starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : solar congratulate botanica for debuting and welcome them to the dorm building by throwing a party for them.
characters : all of solar + botanica ensemble
genre : comedy / fluff
warnings : swearing , they literally just make fun of each other the whole time . but mostly it’s just a lighthearted piece . it’s also the most chaotic piece i’ve written . oh my god they’re so annoying i hate them so much they’re just kids whose internet should be taken away . it’s also all over the place so if it’s hard to follow lmk
words : 3.4k
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[ july 2019, 3:58 pm, botanica dorms ]
“do you think this is too much? they’re just moving in.”
“of course not!”
the party planning committee- which consisted of yongmi, elizabeth, and hyesoo- stood back and admired their work with the other five members behind them. the three of them did surprisingly decent with the small amount of space in the dorm’s living room and kitchen area and the probably under $30 budget they’d pooled from all their pockets and wallets. multicoloured streamers hung from multiple points on the wall and ceiling, bowls with assorted flavours of chips were placed artfully on the coffee table, and a big banner hung above the door that was obviously originally one of those “happy birthday!” banners, but the birthday part had been covered up and now said “happy debut!” because it was no one’s birthday. at least forty balloons were strewn out across the floor- which yongmi almost busted a lung trying to blow them all up- they were gonna get more helium ones but because of their tight budget they’d only managed six. which was fine, six balloons for six boys, right?
“it looks like an eight year old’s birthday party,” minjung said.
“hey! we had thirty dollars, i’d like to see you do better with that,” hyesoo replied, shooting her a glare, which minjung shrugged in response to.
“are they coming soon?” honghui asked, which yongmi responded to not with words but with an expression that clearly stated she didn’t know. meanwhile elizabeth was occupied with her phone seemingly texting someone.
[ new message from : DONT ANSWER//kim sangWHORE ]
[ DONT ANSWER//kim sangWHORE : are we allowed to come up yet ]
after quickly typing out a response, elizabeth announced, “they’re on their way up!”
“quick! hide!“ hyesoo exclaimed, frantically searching the room for a hiding space.
“it’s- it’s not one of those parties,” yongmi replied quietly while hyesoo spotted a nice hiding spot behind an armchair, completely ignoring yongmi’s words.
while elizabeth adjusted the chip bowls and pop bottles on the table for the twelfth time in the last ten minutes, the door opened slightly to reveal baekhan cautiously peeking in.
“are we- is this good can we come in now? are we good?”
elizabeth gave a thumbs-up in his direction, “all set! MINJUNG! get the door!”
minjung sighed, “i should be the one bossing you around,” but despite her comment, she complied and got the door for the six boys.
“so... we did the best we could, we had a tight budget,” yongmi explained as the boys made their way inside, completely ignoring or just not noticing hyesoo jumping out from behind the armchair and yelling “surprise!”.
“kinda reminds me of a little kid’s birthday party,” elliot laughed as tian dashed past him in a beeline for the chip table.
“that’s what i said!” minjung exclaimed.
“elliot! don’t be rude!” baekhan hissed, swatting him in the side of the arm, but not enough to hurt him, even though baekhan was the leader, elliot was tall and strong enough to punt him across the room if he so wanted. and baekhan wanted to set a good example and not make his group look like a dysfunctional mess in front of their seniors.
“i think it’s nice,” jaeyi said, “thanks for doing this, there was really no need.”
“i know,” beth shrugged, “just felt like throwing a party, y’know?”
jaeyi suddenly looked down as he felt someone poking his stomach, and there stood hyesoo, the one poking him, looking up at him with an expression that was a sort of weird mix of amazement, jealousy, and confusion.
“hey you!” she called out with wide eyes, “why are you so tall?” hyesoo was short on a normal day, but her 5’0 figure compared to his 6’2 absolutely dwarfed her, and jaeyi had to keep it together and try not to laugh at the tiny girl in front of him.
“oh my god hyesoo! at least use formalities or something!” minjung snapped at hyesoo, who turned around and looked at her with an innocent expression, then promptly turned back to jaeyi.
“would you rather me call you oppa?”
jaeyi shook his head, “not really, no.”
“good! me neither! i’m gonna go talk to someone else now, talking to you makes my neck hurt.”
jaeyi nodded awkwardly as hyesoo skipped away to the chip bowl, and elizabeth clapped her hands together loudly.
“isn’t it time to actually get this party started?” she announced, only earning a few scattered “heck yeah!”’s but continuing anyway.
“come on! let’s go!!”
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“so, min, i have a question,” baekhan sat on the couch with his hands clasped together underneath his chin, and minjung sat next to him with her legs crossed, listening intently. “how do you do it? honestly, how do you cope with being the leader, i want some advice.”
“let me let you in on a little secret,” minjung said, and baekhan leaned in closer, “i don’t.”
“no way!” he jumped back in surprise, “same!” minjung laughed and soon, baekhan followed.
across the room, standing next to the chip table, elizabeth and jaeyi had started talking.
“soooo, how do you feel about debuting?” elizabeth asked in a light, giggly voice, twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.
“it’s... a lot, but i think i’ll get used to it,” jaeyi answered, completely oblivious to elizabeth’s cheesy early 2000s disney channel romcom style flirting attempts.
“how old are you, anyway? you don’t look that much older than me,” she asked, batting her eyelashes.
“i’m- uh- 21,” he answered simply, “why?”
“just wondering,” elizabeth replied, “i just turned 18, so you aren’t that much older than me-“
she was suddenly interrupted by elliot coming up behind jaeyi and exclaiming a little too loudly, “jae, man! there’s this really cool... pop bottle that i need to show you real quick,” he clapped a hand on the taller boy’s shoulder and leaned into his ear to whisper, “i’m saving you, man.”
“i can hear you!” elizabeth huffed, crossing her arms across her chest.
“yeah, stop flirting with my bro, it’s fuckin’ weird, man,” elliot responded in english- albeit not proper english, obviously, but being raised in america such as the former, elizabeth understood no problem.
