#so while yes. she could fudge a fight and LET her sister win
chaoticspacefam · 3 years
sibling rivalry at it’s finest ✨
Shakkai: Let’s call a truce.
Saarai (Sith heiress), raising eyebrows: I wasn’t aware we were at war. Shakkai, nodding: We are. And I’m winning.
Saarai, deadpan: I kicked your ass three times yesterday.
Shakkai: No. I let you win.
Saarai, sarcastically: Uh huh, sure.
Source: whyohgodwhy
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXXVII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: This is one of my favourite chapters uwu -Danny
Words: 4,172
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Listen to: ‘I Wanna Be OK’ -by Caleb James
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Chapter Twenty-Five: Reaching Out.
She never would've thought that one of Pansy's friends was... decent. 
Yes, Erick had some pretty nasty friends, but he was lovely, however, he'd never considered them close. Daphne was different, she didn't have a problem with her friends, but she had a restless curiosity and a set of very good eyes, same eyes that helped her realize Erick was acting strange.
"She's been following me for months," Erick scowled at the girl. "I didn't know it was her, but I was careful not to do anything suspicious as soon as I felt it... I'm used to being alone, Daphne, which means I can tell when I'm not."
"Didn't hurt to try," Daphne shrugged, sitting down. "You can stop staring at me like that, I'm not here to kill you."
"What do you want?"
"I already asked her," Erick sat down next to the girl and gestured for Mel to sit in front of them. "I know you don't like her, but if you trust me then you'll listen to what she has to say."
Mel hesitated, if this would've happened a year ago she would've agreed right away, there was nothing to lose and one more friend to gain, but now it wasn't just some silly study sessions to learn about the muggle world, it was the Order, secrets plans to win a war that was yet to start...
"Erick has explained to me that you and Granger taught him a lot about the muggle world and that you've also done a few things off-record... I want to learn, I don't care whether if You-Know-Who's back or not, but I care about myself and my sister. I want to be prepared if it turns out you're not crazy."
"I don't understand," Mel sat down. "You believe us?"
"I don't know what to believe," Daphne made a face. "I know that if the Ministry sent Umbridge here they must see Dumbledore as a real threat, and that's something."
"Why asking me, though?"
"I would rather get my information from someone who's lived around muggles instead of that nonsense pureblood families say all the time. They heard it from their parents, and the parents heard it from their parents... I'm not excited about spending time with you and Granger," She sneered. "But I don't have a choice."
"How do I know you're not trying to trick us?"
Daphne raised a brow in amusement. 
"Why do you need to trust me to have a silly study session from time to time?"
"Answer the question, Daphne," Erick pressed.
The girl turned to look at him, she examined his and Mel's face and her interest increased.
"What are really doing here?"
"Listen, you either answer me, or we're done," Mel insisted. "I have things to—"
"Umbridge wants to make her own little team of rats," Daphne said. "Pansy was telling us about it yesterday, she said Umbridge was writing to the Minister the other day after class, and that she managed to read a bit — said it was something about recruiting students to be her eyes and ears."
"I could join along with Erick and we could help you. I know you and your friends are up to something, you've been too friendly with students from other houses and that didn't use to happen, we can trick Umbridge so she follows the wrong clues."
Mel couldn't help but think about Kingsley and Tonks helping the Order by lying about Sirius' whereabouts, it was tempting. Hadn't she promised to find a way to beat Umbridge in her own game? Maybe this was it. Umbridge would never suspect two of the best Slytherins being the ones passing information to Mel. 
"If that's true," She started carefully. "Then I'd consider teaching you, if you promise to keep your mouth shut."
"Okay," Daphne stood up. "We have a deal?"
Mel faced the girl in front of her, she still couldn't believe this was happening.
"Greengrass, if this is a trick... you'll regret it."
"I know."
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She told Hermione about it because throwing Daphne into the mix was a dangerous move. She figured Harry would be okay since it really didn't have to do with him and what they were doing, he would get anxious no doubt, but he would understand. 
Since she had promised to help him with Occlumency, Mel decided to inform him about it during their first study session. Harry was just as confused as her.
"What is it about you," He asked in incredulity, "that attracts Slytherins so much?"
"Dunno," Mel smiled. "Maybe it's, you know, that I don't judge the book by its cover?"
