#so we're not losing that badly by my metrics
owari-no-suffering · 1 year
FIRMLY of the belief that the only reason (aside from marketing) that they don't age up the previous generations of pretty cure as vessels of wisdom for the new ones is that truly the only way nagisa and hinoka's lives were going to go is they moved in together and turned into absolutely sappy and adoring wives. Imagine some baby magical girl(s) making the trek to their home to ask how the fuck the big bad of the year is supposed to get taken down and all we see is nauseating levels of domesticity. Nagisa telling a story and Honoka from somewhere else just fondly going, "That's not quite how that went." Nagisa fretting after the company leaves and Honoka kissing her temple because it'll be okay--they're a testament to that.
Wow I really just laid the groundwork to write a self-indulgent fic. Yeesh.
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