#so when they're at the very least attached to the outfit's bottom half i'm like ok gotta think Broadly
rockethorse · 1 year
I'm kind of glad for TS2's limited wardrobe functionality sometimes because it would be a lot harder for me to enforce a low-CC threshold if shoes were their own thing, y'know
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love-toxin · 2 years
If Nancy's an elf queen, what would everyone else dress up as? I vote (half)orc barbarian for Steve 👀 (no shirt allowed btw). and for Robin... 🤔 I'm thinking tabaxi maybe? (maybe I just wanna see her wearing cat ears...) and angelface could be anything idk <3
(cws: fruity four, d&d roleplay, plugs, a little hint at some spicier roleplay)
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Steve gets a heap of leather straps and fur for his half-orc barbarian costume, his body mostly exposed save for the 'x' crossed over his pecs and the fur pelt that's tied around his waist, plus a pair of striking leather boots and some wrist guards with straps that lace up to his forearms and loop around. Eddie wants to put a little body paint on him to complete the look but Steve keeps refusing, up until the rest of you hold his arms back and smile at how he swaps between being furious and giggling at the tickling sensation of the paintbrush on his skin. you all agreed to go whole hog for this, and you weren't expecting it to be perfect but damn does Steve look good with those crimson handprints all over him, along with some markings down his cheeks so it looks like he's been crying blood. metal.
Robin's look is sexy for completely different reasons--when she comes out from the bathroom, the cat ear headband tucked under her hair is plenty cute, and the simple blouse tucked into her tight skirt is adorable on her frame. but the droopy cat tail she's got with a hole cut through her bottoms to lead it through is an awesome touch, although she swipes at you when you go to touch it and yelps when Nancy's hand manages to shoot out and grab it. and it's made very clear by that deep scarlet blush heating up her face that it's not just for aesthetics, and when she awkwardly whispers to you and Nance that it's really a tail, you both get the gist and giggle with each other as you tease her and stroke her fuzzy appendage, in the hopes that the plug it's attached to will shift around a little more inside her.
Eddie and Nancy's costumes are pretty standard in comparison; his ranger outfit is mostly dark, loose fabrics stretched over his lithe frame with a scarf, a cloak, and a bit of unshaved stubble to give him a more scraggly look. Nancy's elf queen outfit is pretty much just a long, white dress with more opaque cloth beneath it to protect her dignity, along with a delicate tiara and some gold jewelry and makeup along with a pair of elf ears securely attached to her real ones, and covered partially with her hair. with all of them dressed up, you're hoping your costume will be just as cool--hell, maybe it'll be even cooler if Eddie's saving it for last!
with that expectation at the forefront of your mind, you're a little confused and a touch disappointed when Eddie hands you a plain-looking dress and apron (with a corset, at least) and tells you that your character is gonna be a barmaid. a wench. an NPC. trying to hide it just makes it more obvious that you feel left out, but Eddie reassures you that yours is the most important part! put it on so he can start the scene, and he'll show you--and put on a smile, too!
part of you wishes you hadn't joined if you're probably just gonna be watching anyways, but since you know Eddie and you know he's not one to disappoint, you go along with it and hike the dress up over your shoulders--noticing right away that the corset cinches by itself, which is handy, but also that it pushes up your boobs so they're pretty much all out in the open, you swear you can feel air gliding under them from how exposed they are. you listen closely to Eddie laying out the scene for you, describing the tavern you're in and explaining the four of their roles as adventurers and a little backstory, while offering few details about your character aside from the fact that you "always swoon over the sexy adventuring party that comes through town now and again" which you roll your eyes at as the others giggle.
but when Eddie finally sets you all up in your spots--you at the makeshift countertop of your bar, and the four of them in various spots around the "tavern" which is just the wide backroom of the Hideout with all the furniture rearranged--you finally seem to get the driving force behind this elaborate scene Eddie's concocted. the elf queen sat demurely with her tabaxi attendant obediently standing by, the barbaric half-orc prince musing on his recent kills, the reanimated ranger from unspoken lands pulling out a d4 to shake in his hand.....and when he's got everyone's attention, including yours, Eddie produces a potion from his cloak to set it on the table with a thunk. he numbers off the four of them, ensuring they know how to react depending on what he rolls, and looks across the table he's at to wink in your direction before he lets the die go.
"first one to land gets dibs on the wench."
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