"Shut up," Harry snorted. "I've never seen you pick a book with an ugly cover. Don't lie to me."
"Are you admitting that I was right, though? Slytherins and Gryffindors can get along."
"Have your first meeting with two Slytherins at once," He raised a brow. "Then we'll talk."
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It was a known fact that Umbridge was starting to lose it, with every new decree she was stepping further into a higher position, making her even more dislikeable than before. It was also known, that there was a war going on between the woman and Mel Dumbledore.
She was, to say it simply, mayhem. Mel hung a target on those bullies that would openly talk against the muggle-borns, making their lives a living hell -with the twins' help, obviously- and the best part was that Umbridge was unable to catch her every single time.
Umbridge was a threat to the school, she could feel her breathing on her neck. The funny thing was that even though Umbridge considered her the biggest issue on her list, she was underestimating Mel at an abysmal level.
For instance, the woman couldn't phantom the plausibility of Mel doing wandless magic, even knowing she was a Dumbledore, a gifted one at that, Umbridge's blind trust in Fudge seemed to weigh more on her mind than anything else.
Being the student defending the muggle-borns honour regardless of their house gave her the protection she'd been lacking for years. The witnesses would blatantly deny her participation in any incidents, it didn't matter if Umbridge threatened them with detention, Mel had created such a strong community that it was now acting without her having to move a finger. 
While Harry was doing everything in his power to teach what the woman was censoring in her classes, Mel kept destroying every false fear Umbridge had been placing inside the students' heads; but the work wasn't done after the first week, it had to be constant and she had to be careful about the battles she'd pick. 
Her lessons with Dumbledore were a great help for that, learning how to clear her mind and compartmentalize her emotions turned out to be brilliant for her plans. She was unstoppable.
Unfortunately, there was a consequence to this: Mel was turning into a prepotent git. She'd started to publicly mess with the bullies, and in some cases, students that were younger than her. One afternoon, Erick caught her while hexing a thirteen-year-old.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He hissed at her. "You have no right to punish him — You can't allow this to get over your head!"
"Oh, it's way over my head by now," Mel snorted. "I spent four years trying to convince everyone that I was worthy — four bloody years where I got nothing in return. I'm done with that, I'll let it get over my head as much as I want. I deserve it. I deserve the attention and I deserve the bloody power. Umbridge is nothing compared to me."
"You forget you're not the ruler of the school — Even if others treat you like it," He warned her.
"Then stop me," She smiled innocently, though her tone was definitely mocking. "You'll have a hard time trying, Prince."
Erick straightened in his place and spoke out loud:
"Detention, Miss Dumbledore. You'll report to Professor McGonagall tonight — Oh! And thirty points from Gryffindor will be taken away."
Mel's eyes flashed dangerously. "You can't do that."
Erick leaned closer. 
"Then stop me," He looked around the hall and yelled. "What are you looking at? Go to class!"
Most of the students glared at the boy and mumbled about taking care of him later, but Erick didn't care, after all, he'd never been afraid of her, let alone of her admirers.
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Neville had found his motivation in the shape of Bellatrix Lestrange. There was something dark but certain in the way he would practice, and there was something pleasant but worrying about the fact that he'd become the best student.
By the end of January, after a long talk with Erick, Harry, Hermione and Ron, Mel decided to mention the D.A. to Daphne. It wasn't surprising at all when she decided to join.
Mel was working at the speed of light: Quidditch practice, O.W.L.s lessons and Dumbledore's along with her little vigilante acts. She was missing meals several times a week, something that her friends were noticing, which caused the sudden appearance of snacks in her bag and pockets.
She was so enraptured on herself that she couldn't even feel Harry's discomfort. She knew he was having a hard time thanks to their weekly Occlumency sessions, he still couldn't clear his head, and although she would try her best she would stop at the slightest hint of an argument about to burst between them. She didn't have the time to fight.
The day finally arrived when Daphne would have her very first D.A. meeting. She was welcomed with open arms, and it wasn't because of Mel's warnings, the students were genuinely excited about having a Slytherin there, and Mel couldn't help but share their sentiment.
She woke up on the morning of Valentine's day having no clue that it was Valentine's day. She had fallen asleep right after a soothing warm bath, her hair turned all frizzy overnight and it hadn't dried completely, so she was sort of grumpy.
