."
And, for some reason Spy can't name, it feels like Sniper means more than simply the fact that he was here.
His lips curl up into an amused grin as he reaches for the taps.  "As am I, mon amie."
- - - - 
The End
Or at least, a jumpoff point for how to build the thing.
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