“what makes you think i’m flirting with your bro?” elizabeth said.
“maybe the whole- oh my god, hi jaeyi! how are you? how old are you? just making sure i’ll be able to get in your pants without you catching a case!” elliot mimicked in a high voice, complete with the hair twirling and eyelash batting.
elizabeth rolled her eyes.
“just watch it, okay?” elliot said, and began walking away only to immediately bump into minjae after a few steps of obviously not watching where he was going.
“oh shit sorry,” he said quickly, still speaking english.
minjae looked up at him, not exactly understanding what he said so instead he simply replied, “hi.”
“hi,” elliot echoed, “mj, right?”
minjae nodded, “i like...” he reached up and touched his hair as he tried to find the correct word in english, a language he was in no means fluent in, “...your hair.”
elliot chuckled, “thanks,” and in realizing the other didn’t speak english well, he said, “you know i can speak korean, right?”
“oh! yeah, okay, that’s better,” minjae said with pink cheeks, obviously much more comfortable now speaking in his native tongue. “elliot, right?”
elliot nodded, “i’m fine with whatever, elliot, eli, hanryeol is my korean name if that makes it any easier for you.”
minjae nodded, “hanryeol... i like that. but what if i call you... yeollie?”
he’d never admit it out loud, obviously, but minjae’s little gesture of giving elliot a cute nickname sent his heart up into his throat and painted his face a bright shade of red. so instead he chuckled again and covered it up with a little nonchalant “...cute.”
“isn’t it? and i came up with it on the spot too.”
minjae was just as adorable as the nickname he’d given elliot. when he smiled or spoke, his eyes lit up like he was admiring a star filled sky, and without thinking, elliot blurted, “almost as cute as you.”
he didn’t really think about what he had said until he saw minjae’s smile drop and his face go red, regret set in immediately. “oh god- not like that-!”
“weren’t you just telling off that other girl for flirting with jaeyi? and now look at you two!” a voice behind elliot called causing him fly around, bringing a hand to his chest so his heart didn’t bust out of his throat for the second time in the last minute. when he saw sangwoo standing behind him with a shit-eating grin, he quickly raised a fist like he was getting ready to punch him, and sangwoo retreated.
minjae rolled his eyes at sangwoo, and surprised at his reaction, elliot asked, “you two know each other?”
he nodded, “we were on a dance team together a few years ago, we’ve never really gotten along. i mean, no offence or anything if you like him.”
elliot shrugged, “nah i get it, he’s a bit of a bitch sometimes.”
“i am literally right here,” sangwoo said, laying a hand over his chest like he was offended, even though he knew full well that he was indeed a bit of a bitch sometimes.
elliot scoffed, “get lost.”
when sangwoo eventually left to go annoy someone else, minjae leaned in closer to elliot’s ear and whispered, “i don’t actually hate him, he’s just annoying and he gets on my nerves sometimes. i don’t have the balls to say i hate someone.”
“it’s all cool,” elliot laughed. “anyways i should probably- go over- there,” he jabbed a thumb somewhere behind him.
“no- yeah- you go do that i’ll- see you around,” minjae replied just as awkwardly, and the two split up and went in separate directions.
elliot ended up at one of the snack tables next to daniel and tian, the latter busy with a bowl of chips and the former watching elliot fumble for a plastic cup and a pop bottle with a slightly exasperated look. daniel took one look at his flushed face and knew exactly what was going on.
“simp,” he snorted.
“i’ll fucking hit you,” elliot threatened, not taking his eyes off the cup he was pouring for himself, but it was all too evident that his cheeks were burning a brighter shade of red than they had been before.
“no, i get it, cute little guy, isn’t he?”
“stop trying to fit in, hetero,” elliot said in a sweet but condescending voice, looking up to meet his eye and taking a sip of his drink.
“YO!” they were suddenly interrupted by a voice, and when they looked over to see the source of the voice, hyesoo was standing on top of the kitchen counter with one of those cheap plastic megaphones. “WHO THE FUCK WANTS CAKE?!”
there were a couple scattered cheers, followed by a “HYESOO! get down from there you’re gonna hurt yourself!” from minjung.
“they bought cake? damn, they really went all out,” daniel commented, but elliot wasn’t listening, he was already walking over to where the party planning committee was bringing out a big store bought cake with icing flower decorations and the words “HAPPY DEBUT” written across it in pink icing.
“i think... peach should cut the cake!” yongmi said, “he’s the leader, he should get to do the honours.”
baekhan shot up at the mention of his stage name, and immediately his cheeks went pink and he mumbled out a quick, “ah, no... i’m not good at cutting cake,” in response.
“nonsense!” yongmi exclaimed, “how bad can you be? get over here?”
baekhan reluctantly moved up to the front, where they had the cake set up on the table. and to his (and the rest of his group’s) surprise, he didn’t mess up too bad, and the party planning committee cheering him on didn’t seem to help much.
“you guys really went all out on the eight year old’s birthday party theme huh?” elliot commented, “here- i’ll help hand it out.”
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“so have you talked to anyone else yet?” honghui asked tian, who sat next to him with a mouthful of cake.
“not from my group? yeah, i talked to the girls over there that put this all together, they seem nice enough,” tian explained, “i mean- obviously i’d like to get to know you guys better, we’re gonna know each other for a while i’m assuming.”
honghui laughed, “yeah, once you get to know them you might not like them as much. they’re kind of annoying sometimes, but i love them.”
“trust me, i know annoying,” tian replied, “have you talked to eli or clover yet? then you’ll know annoying..”
“i know sangwoo,” honghui said, “i used to-“
jihoon sat down next to him with a piece of cake, cutting him off with a loud, “WHEW!” minjae sat down too, but not as loudly. “so anyways,” jihoon said as he shovelled a forkful of cake into his mouth, “what’s up?”
“tian and i grew up in the same city, isn’t that neat?” honghui said excitedly.
“big city,” jihoon replied simply while shovelling more cake into his mouth.
“talk to anyone else?” minjae asked.