An owl landed in front of Hermione during breakfast, holding out a letter for her. Thinking it was maybe Krum's reply Mel didn't give much thought to it while she ate, Ron sat down beside her and nudge her side.
"You're okay?"
"Hmm?" Mel asked, shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. 
"I thought you'd be bouncing off the walls today, aren't you excited?" 
Mel blinked, swallowing her food and frowning slightly. 
"About what?"
Ron stared at her. 
"Your date?"
The girl dropped her spoon.
"It's Valentine's day?!"
"Are you sure you're sleeping enough?" He asked worryingly. 
"Mum's birthday!" She said in horror. "I have to send her a present — I have to hurry —"
"About time!" Hermione said abruptly. "If it hadn't come today..." 
"What's that?" asked Mel anxiously. 
"Listen, guys," Hermione looked up at her and Harry. "This is really important... Do you think you could meet me in the Three Broomsticks around midday?"
"Well... I dunno," Harry shrugged. "Cho might be expecting me to spend the whole day with her. We never said what we were going to do." 
"Fred wouldn't mind about me leaving early," Mel responded. "Why?"
"Well, Harry, bring her along if you must," said Hermione with impatience. "But will you come?"
"Well... all right, but why?"
"I haven't got time to tell you now, I've got to answer this quickly —" Hermione left right away.
 "You know what? I reckon I hate it when she does that too," Mel groaned.
"Are you coming?" Harry asked Ron, he shook his head miserably.
"I can't come into Hogsmeade at all, Angelina wants a full day's training. Like it's going to help — we're the worst team I've ever seen." 
"How come you're not staying?" Harry asked her.
"I trained yesterday with Jack so I could go to Hogsmeade with Fred," Mel said, suddenly remembering why she was so tired. "I can't believe I woke up and didn't remember! I've been planning this for days..."
"Mel's alright," Ron sulked. "She's got a good broom and her aim is decent, but we're still struggling... I dunno why Angelina won't just let me resign..."
"It's because you're good when you're on form, that's why," said Harry with exasperation, then he turned to Mel. "And you should consider taking a time off, you can go a week without being Umbridge's nightmare."
"You're sounding like Hermione," Mel said, gathering her hair in a ponytail to get it out of the way. "I got this, okay?"
"Lady!" Fred happily approached. "Ready for the best day of your life?"
"You really need to be humbled," Mel replied, pushing her hair back and standing up, waving goodbye to the boys as she left the Great Hall with Fred. 
"You're one to talk, your majesty," Fred mocked.
"Can we go to the owlery first? I forgot to send Mum's present..."
"George and I sent it last Wednesday!" 
"Why are you sending presents to my mum?" She frowned
"Because we like her," Fred raised a brow, "And I should be nice to my mother-in-law, shouldn't I? — Oof!"
"You're coming, or not?" Mel said.   
"Yeah, sure — Merlin, you're getting stronger..." He rubbed his arm. "All that practice is paying off..."
"Hermione wants to meet in the three broomsticks later on the day," She ignored his comment. "You could come with me but you don't have to..."
Fred shrugged. 
"George, Lee and I were planning to buy stuff anyway," He smirked. "We've run out of almost everything. You really are taking this war against Umbridge quite seriously, aren't you?"
"Well, Sirius did ask me to have fun," She grinned.
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"You think it's a good idea to visit Madam Puddifoot's shop?" He asked loudly as they ran away from the rain.
"Oh god, no," Mel grimaced. "That place reminds me of Umbridge's office, so cheesy..."
"You used to like cheesy!" He shook his head. "Just thought I should mention it, that's where the couples go..."
"We shouldn't go anywhere we don't like," Mel responded. "I mean, not that we're following rules anyway..."
"Not that we're a real couple either," Fred snorted.
The whole day had been like any other, the only difference being that it was just the two of them, and they were having fun. Although maybe there was one thing she'd been trying to ignore for a while.
Things were moving forward at an alarming speed in other aspects of her life: Harry and she still weren't the friends they used to be and she certainly didn't feel comfortable enough to talk about her love life in front of him, but it was time to talk about it with someone, it was driving her mad.
Fred was extrovert and funny, but he knew when Mel needed to have a serious conversation and how to support her. Mel could stop him from doing really wild things, she was still the only girl the twins listened to. They had lots of fun together... but they weren't in love.
