#so you just speak the same language of the people living in the neighborhood ur raising the prices in
roeswater · 5 months
this vegan bakery in la is literally run by the worst woman I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing in my life
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Second Topic: What would you tell your past self?
D. M. Production’s Social Initiative is a movement that makes up the base of DMP. We trade tips, advice, and share information that could help one another. A very introspective topic that pulled a ton of responses was "What would you tell your past self?"
Many of our members had a lot to say. Varying from "Don't do this" to advice about the lifestyles they once led and are currently leading. Some of the things we wanted to tell our past selves included: (All quoted. Please excuse any language, we are all grown here. Also this was all gathered in a safe social space, grammar is not our concern.)
○ Get your license before grad school. Don't take caffeine pills to pull all righters. Don't skip prom for the avengers premiere
○ Don't be afraid to speak. Don't flirt with everyone. Don't take things so seriously
○ Don't be afraid to do what makes you happy.
○ Don't let pride take over
○ Stretch always!
○ Start a saving fund asap
○ Don't be afraid or ashamed to feel. You aren't in love and you won't be for years and years. You are gonna have bad days, and everyone will tell you that you're just lazy. But your feelings are valid and it's okay. You aren't crazy. You'll learn soon that you're just mentally ill, and that doesn't make you any less or more important than everyone else. Learn from your mistakes, because you will make them. Insist on being taught how to drive, and don't let anyone tell you no because you don't pay attention. Be annoying until you learn, cuz it's important. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
○ It's okay to walk away from toxic people.
○ Fuck them. If it makes YOU happy do it.
○ Real talk.. its ok to try and let ppl in. Your "spartan pride " is goin to drive ppl away. Paranoia will smack u in the mouth and u will feel like everyone is out for you. Some are some aren't females will come and go. Even tho they hurt you ot doesnt mean everyone else (regardless of gender) will. Most problems can be solved without use of fists knees elbows etc. Try to talk it out first. Some ppl soon will try to get you to open up. Let them. Take one day as it comes. You put more pressure on yourself than anyone else
○ Patience is a virtue but don't let people abuse it.
It being yours
○ You need to speak up. Or you finna get cursed and fussed while still being the bad guy. It's okay to say something it doesn't make YOU the bad guy it's makes your feeling valid.
○ Don't get so attached to your friends that you can't make new ones
○ You like girls baby it's okay your friends and family will still love you and accept you
○ Step out of your comfort zone, it's how you grow as a person.
○ You don't have to have black friends to be black. Your punker friends are genuine and will stick around much longer then everyone else
○ Stop trying play on that knee, rehab and get it looked at
○ The world will only see you as black first so it's ok to listen to trap music in white neighborhoods on full blast. Their gonna call cops even if your not
○ Just because they are giving you "attention" doesn't mean their intentions are right.
○ If you don't want to be what others want you to be. Don't. 
They aren't living your life, you are. At the end of the day, you gotta live with the person you become. 
So aim to be the best version of yourself.
○ Don't try and make a situation work if you know it ain't going anywhere. It is okay to walk away, even if you put so much emotional effort into it.
○ Don't fuck her
○ Fuck Him
○ Don't get caught up in the positive reinforcement of social media. Don't look for likes and comments. Look for things that'll help you grow.
○ Don't let others judgement/criticism of you being a virgin beat you up mentally. There is nothing wrong with waiting to have sex. If people keep putting you down because you're waiting, they aren't your friends.
○ No homie tats or piercings
○ Don't be so insecure about your body. It's going to change, you're gonna have fluff and rolls and marks. You're still beautiful, you'll still be riding faces.
○ Mind ya business. You can't save everybody. Focus on yourself.
○ *tells self the lottery numbers*
○ Your lazy af stop making promises that you'll help people when you know you won't
○ Be more open minded.
○ Don't fuck with close minded people you will never be understood and you will have a constant headache
○ Get out of your room and make friends your freshmen year of college
○ Adult DO NOT know everything
○ Change your major
○ Your are not to short to model babe do commercial or print and show tf off
○ Your imagination is the right direction to shoot for
○ Make peace with your Dad's side of the family.
