#so your telling me his name is Death-Saurus not Deth-a-Saurus
I rewashed the TFONE Trailer because I had something the Fandom has said about it on my mind and..
I don't think this is Onyx Prime. Nor do I think it's one of the predacons. Now hear me out.
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If we follow the lore of most modern contunites, When The Primes recovered from their angry "phase" where they brutally attacked each other, Onyx was Very Badly Damaged, almost to the point of death. He decided to journey into the well to expand the choices for new life instead of just "standardformers" via the Trypticah Mask, his own artifact. His Spirit and His Body would be in either 1. The Realm of the Primes or 2. The Matrix.
Not in the outside world growing plants around him.
And the Predacons would technically not be around following TFP'S lore as they were cloned after the war had started.
So, that leaves the question of who I think it is. Now, this might be a stretch.. but I think it's Deathsaurus
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Note I've never read idw, I've just seen him around.
The colors kind of match, not to mention the already present resemblance to Onyx in the Comics.
This is just a dumb theory, but I liked the idea of it.
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