“yeah! peach and jaeyi,” honghui explained, “they both seem like super genuine people, you can tell baekhan is really good at being a leader. jaeyi reminds me of myself in some ways.”
“ah, a simp? and a pussy?” jihoon said.
“a- a what? i don’t know english slang, jihoon-“ honghui replied, furrowing his eyebrows, “but anyways, they’re both super nice.”
“i’ve talked to... yeollie and sangwoo a bit,” minjae said, trying not to roll his eyes at his own mention of the latter’s name.
“...yeollie?” minjae’s eyes widened when he realized honghui’s confusion, and he quickly corrected himself.
“i- i meant eli!”
“you’re already giving each other nicknames?” jihoon exclaimed, tian snickered beside him as he got up to go get more cake.
“well- i mean- i just did that to make his name easier to remember,” minjae mumbled, shoving a large piece of cake into his mouth to try and distract from the flush creeping up his face. he then immediately started choking on said piece of cake.
“MINJAE?! oh god, oh fuck-“ jihoon exclaimed in a panic. he seized minjae around the shoulders and started yelling at him, “ARE YOU CHOKING?! ARE YOU CHOKING?!”
“he can’t respond if he’s choking, dumbass!” honghui yelled back at him, “stand up and put you hands up! i heard that helps somewhere.”
around this time is when tian came back, a plate with two more slices of cake in his hands, and immediately froze. minjae stared at him with his hands in the air, looking like he was silently pleading for help.
“do you think i should- should i go and get someone, or something?” tian said.
“NOPE! we got this!” jihoon exclaimed as he hit minjae on the back, “i took a first aid course with boy scouts when i was in fourth grade, i don’t need help!”
honghui sighed, rubbing his temples, “they’re gonna need help.”
but just as soon as tian was about to get up and call for someone, minjae managed to yell out “i’m good!” and sat back down again. jihoon patted himself on the back.
as he sat down, minjae pulled something out of his mouth, “oh! that’s probably what-“ but then he stopped when he was it was a small slip of paper. he could make out a phone number quickly jotted down in purple ink, as well as a short message below it.
call me
- yeollie
“so that’s why he offered to help with the cake...” tian glanced over to the cake table where elliot was standing with a bright red face. he saw tian staring in his direction and immediately looked away. “what a dumbass!” tian exclaimed, “does he not realize that he could’ve just asked for your number?”
“the mind of a teenage boy works in strange ways,” honghui replied.
“word,” jihoon added.
“i mean... if he wanted to be my friend he could’ve just asked,” minjae said, to which tian laughed loudly.
“this is elliot we’re talking about?” he said, “if he just wanted to be your friend he wouldn’t go through all that. he thinks you’re cute, mj.”
“ooh shit!” jihoon exclaimed as minjae sat there, red faced and staring at his hands.
“YO! LOOK OVER HERE!” they heard hyesoo yell once again, and they looked over to see her standing on the counter with her cheap megaphone. “I NEED ALL THE BOYS OVER HERE. THE NEW BOYS. DON’T CARE ABOUT MY THREE. GATHER ‘ROUND THE PARTY PLANNING COMMITTEE.”
tian looked over to hyesoo, confused, but reluctantly got up and made his way over, but not before telling the other three at the table to not touch his cake. jihoon stole a bite as soon as he turned around anyways.
“so, since we’re gonna wrap up the party soon because we don’t wanna be here too late, we’ll give this to you now. we have a present for you!” hyesoo explained, now sitting on the counter with her legs swinging in front of her, “it’s handmade because we’re great artists if i do say so myself, and we put a lot of time and emotion into it.”
yongmi pulled a medium sized canvas from behind her back. on said canvas was what appeared to be- when baekhan leaned forward slightly to get a better look- a macaroni portrait of the six of them. surprisingly well detailed for an art piece literally made out of noodles, who knew.
sangwoo was the first to speak, like usual, “that’s-“
“i know,” elizabeth cut him off, “we were on a budget, we could only get the cheap macaroni.”
“no, it’s not that,” sangwoo continued, “why macaroni?”
“it’s the best for art pieces,” hyesoo replied confidently.
“i think it’s cute-“ daniel said quickly before sangwoo began to speak once again.
he sighed, “no i mean- why macaroni and not, like, actual paint or something?”
“feels more personal this way,” hyesoo said, sticking her nose up in the air, “and if you have a problem with it then i guess we’ll keep it.”
baekhan lightly shoved sangwoo back so he wasn’t at the front to say something possibly rude without realizing. “i’ll take it- thank you guys, i can see all the effort you put into this.”
“where the fuck are we gonna put it?” sangwoo called from over baekhan’s shoulder, who cringed internally and desperately hoped he wouldn’t say anything else that could leave a sour taste in the mouths of the other three girls. who very obviously put in the effort they could into this party and the gift with the budget they had.
baekhan sighed, knowing he had a lot more to do to try and humble sangwoo. “i’ll take the macaroni thingy.”
jaeyi looked to sangwoo, sensing baekhan’s frustration just a little bit. “what’s the big deal? i think it’s really cute. and considerate, they already threw a party for us and gave us a present.”
“this guy gets it!” elizabeth exclaimed, throwing her arm up to gesture in his direction.
“i mean- we would’ve gotten something more extravagant if we had a larger budget,” yongmi said carefully, “but anyways- since we’ve basically done everything we were planning on doing should we start to clean up? we don’t wanna be in the way of you guys settling in here.”
while the party planning committee were talking, tian was tugging on baekhan’s sleeve trying to get his attention. when the shorter male turned to him, he asked, “can we order something? maybe pizza? we didn’t eat dinner.”
“what are you talking about- i just saw you eat three slices of cake,” baekhan whisper-yelled back.
