#so yeah im not gonna stand for the ooc slander of j3
lightshielded · 6 years
for those at all interested in how demacia actually functions with its king / queen, council and nobles, here is a little summary of the way someone becomes king and the system it is noted to have.
demacia prior to the addition of the map was a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY meaning there was a monarch but they have their powers by way on constitutional rights. usually there is a government to check the king. england was a constitutional monarchy at one point in time. in lore this was portrayed in that the king or queen was an elected official given governing power over the kingdom by a high council. this council was likely formed of high ranking nobility, magistrates and like officials.
however, with the addition of the map, demacia’s government status was changed to FEUDAL MONARCHY. the feudal system varies but can be basically summarised as lords swearing fidelity to a ruler who then governs over them and the ruler is the head of all military and the vassal gets land in exchange ( unfortunately the definition of feudalism is broad and unspecific ). HOWEVER, we are given no explanation on how this works except for the base definition of a feudal monarchy and riot has KEPT the old workings of a king or queen being elected ( as of this point of time, who knows what’s going on with demacia anymore ) which is how they described demacia as a constitutional monarchy. so we have a feudal monarchy where the king is elected and also gets governing power from his council ( made up of people who may or may not be his vassals? ) and military power from his vassals which he was the one giving power and land to in exchange?
getting confused yet? just wait ...
in the recent jarv 4 update we have received a snippet into jarv 3′s life and how he rose to be king. this snippet provides some stuff which could be seen as feudal implications but the outcome is surprising.
Soon after King Jarvan III’s coronation, he addressed the people of Demacia. Even though there were still many foes beyond the borders of their proud kingdom, several of the noble families had begun to feud with one another, some even raising private militias to seek the favor of their new king.
This would not stand. Jarvan would not allow such dangerous rivalries to develop, and declared his intention to end the feuding by marriage.
jarv 3 stops his vassals raising armies for his favour. now the whole thing about lords who are feudal vassals is they are militaristic. they raise armies in favour of the one they have sworn to as part of their deal ( plus like tax ). but jarv 3 is like NAH NONE OF THAT. like them providing armies is like a key component of feudalism and jarv is like ‘ nah have the land for free. stop vying for my favour you look desperate. and desperation doesn’t look good. ’ like i can understand the wanting to stop fighting but he straight goes against one of the main 3 tenants of what we think feudalism is.
and while we’re here about using terms wrong, you know jarv the fourth shouldn’t be jarv the fourth. in european royals the number denoting the lineage gets added AFTER the person becomes the monarch not prior. so jarv the fourth should just be jarv, if we go by our world’s structures. but as you can see those mean nothing here.
so here we have a feudal monarchy where the king is not receiving his part of the exchange for the land granted to the vassals under their possession ( and riot has never said anything about all land in demacia being owed unto the king as it is technically gifted from him in a feudal monarchy but y’know riot ). honestly the only thing feudal about demacia is its military focus and the king being supposedly the head of military but like lots of other political systems have this.
but here is when it gets interesting. the king in demacia doesn’t have all the power. as aforementioned, the king is granted power through his council. but a feudal king should have complete control in exchange for what he offers ( and jarv 3 seems to be giving a lot and just not taking the armies he should be owed ) but he doesn’t. again, in jarv 3′s info from jarv 4′s lore we know he backed his son having shy on her guard, or at least did not condemn it. 
With the dragon’s skull in tow, Jarvan journeyed to his father’s court in triumph, Shyvana at his side. Though the king was overcome with emotion at his son’s return, some of the gathered nobles quietly questioned the wisdom of allowing such a creature to stand with the prince… let alone serve as one of his protectors.
the king of a nation backed the prince of said nation having a magical creature on his guard in a magical fearing nation. and the council questioned him. like you’re telling me the king of a magic fearing nation allowed one to work as a royal attendant so closely with his child who he has had on ‘ [guard] every moment of his life ’ because of how protective he is of him and it does not indicate an opinion on magic in his nation? cause, it at least says he doesn’t hate them or think they’re a threat. it at least means he trusts shy enough as a person to entrust his son to or that he trusts his son’s judgement on this magical being. it means he is by extent putting his own support behind the prince who is actively striving for an equal demacia.
so why does demacia have laws still against mages? he’s the king after all? because, remember the council disapproved. they questioned his wisdom. which means the council - which gives power to the king or queen of demacia - didn’t like that call. remember the above bit on jarv 3, he strove to STOP in fighting in demacia. i’m not saying he likes mages but he strives for peace and is backing a cause he thinks will work. he trusts his son. his son who he has purposely raised to carry ‘ all his hopes and dreams for the kingdom’s future ’. the son he purposely raised to embody ideals of ‘ charity ... duty ... [and] honour. ’ so again why? CAUSE THE KING IS NOT IN COMPLETE CONTROL OF DEMACIA OR RIOT HAS ONE HUNDRED INCONSISTENCIES PER SENTENCE AND DIDN’T MEAN ANY IMPLICATION OF WHAT I’M GATHERING FROM THIS.
tl:dr - either riot can’t write coherent plots or jarv 3 doesn’t have complete political control without the backing on the nobles and is positioned to support jarv 4 who is supporting peaceful reforms with mages and equality in demacia. AND NOTHING GETS DONE IN DEMACIA CAUSE IT IS BOTH A FEUDAL MONARCHY AND A CONSTITUTIONAL ONE AND RIOT NEEDS TO STOP
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