#so. yes. i haven’t gotten any writing done orz
lazy-safetastic-13 · 8 years
Pairing: Fellcest
Words: 1, 789
Happy Valentine’s Day guys. I saw so much fellcest on my dashboard. Oh glorious day. Yes please. 
Though I didn’t really intend to write anything for the occasion. orz 
I was planning on writing a kustard, spicycinaroll and fellcest, but the laziness got the better of me. So at least I managed to finish one. :3 Was about to give up altogether. QwQ
Late but I made it. Woohoo~!
Sans wasn’t expecting much, and especially not on Valentine’s Day—a stupid and sickeningly cheesy occasion.
… Plus, it wasn’t as if his brother was one to celebrate the occasion, so he really didn’t expect the day to go by any different.
Slowly getting up, he headed downstairs to the kitchen. Rubbing the sleepiness from his eye sockets, he turned a corne—
“Sans, you’re finally awake.”
The small skeleton looked at his brother with confusion and surprise. Doesn’t he have work? “Boss?”
Sans took a seat, and almost immediately, a plate of spicy chicken and sweet potato noddle stir fry was placed in front of him. His eye sockets widened; eye lights dilating. It was his favourite.
“Wha—B-Boss?” He didn’t expect for Papyrus to know of it; a rare delicacy back in their hometown that he was fortunate enough to have a taste of at the time, but he never could have it again, and mustard had been a poor substitute. But his brother had been baby bones at the time, so there was no way he could have known.
Papyrus smirked at his brother, pleased and proud of himself. “Is something wrong, Sans?”
“Oh-uh, no. Not ... really?” He looked back to the dish, finding himself almost drooling from the aroma. And his brother was quite the cook. With eager anticipation, he grabbed his fork, and began to dig in.
Words could not describe how delicious it was; amazing enough that it brought him to literal tears. He didn’t think he’d get to eat it again.
“S-Sans?!” Papyrus was worried that he might of screwed up in his cooking, but his brother shook his head, finishing a mouthful before speaking.
“It’s s-so good, Paps. Really good. T-Thank you for cooking this for me.”
Papyrus sat on the seat across his brother, a smile adorning his features. “You’re welcome, Sans.” He watched his older brother devour it with enthusiasm and joy, and the tall skeleton found his soul warming at the thought of being the one to bring such happiness to Sans.
It’s been quite some time since he felt like he did something right. Well, other than having been honest with his feelings and confessed to his brother, that is. Their relationship had been tense at first, both lost on what exactly they should be doing.
But the surface had done wonders for Papyrus’ nature, becoming more patient and relaxed; more at ease now that they didn’t have to necessarily be wary of people trying to dust them all the time. Though he was still on guard when they go out, you can never be too careful and he wouldn’t want to be caught off-guard when the situation called for it.
Sans, on the other hand, wasn’t so receptive. Always wary, and twitchy; never relaxed unless he was at home.
Papyrus hadn’t pushed the topic, but he wanted to help in some way.
“So, uh, Boss?” Practically would’ve licked his plate clean if his brother wasn’t looking.
Papyrus had wanted to tell Sans to stop calling him that obnoxious nickname, but the small skeleton had told him that calling him ‘Boss’ made him feel secure, that at least there was something that hasn’t changed. After hearing that, Papyrus didn’t have the heart to stop Sans, and had eventually gotten used to the name, much to his dismay.
“Shouldn’t you be, uh, at work? Or something?”
“I have been dismissed to relax for the day. Undyne would be sure to call me if something were to come up however.” This was a lie since he requested for the day off a week beforehand. Though Sans didn’t need to know that. 
“Do, um, do you want to hang out with me? … Or something.” Since it’s Valentine’s Day and all, he didn’t say.
“What do you have in mind?”
Sans didn’t have anything planned because this was all on a whim. He needed to now though, not wanting to waste his brother’s time. He recalled something Alphys gushed about going to. A festival of sorts? “T-There’s a carnival at the Main Street. It’s going to be there for a couple of days, but maybe we could check it out?”
"Hmm, I suppose we could. Go get ready then. I’ll clean up here.”
It didn’t take long, and the two were walking side by side to the fair.
It was halfway through the trip that Sans wondered if it counted as a date. And he also remembered that he never got to ask how Papyrus knew of his favourite dish. Next time he would. 
The small skeleton was startled when something latched onto his hand, finding long phalanges intertwining with his shorter ones.
Holy shit, Sans didn’t know what to do. It was all too new to him. So he gripped tight as he looked away, a red tint colouring his cheek bones. He hoped he was doing this right.
They didn’t exchange a single word on the way. Sans tried to say anything to break the silence, but found himself not having a good topic to talk about in particular. Weather talk would just make the awkwardness worse.