“that wasn’t dinner,” tian replied simply, “you should know that everyone has a dinner stomach and a dessert stomach.”
baekhan sighed once more, knowing arguing with tian was essentially pointless. “does anyone want pizza?” he asked loudly, “you guys can stay for some if you want.”
yongmi slowly looked around the room, waiting for someone to respond before her. hyesoo and elizabeth looked like they wanted to say yes, honghui, jihoon, and minjae were sitting in the same spot as before, looking like they didn’t even hear, and minjung and yeonwoo sat on the couch, yeonwoo staring at them in anticipation and minjung looking confused, probably didn’t hear either.
“i’m down for pizza,” yeonwoo finally said, followed by a jumbled mix of agreements from the rest of the people in the room.
“alright!” elizabeth exclaimed, “change of plans, the party isn’t over yet!”
“what are you talking about? the party never ends when we’re here,” daniel said, playfully winking. the rest of botanica groaned in unison as baekhan dialled the number for a nearby pizza place.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : eli gathers the courage to ask the question he’s been wanting to for a while.
characters : elliot martin , daniel seo , cho minjae , rest of solar / botanica ensemble mentioned
genre : PURE fluff omg it’s so sweet
warnings : like usual just some swearing but other than that not much ? it’s a pretty sweet piece so idk
words : 2.9k
notes : if u want you can listen to the song i mentioned in that one line here ! i was listening to it on repeat while writing this hfjhb
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[ august 2020 , 9:34 am , botanica dorms ]
“why are you so giddy this early in the morning?” daniel, who still looked half asleep, glared at elliot over his coffee cup from his place at the table, watching elliot bounce around the kitchen at a way earlier time than was probably socially acceptable. especially in their dorm on a day with no schedules.
elliot shrugged, “i’m just in a good mood,” he replied, smiling like an absolute dork.
daniel took a sip of his coffee, “you’re seeing minjae today, aren’t you?”
a few beats passed before elliot quietly replied, “...maybe,” turning away from daniel to hide the fact that he was blushing like an idiot. it was no secret that elliot and minjae had been hanging out almost every day since the time he nearly accidentally killed the shorter boy by putting his phone number in a piece of his cake, which minjae then ate and choked on (elliot had apologized profusely countless times for that). it didn’t take an idiot to realize that there was clearly something more going on, or something more about to start soon enough.
“you finally gonna ask him out?” daniel asked, still drinking his coffee.
“you know what? i think i am,” elliot said excitedly, bouncing up and down as his way of hyping himself up, “i think i’m gonna do it, whew, this is a lot of pressure.”
daniel laughed, “you’ll be fine, there’s no way he’s gonna say no.”
“how do you know?”
“have you seen the way he looks at you? come on, that tiny boy is whipped,” daniel said matter-o-factly.
elliot laughed through his nose, still blushing, “if that’s what you think... but how should i, like, ask him?”
daniel tilted his head, “you’ve dated people before, weren’t you like, an absolute stud in high school or something?”
“well- yeah,” elliot snorted, “but that was high school, this is different.”
“you’ll be fiiiiine,” daniel said, reaching his arm out in a motion meant to imitate him patting elliot on the shoulder, even though they were on opposite sides of the room and daniel was just patting the air in front of him. elliot appreciated the reassurance either way.
“can we change this music by the way,” elliot crinkled his nose in the direction of daniel’s tiny speaker on the table hooked up to his phone, “please, it makes me feel old. put on tame impala or something.”
looking extremely offended, daniel turned his music up instead, “don’t you dare talk about the greatest band ever like that, the beatles would surpass whatever cringey rappers you’re listening to today in literally anything.”
“at least the singers i listen to are still alive,” elliot retorted, and daniel gasped.
“whatever, i need to get ready anyways!”
“already? go back to bed or something,” daniel said, “it’s too early.”
“but i have so much i gotta do,” elliot started pacing again, “i gotta shower, get ready, gotta find my money so i can buy us food-“
“i’ve never seen you this excited about anything,” daniel laughed with an amused expression, “ever.”
“fuck off,” elliot grumbled, trying and failing to hide his flushed cheeks, only making daniel laugh even more.
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[ 9:21 pm , a street corner ]
“it’s cold,” minjae shivered, looking up at elliot walking next to him, “can i hold the pizza?”
elliot might’ve bought an entire pizza just so minjae and him could have a late night picnic on a particular grassy hill next to their dorm building. which, admittedly was probably a strange sight for the other people walking around at that time of night, but neither of the boys cared.
“oh- yeah, here,” elliot handed the pizza box to minjae, who immediately sighed in relief at the feeling of warmth against his cold hands, “do you want my sweater too?” elliot asked, already hurriedly taking it off.
“no it’s-“ minjae was cut off by the sudden feeling of warmth around his shoulders, and when he looked up again elliot had taken his sweater off and draped it around minjae’s shoulders (what minjae didn’t know was that elliot had specifically picked out that sweater because he knew minjae liked it and he was excitedly anticipating this exact moment). “...fine,” minjae finished quietly, the small gesture lining the inside of his stomach with butterflies.
“right here, this hill!” elliot excitedly pointed to the hill ahead, “that’s where i was thinking we could sit and eat.”
minjae nodded, “sounds good.”
“well- i mean if you’re cold we can go in i just thought it’d be fun to have a late night picnic-“
“i like the idea too!” minjae quickly said.
elliot sighed in relief, he didn’t have a backup plan, and he really didn’t wanna eat an entire pizza with the boy he had a crush on in either of their dorms. “alright, come on!” he grabbed minjae’s hand and pulled him towards the hill. the shorter boy clutched the pizza box against his chest for dear life in an attempt not to drop it all over the grass as he let himself get dragged up the hill by elliot, jogging and laughing with him the whole time.
they finally reached a good spot on the hill to sit, and elliot collapsed on his back, followed closely behind by minjae, who carefully placed the pizza box on the ground before joining elliot in the grass sprawled on his back. for a second, minjae just stared up at the deep blue night sky, reaching out his hand and pointing out random stars to himself.
“what are you looking for up there?” elliot asked, staring at minjae with complete admiration in his eyes while minjae was focused on the sky.
“trying to find the big dipper,” minjae said quietly.
“can we even see it this time of year?”
