#so...here it is! ive only half-looked it over today hope there's no typos
tannithvibes · 4 years
Fiona/Maya Headcanon Post
my first HC post for miona disappeared so i had to remake this >:/ but now its split into this (reasons Why i like them together) and a part 2 i'll post later which is just the fluffy stuff from before
• On Fiona's side, the attraction is purely physical at first. She takes one look at Maya and feels like a rugs been yanked out from under her feet, she's dangerous and beautiful (maybe not so immediately intimidating as Athena, but there's no doubting from a glance that Maya is deadly)
• Which is p much Fiona's biggest kryptonite really. She's a con artist who can fill any role needed for job with the snap of her fingers, but put her in front of a pretty woman who could kick her ass and suddenly she's just Fiona again
• Which is like...kinda refreshing for Maya. She's bored to death of everyone's first and only impression of her being "Oh a Siren", whereas Fiona's thought process (which was undoubtedly written all over her face) went more like 1. TALL 2. Ripped, like absolutely shredded oh shit 3. Those are neat tatt- 4. Hey Wait A Sec
• Maya, on the other hand, looked at Fiona and saw someone with an interesting story to tell. She just knew instinctively that this was someone she'd love to sit and talk to over drinks for hours
• and I mean yeah, there was physical attraction too, how can anyone look at Fiona and not go heart eyes?
• I think Maya was always going to need someone who could keep up with her, being a Siren and being a Vault Hunter are two very Big things in Borderlands
• and Fiona needed someone who was bigger than her, more thematically imposing than just a con artist. She didn't like the relationships she was in where she was the only Interesting one
• Plus Vault Hunting just really got into her veins after the traveller, so sort-of dating sort-of being taught by Maya just really made sense
• They also fit together perfectly in the sense that Maya tends to always be the level-headed one of whatever group she's working with, while Fiona is...well, the wildcard (she's smart, but fuck if she doesnt make bad decisions on a whim and need someone to drag her ass back to safety)
• Fiona tries so hard to be the cool one and impress Maya whenever they're out on a job, but no Maya is the badass and Fi is just the dork whose head-over-heels for her
• They also help each other in the sense that they're kind of opposite ends of the "orphan" spectrum too
• Maya was raised by the Brotherhood and absolutely has a lot of PTSD from that upbringing. She goes to Pandora to learn about who she is as a Siren, but has nothing and no one left that she can call family (before the events of bl2 that is)
• Whereas Fiona always had Sasha, and then had Felix for a good while. She was lucky enough to have something to hold onto even into her adulthood while still struggling w the whole raising herself and her sister thing
• It's something they can relate to within each other and help in their different stages of recovery, while also showing that neither upbringing is the sole Reason they became the people they are (Maya arguably had the worse childhood and ended up a hero, while Fiona had a luckier one and ended up a criminal). they just have a whole lot of baggage and it helps to have a partner who understands that
• Also if you ship them, then they get to go on double dates with Zer0/Rhys
• Also also Ava is like...a Very good mix of the two of them which means they can work together to parent their troublesome adopted daughter
• but that is like a Whole Other hc post I could go on and on about
tldr: Maya and Fiona make great parallels for one another and are in love that is all
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seokmins-thighs · 7 years
[scenario] all of the while, i never knew (coffee shop!au pt. v)
Pairing: reader x Mingyu; wonwoo and jihoon are still here! :D
Genre: coffee shop!au, garbage fluff
Word Count: 3090w
Warning(s): germy mingyu
pt. i  |  pt. ii  |  pt. iii | pt. iv | masterlist
desc: continuation of coffee shop!au; it all started with you giving mingyu different names for your orders.
a/n: something keeps popping up for me to revive this scenario. a title to this part because why not
Slushes of snow, rain, and wind aren't so friendly to your immune system and more times than not, you open textbooks at your bedside and turn on the lamplight once moon greets you. It's better than heading off to the coffee shop and coughing into fists and at eraser shavings, plucking more tissues from the center of the table than actually picking up your mug of coffee. It's probably the safest way to make sure no one else get sick.
When you tell this to Mingyu over the phone, that you'll stay home to study instead of driving down to the coffee shop, you hear the bitter smile in his voice when he assures you that, "It's okay, but hopefully you'll get better soon, so I can see you at the shop."
When you try to sleep that night, a kick in your heart does nothing to fan off the burn in your cheeks.