Once they reached the entrance of the carnival, Sans inwardly sighed in relief while berating himself at the same time. Good going you idiot. What a conversationalist you are. You can joke around with others, but you can’t even talk to your boyfriend? Pathetic.
“Huh?” The skeleton didn’t realize that they had made it inside, and that Papyrus had already paid for their tickets. “S-Sorry. I—”
He was cut short when skeleton dragged him to a bench to sit and left after being told that he was going to get them drinks.
Sans sighed when his brother left. Good job, Sans. Now you made Papyrus worry. What’s next in this date of yours? It wouldn’t be a surprise if things just go downhill and Papyrus ends their relationship altogether.
Just then, he was suddenly approached by a couple of canine monsters. There were three of them, and Sans found himself tensing and wary being surrounded; reminding him of the past.
“Hey, you alone? Want to come and hang with us? We promised we’ll show you a good time.” One of them had the gall to smirk, as if he was some big shot.
Sans almost scoffed, but he held himself back. It wouldn’t do to start something. It was better to look like the victim instead of the offender. But if the fucker does try something, he can’t be held responsible for busting the guy’s face.
So he pretended to look meek. “No thanks. I’m waiting for someone.”
“Oh, are you on a date?”
“Ain’t that cute? You sure your date hadn’t ditched you or anything?”
Sans gritted his teeth. They sure know how to grate on his nerves. “Can you just leave?”
“Hey, now. No need to be like that. Come on. Don’t be so stiff, let’s have some fun.”
Just as one of them was about to grab for Sans, a gloved hand caught the canine’s arm. “I believe my date told you to leave him.” Magic flaring at his eye sockets, Papyrus glared at them, making sure to exude an intimidating aura.
“H-H-Hey man, no problem.”
“S-Sorry for the trouble.”
“W-W-We were just about to leave. Have a good day!” They practically ran for their lives, and Papyrus huffed.
“Are you all right, Sans?” He handed a drink to his older brother, hoping it would calm him down.
“Yeah. I’m fine, Boss.” Gladly accepting the beverage and taking several sips, Sans sighed once more. He let out a pathetic chuckle, “Some date this is turning out to be. Sorry, bro. I’m not really good at this.”
Papyrus sat beside him. “… Me too … I don’t know if what I’m doing is making you happy, I don’t know if I’m doing anything right.”
Sans sputtered, unable to believe his brother had felt this way. “What? You’re amazing, Boss! It’s me who’s fucking up over here. It’s me who should be wondering if I’m making you happy at all.”
“I haven’t done anything worth making you stay with me. A grumpy, tense, angry, and insecure fuckup that I am. I don’t deserve you, and sure as heck don’t deserve this kind of happiness.” Sans felt that he was making it worse by crying, and he did his best to wipe them away.
“Sans,” Papyrus stood to be in front of him and leaned down and embrace his lover. “I don’t know if any words of encouragement say will stay with you, how you deserve to be happy, deserve better, and even deserving a monster better than me.”
“But one step at a time. Okay?” He moved back to look at Sans in the eyes. “We don’t know what we’re doing, but we can figure it out together. I may not deserve you, but I’m going to work hard to make sure that I do, because I’m not going to leave you any time soon.”
Reduced to slight sniffling, Sans slowly nodded. “Baby steps … Yeah, I-I can do that.” He laughed right after. “Stars, I embarrassed myself.”
“Who gives a fuck.” Papyrus raised a brow ridge as he straightened. “It’s something we’ll need to talk about eventually.”
“Heh, I guess.”
“Now, there’s still a lot of time before the day ends. Why don’t we have some fun while we’re here.”
Sans laughed freely, feeling the weight lifted from his shoulders. Then he smirked, “You think I’m going to let you beat me in carnival game stands?”
“Hah! I know I can.”
“You seem to forget your place, little brother.”
Papyrus crossed his arms; a wide grin matched his lover’s. “Like I’m one to run away from a challenge. If I win, you will not only do the chores, but you will also pick up your socks.”
“Challenge fucking accepted!”
It was a fresh start to a better future.
“Oh, and Sans?” The two were walking around to find a good game stall to start their rivalry.
“I want you to close your eyes?”
“If you wanted to kiss, you could’ve just done it you know.” Sans grinned but followed the request nonetheless. As expected, his mouth met the other’s, but something wrapped around his neck.
When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to a find that it was a necklace—a necklace with a ring knotted so that it stayed in the center. Lifting it up, he could see the small engraved words in the ring, ‘We will go together’.
“Together, huh.” Tears were starting to come out again, but he wiped it quickly. Enough with the water works.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Sans.”
“… Thanks, Paps.” This time, Sans reached out to intertwine his hand with his Papyrus’.
And the two moved forward—together.
Hnnnngghhhh.... Idk man. I was planning on making it nsfw, but ugh. Too lazy. 
And SO rusty in the romance section. 
I can’t--*Spills blood* 
Thank you for reading m(__ __)m
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