#so yes. he would tell adrien he's a senti and that his dad was hawkmoth.
nucifaerie · 1 year
you cannot make me believe that felix "eliminate the entire universe except myself and adrien, the abused sentis, and our gfs" graham de vanily would just agree with not telling adrien everything that went dont in the s5 finale
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bard-of-worlds · 3 years
Chapter 14
Marinette sighed as she closed the program on her computer and leaned back.  She wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but this, something was bothering her………. She didn’t know what it was but something was missing with what they knew about Lila.   Come on, what is it?  I mean okay Lila is working with both Gabriel and she seems to be on a conversational basis with Hawkmoth, we already ruled him out before, and according to Adrien the Collector got both Nathalie and his bodyguard, so who could he have given the Miraculous to if he was Hawkmoth?  There isn’t anyone that he trusts, and his bodyguard was apart of that party and Nathalie was with him when they both left the city………but what am I missing?  She thought as she looked at her blank screen as Adrien looked at her with worry.
 “Your Ladybug face is showing my lady,” Adrien said with a smirk and Marinette looked shocked and blushed as the two Kwami in the room chuckled.   “The fact that Lila is working with both my father AND Hawkmoth?”
 Marinette looked at him, seeing the way his eyes were troubled and she sighed.  “Oh, Kitty……”
 “I thought the same thing my lady……… and about Lila?  When Kagami was Akumatized the second time…….. I think Lila tried to make a deal with Onichan,” Adrien said with a bitter edge to his voice and Marinette looked at Adrien in shock.
 “Remind me again, wasn’t Onichan after Lila to kill her?” Plagg asked and Tikki nodded.  “Okay, she’s a psychopath or a sociopath.”
 “Yeah……. I don’t know what we should do,” Adrien admitted as everyone looked at him.  “But with everything we’ve got, maybe the most we should do is wait for now, I mean there’s Sabrina and her new partner, we might find out where Hawkmoth is hiding!”
 “But Adrien, if he’s in the area of your home……” Marinette said and Adrien nodded.  
 “Yeah, but we have to find him, we don’t have a choice……. And since we figured out why he might want our Miraculous…… I thought about my mom,” Adrien admitted and Plagg winced and looked down.
 “Kit……” Plagg said and landed on Adrien’s head as Adrien tried not to cry.
 “I mean, it makes sense right?  But that means that he knows what happened to mom and he never told me……” Adrien said and Marinette felt her heart break a bit.
 On the surface, this was another mark against Gabriel but the sheer odes against it…… but the more that she thought about it the more it made sense.  If Gabriel was Hawkmoth then how he always tried to keep Adrien locked in, out of the way of Akuma………. He was the head and owner of a company so he could ditch work and become Hawkmoth whenever……. But the Collector, that was the only mark against him.  And they didn’t know that powers couldn’t affect the wielder, and Mayrua had created a Senti-Monster on her own!
 As they all thought about it Plagg looked around the room and frowned.  He hated Gabriel for how emotionally abusive he was, but he didn’t know that he could admit that
 “So let’s table that and talk about the feelings between you two instead!  I mean when the Bug’s parents called you down for that game it was just getting good!” Plagg said causing Adrien and Marinette to blush as Tikki giggled.
 “Let’s leave them alone, me and Plagg will be on the rooftop balcony!” Tikki said as she shot forward and grabbed Plagg and pulled him up and through the door to the roof.  Adrien looked up at the roof and took a deep breath.
 As soon as breached the door, Tikki spun around and looked at Plagg with a scowl. ”Plagg, did you have to do that!?”  
 “What’s wrong Sugar-club? Wouldn’t you be happy that they’re finally letting each other know what they feel?” Plagg asked and Tikki only sighed.
 “Before yes I would, but something happened…….. Fluff happened,” Tiki said and looked down as Plagg’s eyes widened.
 Down below Adrien looked up at Marinette and smiled at her.  Marinette looked away and blushed, her mind going miles in seconds as she tried and failed to figure out how to bring up everything she needed to, so after a few seconds Adrien started.
 “So we have to talk about this, don’t we?” Adrien asked with a smirk as Marinette
 “We do,” Marinette said and sighed as she looked up at Adrien with a hard look. “And I have to tell you about something, something that happened before everything the other day…….. I need to tell you about Chat Blanc.”
 Adrien looked at Marinette and saw such despair and pain in her eyes that Adrien was caught up in this desire to grab her and hug her.
 “Chat Blanc?  Who was that, I never even heard of him……. Was Theo hit by Hawkmoth when I was away or something?” Adrien asked and Marinette shook her head and looked at Adrien with sorrow.
 “No, one did but everyone did.  It would have happened in the future, and the victim was you,” Marinette said and Adrien went still and looked at her shocked as she started to cry.
 “Me?” Adrien said faintly as he felt himself grow cold as he looked at Marinette as she cried.  He wanted to hug her and never let go,
 “The whole city was underwater, the ‘Tower was on its side and the Moon was broken.   I cleansed it and you said that our love was what destroyed everything,” Marinette sobbed out as Adrien looked at her in horror and pain as he shook his head, a hundred different things going through his mind.
 “Oh Bug,” Adrien whispered as he put his arms around her as she just cried and he held her, letting her just cry as he whispered to her.  “I’m here, I won’t become his victim, I promise.”
 “Our love, that’s what you said caused it,” Marinette bit out and for a moment Adrien went still as anger suddenly went through him before horror hit him as he made connections in his head, connections that he hoped wouldn’t prove to be true.  
