pipabethh · 7 years
if Bianca never actually died au under the cut
on the quest in the titans curse she did die when she was crushed and Thanatos collected her to take her to the underworld, she died a heroic death so she got special treatment y’see. 
buuuttt because she was a child of Hades and she was young and had a lot of potential - and Thantos knew about Hades ambition for one of his children to be the child of the prophecy, Thantos was like ‘you know what I’m gonna give you a choice. Do you want to go to the underworld, be judged and end up in a mansion in elysium for the rest of your days or do you want another shot at life before you gotta go to rest?’ and Bianca being Bianca chooses life. She wants to make the best she can of it, do more heroic deeds and she wants to find out more about being a demigod and who her father is, what happened to her mother etc. 
When she's deposited back on earth, she's heavily injured but alive and Thantos makes sure she's somewhere where people can help her. Because she died she's not technically a huntress anymore but they take care of her and nurse her back to health which takes a looonnngggg time since she was in a bad state. The physio to allow her just to move, then to walk, then run, then fight again takes years as a lot of her bones were super badly broken and then they train her to fight properly because she wants to travel to find the information she wants about her family, her past and she wants to find Nico.
Eventually she's skilled enough to set out on her own and her first destination, Camp Half Blood. She hasn't had any contact with anyone but the select band of hunters who cared for her due to a) the no phones thing and b) Artemis judged it as a strange situation and bade that not all the hunters were to know she was alive lest they want to see her and slow her recovery. 
(we’re gonna ignore the bit about her ghost appearing in BoTL)
So she sets out and its been nearly 6 years, she's nearly 18. She slings her bow and arrow over her shoulders, puts her dagger in her boot and off she goes to CHB.
She walks over half blood hill and some monsters had been tracking her for a while and caught up with her just outside New York but she managed to kill them, they were no match for her really - and she's now able to harness her raising skeletons ability so she can summon some help. So she staggers up the hill and whoever’s on watch sees this armed girl who's obviously a demigod, with a cut on her head and blood on her coat and they go get help and suddenly theres a massive crowd round her. 
Since its been so many years, a lot of the demigods who were there when she first came to camp have moved on to college etc, theres only a couple left who were there 6 years ago when her and Nico first came to camp and they don't even recognise her because she's so much older, but some see her face as familiar - coz she looks like Nico - but they can't quite place it. 
She walks down the hill with demigods trying to help her. She stops. They keep asking her who she is and why she's here when they've never seen her before and she clearly knows she's a demigod. All she says is “I am here because I am looking for Nico di Angelo.” and whispers go round the group. ‘Where’s Nico?’ everybody asks each other. ‘I’ll try the hades cabin’ someone says. ‘He’s not here.’ Will Solace says. The commotion had drawn him out of the infirmary. There wasn't much going on in there anyway. Then more quietly realising all the attention was on him. ‘He’s in the underworld. Running errands.’ He mumbled, looking at the floor. 
‘When will he be back?’ Bianca asks. 
Will shrugged. ‘Tonight, tomorrow.’ He said. He wanted to know who this girl was and why she was looking for Nico. He led her to the infirmary, explaining that she needed the cut on her head attending to. ‘I guess I can call him if its urgent.’ He said once they were away from the crowd. Demigods were so nosy, but he guessed things they didn't want in camp had gotten into camp before so they had a right to want to know what and who was coming over half blood hill.
‘I’ll be here for a while but that would be nice. He’ll want to know I’m here.’ She said. 
‘If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?’ Will asked. 
‘I’m Bianca di Angelo.’ and Will is like so confused.
‘But you . . . you died.’ A lot of emotions run through his head because has Nico been lying to him? did he lie about his sisters death but then why would he. Did Percy and Thalia lie about it when they came back from that quest all those years ago. Will didn't think they'd do that, not after the damage it caused Nico. No they all must have believed she was dead. Bianca sighs. She knows that Nico deserves to know first and besides she doesn't even know who this guy is. She tells him this and he understands. He also agrees. He promises to call Nico and thats what he goes and does. 
Bianca sits in a room in the big house and she waits. 
Will does to iris message Nico. He explains that someones came for him and he should come immediately. He wants Bianca to be the one to tell him she's not dead so he doesn't say who’s here. Will says he doesn't know who it is, which would be true if he hadn't asked. Now he knows though he can see the similarities in their eyes.
Nico gets to camp and is directed to where Bianca is in the big house and he sees her and his mouth drops to the floor because is this real??? and he goes over and he hugs her and yes this is definitely real but he can't believe and he never wants to let go because his big sister is alive and here and real and he'd spent so long crying over her and searching for her and never finding her all those years ago and he wouldn't ever admit it to anyone but Will but he still sometimes cries because she was all he had and she was gone so suddenly. But at the same time now he's angry because why did no-one ever tell him she wasn't dead, why hasn't she contacted him. 
They sit down and she explains everything to him, everything she's been through since she became a huntress and went on the quest and he explains everything thats happened to him and he's still bitter that she never contacted him sooner but he's also just glad to have her back because for so many years she was his only friend. He tells her everything he found out about their childhood and their mother and she promises to stay at CHB. It takes her a while to adjust but she does. 
After a few months Nico introduces her to Hazel and all the hades kids are happy. 
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