#so yes this does mean Paul is replacing the Baron
impercre · 1 month
God I can’t believe I forgot about the third option for Feyd lives @eclipsecrowned came up with
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lbat1901 · 4 years
Eddsworld: UTFTF Chapter 6
The Visitor - (Chapter 6)
[Present Day]
The sun was just setting on a seemly nice day as three people were seen walking down the block. You see these weren’t strangers, they were familiar faces. They were Tord, Paul, and Patryck. Each one was wearing a hoodie and were carrying house warming gifts. They kept walking down the block till they came to a stop at a door. “Alright, we’re here” said Tord.
“Oh thank god. Carrying this baby pear tree is a pain” said Patryck as he placed the tree down. “Are you excited as I am?” asked Tord. “Uh…why do I have to wear pink?” asked Paul. Tord ignores the question as he knocks on the door. There was a small pause before it opened revealing Edd. “Tord! You made it” said Edd.
“Of course I did. Well, there was a few stops here and there, but it wasn’t a long wait” said Tord. “Awesome! Please come on in” said Edd. Tord, Paul, and Patryck enters the house as they placed their gifts down. “So how are things going in your newly built house?” asked Tord. “It’s been great so far. Is that a pear tree?” asked Edd. “Why yes it is. I brought you guys gifts as a way to start things over” said Tord.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that Tord” said Edd. “True, but I wanted to. By the way, where’s Tom? I want to spend all day doing things with you guys like for old times sake” said Tord. “He went somewhere” said Edd. “Really? Ah Tom, you’re always ditching. If he’s busy somewhere else, I guess we can wait for him to come back” said Tord. “Fair enough” said Edd.
Just down a couple of doors was the residence of the Black Leader, aka Tony, himself. Tony was seen doing something in what appears to be a lab. “Finally, after many months of bracing my defeat at the hands of some certain individuals, I have created a serum which will give a person enhanced strength and superpowers” said Tony. Tony takes a look at two syringes that were filled with a red and blue liquid. “Luckily, I haven’t lost that much power when it comes to my own army. I still control parts of the earth. Hopefully I won’t have to suffer like my ancestor, Baron. Oh….after he got beaten by the town sheriffs and one mysterious person, he had to live through years of humiliation. It is something that I greatly fear myself” said Tony. Suddenly Tony’s moment gets interrupted by the sounds of a buzzing walkie-talkie.
“I read you loud and clear. What is it?” asked Tony. “Sir, it’s me Yamiyo” said Yamiyo. “Ah I see. What news do you have for me?” asked Tony. “I just had this group of soilders finish up raiding this village that you ordered to be found and secured” said Yamiyo. “Excellent! Does the village have any valuable resources?” asked Tony. “Yes” said Yamiyo.
“Great! I want those resources extracted” said Tony. “As you wish. What would you like to do to the villagers?” asked Yamiyo. “Oh that’s simple. I want them dead, but remember to kill off the livestock. The people love it when their livestock gets killed” said Tony. “Yes sir” said Yamiyo. After talking to Yamiyo, Tony decided to head outside into the dark dressed in his uniform. “Choosing black for your own army was a good idea especially when it comes to sneaking into places” said Tony.
What Tony said was true, nobody expected to see him as he broke into a jewelry store and stolen a couple of expensive jewels and diamonds. “Ahaha! That was almost too easy. Next up, the Tower of London” said Tony. As Tony passed by an alleyway, a bright light mixed with blue lightning bolts suddenly appeared before vanishing as a figure can be seen crouching. The figure soon gets up revealing to be a stranger wearing a red and black uniform. The main feature that the figure had was that they were wearing a red mask with horns and had two robotic arms that had a trail of flowing blue energy on each arm. By dragging a finger against the ground, the figure nods their head just before two blue glowing eyes turned on.
At the Tower of London, Tony was seen sliding down on a rope after breaking in. “Heh, those stupid guards make my job so easy. Now it’s time to head back” said Tony. Before Tony could walk away, he nearly gets blasted by an energy blast. Tony who was confused looked towards the direction of where the blast came from before seeing the same figure that was in the alleyway coming towards him. Tony quickly takes cover into a nearby alleyway hoping to get rid of the figure. Unfortunately, the figure manages to find him before roughly grabs him by the collar and throws him to the ground.