The next morning, minutes into walking out of class, another set of steps start to sync up with your own. You glance up after the cloudy glare of sunlight and catch a hand grab for your textbook. Mingyu plops your book over the stack of his, flattening the apron folded at the top, and the lift of weight eases your arms.
"Feeling a bit better?" he asks as he opens up the cover of your textbook to lines of sticky notes, flashes of tabs, strikethroughs and underlines at every other date and term.
You shake your head just as an itch rises in your throat, forces out a cough to answer him. "Not really." With your nose clogged, you mumble about wanting to stay in bed today, but missing a lecture would step your grade down a letter. And when you say that out loud, Mingyu shakes his head, "That's a little extreme." You sigh about heading to the coffee shop to see him, your friends, his friends, but then dismissing it right away because you're the only one among your classes and friends who coughs through lectures and steps outside to blow into tissues.
"You're not the only one," Mingyu confesses, and it almost convinces you to go today. "Customers come in and cough into their hand before taking the drink I made. He sticks his tongue out in disgust, a scowl taking place of the faint smile that was there a second ago. You can't help but laugh--albeit, with a rough spell of coughs in between--at his misery. "I know it was unintentional, but it was just nasty."
At your car, you still urge him that it's better minimize the spread of germs, and the chatter punctuated with coffee machines, clinks of glass, bells of the door won't help your ears, anyway. He nods, understands. "Just text me when you need anything, okay?"
A few hours later, into your second nap between homework, your phone vibrates across the table.
Mingyu: Remember to take your medicine and drink lots of water
You tell him that you will, but it doesn't seem to convince him.
Mingyu: You better. But really if you do need anything, tell me
A string of knocks makes its way across the room and through your layers of blankets. After pulling the sheets away to see the door, your roommate swings the door open with a glass of water and an orange pill bottle in hand. Something in your face might have registered the words "How did you read my messages without looking at my phone?" better than out of your mouth.
"Your boyfriend texted me and wanted to be sure, so here."
A week later, coughs never make their way to your fist and you resort only to silent sniffs between a few sentences. Your naps between homework hours and textbook pages are cut in half to maybe only once a day when you feel a little burned out after lectures.
Today, you step into your car with the destination finally not being the university or home. Instead, you drive through rain and sleet to warmth and strings of mocha, green tea, sometimes caramel if customers are feeling a pinch sweeter today. The pale blue box in the passenger's seat ties off with a white ribbon, and inside holds a jacket you hope warms Mingyu up better than that thin beanie he deems an acceptable form of a head heater.
Guilt takes over through the single jacket because you know that it isn't enough to repay for all Mingyu has done for you, but it's a start. It's a warm start to the cold corner of winter before a leap into spring.
The bell's first ring above the door is cut off at Wonwoo's voice announcing louder than he would for calling out finished drinks Mingyu brewed, "Mingyu, y/n is here."
You look around for any scarred customers and only find a few of them dashing for that calm of post-morning rush. Ten in the morning seems like an ideal time to visit. Some clangs of metal and a hard cough later, the back door opens slightly. You catch Mingyu's eye through the small slit and you wave. His eyes widens, almost like his eyelashes throw the door open.
A couple of stumbles from behind the counter and to you is all it takes for him to regain his balance and stand up straight. If there are more customers here, if you actually decided to drop by a couple of hours ago, Mingyu would definitely have ran over a customer or two. Maybe three if there is a child.
"What are you doing here, y/n?" he asks, flattening his apron with the palms of his hands. Occasional white streaks absorb into his fingertips and he smears an entire blob of syrup off the torso of the fabric.
Without a word, you hand him the box and you know he's trying to control the smile from his face the second the cardboard is in his palms. From the flatline of his smile jumping back to life, lips parting and closing, flustered and hesitating. His eyes blink quickly as he glances from you to the box to his hands to his apron.
"Thank you," is a whisper before commenting that you look so much better, healthier, mumbles a third word indecipherable to your ears, before asking you what you would like to drink to start your day.
Study sessions and cupcake taste-testing with your friends resume under low lights of the shop. Sometimes, Mingyu drops a couple of extra drinks to try and Wonwoo elbows him when he returns behind the front counter.
One of your friend begs Mingyu to tell him the recipe for this one drink he tried, "I never had something like it before, just tell me what it is before I commit murder."
