#sokka has a few knots and matts but not enough to be uncomfortable
mesafox · 3 months
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im starting to really narrow down what i want for my angora breeding project- my end goal is to have rabbits which produce good fiber, are happy to live with other rabbits, good personality when dealing with people, confident around dogs and cats and eventually to breed them to be docile enough that i can keep intact males together without worries of fighting.
sokka (grey) is definitely not going to be bred as her fiber quality isnt great, i was waiting until she was two in hopes that it would get better but it has not lol, she is also very timid around people
Katara (cream) has really beautiful fiber and ive always been able to get usable fiber from her even when she was young, her personality leaves a bit to be desired as she is quite timid with people but i might breed her once or twice to see if the babies get her better qualities
thunder (dark grey, shaved) has a really wonderful personality with people and she’s wonderful with the other rabbits, im really hoping that the matting was purely neglect related and not because she has lower quality fiber because if so shes going to be a perfect rabbit for my project
my only hard no would be a rabbit which isnt able to interact positively with other rabbits in which case id spay her and sell her as an indoor/only rabbit as i dont think its ethical to keep rabbits outdoors if they are solo
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