 “I signed my name for that barred I gave you and transformed to deliver it, then Bunnix appeared and then, and then….,” Marinette said as she started to cry.
 As Marinette cried and leaned into Adrien she tried to think about everything was different now, how the rest of the team was helping each other and everyone was on board, what happened that caused Chat Blanc wouldn’t happen again, she would make sure of it.
 “Oh Mari, I’m sorry you had to hold this in on your own, I really am,” Adrien said and part of him was sure that he was right about his fear, but as he held Marinette he let deal with her feelings.
 A few moments later Marinette took a deep breath and moved away, a shaky smile on her face.  “Thanks Adrien.”
 “Anytime,” Adrien said as he looked at Marinette.  As he looked down at her he swallowed as he zeroed in on her lips and for a moment he remembered how she had kissed him when Dark Cupid had corrupted him and then when they had been hit by Oblivio.  He looked at Marinette as she looked back at her and smiled shakily at her as he noticed that she was blushing.  “Say, when everything with our court dates are over and everything works out okay, how about you and me watch a movie when I get my new place set up?  Just us and our kwami, a good movie or two, and some food?”
 Marinette looked at Adrien and blushed harder, looking away from him as her mind went strange places and she chuckled lightly and looked at him with a coy smile.
 “I’d like that Adrien,” Marinette said softly as she put her arms around his neck and smiled at him with a strange expression on her face as her suddenly felt heavy as she opened her mouth.  
 As Adrien started to feel strange and after a few seconds he acted on them, slowly he moved his head towards her as Marinette did the same as they both closed their eyes slowly before a call came from below.
 “KIDS GET OVER HERE!” Tom bellowed and Marinette and Adrien both blink and seeing how close they were they to each other, they jerked apart and laughed shakily as they realized just what they had almost done and they laughed as inside Adrien and Marinette were both fuming.  
 “Dad only does that if it’s important, we should check it out,” Marinette said as she rushed towards the ladder down as Plagg and Tikki came from above, shooting into their chosen's pockets.
 The teens ran into the living room and saw Tom and Sabine on the couch looking at the TV.  On it was a scene of one of the local hospitals as three ambiances were out front with doctors bringing people in.  “And repeating the top story, over twenty people within ages from 10 to twenty were found earlier today asleep, dead to the world. So far all the doctors have said is they are not in danger of dying and seem to have all their organs and no marks that could explain their state.  This reporter will update on this developing situation as it develops,” The reporter said as Tom turned off the TV and shook his head.
 “After everything, I wondered what could shock me.  If Hawkmoth hadn’t set off an attack earlier today I would have thought it was him again,” Sabine said and Marinette looked at Adrien who shook his head as she felt Tikki press against her and she nodded to him before turning to her mother.
 “It’s terrible, but why did you call us down?” Marinette asked and Sabine sighed and looked at them.
 “Nadia called, her station is sending out interns to ask around where they were found, and they were found within two streets of us so for the next few days we might have people coming and asking to talk to us, so I want you to only open the door if you know who is on the other side and Adrien, keep away from the windows or stay in Marinette’s room,” Sabine said and Adrien blushed and looked away as Marinette started to stammer and Tom chuckled, Adrien meanwhile looked into his mind, remembering a lot of Tabloid ‘reporters’ and what they would do for a story, if one of them found out he was here………….. he didn’t want to think about what some of his fanatics would do, much less what his father would do.
 “So you two up for a little four-part tournament of Mecha-Strike?” Tom asked and he was met with three grins.
  Kim sighed as he got out of the pool and toweled off as he walked towards his chair.  As he looked up at the skylight and saw the night sky and the moon shining down he tried to calm down, even after swimming lanes he couldn’t quiet his mind.  He was still very angry about what happened to Marinette, he might not be too bright but he knew all about law, and what happened was against all of the laws of both respect and dignity!  Before he could spiral like Marinette a towel hit his head.  He looked out from under it and saw his girlfriend Odine walk towards him, her peach skin was wet, her swimming leotard dripped as she walked over, her swimming hat in her hands, her short red hair free and her brilliant turquoise eyes above her freckles shined with worry.
“Hey, you were hitting the lanes hard tonight, what’s up?” Odine asked and Kim sighed and looked away.
 “A lot of things, I don’t know where to start,” Kim said as he looked at Odine.
 “Well start at the beginning, what happened?” Odine asked and Kim sighed and looked down.  Odine was his girlfriend but she was also a friend of Marinette and Nino, they had all gone to elementary together and they had been friends for a long time, only he, Nino and Mari had a longer friendship.
 “Marinette was expelled without a hearing!” Kim bit out and Odine just blinked a few times before she looked at Kim and she started to growl.  Kim swallowed; Odine’s grandfather had been a judge and she was very
 “What?!  What happened?” Odine demanded and Kim scowled and looked away.  
 “It was crazy, first a stolen test answer sheet was found in Marinette’s bag, then Lila supposedly was pushed down the stairs in the courtyard and then Lila led the way to Marinette’s locker and then the Owl expelled her on the stop!” Kim said bitterly and Odine sat down and looked at Kim with a scowl.
 “And you didn’t stop it?!” Odine demanded and Kim looked down.
 “I was shocked! And then before anything else could happen there was a Mass Akuma attack and I was one of the victims!” Kim defended and Odine gasped and looked at him with a scared look on her face and he smiled at her.  “But it stopped in mid-attack, weird really, and after that, I was kinda out of it for about twenty minutes.”