Mingyu smiles, doesn't say a word besides "Tell me what else you think of it," and leaves your friend plotting death with an old Minnie Mouse pencil he found in a lab.
The irony of the universe is that when someone tells you to do something, you do the exact opposite. The irony of Mingyu is that he messages you to not wait for him after class and assures you to not worry about him. You ask him Why? What's wrong? because he never tells you to not wait for him, never tells you to not worry about him.
But the irony you is that you are sure that worrying about him means you tuck your feelings for Mingyu somewhere and you convince yourself that don't have feelings for him. So you follow the irony of the universe, of Mingyu, despite what your brain tells you to do.
When you discover Wonwoo and Jihoon manning the front with two other strangers, you ask them what happened to Mingyu. Wonwoo shrugs as he fixes someone's drink, pumps so much syrup into the cup that you feel the energy draining from his eyes watching the glass bottle empty before him. "Mingyu's just sick. It's better if he doesn't cough into drinks, right?"
"Yeah, I guess so," is another irony of you when you still hoped he would still be here, even when weeks ago you wouldn't even step inside when you coughed, blew your nose, and sneezed around the clock.
Communication doesn't reach both ends; it leaves messages asking how Mingyu is doing and throwing his own words back at him: if he needs something, don't hesitate to ask you.
But after a few days without a reply, besides one that you believe should say I'll be fine if it isn’t for bashes of typos, worry freezes you anxious. It smothers you when Wonwoo says that he hasn't let Mingyu into the shop for a week.
Y/n: Can i come over?
Mingyu: WAIT NO
Mingyu: Give me like...20 minutes pls
Y/n: Why?
Mingyu: I need to throw away the trash
Y/n: ???? because why does it take twenty minutes?
And as if he read your mind, Mingyu: I also need to clean my room
You head back after visiting the coffee shop, wave goodbye to Jihoon and Wonwoo. On the way to the grocery store, you call your father to ask him about that one thing that he always made whenever fevers, coughs, runny noses downs you.
"You don't sound sick," he scoffs.
"It's for a friend," you tiptoe your way with the word "friend" and around the usual question of Are you dating this friend?
But the question that crosses miles away has your foot nearly slamming the breaks in the middle of the intersection. "Is it that one guy?" rips a pounding right at your heart and you ask how does he know about this one guy. "Your friends are great at tagging you in pictures you don't take.
He lists off ingredients as you walk around the store, basket bouncing from your leg. When you head home and roll your sleeves up, wash your hands and pull out a pot and ladle, cutting board and knives, he reads off directions like a manual, yet punches in some modifications. You hope that beef and vegetable porridge will help Mingyu and spoon it out into a couple of thermos, one for Mingyu and one for Wonwoo. After brewing some green tea--because your dad says it will help a lot and you should be drinking some, too--you put everything into a bag.
Mingyu greets you with flat hair at the back of his head and a blanket draped around his shoulders. His eyes drown in light pink, but the tip of his nose drowns in a deeper shade. From the ten seconds after opening the door, he sniffs at least twice and coughed once.
"You should have told me you were sick," you tell him as you walk in and toe off your shoes.
"I was going to," is deep and troubled from the pit of his throat.
You can't be mad at him, so you plant the palms of your hands on his back and push him to the general direction of his room, promise him that you'll bring him food that you made before coming here. You shuffle to the table and set the bag down, pull everything out and ask yourself where the bowls and mugs are. After a quiet reply of "the cabinet behind you," you thank him before shooing him off to bed. But he doesn't budge a step; he lingers in the hallway and keeps his eyes on you, languid grin teetering on his face.
Your eyes glance up to him again as you start to pour some porridge into the bowls. "What?" before letting another drop fall onto porcelain.
The shake of his head is barely a tilt and he blinks slowly, softly. "Nothing," before waddling back to his room with a couple of stumbles at his steps.
After he downs the porridge and you wash the dishes, he lies back down in bed and asks if you can stay, "at least until I fall asleep."
You sit at the edge of his bed when you tell him, "Of course I will." Conversations jump from classes, the shop, to your friends, and it takes more than a thousand words for you to notice your hip pressing into his. When he tries to sit up in a snap to grab something, you slip a palm on his chest, pat the spot right over his heartbeat, and assure him to not strain himself. You don't realize the gesture until he places his hand over yours and on his chest.