“no clue, i just like looking at the stars sometimes.”
elliot, completely unaware of the huge smile on his face, whispered, “me too.”
“ALRIGHT,” minjae suddenly sat up, “let’s eat this damn pizza, i’m starving, i didn’t eat dinner because i knew we were getting this.” he ripped open the box and immediately dove for a slice, and elliot couldn’t help but laugh at how frantic the shorter boy was.
“do you wanna listen to music?” elliot suggested, “i just like listening to music sometimes, i dunno we don’t have to-“
“i like music,” minjae said confidently, “well, i mean, obviously,” he lost all his joking confidence in a second as he smiled sheepishly, “how about your music?”
elliot shrugged and took out his phone, “yeah, you can pick a playlist,” he said as he opened his phone and handed it to minjae to scroll through his playlists.
“this one looks interesting...” minjae mumbled as he clicked on a playlist called, ‘a wild fuckin party i went to once in highschool’ (the titles were all in english, so he couldn’t understand). elliot’s eyes widened when he realized that the first song that came on was deep throat by cupcakke. he seized his phone out of minjae’s hand and hit pause just before the song could finish its first recital of ‘HUMP ME, FUCK ME-‘
“how about something a little more... not explicit?” elliot suggested, laughing nervously. he gave his phone back to minjae, who instead picked out another playlist called, ‘songs to cry over my crush to’ (elliot thanked the heavens that minjae couldn’t understand that title). he breather a sigh of relief when 1980s horror film by wallows came on, a significantly less explicit song.
“i like this one,” minjae said after listening for a few seconds, “let’s keep it on.”
elliot shrugged, grabbing another piece of pizza. he’d almost forgotten what he was planning on telling minjae that night. oh well, he’d find a time. hopefully soon.
“damn it, i almost forgot,” minjae groaned, “curfew. i have to be back by ten.”
“we’re right here already, it’s fine,” elliot said, “what’s the harm in staying out a few minutes later?”
“i guess so,” minjae replied quietly, picking at the grass by his legs with his free hand, “i mean... who’s gonna find out, anyway?”
elliot nodded, staring off into the distance at some buildings down the street. unbeknownst to minjae, elliot was trying to plan out a way to confess to him right then, and then, if things went right, subsequently ask him out. he was never nervous like this before, even with being in countless short term relationships throughout middle school and high school, but in the grand scheme of things, those didn’t matter much. this felt way more serious than asking out the kinda cute girl that sat next to you in chemistry in the ninth grade because your friend dared you to (only for her to break up with you two weeks later. nice going, emily).
“hey... earth to yeollie,” elliot was shaken out of his daze by minjae waving his hand in front of his eyes. “i can’t eat this entire pizza by myself.”
elliot scoffed, “weak.”
“hey!” minjae pouted, “i’m- OH FUCK-“ he suddenly screamed, pointing frantically at elliot’s head.
“THERE’S A BIG GROSS BUG IN YOUR HAIR!” minjae slapped the top of elliot’s head repeatedly until elliot himself reached up and grabbed his hand.
“STAY STILL!” minjae yelled as he reached again up to get the slightly squished bug out of elliot’s hair. “i said stay still dude,” he mumbled, scooting closer so he could see better in the dim light. because of the fact that minjae was basically legally blind even with his glasses on, their faces were inches away from each other while he struggled to fix elliot’s hair. the latter silently prayed that minjae couldn’t see how red his face had gotten in the dim light. but in return, elliot couldn’t see how hard minjae was blushing as well.
but just as elliot got the confidence to lean in and pucker his lips for a kiss, minjae turned around to flick the bug off his hand and scoot back to his original sitting position. “now that that’s done with...” minjae grabbed another piece of pizza and turned back around to face elliot while the latter felt a bit of his soul leave his body.
elliot picked up his phone off the ground, and when he saw that there were only a few minutes left until it turned 10pm (a.k.a. a couple minutes until minjae would start insisting going back inside because he was worried about getting in trouble for staying out too late), it felt like now or never, even though it obviously wasn’t.
minjae looked down at the time on elliot’s phone when he set it back down, “oh, it’s almost 10, we should really head back soon-“
fuck it.
“before we do that, can i just- tell you something?”
minjae quickly snapped his head up to look at elliot and nodded quickly, “yeah, of course.”
the brunette let out a shaky breath before he started, “so- remember that time i gave you my number?”
“you mean when you put it in my cake and i almost died because i choked on it?”
“i- okay, that’s a little dramatic.” he forced a laugh (which he immediately regretted).
“but, yeah, anyways?”
“right,” elliot continued, “so... fuck, how do i- fuck it- i like you, okay?”
a beat of silence passed with minjae looking at him, wide eyed, making elliot extremely aware of his own burning face in the process. “like... like, like?”
“yeah. like, like, like. a lot,” elliot didn’t think his face could get any redder.
“oh,” minjae said quietly. elliot thought he’d die of embarrassment, was that it? just oh? but then to elliot’s surprise, the redhead spoke again.
“well... me too.”
“oh,” elliot echoed minjae’s first response despite the fact that he was momentarily stressing over that single syllabled response seconds earlier. “okay, cool.” he internally cringed at his nonchalant response.
“so...” minjae began after a few more beats of extremely awkward silence, “what now?”
“well, what would you do if i asked you out, right here, right now?”
“i-“ minjae broke eye contact with elliot for just a second before looking back at him, “what?”
“okay,” elliot exhaled for the first time in what felt like an hour, “i meant- like, be my boyfriend, basically?”
“oh, wow,” minjae breathed out, and it didn’t take him that long to think about it before he replied, “okay.”
“okay, nice, cool,” elliot barely managed to hoarse out, “that went better than i expected.”
the redhead laughed awkwardly, “i thought it was kinda obvious that i liked you. i mean, everyone else knew. every time i said i was going to hang out with you jihoon would smile funny at me.”
“oh, i’m pretty sure daniel knew,” elliot said, remembering what the older had said to him that morning, although half asleep and fuelled only by a coffee that had more milk and sugar than actual coffee, elliot took it to heart.