 “Oh, Kim that was terrible!”Odine said as her own nightmare flashed behind her eyes, when she flooded Paris and most people had been stuck in buildings, thankfully most buildings had been airtight because of her powers.
 “Yeah. I thought that the principal would at least give her a hearing her but when other class representatives tried to get it he threw them out, yelled at them and me and Max were barely able to get away without detention!  My little buddy said he was going to talk to Marinette about her rights, but then the Akuma and he’s gone silent!” Kim defended and Odine huffed and looked at him with a scowl on her face.
 “Who the heck does that scum think he is!?” Odine asked and Kim grinned darkly.  
 “Yeah well my buddy sent me a message the other day, she’s suing them for what they did and she will get a hearing,” Kim said and Odine grinned darkly and started to chuckle.
 “Good, very good,” Odine said evilly and Kim started to feel scared for a few moments before he realized that she wasn’t thinking about him.
 “Yeah…… say do you want to get something to eat tomorrow?  Just the two of us?” Kim asked and Odine looked at him shocked before she blushed and nodded, not noticing how close the two were to each other.
 “Hey you two!  The pool’s closed, go shower and change and I’ll lock up when you leave!  And no PDA HERE!” A voice startled the two of them and they both looked down and saw how close they were to each other and laughed as they moved towards the changing rooms, both blushing as they walked away.
 About ten minutes later they walked out the doors and the lifeguard locked the doors behind them and Kim smiled at Odine.
 “Would the lady like an escort home tonight?”  Kim asked as he offered her his arm.  Odine giggled and accepted it and off they went.  As they walked they made small talk, Odine smiling at Kim as they walked, when she was with him she knew she would be okay no matter what happened, that her dreams weren’t too far out of reach.
 “Hey, Odine are you okay?” Kim asked and Odine looked at him and she looked away, only for Kim to put his other arm on her shoulder.  “If there’s anything I can do to help, anything at all you just have to say it you know?”
 “I…… I just haven’t had a good week at school, Kagami’s been having the same troubles lately,” Odine admitted and Kim raised an eyebrow.
 Kagami in Kim’s mind was one of the most straightforward girls his age, coming in behind Odine, Marinette and Chloe.  If both she and Odine were having troubles then it was probably like Lila, someone not something.
 “What is it, or who?” Kim asked as they turned down a side alley that went to a small courtyard near the Tower.  Odine opened and closed her mouth, not knowing how to describe it but if Kim had seen through Lila.
 “The school has a new principal and student, there putting more…….” Odine trailed off as she looked ahead of them and gasped.
 “What…….. Ah, Shi-bal,” Kim breathed as they saw over twenty bodies on the grounds of the small space before them.  Odine ran towards a child’s body as Kim ran towards an older body lying face down and rolled it over and saw a woman whose chest was moving up and down. “She’s still breathing!”
 “Here too!” Odine called out, looking around for anything.  “I don’t have my phone, it’s getting repaired!”
 “Mine too, stay here I’ll get help!” Kim called out as he ran away, leaving Odine alone.  
 A few moments later a low moan came from an older woman in a beige blouse and dress.  Odine ran towards her and crouched down and looked at her, the woman looked elderly and had her white hair in a bun.  “Who’s there?”  
 “I’m Odine, my boyfriend is getting help, hold on!” Odine said and the woman grinned at her, looking at her with glowing eyes that shocked her.
 “Oh….. good.  I ssee you, you’ll do what needs to be done, protect her, get the others please,” The woman said as she pushed a small white square box with a red circle in the center of it into Odine’s hand.  “Don’t let anyone know you have her, promise me!”
 “I don’t understand….” Odine began holding the box when the woman lunched and grabbed her.
 “PROMISE ME!” The woman said fiercely and Odine nodded and the woman slunk back down and Odine examined her and saw that she was still alive.  
 Odine looked at the box and frowned before she put it into her purse as she heard a siren, looking up she saw Kim running back towards her with police and paramedics following along behind him.  Waving Kim and one paramedic came over to her and she looked relieved that help had come.  “This woman just woke for a few moments, she didn’t say anything but she was semi-coherent!”
 “Good work, I’ll take it from here!” The paramedic said as he started to look over the woman.
 As Odine stepped back a police officer came to her and smiled at her. “Good work, but we’ll need to make a statement about what you two found, I’m sorry but we need everything we can to help these people.”
 Odine nodded and Kim took her hand and squeezed it, both of them drawing strength from each other as they followed the policeman.  The box in Odine’s purse made it feel even heavier as she walked, not knowing that her destiny had been changed, that her life would change in the short term and become stranger but better.
  Max looked at his computer as he quickly hacked into the school database and frowned.  It had been too easy to do that, he would have to try and send a message to the school about how easy it was to get into it.  As soon as he was in he went through a few files here and there on school evens before sending Lila’s file to a cloud server set up in Russia.    
 As she floated, Kaalki looked at Max as he worked, Max finding her stare and looking away.  
 “Not so, honorable is it?”  Max asked bitterly and Kaalki looked back at Max and smiled at him, her eyes holding understanding and
 “By a certain point of view, it is,” Kaalki said bluntly as she floated there and looked at her chosen with a calm look.  “Many of my own have been spymasters or helping with steeling things that they needed too.  Honor is in the reasoning, not the doing as one of my first ones said.”
 Max smirked as he finished his work as Markov came back online and floated upwards he looked at Max who was turning on another computer next to him. “Finished with your shadow work Max?”
 “Yes, for now, let’s just get the file and then start looking into Lila,” Max said as he quickly navigated to the cloud website and download Lila’s file before opening it. As he looked over it he frowned as he saw the numerous health concerns that were listed for Lila with no doctor’s note to back them up.  
