Journal Post 1
Hello all!  As part of my business with an emphasis on marketing course curriculum, I am taking a Social Media Marketing class this semester.  The class requires us to keep a blog tracking our insights and breakthroughs while taking this course.  Thanks for following along my journey to understanding consumers & marketing of today’s world! 
We have dipped our toes into the vast world of Social Media Marketing and all I know so far is that—I want to learn and understand more!  These last two weeks have opened my eyes and have helped me understand just how impactful and powerful social media marketing really is.  Something that really grabbed my attention during our class discussion is understanding that each person has their own individual network that they choose to create and be apart of (crazy to think that there are THAT many networks!).  I’ve learned new materials from lectures and our textbook including: social capital and the opportunities it brings, the categories of different social spheres, the 7 C’s of social media marketing and more.  
Today was day 1 of the brand watch and I really enjoyed the assignment.  I feel that it taught me actual real-world lessons that can be applied to a marketing position at a company.  The Brand Watch assignment helps to train your eyes and brain to understand what to look for.  I personally am very interested in consumer behavior and what types of content consumers are drawn to so I really enjoy this assignment and hopefully will gain some knowledge and skills from doing it every day this week. 
Overall, I’m very excited for this class and hope to learn a lot about social media marketing and how to better understand how to reach specific goals in managing a social media profile.  I am excited about this blog and being able to work on my writing + creative skills at the same time!
Till Next Week… Happy Marketing! Jenni
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