○ You have a natural talent for literally anything you wanna do.
○ You don't have to respect your parent or parents if they didn't do anything to deserve it.
○ Do NOT be friends wit a coke dealer
○ Don't stop playing that instrument. You'll regret it tremendously.
○ You gone be one of the weird kids in school but it's okay you finna be popping later
○ Niggas well say anything if it keeps them from being the bad guy
○ Get your hoodies back
Party foul! Why you snatching back hoodies?!
You ain't getting hoodies back. Should have bought two of the same.
You forfeited those hoodies my guy
You aint gon get em back. Somewhere in you, you knew they was gone
But take their rompers!!!! REVOLUTION
let me see u try
Viva la romper revolution!!!
Clearly we went off on a tangent, but we got back on it. But as you can see there was tons of advice people had for their younger selves. And this is not even half of the things people had to say. People clearly led lives they learned from and we hope that others can learn from their experiences as well, especially if you happen to be going through anything at the moment.
We leave you with this:
Be confident and be open. Not everyone will do what's best for you, but you can so be smart and make decisions you can be happy with. But don't forget to live your life! We only got one, enjoy it!
If you are interested in joining our group chat for the social initiative, please Slide into Our DMs Today!
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rennyji · 3 years
May 31st tales and normal tweets...
May 31st tweets...after yesterday's morning and afternoon tweets, which were posted in two separate links, yesterday...
I value meaning not cultural violations, “every” random tradition. That’s one of the reasons I switched over to Catholicism from Orthodox Christianity, where I used to be an Altar server in 4 hour services while fasting. -
-The service, being the Indian Orthodox Church, is not in English, but highly advanced Church version of the Indian dialect I normally would speak to my parents. For four hours, I have no idea what’s being said and then there’s the random guilt of your mind wandering -
-while singing transliterated words (another languages words written in English script) throughout the service. It’s long, only on Sundays, has only one flavor of people, and other things I can’t presently call to mind. I’ve been going to Catholic school since the sixth grade. -
-I remember the first time seeing Sacred Heart Church. The aesthetics alone amazed me. The service and responses were in English and the service was short to fit in your schedule and available at multiple times, almost every day, making it easy to fit in a-
-schedule. It has people from all over the world and is always in the vernacular, or language of the people. It is a a Church with diverse community, it’s own good school system, and available throughout the world. It’s hard to miss Church. -
-The services being short are a good thing not out of laziness. But when something is long like a four hour service, it becomes hard to maintain focus and enthusiasm. -
- My reasons for switching to Catholicism is because it fits who I am as an individual and I found meaning there, just like, before this situation, I found meaning in New York as my residence through the power of the American citizenship, which unfortunately is lost. -
-A life of meaning is my reason for wanting to marry into another one of India’s many cultures, or another people/culture as a whole from anywhere in the world. I just feel there are more-
-similarities, more things to talk about, as I’m more of the black sheep where I’m from in what and how I talk, or regarding beliefs and goals.
hmmm...what else...
First 18 years of life, living under my strict Orthodox Christian Indian parents &being sent to all boys schools, what kept me going was the dream, after watching my 1stBollywood movie, that 1 day/someday, Ill find a girl as pretty, full of personality, -
-like the women in their film industry. That said, interests have expanded beyond Bollywood-like women.
On another note, 2 be blunt...and crude?!... In the language of the cool, "Im a face & nice smile man in women," not so much a big t*t/a*s man. I want a face I can look at all day & never get tired. The other stuff, great, as Im not gay, but face comes first. Just being open.