 “I don’t know procedures about this Max, but shouldn’t there be notes from her doctor scanned in?” Markov asked and Max nodded as he finally found the data he needed from the file and turned back to his hacking one, quickly finding the school in question he started to look for an online yearbook.
 “Yeah, they should,” Max muttered as he finally found a list of students and then looked at the number of graduates for each year before Lila came to Paris and frowned when he saw a few numbers off, more than he thought.  “Markov, I want to know who didn’t graduate from this school and what happened to them, I’ll hack into the records and find out where Lila was before she was here.”
 “Of course Max, give me a minute,” Markov said as he slotted into the computer and started to absorb the data as Max worked.
 “Done, three students beyond Lila left this school for other reasons.  One is a grade lower than Lila would have been, two are the same age and both left not long after Lila did,” Markov reported and Max nodded as he worked.
 “Good, find out what happened to them please,” Max said as he found the school and location where Lila had been before.  He frowned, the city wasn’t one of the big ones that he expected a diplomat to have been sent to, something was wrong……… he needed to find out just what had happened in this city to have sent any diplomatic staff there long enough for Lila to go to school?  Wait, this says she left this one after only four months?  I guess an appointment to overlook something for the embassy would explain why she and her mother were only there so long, but why, where did they go after that? Max thought as he looked at his screen and tried to figure out why Lila had moved when she did.  As he sat there and let his mind wander over all the possibilities for why that was done, he couldn’t find anything.  He knew that Lila said her mother was a diplomat, but with what they all knew he doubted it.  He tried to think of what kind of job her mother could have that let them travel so much, but still the longer he tried to the more he came up empty for an answer.
 “I found them Max………. it’s not good.   One of them is a girl named Arianna Bianchi; she’s currently in a monastery…….. I tracked down a medical report that she tried to take her own life,” Markov said mournfully and Max swallowed. “I found social media posts and she was cyber-bullied a lot, the sheer viciousness of some of these posts……. The other is a girl named Daniela Candreva, she left the school after testing out the grade and is currently studying to become a prosecutor, I think I can find her address to email her.   But Max…….. most of the posts are about what ‘she’ or ‘they’ did to Lila,” Markov said and Max almost told him to send a message off but stopped himself and shook his head.
 “Why would Lila……oh god!” Max said faintly and started to shake in fear as everything started to make sense to him.
 “Max, what is it?” Markov asked and Kaalki looked at him in concern.
 “That’s what she would have done with Marinette, because she discovered Lila was lying!  She made this class hate her and then she tormented the girl until she did that!” Max snarled and Kaalki looked sick.
 “Yes, it fits.   The way she was acting, she had to have had practice at this.   she goes to a new school…….” Max began and Markov took over.
 “And someone either finds out about Lila or she finds a target to get the rest of the class on her side, and then when things go too far she’s either already gone or moved schools. Smart, evil but smart,” Markov said bitterly and
 “Scum, I haven’t seen such monsters in centuries!  I thought that modern schools looked for that!  People like that actually like it!  Why else if she’s been doing that for how long?!” Kaalki snarled as Markov unhooked himself and floated upwards.  Max looked at his computer as he saw the data on it, he found another discrepancy and looked at Markov with a hard look.
 “Markov, I’m going to find her third school, do what you did again with the second, we hunt for any and all evidence about what happened while Lila was there,” Max said as Kaalki nodded as Markov connected to the computer again.
 “One thing bothers me, what about the younger child?” Kaalki asked and Max went still.  Markov beeped and made a ‘smily face’ with his visor.  
 “Good news, from what I found the child only moved away with his family because of a death in his family, nothing to do with Lila!” Markov said and Max released a sigh and Kaalki floated with a lightened look in her eyes.
 “Well, there’s that at least,” Max muttered as he looked back to his computer and sighed.
 Kaalki looked at Max and his creation as they worked and hid a chuckle as she smirked.  He might be a worthy Horse after all are very smart.   But they all saw the big picture, but we have to remember the little things and how they affect the big. She thought as she floated there and looked at Max as he and Markov hacked.  “Still what does she get out of this all?  No one is pure evil, three are reasons for everything that is the truth of the universe.  But what is Lila after?”
 “I don’t know…….. Markov new mission; I want you to look into the relationships of each student in Lila’s class before she joined up……. Wait see if there’s a class chat first,” Max said and Markov ‘nodded’ with his visor and Kaalki floated over to his shoulder.
 “There is, and three people are active tonight,” Markov said and Max nodded.
 “Then let's talk, time to hack into it,” Max said softly as he looked at his screen.
 “Done Max, I found a chat and I’ll need to relay and translate it but we’re in,” Markov said and Max nodded.
 As Max looked at the chat room, he kept his mind blank and he hoped that these people would help him.
 “We’ll be visible to them all in 3.2.1, message sent,” Markov said and Max nodded and started to type.
 Starhacker909 has joined the chat.
 Bloodhunter; Who the hell is Starhacker909, Rob did you invite somebody new
 StrikeBak; No, who are you and how’d you get in here?!
 Starhacker909; Wait, please! I’m sorry about this but I needed to talk to you about a person named Lila Rossi, she got a friend of mine expelled a few days ago!
 Stanford; That witch is still doing that again!?  
 Bloodhunter; Okay Starhacker909, we’ll talk if you tell us what city you’re in!
 Max breathed a sigh of relief and Markov blinked his eyes.