She'd expected to fall for Fred, even if she was the first to claim it was out of the question. Part of her secretly hoped for the day when she would look into his eyes and realize she was head over heels, but that moment was yet to arrive. 
Maybe she could talk about it with Erick, though they had promised not to bring up the romantic side of their lives during their study sessions because it was making Erick rather grumpy lately, and she didn't want to fight with him. Either way, Mel needed to talk about her situation with Fred soon. She knew this whole thing didn't have a future, and she was done pretending.
"You're awfully quiet," Fred mentioned as they walked into the three broomsticks, emptying his pockets of the wrappers of sweets they had shared during the day. "Something on your mind?"
"No," She lied. "Just... I'm comfortable with my life right now, you know?"
If she could, she'd keep this situation going for the rest of her school years, but it wasn't fair to Fred and it wasn't fair to her either. Nevertheless, there would be better days to bring that up than on Valentine's day.
"Glad to hear you're the happiest girl on earth since you kissed me," He joked.
"That's debatable."
"Don't ruin our moment, Lady."
"Anyway..." She grinned. "Thank you for the date, I'll see you around..."
"No problem," Fred winked. "If you end your thing with Hermione before it's time to go back, feel free to join us."
"Alright," She nodded. 
When Fred left, she ran into the strangest scene she'd ever seen in her life: 
Hermione, Luna, Harry and Rita Skeeter, all seated at the same table. Mel wondered if maybe she was dreaming, but once she was standing right in front of the group, she realized not even her could come up with such a strange thing.
"This is by far the weirdest view of the day, and I walked past Madam Puddifoot's a few minutes ago," She said jokingly. 
"Where's Fred?" Hermione asked her. 
"Had plans with George and Lee, didn't want to hold him back since I didn't know how long this would take... And it looks like it's going to take a while."
"I'm sorry," Harry said, but he didn't sound sorry at all. 
"Doesn't matter," Mel shrugged, untying her hair and feeling it splash freezing cold water on her back. "Merlin, I need a haircut..."
She sat down between Harry and Hermione and smiled at the woman in front of her. 
"Rita," She greeted. "You look awful."
"Dumbledore girl," Skeeter said in the same tone. "Are those dark circles under your eyes meant to match your mental state?"
"Nah, I wear them for fun," Mel raised her eyebrows. "Whenever I feel like looking crazy I hex people, would you like to be my victim for the day?"
"That's enough," Hermione scolded them. "We're not here to have a go at each other."
"Why are we here, then?"
"Little Miss Perfect was just about to tell me when you arrived," said Rita. "I suppose I'm allowed to talk to them, am I?" 
"Yes, I suppose you are," said Hermione. "But don't call Mel crazy again, you know that's not true."
"Where's Cho?" Mel asked, noticing Harry was alone.
"I... er— She didn't want to come," He replied awkwardly.
"Pretty girl, is she, Harry?" Rita questioned, then she added. "And you're dating some Fred, are you, Mel? Weren't you two together?"
"One more word about their love life and the deal's off and that's a promise," Hermione snapped.
"What deal? You haven't mentioned a deal yet, Miss Prissy, you just told me to turn up. Oh, one of these days..." 
"Yes, yes, one of these days you'll write more horrible stories about Harry and Mel, and me. Find someone who cares, why don't you?" 
"They've run plenty of horrible stories about these two this year without my help— How has that made you feel, Harry? Betrayed? Distraught? Misunderstood? What about you, Mel?" 
"They feel angry, of course. Because Harry's told the Minister of Magic the truth and the Minister's too much of an idiot to believe him, and Mel has done nothing to gain that awful reputation," Hermione replied.
"Well, dunno 'Mione, some classmates might disagree," Mel said in a low, playful tone.
"So you actually stick to it, do you, that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back? You stand by all this garbage Dumbledore's been telling everybody about You-Know-Who returning and you being the sole witness — ?"
"What my uncle said isn't garbage," The girl argued. "It's the truth."
"And I wasn't the sole witness," Harry said roughly. "There were a dozen-odd Death Eaters there as well. Want their names?"