Luckily Tony manages to save himself from taking damage, but he landed pretty hard on his arm. “Ow…geez, that hurt. What was that?” asked Tony. He then hears the sound of footsteps as he turned to see the figure coming from behind him made him jump. Tony slowly moves away from the approaching figure but this made the situation even worse. Before the figure could do anything, the sounds of glass shattering could be heard just shortly before the figure collapses to the ground. “One hit from a bottle made you collapse? How lame” said Tom.
“What the? Oh it’s just you” said Tony as he looked up to see Tom. “Yeah it’s me. I wasn’t expecting to see you either. What are you doing in an alleyway?” asked Tom. “I should be the one asking you that” said Tony. “Well I asked you first anyway. Is there a reason why you’re wearing that uniform? Oh wait, don’t tell me. You’re planning on taking over the world again aren’t you?” asked Tom. “That’s none of your business. I just wanted some fresh air until I nearly got blasted by this person that you knocked out who decided chase me” said Tony. “I think they had a reason to chase you. You’re a wanted criminal” said Tom.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion” said Tony. “Well whatever the case is, I suggest you come with me” said Tom. “Yeah right. I don’t need a babysitter” said Tony. “Oh look, you’re coming with me” said Tom as he grabbed Tony by his arm. “Hey!” yelled Tony.
[Back At The House]
“Man, where did Tom go exactly? Did he went all the way to China to do his business or what?” asked Tord. “He must’ve of” said Matt. “Nah, he’s just running late. Uh..actually, I might call him” said Edd. “Don’t even bother, I’m right here” said Tom. “Tom!” said Matt. “What did I miss?” asked Tom.
“Oh you missed the party games that’s all” said Tord. “Wait, why is Tord here?” asked Tom. “Tom, don’t you remember? We’ve planned to do a hang out night” said Edd. “Oh yeah, that’s right. My bad” said Tom. “That’s okay. Where were you?” asked Edd. “I was in town getting something till….well….some complicated stuff happened, but it’s over” said Tom.
“Oh I see” said Edd. Suddenly a scream belonging to Matt can be heard. “Oh god…” said Tom. “Matt, what’s wrong?” asked Edd. “Guys, come quick! It’s horrible!” said Matt. Edd, Tom, and Tord quickly rushed to where Matt was and to their shock they saw Tony trying to calm him down.
However, despite his attempts, Matt ended up hugging Tony. “Tom, is there something that you’re not telling us?” asked Edd. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear” said Tom. “You brought Tony here, why thank you Tom” said Matt. “We’re not friends” said Tony. “Alright, alright, I’ll talk. I found Tony in an alleyway being chased by some stranger that wants to kill him for some unknown reason” said Tom.
“Oh….is this a Tom thing or something else?” asked Edd. “No it’s not” said Tom. As Tom was trying to prove that he wasn’t telling a lie, the figure from before was seen standing outside as they’ve walked passed by a freshly destroyed home belonging to the neighbors. “My things! My beautiful hard to replace things!” cried Mark. “Forget about your things! Our lives are way more important” said Eduardo. The figure continues walking down the block as they were using a heat seeking scanner to search for Tony. It wasn’t till red dots appeared on it which the figure goes to.
Meanwhile, Edd and Matt were giving first aid to Tony. “God…..this is so embarrassing….” mumbled Tony. “Hey Tony, what’s that on your leg?” asked Matt. “Oh, it’s a tracker. The police gave it to me” said Tony. “For what reason? Did you get by authorities after what you tried to do?” asked Edd. “No, I didn’t. I got reported by the one of residents on this street for scaring away kids. I’ve gotten a bunch of restraining orders” said Tony.
“I would’ve given you restraining order on the spot when I find out who you really are” said Edd. “Actually the kids were playing on my lawn. I’ve spent a lot of my time making it look good” said Tony. “Oh….” said Edd. “I never thought that I’ll be sharing this, but do you know how hard it is to prove the world that you’re not different?” asked Tony. “I know that feeling….kinda, but it’s nothing to worry about. I have my good looks and charm” said Matt. “Yeah…..you sure do. What are you going on about Tony?” asked Edd.