 “Max, my barriers were hit by ten viruses and whoever is behind it is trying to find out where we are but I fought them off and they stopped, I think we’re safe for now,” Markov said and Max nodded as he looked at the screen.
 “Markov, try and find out if Lila really did what we think she did at other schools, if she did we need to talk to a lot of people about her,” Max said grimly and Markov ‘nodded’ and Max started to text as Kaalki watched from behind him, a somber look on her face.
 Odine looked at the small box as she sat in her room as the box set on her desk next to her bed as she looked at it.  After the police had questioned them she had been driving home, her father had been worried when the police had shown up but after being told that she had found the people on the news he had relaxed a little.   After she had gotten o her room she had locked the door and put the box on her desk as she looked at it, trying to understand why she hadn’t said anything about it, and why that woman had been so instant that Odine take it.   After a few moments she took a deep breath and opened it, a moment later a ball of light shot up into the air, forming into a tiny grey creature with a large head with blue eyes, a fin on its back, a small snot, short arms and it grinned at her.
 “Hi!  I’m Bottla, nice to meet you!” Bottla said and Odine swallowed a screamed as she looked at Bottla as it looked around with a frown.   “Wait……. Where’s Melisa?”
 “You mean the old woman, she’s at the hospital,” Odine said and the creature gasped!
 “Oh no, she found us!” Bottla said and looked around, a scared look on its…..her? face as Odine looked at the creature and tried to calm Bottla down.
 “Hey, calm down.  She was okay and breathing last I saw her,” Odine said and the little creature nodded and looked at her with a strange look on its face.
 “Sorry, I’m Bottla, the Dolphin Kwami of Discord and …….” Bottla began before Odine gasped.
 “A Kwami?!  Like Ladybug, Chat Noir and Hawkmoth?!” Odine interrupted Bottla who nodded before going still.
 “Ladybug….. Tikki’s chosen?! What happened to bring them out into the light of day?” Bottla asked and Odin looked at the Kwami in surprise.
 “You don’t know what’s been happening in Paris!?”
 “We keep moving, staying ahead of the Seven Deadly,” Bottla said and Odine looked at the kwami with a bad feeling going through her.
 “The who?” Odine asked and Bottla sighed and looked away.
 “The holders of seven of the 7 miraculous of Dark Emotions, they’ve been tracking me and mine for years, I’ve lost so many friends to them,” Bottla said and sniffed as Odine looked at the Kwami in concern before she remembered what Melisa had told them.
 “Was one of them responsible for what happened there?” Odine asked and Bottla nodded.  
 “The sin of Gluttony; the Vulture.   Those people who were hurt won’t wake up until the egg she forms is used up or destroyed.  And the sin of Lust; the Ant gave her eggs to her, we destroyed a Soldier before
 “Soldier?”  Odine asked and Bottla nodded.
 “A non-sentient monster created from the Ant’s Powers.  The created warriors obey the one who activates them, wielder or civilian,” Bottla said and Odine swallowed.
 “What are they after?” Odine asked and Bottla looked down and away.
 “Me, my power of Turmoil causes all abilities to be turned on whoever used them, Melisa got away by hitting the Soldier so it would go after Vulture instead of us,” Bottla said and looked at Odine with a hard look.   “If they take my Miraculous, then they can do whatever they want with no way to counter their powers.”
 “So these Miraculous have been passed down for how long, and most of the time they’ve been hunting you?” Odine asked and paled when Bottla shook her head.
 “No, it’s the same people……… They have a ritual that uses the energy that the Vulture gathers to empower them and extended their lives.  Anything they kill, they all gain the years, in the past  they left totems near where battles might happen to gather the years of killed soldiers, WW1 and 2 gave them centuries!” Bottla said with a haunted tone
 Odine looked at the kwami as she tried to figure out what to do.  The easy thing to do was get in touch with Alya, she ran the Ladyblog and if anyone could get a message to Ladybug then she could.  But then the woman trusted her with this, and why shouldn’t she do something to help out?  By the way the kwami was talking, if she was able to get even one of them away from the Seven then she might be able to stop them.   And her home was perfect, it was in a section of the city away from the center and the main roads, if…..when the other seven made it to the city she would be out of the way.  And she knew the sewers and catacombs well, she had played there as a child and knew them almost as well as she knew the streets.  And Bottla was a dolphin, her favorite animal.
 “If I used your Miraculous to transform, can I breathe underwater?” Odine asked and Bottla nodded and Odine took a deep breath.  “Then I have one question, what’s the name of the hero who uses it to transform?”
  Alya blinked her eyes as she woke up and looked around, seeing Chloe’s room in the hotel and for a moment she was confused before she looked down and saw Trixx sleeping on her chest and then remembered everything.  She after they had all learned how much of a psycho Lila was she, Chloe and Sabrina had done a quick interview, she had transformed and had Sabrina record ‘Ladybug’ and ‘Apisera’ and talk to Chloe about how she had been retired and Chloe had agreed with them, only saying to listen to their ‘teacher’, a good trick they had to keep Kwami from being on the news and in the public eye.  
 As she looked around she saw Sabrina and Chloe leaning against each other with their kwami sleeping on their chosen, she smirked as she looked at them.  Who knew that the three of them loved to watch feel-good movies or that Chloe was such a romantic?  As the sun shined down Chloe and Sabrina both woke up, all the kwami did as well.  
 As Sabrina got up she looked around and saw Alya as Chloe turned the news on as she grabbed a PDA and looked over it, smiling as she listened to the morning news.
