#solar meanwhile... lowkey interested in this fact
socksandbuttons · 9 months
Would BloodMoon enjoy some blood pancakes? It’s a real thing (Basically blood can be a substitute for eggs)
thats a weird fact but its *bloodmoon* so probably. KC has to locally source that blood but its fine. Eclipse looks on in horror. Pancakes hes never eating again.
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bosstoaster · 7 years
What do you think would happen if the Paladins were to meet the Serenity crew? (Let's ignore that Firefly takes place in another solar system but if it weren't for aliens the furthest humanity would be from Earth in VLD is Kerberos)
Uh, I’m going to just take this down to the macro-level and do person by person rather than the crew as a whole, because I think overall the Serenity crew would try to avoid all this Voltron nonsense.
Also keep in mind it has been a while since I last watched Firefly.
Shiro would have respect for Mal as a leader and interest in Wash as a pilot, but I think it’d be Zoe who he looks up to.  She’s cool and in control and military and badass and so Shiro’s just a bit starry-eyed.  Then, obviously, there’s River, who I think Shiro would actually be wary of at first?  He can very easily draw the line between his symptoms and how she is, and I think at first that’s a little too real.  Shiro spends a lot of time downplaying/ignoring his symptoms so having someone have them so helplessly openly displayed would creep him out for a bit.  But he’d get past that quickly and I think they’d really get each other in a way no one else in their respective crews really does.
Lance and Wash would immediately hit it off and the universe is doomed.  Doomed.  They’re best friends now and Wash is teaching Lance how to pick up the ladies, because he landed Zoe and man oh man, Wash wins.  Lance probably also takes a lot of solace in the fact that Wash is so cool but still feels outclassed sometimes, but it’s okay because he’s still rad.  It helps contextualize Lance’s own self-esteem issues.
No, wait, I take it back, Kaylee meets Pidge and Hunk and then the universe is doomed.  Her sunshine attitude immediately endears her to Hunk, along with her sheer technological prowess and ability to improvise with hardware (which is also Hunk’s thing: Pidge is big ideas and bigger applications but Hunk is ‘I made this thing work and otherwise we would have died, and Kaylee understand that with a heavy heart and a proud smile).  Meanwhile, Pidge also appreciates someone who can be so girly and also so mechanical.  Kaylee would immediately want to play dress-up with her, and Pidge finds it nice to be a little girly after so long of enforced not.  It’s a little like being Katie again.  
Pidge also immediately takes solace in Simon, I think.  She gets the sibling devotion on a visceral level, and she finds it awesome to see it from the other side.
Meanwhile, Jayne has little patience for all these kids running around.  They’ve got jobs and places to be and these rugrats are underfoot.  He does take the time to corner Hunk and ask where he got that gun because Jayne likes those bayard things.  He likes them a lot.  Hunk has to say they have the only five in the universe, and then it’s immediately a battle to keep Jayne from stealing one.  He does manage, and is very distressed when it won’t react to him at all (Jayne, honey, if there was ever a lion for you, it ain’t Green).  He is, however, the only one can eat the Space Goo without blinking, which at least makes Coran very happy.
Jayne thinks he might be okay with this Keith kid, because he’s like, the fighter one, right?  But no, Keith is not fond of Jayne in the least.  Mostly, Keith finds the Serenity crew really Loud and so not really people he wants to spend a lot of time with.  The exceptions to this are Simon, Book and Inara.  Of them, he likes Book best, so long as he trusts he’s not getting preached too.  Loud people follow Simon around, and Inara has too many instincts to draw him into conversation.  Simon does remind Keith a little of how Shiro was.
Allura might be a little… distressed by Mal?  Who is not only not very Leaderly tbh, but he’s also still in the process of stomping around and pretending he doesn’t like these kids at all, no sir.  He doesn’t want to be associated with Voltron, he doesn’t want to stop when they need a job, nope no no (no one on his crew is fooled in the slightest).  She’s also taken by Zoe for many of the same reasons Shiro is (and Zoe is a little pleased that both of them take to her), but I think the one she ends up sticking with is Inara, actually.  She appreciates that Inara makes time for her world and culture, even out in the Black in bad situations, and she really likes swapping stories with her.  Shiro will also join in for the tea ceremonies if he’s asked, because it’s not the same but it’s close.  Allura finds the whole thing fascinating.
Meanwhile Book and Coran are BFFs now.  Calming older-relative kick-ass types with words of wisdom and possibly darker pasts need to stick together.  They radiate so much combined I-must-tell-you-a-moral-story that most of both crews are avoiding them.
I won’t do the ‘who would get what lion’ thing because I don’t think it works when there’s already paladins.  But there is definitely a lowkey plan to steal a lion.  Not serious ones but… just in case.  Always good to be thinking.
It’s nice for the Paladins to get a taste of home, if nothing else, and everyone comes out of it with some brand new, very dirty curse words, and basically each other’s business cards.  If you ever need a hand (”If you ever need saving”, thinks Team Voltron.  “If you ever need to hire us and pay us money,” thinks Team Serenity)
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