"I'd love them," Rita opened her bag once more and this time Hermione didn't stop her. "A great bold headline: 'Potter Accuses...' A subheading: 'Harry Potter Names Death Eaters Still Among Us.' And then, beneath a nice big photograph of you: 'Disturbed teenage survivor of You-Know- Who's attack, Harry Potter, 15, caused outrage yesterday by accusing respectable and prominent members of the Wizarding community of being Death Eaters...' "
"I doubt any of them will be respectable after this," Mel muttered.
Rita stopped abruptly, her smile fading.
"Of course... Little Miss Perfect wouldn't want that story out there, would she?"
"As a matter of fact," said Hermione, smiling at Rita, "that's exactly what Little Miss Perfect does want."
Rita, Mel and Harry stared at her. Luna hummed quietly without caring about the little discussion happening, her eyes glued to her drink.
"You want me to report what he says about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Rita breathed.
"Yes, I do. The true story. All the facts. Exactly as Harry reports them. He'll give you all the details, he'll tell you the names of the undiscovered Death Eaters he saw there, he'll tell you what Voldemort looks like now — oh, get a grip on yourself!" The girl exclaimed after Rita accidentally spilt firewhiskey on her lap at the mention of the wizard. "Mel will tell you all about Barty Crouch Jr. and how Fudge ruined any chances of being a decent Minister, and how Umbridge is doing awful things to the school."
"The Prophet wouldn't print it. In case you haven't noticed, nobody believes their cock-and-bull story. Everyone thinks they're delusional," Skeeter pointed out. "Now, if you let me write the story from that angle —"
"We don't need another story about how Harry and Mel lost their marbles! We've had plenty of those already, thank you! I want them given the opportunity to tell the truth!"
"There's no market for a story like that."
"You mean the Prophet won't print it because Fudge won't let them."
"All right, Fudge is leaning on the Prophet, but it comes to the same thing. They won't print a story that shows Harry and the Dumbledores in a good light. Nobody wants to read it. It's against the public mood. This last Azkaban breakout has got people quite worried enough. People just don't want to believe You-Know-Who's back."
"So the Daily Prophet exists to tell people what they want to hear, does it?" 
"The Prophet exists to sell itself, you silly girl."
"My dad thinks it's an awful paper," Luna finally intervened. "He publishes important stories that he thinks the public needs to know. He doesn't care about making money."
"I'm guessing your father runs some stupid little village newsletter? 'Twenty-five Ways to Mingle with Muggles' and the dates of the next Bring-and-Fly Sale?"
"No, he's the editor of The Quibbler."
Rita snorted. 
"Important stories he thinks the public needs to know'? I could manure my garden with the contents of that rag!" 
"Well, this is your chance to raise the tone of it a bit, isn't it?" said Hermione. "Luna says her father's quite happy to take Harry's interview. That's who'll be publishing it."
"The Quibbler!" Rita chortled. "You think people will take them seriously if they're published in The Quibbler?"
"Some people won't, but the Daily Prophet's version of the Azkaban breakout had some gaping holes in it. I think a lot of people will be wondering whether there isn't a better explanation of what happened, and if there's an alternative story available, even if it is published in a... in a — well, an unusual magazine — I think they might be rather keen to read it."
"Can't say it's not a good idea," Mel shrugged. "The Ministry'll be stuck. If they act against it people will notice it, if they ignore it people will read it anyway. They don't get to win."
"All right, let's say for a moment I'll do it," Rita said. "What kind of fee am I going to get?" 
"I don't think Daddy exactly pays people to write for the magazine," said Luna. "They do it because it's an honor, and, of course, to see their names in print."
"I'm supposed to do this for free?" Rita asked in outrage.
"Well, yes. Otherwise, as you very well know, I will inform the authorities that you are an unregistered Animagus. Of course, the Prophet might give you rather a lot for an insider's account of life in Azkaban..."
"And you kind of owe it to us, Rita," Mel smiled sweetly. "After all the shit you pulled last year."
"I don't suppose I've got any choice, have I?" She spat, leaving her parchment on the table and preparing her quill. 
"Daddy will be pleased," said Luna happily.
"Okay, guys?" said Hermione, turning to them. "Ready to tell the public the truth?"
Mel and Harry looked at each other.
"My uncle will be pissed," She said. 
But after a second, they realized they didn't care what Dumbledore had to say. They had been acting in the shadows for far too long, it was time to reach out. Harry smiled a little, looking back at Hermione.
"We're ready," said Harry.
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Next Chapter —>
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