 “……… And in local news, if you can head over to the zoo tomorrow, the tickets will be half price and there’s a presentation on fire safety there as well.   And next on Moth Watch, the latest Akuma was defeated by three heroes, our protectors Chat Noir and Ladybug with the help of a new hero we haven’t been able to get in touch with, as usual, the victim has been hidden and the reason why they were influenced,” The reporter said as Chloe looked at the screen, scoffed and muted it, causing Alya to look at her with a raised eyebrow.
 “What, have you got a thing against the press?” Alya asked as Trixx landed on her right shoulder
 “Yeah. No offense Alya, but a lot of the reporters on the Hawkmoth case are worse than tabloids writers,” Sabrina said  
 “Daddy tells me that reporters are always trying to get dirt on people who were Akumatized, a reporter even had a piece about how a girl who was almost raped before she was Akumatized in the first month should have fought harder,” Chloe said bitterly and Alya gasped before she nodded.
 “Trash like that, you should give them nothing at all, they’re just a stain on journalistic integrity,” Alya growled and Sabrina looked at her with a strange look as Chloe grinned evilly. Alya looked up and saw the look Sabrina was giving her and Alya looked ashamed.  “And before you say anything about my interview with Lila, I never published it because I was still working on fixing it before I met Trixx here for the first time and after that well…..”
 “Yeah, nice to know that you’ve got a good head on your shoulder,” Chloe said Alya nodded.  “Thankfully daddy went down hard on all the editors, something about banning their people from any events he or mom held in the city,” Chloe said with a dangerous purr and Alya whistled as Sabrina giggled evilly as the Kwami looked at each other shrugged.  
 “Nice……” Alya said with a smirk and looked at the two girls as they looked at their bodies and Chloe felt her hair and shuddered.
 “So, I’ll get the first shower, then I’ll order breakfast while Sabrina showers and Alya can finish last and Sabrina can act like she’s drying off when the food gets here,” Chloe said as Alya looked at Chloe with a frown as she tried to figure out what Chloe meant.  “Me and Sabrina will get dressed in my walk-in closet, Alya, you will get dressed in the bathroom.  Order the usual for me Sabrina, and ask Alya what she wants, and don’t forget the honey mustard please”
 Alya opened her mouth closed it and nodded after she realized Chloe’s plan.  She grinned as Chloe walked away but frowned as she looked at Sabrina who grinned back at Alya as Barrk sighed as he ate a small part of a dog cookie.
 “One thing I don’t get it, why do you act like a servant to Chloe all the time?” Alya asked and Sabrina looked away and Alya felt a little bit dirty for a second.   “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to……”
 “It’s not a good story, but well……” Sabrina said and sighed and looked away.  “My grandfather on my dad’s side and Chloe’s were godbrothers growing up, they promised we would have a place with each other…….. and after I moved here with my dad four years ago…….. I just didn’t want to be around people for a while and I got to like acting.”
 “So it was an act? Everything?” Alya asked in complete shock and Sabrina grinned at Alya.
 “Yeah, I actually bought most of the ‘gifts’ Chloe gave me, it was all part of our plan really,”
 “But your Akuma?” Alya began and then winced.  “Sorry……. ‘Don’t talk about what caused it’, forgot for a moment there.”
 “No, it’s okay. A…….person I liked didn’t notice me when I left them a gift…….. when he hit me I was cursing how I acted and I think Chloe for her part of our plan…….. at least I think, you know how when you’re ackumatized you forget about a minute before and what he offers you?” Sabrina said as Barrk rubbed his head against Sabrina’s check,
 “Yeah.  But romance, that’s hard,” Alya said and Sabrina chuckled.
 “At least I’m not like Marinette and Adrien!” Sabrina said and Alya laughed a little as Trixx giggled while Bark nodded.
 “Bugs and Cats kit, they always orbit around each other.  The stories I could tell you about them all,” Trixx snickered as Bark nodded.
 “Yep, I remember sometime around 800 years ago, me and my chosen were tracking down this necromancer when we came across the Black Cat, we worked together for about a month tracking the varmint down and saving all we could and all he could talk about was this girl he knew, turned out she was the Ladybug of the time,” Barkk said and Sabine looked at her kwami, for a moment she had forgotten that Barrk and the other kwami were as older as their concepts, the sheer time they had been around staggering for a moment.  
 Sabrina looked at the TV screen and paled at what she saw.  “OH MY GOD!”
 “What?!  Oh,” Alya said as she and the Kwami turned and saw the screen, the reporter in the foreground as behind him was a shot of last night in front of the hospital.  
 “CHLOE GET OUT HERE!” Sabrina screamed and Chloe shot out of the bathroom a moment later clad in a yellow robe as Pollen flew behind her.
 “What is it……” Chloe trailed off as she saw what was on her TV as Sabrina raised the volume.
 “ at this time nothing has changed since last night, the victims are still unconscious but sources have reported no casualties at this time.  Police are still looking for what could have caused it with the Park by the ‘Tower still closed as the ECDC look it over.   With nothing new to go on, most authorities are waiting for any of them to wake up to hopefully explain what happened to them……. And now on to the weather,” The reporter said moments before Sabrina muted the screen again.
 As Chloe dripped onto her floor she looked at the screen in horror, horror that was mirrored on the faces of Alya and Sabrina.  
 Chloe however was feeling something else, she remembered an old meeting from when she was a lot younger when she was learning to read.  She couldn’t remember it but she heard something like this before, she couldn’t remember what it was exactly but it was there.
