#so yknow when you accidentally shock someone? yeah she does that if she touches anything metal
akuzeisms · 2 years
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@pessimistics cont'd ;;
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Hinting? Her? No, never. She shook her head, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. He looked awfully comfortable sitting on her bed; she was glad he was at least reaping the benefits of her rank. She leaned against the wall, datapad in hand as she swiped through a few reports, glancing up at him briefly as she did. There was no such thing as 'good' news, no matter which reports she looked through.
With almost every ounce of her willpower, she set the datapad down, mentally telling herself: twenty minutes. If she didn't at least take one break, then she'd stress herself out, and with the way things were going... it was going to be a lot of work--on her plate--for them to have a chance at winning this. Everything was riding on her. If she failed, they were all doomed.
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Taking a seat next to him, that soft smile was back as she let one hand gently run up the length of his arm. "I said... there's a lot of advantages to being on an advanced warship," she repeated, a small smile coming across her features. "Something I... haven't always been able to take advantage of." At least, not the way she was implying. There wasn't much she could do; unless something came in that was an emergency, they had nothing to do but remain in transit. Of course, that could be at any given time... no matter where they happened to be.
One of those advantages, she had no problem demonstrating: stretching up just a little to close the distance, she pressed her lips against his, her kiss soft and gentle as one hand traced his jaw, the other lightly tangling itself in his curly hair. She held the kiss for a while before pulling back, leaning her forehead against his as she closed her eyes.
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"I'm glad you're here," she whispered, wishing she could mask the undertone of worry in her voice. "I can't imagine having left you back on Earth..." The chaos. Death. Destruction. It was bad enough Anderson was there; she couldn't imagine having two of the most important people to her down there. At least here, even if he came groundside with them... she knew he was safe. She had people she could trust with his safety, whether it was in the hands of their skilled pilot, or under the guidance of her trusted comrades in a firefight.
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