"What were you getting, anyway?" after a loose squeeze of his hand.
"I took your pad of sticky notes once and I just remembered," is quieter against a breathy chuckle.
You shake your head, admit that he should keep it because you have stacks of them at home. Mingyu's eyes don't reflect glints at the corners and you start to miss them, until your mind treads around the topic of your friends. "You know, our friends think we're dating."
His eyes flutter shut and he grins. You wonder what that grin is supposed to mean, but you don't push him because it's the best thing he can muster while he's sick, while he's under medication.
It doesn't take long after to send him to sleep. The reply of snores after asking about his engineering professor doesn't indicate a whole lot. You pull his blanket up to his shoulders and when you try to get up, you forget about his hand still in yours.
You uncurl his fingers from yours one by one as the squeak of the front door damages the silence. When you step out and close the door, you tell Wonwoo that you'll be heading home and that the thermos in the fridge is for him.
A sigh of relief passes between the two of you and he smiles, offers a calming thank you before telling you to drive safely.
You resort to studying at your apartment nowadays, especially after your friends bug you that "You're so sad at the coffee shop now that Mingyu isn't there. Plus it's raining hard."
Wonwoo's number flashes on your phone hours after the third time you hear those words, and tells you that he'll be taking Mingyu to the doctor after finding him "wheezing since the morning, and he doesn't seem to get any better."
As much as you want to accompany them to the appointment, you don't know if you can handle Mingyu looking worse. You hear Mingyu at the other side of the bed asking if Wonwoo is talking to you, voice raspy and needing to take a breath in between every few words.
"Yeah, I told y/n that you'll get checked by the doctor."
Just a weak "Oh" from him hurts you a little. But little words can hurt a lot. Especially if that's all you hear and you expected him to ask you to come along. But Wonwoo assures you that he'll tell you what the doctor says when they come back.
"Hopefully it's nothing too bad," barely makes it to the receiver.
Focusing on studying finishes too quickly and it ends up as dragging to the kitchen and searching through every cabinet, though your stomach isn't even asking for it.
Wonwoo calls you again an hour later and says that Mingyu has some kind of inflammation, and after shuffling of papers, "But it should be gone in around two weeks." You thank him for informing you, but he adds on, "If he doesn't get better by then, you're taking him to the doctor."
The next couple of weeks, you and Mingyu resort to short messages because you're not sure how much he can do, besides stressing himself out with studying he stays up for and catches up to. You don't visit him after he emphasizes the possibility of scarring you to see him in this state and "so that's what Wonwoo is here for." You respect his decision, but you really do miss him.
Coffee shop study sessions are less frequent as your friends decided one day to come over to study at your apartment. Your roommate doesn't mind one bit, just spits hushed concerns about all the studying you do. But you justify it, explain that you think Mingyu would feel bad knowing if you weren't studying for or passing your classes because of him.
Snow simmers down to sprinkles of precipitation and during that time, Wonwoo messages you to come over to their apartment. In the middle of revising some lecture notes in the weekend, you reply to him that you'll be there in a bit. You're not sure what to expect or what to bring, so you hold another thermos of green tea before making your drive to his apartment.
You knock on the door and Mingyu's hair fixes its bangs over his eyes and his face brightens in its usual welcoming tan, with no pink at his nose or ears. He beams at you and takes your hand in his, pulls you inside and tells you that he feel so much better.
"Yeah, it looks like it," you agree and nothing can slap the smile off your face. He takes the thermos from the crook of your elbow and cups it in his, bending down to fix your shoes on the rack once he secures a hold.
"Where's Wonwoo?" you ask when you both reach the kitchen. "He was the one who texted me to come."
"He's in the shop, covering for Jihoon." He waves his hands at your furrowed eyebrows. "Jihoon isn't sick; he just has an essay he didn't start on." But the topic brushes past both of you like dust as he places the tea down and smiles, jumps a bit on his bare feet since "the last time you saw me, I was so sick and gross, but you still stayed when I asked and-"
The words bubble up too much and tip too far that he pulls your face in his hands and it takes a long moment to register the warm of his palms and his lips on yours.