 “This is terrible; I wonder if it’s something to do with Hawkmoth?” Sabrina asked and Chloe hugged her as Alya looked at the screen with a hard look.
 “It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?” Trixx asked and the humans looked at the kwami.  Pollen and Barrk were looking at the screen while Trixx floated upside down.
 “Trixx, are you okay?” Alya asked and Trixx just floated there for a few moments before snarling. “Trixx?!”
 “No, I…….this is something I’ve faced before, but I can’t remember when!”  Trixx snarled as old emotions came back, emotions the kwami couldn’t place.
 “I’ve never heard of something like this, but it was a long time ago,” Pollen admitted and Trixx just floated there as Alya looked on in concern.  
 “Why can’t you remember?” Alya asked softly and Trixx just kept floating and Alya shared a look with Chloe and Sabrina.
 “We lived a lot longer than you all, and sometimes when the old Guardians would take us out the box, sometimes the others would come back having forgotten things,” Pollen said darkly and Chloe held Pollen to her body as the Kwami relaxed against her.
 As the three girls exchanged worried looks, the way Chloe called Master Fu a ‘cult baby’ yesterday came back to them.  Chloe was only speaking in jest, but the evidence was something that they couldn’t deny. If the guardians were a cult like Chloe suggested, then they all might be in more danger than they thought they were, with the surprising fact that Hawkmoth might not be the only foe they would have to face.
 Lila smiled as she looked at the Hotel before her, all she had to do was find anyone who worked here and say that she was a friend of Chloe’s and that she was blocking her calls.   Then all she had to do was say that she was worried because of the class chat, well that was enough for the old-timers to tell her how Chloe was feeling.   If she could find out anything about how she was feeling about the New Bee because of how much pride Chloe had, how she was worried she might do something, and if anyone heard her then that’s all the better for when she was Akumatized.
 As she walked into the lobby she looked around and smiled, there were enough people there that she could do her plan and not be obvious about it.   She saw a woman with tan skin in a white uniform talking to a man behind the desk and she walked towards it as a woman with purple hair and dark skin walked out of the elevator, but Lila ignored her once she saw the dark clothing the woman wore, writing her off as a goth once she saw colors of her hair and clothing.
 “Excuse me, but I haven’t been able to get in touch with my friend Chloe for a while, and since the new Bee hero was revealed on the news last night I was worried about her reaction,” Lila said as the two people by the counter looked up at her.
 “No Madame Chloe is currently in her room and I believe that she is fine and doesn’t want anyone to come up there now,” The man said as the goth walked closer and looked at Lila with a strange look on her face.
 “Is she okay, she’s my friend.  With the last text of we exchanged I’m so worried about her, it seemed like she was angry when she wrote them, and well with Hawkmoth….” Lila trailed off and noticed a few people looking at her from the mirror behind the counter and barely kept from smirking.
 As the man looked at the Italien, Marina looked at Lila and frowned, she remembered Alya talking about a girl who was a liar and how she messed up, if this was that girl who tricked her daughter then so help her then she would beat the girl herself.  
 “Miss Chloe was alright the last I saw her,” The woman said and Lila grinned, not seeing Penny looking at and frowning.  
 “Oh good, I mean the way the texts I saw, it was all I could do to try and talk to Chloe about it, I was so worried about her,” Lila said sweetly and Penny looked at Lila, she knew the girl looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen her.
 “I…..well she did look like she was crying last night,” The woman muttered and Lila grinned, something that she could use against Chloe to string along Hawkmoth was just what she needed.   She might not have turned Marinette into an Akuma yet, but the return of Queen Wasp might win her some points.  As she wondered if Chloe would get expelled before or after Lila got her Akumatized?
 Before Lila could say anything else Penny finally reached the desk and spoke up from behind her.
 “Hey, you got our mail from yesterday right, J’s been chomping at the bits to finalize the paperwork on a few things,” Penny called out and the woman behind the counter nodded and handed over a bundle of mail.  
 “Here you go ma’am. Will you and your friend be leaving us soon?” The woman asked and Penny shrugged.
 Lila looked at Penny, something about the woman was bothering her, she knew she had seen her before but she couldn’t remember where.  She looked at Penny as she shrugged.
 “Maybe not too soon.  There’s this girl who tried to start a rumor that Jagged made up a song about her when she was a pre-teen of all,” Penny said as Lila’s eyes shrank as she realized she was looking at Penny Rolling, the woman in the chief’s outfit gasped and shook her head.
 “That reminds me about this lying girl my daughter told me about, I can’t believe that there are such people out there, liars that just want to make themselves look good!” The chief said and Lila paled a little and took half a step backwards.
 Her lies and tales were all to get a good life for herself, but sometimes people just didn’t understand why she did what she did and those people always made trouble.   She fought back against them and set things up so her revenge would happen after she left, and was it her trouble that people never understood that she and they were legitimately fighting?
 As Lila slipped away as the woman chatted about their own experiences with liars, Penny suddenly went still and then turned and saw Lila’s back as she left the hotel, finally realizing exactly who that had been and cursing the lost chance to give that young lady a piece of her mind.
 “Is everything okay ma’am?” The woman behind the counter asked and Penny shook her head.
 “Yes, everything is fine for now, I just need to give someone a talking to,” Penny said darkly as she took the mail.
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mcheang · 5 years
What if Adrien accidentally got akumatized while chasing after Marinette...? I am really hoping someone will write a real fic on this...
The Gorilla let Adrien leave before Hawkmoth released the butterfly. Adrien has just enough time to warn Marinette and catch up to her before the butterfly does.
