reginafauzia · 7 years
Welcome to the new cafe in town! Bilbao Brasserie with their most wanted raclette cheese ready to serve you. Feel it melt cheese in your mouth! let’s read the review about Bilbao Brasserie restaurant.
Have you ever heard Rocca and Co restaurant?
Pasti pada tau kan? Restoran yang ada di jalan progo sekarang berubah konsep, nama dan juga tempat menjadi Bilbao Brasserie yang ada di jalan citarum, menggantikan cafe The Hartwood. Bilbao Brasserie ini masih tergolong sangat baru nih sob, karena masih soft opening pada tanggal 2 Januari 2017 lalu.
Tempatnya nyaman, cocok untuk dinner dan lunch sama keluarga atau teman. Gak cuma dinner dan lunch sih, sobat gendut juga bisa breakfast disini karena ada menu khusus untuk breakfast. Mulai dari appatizer, salad, sandwich, snacks, pasta, grilled, mains, asian, dan dessert disana lengkap
Si gendut order 3 menu : Bilbao Raclette; Sirloin (200 g) with with mushroom sauce mashed potato, garden vegetables and extra special topping raclette cheese; and Escargot
Bilbao Raclette
This is a beef medallion(100g)  a baby potato, pickles, and fresh salad served with a raclette cheese topping
Sirloin (200g)
A 200g sirloin steak served with a mushroom sauce, garden vegetables, and mashed potato. i added an extra special topping raclette cheese(+65000)
a classic escargot french style persillade
And a glass of cola won’t hurt you :)
  Address: Jl. Cimanuk 12 Bandung
Price range : 32k – 249 k
Facillities: Electric socket and wifi
Open hours: During soft opening 3pm – 11 pm
Bilbao Brasserie Restaurant – Bandung Welcome to the new cafe in town! Bilbao Brasserie with their most wanted raclette cheese ready to serve you.
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