You question yourself if it really happened, if the pounding at your chest isn't for no reason, if Mingyu's face is really just mere centimeters from yours this time. His hands linger solid and heating on your cheeks as he whispers a, "Thank you" that ghosts over your lips.
a/n 2: i guess...this is really the end to this +1 year long scenario? bc 1) it's not even a coffee shop!au anymore, 2) i haven't been writing scenarios lately and 3) gOSH MInGYu ISN'T MY BIAS. looking back, i think my writing really developed outside of scenarios.
anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this and to those who read from beginning to end (especially when i started this scenario), like mingyu, thank you for staying.
renaming it now that i finished it bc the title has been bothering me for months
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This bouta be one long ass typo filled vent.
First and and foremost I just added HELLA people specifically People from my African diaspora on this. I’ve had it since high school so 2010 I’m in University now . nice to meet you all 🤷🏿‍♀️✊🏿😝 my name is Ro . I’m super open to conversation questions whatever.
I added mad people because I organize ,politically im no pro or anything,I don’t even know what I’m doing 1/2 the time I just do what’s in my heart and he’ll I guess every small step I make makes a difference.
I’m currently in the process of getting a sexual assault resource center built in Isla Vista California which is an unincorporated area behind the University of California Santa Barbara ...I want all contractors to be from marganilized backgrounds and ultimately I’m gonna have this project be a community collective.itll be a long term project and it’s currently in the beginning stages and the meetings are going well but given I attend a PWI I’d like outside support and more energy from my people to continuously push for this to be created . Scrolling my page you’ll kinda see the shit I’ve been dealing with and where this comes from. However I’m currently slowing down THIS video BELOW ...making it onger and more detailed
But editing is depressing triggering and frustrating and I’m on some Kevin gates Aint shit gone make me sad today type stuff so it’s not going well. I currently just need to add audio to the lengthened version and I’ll be fine to share it.. But audio means watching it and choosing a song and perfect timing so yeah...I hate reliving the stuff .but eh I hope you like the video I’ll post the update ASAP . I actually move out of CA soon APRIL so it’ll be before I leave to embark on this random traveling experience I have planned 👌🏿🙆🏿‍♀️
My main goal socially is to be as real and open as possible up until around May 2017 I was mad timid to speak up but once the shit happened it just did .
(I was drugged and raped by someone who knew me and was invited over and nah he wasn’t white he was in our diaspora. Despite being on video drugging me ,admitting I wasn’t conscious during his acts and all this other sick shit that is in the video posted as well as the slowed down version...Santa Barbara did not TOUCH THIS SICK FUCK . Specifically he lived on the same street as the foot patrol and they never even went to question him . Never went over evidence so never caught the drugging I had to analyze my own evidence see my drugging send it in turn in all physical evidence myself because she never went to the crime scene and some more dumb shot . He’s on surveillance pushing me into my house because I can’t move and he’s also on surveillance attempting to touch me and I fight back . He admits I bit him in resistance and bleh I’m getting trigger ...well look they had all of this PLUS WAY MORE evidence and nothing 🤷🏿‍♀️ .. the gag is until I had a sit in months after my rape we FINALLY got a sexual assault detective on Isla Vista ..THIS MEANS WE NEVER HAD ONE THEREFORE THE PERSON WHO WAS ON MY CASE WAS NOT A DETECTIVE TRAINED IN SEXUAL ASSAULTS. That’s why he did shit ass backwards and didn’t get evidence or blah blah . He did a pretext for a confession and still didn’t make an arrest or attempt to question this rapist . So I had to go public . 😒
The system did me even grimier and in addition so did the African men I spent a lot of my time around before this incident who just happened to be the idiot rapists housemates . The story is actually pretty sick.
Like niggas was like” we weren’t really friends like that “ “you just met is” and some more shit ,but drove or rode in my car got they hair done by me niggas cooked together went wherever niggas dead ass all ran together the only difference was I’m a female and I was the one who was drugged and raped . Lol I knew that house a good 5 months . And when you serving 4 years in college that’s a long time especially when y’all all seeing one another tops 5 days a week . But it’s cool lol I swear that shit happened and fucked my mind up for a while . Until I got over the fact that Im a protector , I’m used to protecting people . Even after being raped I tried to protect this individual from the system but seeing myself be drugged in my house as someone sickly plots and has all the sickest reasons as to why ..
