#so we calling it JessJack or
danganronpa96 · 9 months
Jesse x Bojack is Sansmaeda of DR96 /j
No because I’m going to hijack this ask to talk about those two now 😈
Jesse and Bojack, during the early stages, were always going to have some sort of dynamic. I mean, you literally had the perfect connection or Aaron Paul playing both Jesse and Todd. But, there are also many interesting similarities between Jesse and Bojack themselves. How they both have addictions and harmful habits. How they were both sent to rehab at the end of a season (BreBa s2 and BJHM s5). How they both had rough upbringings (Bojack a little more so of course). They were gonna be the fucked up besties of the fic.
(Which is funny considering I took both their characters just before they were sent to rehab. So they would be as screwed up as possible for the death game. I’m so evil I know)
I personally enjoyed their development over the course of the story. How Walter’s death kickstarted a mixture of rocky beginnings. How Retsuko’s friendship with Bojack muddied the waters with Jesse and his grief. How the 3rd motive forced them to interact more. How Natsuki slowly began to merge towards them following the death of Yuri and Ena.
I really loved writing their dynamics, from their fights to them just hanging out. The forth case really was a testament to their friendship, and how much Jesse got attached to Bojack. Jesse has a hard time being abandoned by those he loves (ergo Jane’s death canonically) so I really tried to reflect that in his breakdown during the 4th trial. Bojack, to me, had potential to be a good friend towards Jesse, but in his current state, I don’t think he really would’ve been able to unless he really tried to change. That’s why they’re so tragic yaoi (/JJJJJ)
The fact that their friendship was a major focus for the chapter 4 case does kinda make them the ‘sansmaeda’s of DR96 doesn’t it? Haha
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