Throughout “this situation”, every person, male, female, catholic, orthodox,Indian, non Indian, left me to suffer this alone. That too for 11 years. You thinks it cute, but thats not what transpires internally and externally. You’re likely seeing a filtered version, -
-cuz I have a hard time digesting that people react 2 something like this, this way, &that too, world saving Americans? Acting like nazis experimenting &killing Jews? But back 2the point..whether it be the people of my background or not, ur loyalty has been 2the “orchestrators.”-
-In expanding my community/network/"my peepz": my parents need to understand that the people of my background and not of, all held their loyalty to the orchestrators, not me.-
-If it’s for something good promised to me, my Christian Indian brethren, Christ says believe and you can move mountains. If you believe and love me like yourself, we can get the same benefits of this program and relieve me of my 11 year indignity. -
-Christ also has another saying. When I was hungry, you didn’t give me food. When I was without clothes, you didn’t clothe me. What you did to the least of my brethren, you did to me. I don’t know you, he says. These are the values of my God.-
-His Kingdom is open 2all peoples/all faiths, be it a decent humanBeing whos an atheist, or a devoutChristian. Despite this h*ll of a situation or b4 it, I used 2think of heaven 2be likeAmerica-a place open 2all peoples. But on evidence&proof of 11 yrs, this has proven 2be h*ll.-
-Now I am the least of my Lord’s brethren, because of my 11 year situation, where I am truly alone, despite the world observing me.-
-Nodding at me means nothing. It’s just more drama. Talk to me and talk to me about “the situation”...are you their puppet, or my friend? Were you helping your God, when His followers were in need?
-But the point of all this, to my parents/my old Church/whoever: my relationships, friends,community, neighborhood, city will be with all peoples, cultures, and faiths or the lack of, not simply a mechanical attachment to the people of my background.-
-My values are Indian, but my interests are American. -
-Regarding the people I want to encompass in my world or my network, especially the woman who will be mine, I need someone and things and community that I can hold a conversation with. I can’t just talk about tradition, Church, and such things like some of my family members.
and moving on...
About Cr*p about going out, amidst environment being fake and no one interacting.-
I mentioned in the past about a double life among us Indian American first generationers. The orchestrators go on and on about “going out” but if they could see my memories, Indian parents like to keep their kids home.-
-You are restricting me from my other life and keeping me as a good Indian kid. They’re constantly in our business. You say even as an adult”going out” , they’ll want specifics and a time of return. It’s annoying,  and arguing becomes a source of a fight. -
-You stay home, to gain the opportunity to spend ur money elsewhere, instead of $2000, for the rent of a decent apartment like The Print House in New Rochelle. You gotta go off TO or STAY IN college as long as possible, far from home, to escape this.-
-But sometimes you gotta ask if it’s worth it. So the orchestrators have no outdoor events, family in far off locations...but these stubborn f*, cannot come to the conclusion, after 11 years of failure, that you cannot and do not have a show.
and a few normal tweets...
If U use a sinus rinse in morning like NeilMeds or Alkalol, I think Navage is littleBetter. As salt can dry ur nose, 2lubricate it, so as 2avoid irritated nostrils w/possible sounds when either inhaling/exhaling, look into/invest in "Nasya Oil." Its from aScience called Ayurveda.
If U want a closeShave thats possibly quicker&cleaner than a wetShave w/a typicalRazor, checkOut the Panasonic Electric Shaver. I think its the Arc model. Expensive, but good for a dry shave. Irritated skin? Amazon's "Freelette" Cream for pre/after shave is good w/Braun shaver.-
Today, going to try the Kiehls Shave "Lotion" with my Panasonic Razor, as skin got sensitive from shaving everyday. Hope it works...their aftershave takes care of the sensitivity in like a day...you can get it at Macys...
If you get into time and mood to see shaving as an art, the "Feather" razor is a quality purchase. I believe its Japanese, and its a straight razor that folds.
If anyone is actually nodding in a way of approval or acknowledgment or whatever, through the unbelievable methodology of the corner of my eye, I don’t know what that means, or why you cannot do that face to face, and tell me why you’re doing it to begin with.
Some great stuff if ur into yoga and meditation: kulae yoga mat (machine washable and pvc free unlike conventional mats), alexia meditation seat (if sitting cross legged for a period is hard), meditation stool to aid in sitting in the position known in yoga as vajrasana.
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