#soft spot series
cordeliawhohung · 6 months
Is spooks dad still alive? Or have they just lost contact with him over the years
unfortunately, yes! it's always the worst people who end up with long, fulfilling lives. though, they've definitely not spoken in many years, for obvious reasons. i don't want to say too much about it though because i plan on exploring some of this in a future update (:
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
there's something so special about reading a story and feeling like you've been forever changed because of it, and that's exactly what soft spot is for me. it's such a beautifully written story, and i'm actually crying because i just read the latest chapter because it feels like i'm being broken in order to be made different, but in a good way and i know that's a weird way to talk about writing but i genuinely love soft spot to bits and pieces and i'm forever grateful for being able to read it. so thank you ♡
AHH <3 thank you so much i'm-???
and no i don't think that's weird at all! all art forms have an odd way of invoking feelings and i still think it's so crazy some people think this about my writing like that's just so fucking insane to me? but especially the being broken part! it fits well cuz spook was literally shattered and had to learn how to make a new version of herself with the pieces that were left. and maybe, in a way, we all did too.
thank you so so much for this though ): i'm forever honored to be able to create something people can enjoy, and thank you for taking time out of your day to spend on my silly story <3
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
Just letting you know that as a person with PTSD, you represented it wonderfully. The pain, trying to drown it out with work until it builds and builds and you break. The trauma responses and not understanding why you think you're still in that moment. Why does the smell of black coffee send me spiraling into a panic attack? Well, for the same reason footsteps makes Spooky on edge.
You almost made me cry with the breakdown scene, it was wonderfully written.
awe hun ): i'm sending you all of my love <3
writing this scene and getting it right was super crucial for me. i think it's super easy to write trauma the way it's shown in shows and movies with the literal flashes of the scene happening, but i think people misunderstand that it's so, so much more complex than that. there's so much anger, so much shame that follows behind everything; it's so much more than being just scared. losing control of your responses, your emotions to things is so dehumanizing and frustrating - it makes you feel less than a person. and i tried my hardest to get all that down into words (and it was a fucking pain in the ass i'll tell you that much lmao)
and gosh, the breakdown scene. i have not been very secretive about the fact that this fic is purely a way for me to cope with my own trauma lmfao, and writing that part was so cathartic. it's everything i wish i could scream. just spook feeling ashamed of being alive, of wishing she had been hurt more because maybe then her emotions would make sense, just all of it! that was the part that was oddly enough the easiest for me to write lmao, but i still wanted to get it all correct. it needed to be, otherwise i feel like i was doing everyone a disservice.
thank you so much for telling me this - it's always crazy to know just how your work effects others, and i'm glad you felt comfortable enough to share a bit of your experience with us (:
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
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@sweetcherryblossomswrites tuxie is what Boo looks like in soft spot btw
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
today is the first day that i have not felt like trash!!! (knock on wood) i haven't been able to do much writing for a while but i'm finally at 4.3k words on soft spot (i think this is gonna be another 10k word long chapter...) so to celebrate enjoy a little peek!
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“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted, quickly glancing away from his work to look at you. 
“You two look busy,” you chuckled, tossing your bag onto the counter. 
“I’m busy,” Simon corrected before tossing a playful glare down at the poor cat by his feet. “He’s a menace.” 
Humming, you stood next to Simon and glanced at what he had on the stove. It was pretty common for you to come home from work with dinner already started, if not finished. Simon had become something of a chef since taking care of you, and he had some pasta boiling and some chicken frying. He had started eating a lot more protein and carbs since going back to the gym, attempting to gain back the strength he had lost while captured. 
“He’s just a baby,” you said, reaching a hand towards the hot pan. With careful fingers, you tore off a small bit of the chicken before blowing on it a little to cool it down. Boo had already stretched up to reach up your thigh by the time you had bent down to give it to him. After a few deep sniffs, he eagerly took it in his mouth and ran off. 
“Spoiled rotten, he is,” Simon mumbled.
(ok that's all for now bye <3)
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cordeliawhohung · 7 months
(Soft Spot - Everything You Touch Unedited Peek)
i feel a little like a failure with my writing lately but i'm at 4.6k words for the next part of soft spot now. how angry would you guys be if it hit close to 8k words because i think that's what we're working towards...
anyway, to make up for my... idk shit with writing lately, here's a(n unedited) peek into the next part for anyone who's interested.
Bitterly cold sand stung the palm of your hands as you looked away from that infuriating man. The ocean’s waves still crashed on the shore next to you, and you listened as the seagulls conversed on the rocks. Everything around you was perfect except that you were on the ground, knees in the sand, and Simon was not there to pick you up.
there's so many other bits i want to post but i'm forcing myself to save it for the actual release so enjoy for now i suppose
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cordeliawhohung · 8 months
a little road map for my soft spot series!!!
currently working on the next part. this is sort of going to be a filler (not really a filler? it's still important but it's like... setting up the next part if you will) that will lead us right into the next arch of the story. This arch is going to have several parts (how many? not sure yet) which will lead into ANOTHER arch that will also have several parts! (there is more planned after this as well but those are just rough ideas and not fully fleshed like these other ones...)
HOWEVER after i finish this current part I'm working on, I'll be taking a teeny tiny break from writing for this series. I'm terrified of getting burnt out. I don't want to put all of myself into it and leave nothing left to finish the series off with. I have other stories (for example, a hp series on wattpad that i've been neglecting) that i'm going to try and write a chapter or two for before diving back into our soft content (:
and when i say teeny tiny i mean it. like i just want to write another chapter for this other series and then i'll probably be back right after that because the brainrot is REAL
anyway that's all just a heads up and little road map and plans and me rambling that i figured i'd share with you guys (:
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
started writing the next part to soft spot today and accidentally wrote 2.3k words.
do i have a problem? certainly. i would give you all a glimpse but everything i've written so far i want to see everyone's organic reaction to because it's.... a lot but i'm so excited to write it. expect this to probably be the longest chapter i've written yet (:
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
made a little mood board for the next chapter for soft spot. was going to write, but i am so tired and distracted from work i cannot. so i made this to give me inspo.
consider this another teaser for soft spot i guess.
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found all of this on pinterest and just mashed it together
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
ok so
the next part of soft spot is... probably going to be a very long two part-er. i'm not sure if i'll write the two parts before posting them, or do what i've been doing and post the parts as they're finished, but if it takes longer to get an update out than it normally does, just... don't worry lmao.
i might post hints and sneak peeks here and there but we'll see (:
ALSO... should i start a tag list for some of my stuff or? i feel like that's a thing people do, right? anyway, ignore me, i'm rambling.
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
Soft spot part 5 when????
funny i should see this now. i'm working on it currently! hoping to get it out in a few hours, maybe.
here's a glimpse of it, just to hold you over for now (:
You made a move to leave, but Simon wouldn’t let you pull away. His arms stayed firmly wrapped around your waist. It wasn’t trapping or demanding, just lonely. His eyes drank you in. Not lustfully, but not like he was admiring your beauty, either. What was that in his eyes? Some hint of distance? A fogginess you couldn’t quite peer through.  “Everything alright?” you questioned softly.  Things were quiet between you for another beat as Simon couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from you. Eventually, he gave you a small nod as his hands slowly pulled away from you, fingertips lingering on your waist like he’d never get to touch you again.  “Yeah. Go get changed. You’ll freeze your arse off wearin’ that,” he said, earning him a playful eye roll from you.  “Shit, and here I was hoping to get a little frostbitten."
it was difficult trying to find a passage that wasn't super spoiler-y but take this, unedited version for now <3
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