Note Adrien is very distraught right now. First he had his heart broken and now it feels like his life is empty because Marinette had been everything to him. Second, the love of his life is in danger. Third, he can’t save her without transforming.
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Adrien runs to Marinette and pushes her out of the way (and down the stairs too ^_^’) so the akuma is absorbed into his white shirt.
Not what Gabriel had intended but he can’t back out now with witnesses and hey...he was already willing to break his son’s heart and target him as the Collector...why not akumatize him already? (Nathalie will have words with him about this.)
Meet Eros, born from Adrien’s desire to be loved. He can make people fall in love with him and obey his command with a single touch or arrow hit. Skin contact is not necessary. Adrien can spread his power to whatever object you are both touching, like the floor. So Ladybug can’t use her yo-yo because energy will spread out from the string to her hand.
Eros wears a white skirt, white cape, and large angel wings. Whether he wears a gold chest plate is up to you because I can’t decide! Eros does have a gold mask covering his whole face so you can’t see his expression or his mouth move. Anyway, he is the most beautiful akuma ever created.
Good thing Marinette is used to falling down stairs. She quickly recovers and escapes Eros.
Plagg follows Marinette, reveals himself to Ladybug only, and uses the excuse that his chosen was in the line of Fire.
Eros’ target is Marinette, oh duh. But he has enough control to not reveal her identity or his own, not yet. He wants to make Marinette fall in love with him again so she can be his princess/goddess (I’m guessing like Undine, he can turn her into a goddess but he needs to lift his mask to kiss her) and they can be together forever.
Looking at Eros, people question Marinette’s sanity for breaking up with Adrien.
As Eros searches for Marinette/Ladybug, he walks across Paris and uses his power on the Parisians, turning them into a search party/army. The victims retain their brain power, so they are not like zombies. But their only wish is to please their master.
Marinette’s parents are victims and reveal the truth. Adrien targets his house so Marinette will be allowed to be with him again. Hawkmoth orders Mayura to create Senti-Gabriel and Nathalie but she refuses and demands he free Adrien.
Adrien thinks his Father and Nathalie have fled and now the search is for 3 people.
Ladybug confronts Eros and demands he hand over his akuma (the cape) but Eros is determined to have Marinette. He can’t reach Ladybug to use his power directly and she is high above the floor, so he decides to spread his power to whatever building she is on and use his arrows. Thankfully, the yo-yo can deflect the arrows without absorbing the love energy.
Ladybug points out he already knows she loves him. Eros retorts that as long as Gabriel is around, they can never be together.
Ladybug summons her lucky charm and ends up with a throwing knife. She realizes that she has to break the akuma from a distance. But she is reluctant to risk hurting Adrien. So Ladybug leads Eros to some place where there is a giant fan. (That fan is actually an inanimate sentimonster because Mayura freaked out at the sight of a knife)
Eros can fly against the strong wind but his cape blows backward. Marinette throws the knife and it tears through the cape.
Ladybug saves the falling Agreste.
“No more evil doing for you, little Butterfly.”
Ladybug stays by Adrien’s side and assured him Marinette is safe. When Adrien expresses confusion for why she broke up with him, hoping Ladybug will tell him the reason, she points out that the news network has captured his saying that Gabriel Agreste has threatened Marinette into breaking up with him.
Adrien is outraged but the Gorilla arrives to bring him home before he can go to seek Marinette. It is just as well. “I need to have words with my Father.” (Ladybug is relieved, she had warned Adrien against seeking out Marinette when it could get him home-schooled again. But Adrien had persisted when he saw the sadness in her eyes.)
Meanwhile, Nathalie and Gabriel are arguing. She will not tolerate even this much abuse to Adrien and threatens to expose their identities to Adrien. In her weakened state and realising that yes, perhaps he had gone too far, Gabriel agrees to never let his akuma plans involve Adrien.
Then Gabriel sees the news.
Nathalie leaves him to do the clean up, she needs a break.
Gabriel publicly blames Lila Rossi. At home, Adrien confronts his Father for interfering with his love life and threatening Marinette. Gabriel apologizes but again pins the blame on Lila. He just assumed that since Adrien snuck her into the house, he put a lot of trust in her. Adrien explodes that Lila is a liar and it was a tutoring session! Gabriel apologizes again and will make amends to Marinette. Adrien is skeptical but relents that a fortnight of no modelling and an all-expense weekend trip outside of Paris with Marinette is a good apology gift. Adrien’s stony expression softens when his Father struggles to express his remorse. He still loves his jerk of a dad.
Adrien calls Marinette and they meet at the park. (It would have been ideal to meet at his house to symbolise Gabriel’s acceptance of Marinette, but Adrien wants to get out of there.)
Marinette is free to run back into a happy Adrien’s arms. Both of them cuddle and kiss at this reunion. I won’t say there is no crying on either side because both are so relieved to be together and are so blissfully in love, it is almost painful.
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Adrien tells Marinette he wants to know whatever trouble she faces so they can deal with it together. (Hearing his father is forcing them to break up would have been way better than hearing her say she doesn’t love him anymore.) Marinette promises and they go on another date.
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Marinette doesn’t like Gabriel but she doesn’t hate him and is willing to accept the apology gift.
Her parents are fine with it as long as Gorilla chaperones.
For the record, Eros is the Greek god of love, Son of Aphrodite. People know him better as Cupid but I did not want the imagery of a baby with wings. Eros’ Wife Psyche was originally a human princess before she became his goddess Wife. Note Psyche kind of had no choice but to marry Eros but at least they loved each other.
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