“have you seen the way he looks at you? come on, that tiny boy is whipped.”
“alright... so what do we do now?” minjae asked, “are we supposed to like, kiss or something?”
“i mean...” elliot couldn’t help the huge dorky smile that spread across his bright red face, “if you want to.”
minjae reciprocated an equally huge and dorky smile as he scooted closer to elliot, even closer than when his blind ass was trying to get the bug out of elliot’s hair.
“ok so- how do i-“
“just like-“
“like this?”
“no, you’ve gotta-“
their noses bumped together while the two boys fumbled around, giggling awkwardly.
“it’s okay, just-“
their lips finally met, but it’s more of an awkward peck on the lips than a proper kiss.
“have you ever kissed someone before?” elliot asked after whatever they had just tried to do.
minjae shook his head and answered, “nope,” honestly.
“okay, here, how about i just-“ elliot reached out his hands to gently cup minjae’s face, and pulled him in for a better, slightly more coordinated kiss. minjae’s stomach did a weird flip as be realized that the last thing he was expecting to happen that night was to be kissing his crush- or boyfriend now- on the side of a hill with a half eaten pizza box next to them.
as the two pulled away, minjae letting his eyes linger on elliot’s own for a few seconds, he wondered what the others would think when he got back, because he obviously wouldn’t be able to keep the secret that long. he’d probably get an excited, “aah! finally!” from elizabeth or yongmi, a significantly less enthusiastic, “i thought you two were already dating?” from either minjung, yeonwoo, or honghui, and probably a feigning disgust response of “keep your sappy shit out of this room,” from hyesoo or jihoon. he’d face that soon enough, anyway.
“ah, almost forgot,” minjae groaned, “curfew.”
“right,” as much as elliot wanted minjae to stay out there with him the entire night if they could, he knew the redhead wouldn’t want to risk getting in trouble due to breaking curfew, so instead, he said, “want me to walk you to your room?”
minjae nodded, pouting, “yes please.”
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[ 10:04 pm, smk dorm building ]
“do you want the rest of the pizza?” minjae asked, holding out the box in elliot’s direction, “i had, like, four pieces, i think i’m good.”
elliot shrugged, “i won’t eat it, but tian probably will, or something.”
they’d reached the door to solar’s dorm, but both minjae and elliot were obviously trying to stall saying bye for the night. they’d been standing outside the door for a few minutes.
“i really should get inside...” minjae mumbled, the statement faltering towards the end like he was unsure.
elliot pouted, “oookay...”
“bye-bye,” minjae said quickly, standing on the tips of his toes to kiss elliot on the cheek. elliot immediately leaned down to press another soft kiss to minjae’s lips this time, and minjae’s stomach twisted in the same way it did the first time they’d kissed. he wondered if he’d get over that feeling of nervousness and excitement anytime soon.
“bye-bye,” elliot mimicked as minjae finally opened the door to his dorm at stepping inside, giving the taller boy one last smile before shutting the door behind him.
elliot made sure the door was closed, and then made his way down the hallway to his own room, but not before pumping his fist in the air and cheering out an almost inaudible “fuck yeah!”. completely unaware of minjae on the other side of the wall, leaning and then sinking down the wall into a sitting position, with a sigh of content and a huge grin on his bright pink face.
once he’d made it to his dorm, elliot opened the door rather loudly with a, “YO!” nearly scaring daniel to death, who was on the couch watching tv.
once daniel realized it was elliot and not someone breaking in, he asked, “so... how did it go?” but judging by the expression on elliot’s face, daniel was pretty sure he had his answer already. “he said yes?”
elliot nodded excitedly while taking off his shoes and placing the leftover pizza on the kitchen counter, and then immediately ran over to daniel’s spot on the couch and gave him a rather rough high-five.
“hell yeah bro!”
“let’s go!”
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : min needs to think about what she says, or she’ll taint another friendship.
characters : kang minjung , son yongmi , zhao honghui (briefly) , elizabeth park , na jaemin (nct) (mentioned)
genre : i guess angst idk
warnings : swearing , verbal arguing , damn they kinda mean to each other . i’m not good at writing people arguing i have Never been in a fight Ever but i tried
words : 1.7k
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[ july 2020, 1:23 pm, solar dorms ]
“what’re you smiling at over there?”
yongmi looked up from her spot on her armchair, curled up in a blanket to meet minjung’s eyes across the room, standing near the entrance to the kitchen. she shrugged, looking back down at her phone with a huge grin on her face. “just a new friend,” she replied, although she was very obviously blushing.
“...just a new friend?” minjung took a sip of the glass of water she had in her hand, she wasn’t buying it. she knew yongmi.
yongmi sighed in defeat, a grin still plastered on her face, “ookay, i think she’s pretty. that’s it!”
“well fuck, what’s stopping you from asking her out?” minjung asked.
“crippling anxiety,” yongmi replied simply.
minjung paused for a beat before speaking again, “what’s the worst that could happen?”
“uh... she says no?”
“so what? it’s worth a shot.”
yongmi frowned, knitting her eyebrows together, “it’d be so embarrassing if she said no. i don’t even know if she likes girls!”
“seriously, what do you have to lose.”
“...my dignity?”
minjung didn’t understand yongmi sometimes. what was so hard about asking someone out? despite the fact that, technically, it seemed they should be the best of friends and inseparable due to their closeness in age and how they trained together for years, but it wasn’t always like that. sure, they were close friends, and had been since they met, but they were complete opposites, and it was honestly a bit of a mixed bag. they didn’t get each other as well as they used to.
she sighed, “it’s not that hard, just get over yourself and do it. that’s basically how i got with jaemin.”
“you’re failing to realize that not everyone is as blunt as you,” yongmi said, looking down at her nails, “you’ll just go up to someone and be like, hey, let’s hook up- or whatever, i’m not the type of person that does that.”
“okay-“ minjung wrinkled her nose, “first of all i don’t say it like that. do i need to give you lessons on how to ask someone out, are you that lonely?”