“All through my life, I had a passion to make the world a better place which is why I try to follow in my dad’s footsteps” said Tony. “Your dad’s the actual true leader of the Black Army?” asked Edd. “No. He’s actually a business man, but he’s mostly one of the most wealthiest in all of Europe and the world. He works at a manufacturing company where he rose through the ranks to CEO. He eventually became the boss and placed a bank in there. Plus, he’s also a lawyer as well” said Tony. “I see. That’s pretty cool to have a dad that’s rich” said Edd. “That reminds me, I believe that one of my mirrors was made in his factory line. Sweet!” said Matt. “It may be a blessing, but it’s also a curse. You see, my dad met my mom, who was at the time a secretary and was in charge of finances, after settling a deal with another company in Japan. They eventually got married and I was the first child to be born. I also have two other brothers by the way” said Tony.
“I thought you said that your mom used to beat you whenever she was drunk” said Matt. “I’m getting to that, you-……���I mean….that is true. I have always looked at her as a loving parent that would shower me with gifts, but it turns out that she was a really bad alcoholic. How I knew this is because I somehow broke into her liquor cabinet and immediately told my dad as tears poured from my eyes after getting a large cut from the shards of an empty bottle” said Tony. “Geez….I am so sorry to hear that. How old were you exactly?” asked Edd. “I was only 8…..” said Tony. “Again, I am so sorry that you had to live through that. Luckily you’ve spent the rest of your life right here in England without having to worry about your mom” said Edd. “Actually, I only stayed in England for a few days. German was still my primary speaking language at the time. I left with some of my dad’s top guards on his private jet at the airport in London to America leaving my two brothers to be taken by my uncle and aunt. Once getting off the jet, I was taken to live with my grandparents” said Tony.
“Ah! So…how did you form the Black Army?” asked Edd. “Yeah and where you get the high tech technology and weaponry?” asked Matt. “That’s a simple question to answer. My dad is a multi-billionaire who made a total of €100,000,000,000 in less than five years. He gives me about €500,000 every month. With that kind of money, I am able to build my own army from scratch along with uniting dangerous crime gangs such as the yakuza and the mafia. I did all of this when realizing that the world is a cruel place unless you put your foot forward” said Tony. “That sounds great and all, but you’ve did raids on natural resources along with killing the people who live in the area. Sometimes you would take them in as slaves” said Edd. “Yeah I know, but someone had to do it” said Tony. After the conversation had ended, Edd, Matt, and Tony went back into the living where Tom and Tord were seen arguing.
“I’m telling you Tord, there is literally a murder chasing both me and Tony” said Tom. “Oh come on Tom, that guy can’t be chasing after you forever” said Tord. “Yeah you’re right. The guy would’ve stopped by- wait….is there something burning?” asked Tom as he suddenly smelt something. “Oh, it’s just my robotic arm. It overheats sometimes, but it should cool down in a few minutes” said Tord. “I’m not talking about that. I literally can smell wood burning, more like it being melted” said Tom. “Get off your high horse Tom. I think you need to see a doctor about your nose” said Edd.
What Tom said about wood being melted was actually true. The front door to the house suddenly gets melted down as the figure from before was seen. “AAAAH!!! Tom was right! The figure is real! Shield me! I’m too pretty to get my face melted like the door!” cried Matt as he hide behind Tom. “GET OFF OF ME!!!” yelled Tom. The figure comes into the house, slowly approaching their soon to be targets; however, Tord stands in front of his friends with his hands in his hoodie pocket. “Not so fast! You’re not laying a single finger on us when I’m here. Now face my true weapons of justice. Presenting the-…..forks of fury….?” said Tord as he takes out two plastic forks.
“……Classic stupid Tord….” said Tom. “Hehehe……we’re so dead” said Edd. “Oh no we’re not. Alright tin head, you’ve picked the wrong time and day to come here. Now I, Tord, will be teaching you a lesson” said Tord. The figure lets out a small chuckle. “Oh, how naïve of you. I’m so scared that I’m shaking in my own boors” said the figure with a deep robotic voice. “It’s over! You’re a bad guy and I’m a good guy. Let’s not forget that the good guys always win” said Tord.
“Foolish boy, don’t you get it? I am the good guy. I’m basically you and you are me” said the figure. “Wh-Whaaaaat…?” asked Tord. The figure takes of their helmet revealing them self as Tord’s future self who was officially wearing his Red Leader outfit and an eyepatch. Tord’s future self also has a few large scars on his face. “…..Th-This can’t be happening! ……I’m-I’m a good guy. I’m not supposed to be the Red Leader in the future. GET AWAY FROM ME!!!” yelled Tord. Future Tord watches as his own past self takes a step back in fear and disbelief as he immediately pounces. It wasn’t till he gets frozen solid by Tony’s freeze ray just in time.
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