eeveeri-daze · 7 months
My stepsister is visiting. I'm so stoked.
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eeveeri-daze · 7 months
I spent too long staring at the sky today. My face is burning.
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eeveeri-daze · 8 months
Guys help me out here- Duskull looks like a fish pokemon. Right?
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eeveeri-daze · 8 months
About Post
Howdy, the name's Veri! I use ae/aer and they/them pronouns, and I am in the 21+ age range. I'm still not sure what I'm doing in life. Maybe I'll figure it out. I like reading about lore.
The Guys
Muddy (Swampert). My first partner, my dad brought him in as a Mudkip when I was 8. He is like 10x more focused than I ever have been and ever will be. He is in the water 99.9% of the time and I do not blame him.
Kit (Skitty). She followed me home one day and has hung around ever since. I'm pretty sure I fed her or something. Though she's not as hyper, she can and will chase Chewy for ages and a half.
Chewy (Zigzagoon). I found him IN THE TRASH he is a LITTLE TRASH BOY and he is PROUD OF IT. Otherwise very cuddly. When he isn't trying to eat the entire stock of berries he's sticking his snoot where it doesn't belong.
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