“you’ve just never had to deal with anxiety, you should be grateful. you should also be a little more considerate, you’re being a little rude.”
“am i being rude? or are you just being sensitive?”
yongmi was standing now, completely disregarding her blanket that fell to the ground when she stood up. “can you not be nice to me for once?”
“maybe i would if you weren’t so annoying about it,” minjung stood her ground when yongmi began walking towards her.
“maybe it’s not all me,” yongmi snapped, “maybe you should stop being such a bitch.”
woah, okay, that took a sharp turn. minjung rolled her eyes, trying to mask the fact that she was absolutely flabbergasted that yongmi, arguably one of the softest and most kindhearted people she knew, would ever call her a bitch to her face. such a word wasn’t even in her vocabulary most of the time. “who says i’m the one being a bitch?”
“woah, cat fight!” the two girls snapped their heads to the side to see honghui in the hallway exiting his room, still with his hand on the knob watching the two girls argue with a look of almost excitement on his face. “what’s going on out here? should i get snacks, how long is this gonna go on for?”
minjung scowled at him, “fuck off.”
“sorry,” honghui laughed, going back into his room, “continue.”
minjung sighed, not at all phased by honghui’s sudden appearance and just as sudden disappearance, “anyways, i believe we left off on you calling me a bitch.”
yongmi laughed, but it sounded lifeless and forced, not like her usual laugh (that yongmi herself absolutely hated), “yeah, because you can’t seem to understand that some people have a different mindset than you do! you do this all the time, too, it’s probably because your parents let your spoiled ass get away with whatever you wanted.”
“okay, what we’re not gonna do is bring my parents into a conversation that has nothing to do with them,” minjung spat, walking closer to yongmi, who stayed right where she was, despite minjung’s assumption that she’d back up as soon as she started inching closer.
“i mean, they’re the ones to blame for how you act. look at me, i’ve never had to face a minor inconvenience in my life, i have a super cute boyfriend and i talk about guys like they fall to their knees whenever i approach them-“
yongmi stopped when minjung raised her hand like she was about to slap her, but stopped when she saw how hard she made the former flinch. when she stood up straight again, minjung noticed yongmi had tears in her eyes, and she remembered how much yongmi hated confrontation. regardless, she held her head up high and continued.
“the fact that you’re resorting to hitting instead of a civil discussion-“ yongmi sniffed, blinking rapidly as she didn’t want minjung to see her cry. “that really says a lot about you. why can’t we be the way we used to-“ she cut herself off early when her voice broke. she stormed down the hall to her bedroom, but not before whacking the glass minjung had in her hand, spilling water down the front of her white tshirt.
“hey!” minjung called after her, “jaemin’s supposed to be coming later! i’m wearing a black bra you can literally see everything-!”
“i’m sure he’d love to see that!” yongmi called before slamming her door, leaving minjung standing in the living room with a soaked shirt and a dumbfounded expression.
it saddened yongmi more than she could ever get out in words that minjung wasn’t the same girl that she’d known when they were both 14 and joining a company for the first time, minjung with no experience in dancing whatsoever and yongmi barely even speaking korean. they bonded over how inexperienced they both were.
yongmi could recall a time where they snuck out of the building one afternoon while they were on break, and just walked down the streets of downtown seoul without a care in the world. they were so excited when the final lineup for solar was announced, especially considering the night prior they stayed up way past their curfew to stargaze in the roof of the smk building, convinced they would never see each other again because minjung was guaranteed a place in the final lineup and at that time, they thought yongmi wasn’t.
yongmi tried to make herself feel better by reminding herself that friendship wasn’t always forever, but she couldn’t help but miss that sense of comfort and nostalgia behind minjung’s warm eyes when she stared into them.
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“what the hell is your problem?” elizabeth spat, bursting into minjung’s room, causing her to jump, leaving a mascara smear on the side of her face from where she was trying to do her makeup.
“what’s going on this time?” minjung sighed, pulling a wipe out of her makeup bag to rub off where she’d messed up.
elizabeth rounded the side of her bed, bending down behind the mirror minjung held in front of her face to do her makeup with to look her in the eye, “i found yongmi crying in our room earlier, and when i asked her what was wrong, she asked me if she was too sensitive. she said you said that to her.”
minjung shrugged, purposely, or so elizabeth assumed, avoiding her eye, “she was being sensitive.”
“fucking-“ elizabeth grabbed the mirror minjung was holding right out of her hand and stood up straight again, “look at me!”
“give it!” minjung whined like a little kid, holding her arms out in an attempt to reach it, “jaemin is coming over soon!”
elizabeth held the mirror behind her back and continued, “y’all can’t ever get along, and i’m fucking sick of it, someone needs to knock some sense into you.”
minjung rolled her eyes for what felt like the fiftieth time that day as elizabeth continued, “you guys argue over the stupidest things and you need to learn how to get along soon or it’s gonna look bad on the rest of us.”
“she called me a bitch,” minjung said defensively, only provoking elizabeth to continue her rant.
“maybe because you were being a bitch. you don’t want to admit it, but you’re spoiled, and you’re a brat, and honestly? you’re abusing you title as the leader. yongmi would be a better leader than you’ve ever been if you don’t smarten up.”
from the look on minjung’s face, you would’ve thought elizabeth had slapped her. but she managed to get out, “look, i don’t know why everyone is taking her side all of a sudden-“
“because you’re the one in the wrong! you need to quit acting like you’re always the victim and like the whole world revolves around you. sure, yongmi may have said a few mean things earlier, but she’s been putting up with it from you for god knows how long.”
“you two are complete opposites. i get that, you don’t think the same, but you two used to be so close! i don’t know what happened between before we debuted and now but you need to start being more considerate and stop acting like a brat.”
