xsophiecat · 8 years
Dear world,
I am really fucking struggling. Please, please give me a break. Love, Me xxx
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xsophiecat · 8 years
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xsophiecat · 8 years
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xsophiecat · 8 years
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xsophiecat · 9 years
Litchfield’s tribute to a masterpiece!
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xsophiecat · 9 years
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It was Birling Day this Saturday (final game of the Six Nations) so I went to the pub, had a pint (not of whisky), and drew Mr Birling.
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xsophiecat · 9 years
Someday someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you’ve never seen, they’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been looking for their entire lives. Wait for it.
(via crgasmic)
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xsophiecat · 9 years
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xsophiecat · 9 years
It occurs to me that, if the Major-General’s daughters had not approached the seaside when they did, the Pirates would have become much more effective at piracy.
Because without the maidens, Frederick would have married his nursemaid, and the Pirates would have been… Ruthless.
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xsophiecat · 9 years
Truthfully, when I first saw you, I felt... ... like I was seeing an old friend for the first time
Toriel, Undertale.
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I’m replaying UnderTale to try and get the True Pacifist ending, and unnnnhhhh I’d forgotten how much Toriel tugs at my heartstrings. She’s just so maternal and lovely (which I probably need in my life rn tbh), I would quite  happily just stay in her house <3
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xsophiecat · 9 years
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xsophiecat · 9 years
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This was essentially my life from K - 12
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xsophiecat · 9 years
Spooning is out, spatulaing is the next big trend. Slide up behind your partner and then launch them out of bed
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xsophiecat · 9 years
okay but also youve been on this site too damn long when you remember
-what is air -unf -that one post about the gel refrigerator -the chick that got dragged for using what is air on said gel refrigerator post -the one post abt the pen that can scan any color and the book that’s comprised of every color -the shipping fanart of said post -creamsicle -when everyone shipped jupiter and earth together -nice legs daisy dukes -this guys never gonna get a girlfriend
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xsophiecat · 9 years
actually pictured elliptical billiard balls for the first time today and tbh it’s pretty funny
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xsophiecat · 9 years
tumblr is naturally dominated by american politics at the moment but this is a reminder for all eligible voters in the UK: 
you need to register to vote by the end of May in order to be able to vote in the EU referendum which is taking place on June 23rd
there are a number of ways you can vote: if you are able, you can vote in person at a local polling station between 7am and 10pm on the day, but if you are not then you can apply for a postal vote (you need to register for a postal vote by June 8th) or vote by proxy (you can nominate someone else to vote on your behalf - you need to register for this by June 15th)
it’s also important to note that if you are a student, you can be registered in two separate places (although you will, of course, only have one vote) 
the EU referendum is extremely important (here and here are some summaries) and so voting is absolutely vital 
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xsophiecat · 9 years
Anyway here’s a summary of my day so far
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