I had Inglewood out there and we ain’t lay a finger on ANYONE and EVERYONE WAS HOME and available but I wasn’t trying to see anything happen .protector ...some call it dumb ... but honestly any reaction that would’ve deviated from what I did up to now would chance my current circumstance ...and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t fine RN. 🤷🏿‍♀️ ptsd depression here and there but honestly IVE BEEN KICKINGASS , saving and changing lives as well as I don’t have any fuck people around me . It’s so easy for me to cut people off now and keep people I feel ANY KINDOF way about away from me ...and I’m more open basically I PROTECT ME MORE AND ...that’s what’s great for me ...so I needed it all to get where I am so eh.
A: I don’t forgive or have any care for the person who drugged and raped me . That’s the only place I didn’t grow . People say I should work on that ...I literally have dreams of killing him though so eh🤷🏿‍♀️ it’s the whole premeditated buying a drug putting it in a drink and handing it to me at the specific time I was distracted and the entire plot really . Walking me in public drugged to make you seem like a saviors and saying you noticed it hit 😒 staying after raping me , like moving my body from a living room to my room like dragging me or whatever the fuck you dieting afterward and only moving after I post the video publicly like you really wanted to live your life regular as a rapist after attempting to ruin mine . In all honesty as you said your first thought was you thought the drug was going to alter my feeling for you and make me like you ..it only knocked me unconscious and inhabited my brain from having any memory and you stilllllll decided to be sick . .
-the best thing for me is I have no memory of being raped , I don’t even have a memory of me leaving the house only waking up and asking all the questions I had getting the answers I needed and reporting so that’s why I’m so open about it ....it hits a sensitive spot as far as anger and disgust but I would literally be dead if I was conscious or aware of the encounter .
Alll of that I added in the end it was the vent I guess .)
and yeah . Whatever so socially I’m tryna educate Africans not to feel obligated to be a savior but to look out when shit like this happens. Because not reacting not doing anything and really any thing else
I never asked anyone to pick sides , never asked anyone for help. But acting like you ain’t know someone you seen on a daily and being fearful or whatever it’s not and never was that deep. I don’t see how anyone has a mother and can let or be aiight with shit like this happeneing and not be proactive .
But I’m alive you’ll see from my blog that worse shit has happened since then and even before . so I focus my pain elsewhere and my energy into activism and advocacy. Shit no one handed to me when I needed t most ✊🏿☝🏿
Here’s my story
It’s also more stories about whatever white people wanna say about me in Santa Barbara newspapers and my case and what I’m doing , but this is the one I approve of because it was written in the Burning spear and this is such a monumental and important news paper in our community so yeah.✊🏿❤️ I really love US.
Periodically I post videos call campaigns calls to join political organizations (that are grassroot orgs and funded by our people) and yeah that’s basically my public professional appeal. I use a lot of profanity idk why but yeah I curse like a sailor I was introduced to grown folk conversations at a young age cursing was apart of my male dominated upbringing so 🤷🏿‍♀️ shiiiit I just curse a lot from time to time .
I’m a member of the African National Women’s org. Or ANWO and we’re an organization that was created by request less than half a decade ago to bring African women into the political atmosphere. Our one goal is FREEDOM . UHURU to any comrades or future comrades reading this , I hope in your daily struggles you see the symptoms of colonialism and mobilize to dismantle this colonial system .
I have NOT AND DONT PLAN on watching black panther . It’s not apart of my agenda rn but If my job requires me to take my residents to the movies it’ll probably happen ...I’ll get to the job stuff later. . Basically from my current understanding the villain in the film had “political views” similar to Malcolm or Huey or Marcus Garvey and it should be known by us ALL THAT THESE MEN WERE ONLY AEEN AS VILLIANS HISTORICALLY BY WHITE SUPREMACIST AND COLONIZERS AS WELL AS THOSE COLONIZED PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO RESIST ...so I’m not spending a dry penny or sitting in a theatre to watch some bull shit . Wakanda must fall dear . THERE is no freedom in a colonial system and we can’t move with our colonizers PERIOD. We have been tricked throughout history into being complacent and waiting on an European created GOD to come save us and give us our Paradise in death. Therefore we accept what we shouldn’t and given I’m not about to be apart of that complacent movement ...(ps I’m a religious studies major) I decide I’m going to struggle and win. Period ✊🏿
White folks need to pay reparations so yeah share this link also if you don’t mind
White solidarity with black power 💕
Some talks/events I’ve participated in or held
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