“stop trying to make excuses and smarten up already!”
silence. a deafening silence that made minjung’s ears ring. was she really as mean as yongmi and elizabeth said she was? so mean that they were starting to think she was abusing her title as a leader? she’d never admit it, but shit, that cut deep. she did miss how close she used to be with yongmi, she missed it a lot, she missed how genuine and sweet she was, something she wasn’t all that used to. sure, she loved her family but she’d never been as close with them as the relationships she’d developed outside of her own home. yongmi has brought her a sense of comfort she wasn’t all that used to, so what exactly happened?
“have fun with jaemin later,” elizabeth said bitterly, tossing the mirror back onto minjung’s bed and closing the door softly as she left. minjung thought it probably would’ve been better if she slammed it.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : after their fight, min and leda just want things to go back the way they used to be. part two of this !
characters : kang minjung , na jaemin (nct) , son yongmi , jung yeonwoo , cho minjae
genre : i think angst but honestly idk anymore hsjsb
warnings : more swearing , slightly less arguing , uhhh crying ? i guess ? they’re less mean this time around which is always nice
words : 2.0k
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[ july 2019, 4:15 pm, solar dorms ]
minjung really needed to stop dressing up so nice on rainy days.
she stood on the sidewalk next to the dorm building, wringing out her soaked sweater under an awning that protected her from the pouring rain inches away from where she stood. jaemin wasn’t there to walk her home that day, he had to do something... somewhere. she wasn’t too sure, she didn’t really pay attention to what he said, but she didn’t mind walking by herself anyway.
she’d told jaemin about the fight, and jaemin was more civilized about it than both minjung and yongmi (and elizabeth) had been. he suggested apologizing to yongmi, which minjung was (obviously) planning on doing at some point, she kind of had to eventually anyway. the only problem was that she wasn’t the best at apologizing, and she’d spent a good two days trying to think of a way to apologizing without sounding passive aggressive and blaming it on something other than her own actions. and knowing yongmi she’d go on some spiel about how minjung was only apologizing to make herself feel better and not for the sake of yongmi and trying to better their friendship, as it always went. either that or she’d put all the blame on herself instead, which minjung didn’t want to happen in this scenario.
surprisingly, the last few days had been pretty uneventful since her and yongmi had gotten into that fight. they hadn’t talked, they hadn’t even spared each other so much as a look, and when they did accidentally make eye contact they would both look away as quickly as one would retract their hand from a burning hot surface. this proved to be difficult due to their schedules, but they managed somehow, or so minjung thought.
she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, and when she pulled it out, she’d gotten two texts from jaemin.
[ new message from : jaemin <3 ]
[ jaemin : have you seen this? ]
[ jaemin : https://www.soompi.com/article ]
well fuck. turns out people knew a lot more than minjung thought.
she took a loud clap of thunder that made her flinch as her queue to go inside and dry off. reaching up and flattening her frizzy hair, she sighed, knowing her luck she’d probably have streaks of purple running down the back of her neck from the mix of sweat and rainwater from walking a few streets by herself, and the recent dye job she’d done a few days prior. once she was inside and in the elevator headed up to her dorm’s floor, minjung leaned against the wall of the elevator, huffing. she wondered where yongmi was, if she was maybe in the dorm, sitting on the couch watching tv, or maybe she’d retreated to the cafe in the company building across the street, sipping a hot chocolate and reading a book, away from the rain and any of her worries.
once she’d gotten into the dorm, yongmi wasn’t anywhere that she could see, her room, minjung assumed. that’s really the only place in the dorm where anyone could have the slightest bit of privacy, just kick your roommates out and tell them to go into the living room or the spare room (that wasn’t used as a spare room and was more than often used as a gaming room). instead, in the living room was yeonwoo at one end of the couch, and minjae at the other, watching some show on the tv.
minjae turned to glance at the door when minjung walked in. “did you get the good noodles?” he asked, to which she started digging into the small shopping bag she was holding. “oh heck yeah!” he exclaimed when she grabbed two packs of instant noodles out of the shopping bag.
“have you guys seen yongmi anywhere?” minjung asked as she took off her shoes and walked towards the kitchen to put her bag on the counter.
yeonwoo shrugged, “her room probably, why? you finally gonna apologize?”
minjung paused for a beat, “most likely,” she replied, avoiding yeonwoo’s eye while she unloaded the snacks she’d picked up from her bag and into the cupboards.
“did you talk about it with jaemin?” yeonwoo asked.
minjung nodded, laughing out of nervousness and awkwardness more than anything, “he handled it better than either of us did. that boy is a saint, i don’t know what i did to deserve him.”
“me neither,” yeonwoo snorted, causing minjung to turn around and shoot her a death glare.
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yongmi, like minjung had assumed, was in her room, curled up on her bed. she didn’t even notice minjung slowly open the door and inch her way inside until she cleared her throat in an attempt to make her presence known. when yongmi looked up at her, minjung’s chest tightened uncomfortably.
“can i come in?” minjung asked quietly, to which yongmi nodded, and patted a spot next to her on the bed. minjung instead sat at the end of the bed, and yongmi straightened, sitting up better to look at her.
“so...” minjung started, “how are-“
“what’s actually the reason you’re in here?” yongmi blurted, “are you here to apologize? because i don’t think i want that unless it’s an actual apology.”
“i... i actually am here to apologize,” minjung stuttered, pulling at a loose thread on the bedsheets.
“are you apologizing to make yourself feel better, or is it gonna be a genuine apology? did jaemin put you up to this?”
“i mean- yeah, kind of, but i really do- i do actually wanna apologize for the way i’ve been... talking to you,” minjung kept her head down the whole time she spoke, either too ashamed or uncomfortable to look yongmi in the eye.
after a few beats of silence, yongmi sighed. “i shouldn’t have called you a bitch, that wasn’t justified. i was just frustrated with the way you’d been talking to me, and i hadn’t said anything about it.”
minjung nodded, “i shouldn’t have been acting like a bitch. did you see the article?”
“what article?”
“oh, this one, jaemin sent it to me earlier,” minjung held out her phone and clicked on the article. she could see yongmi’s eyes quickly scan the short article from behind the light that minjung’s phone casted on her glasses.
“did you look at the comments?” yongmi asked quietly after a minute.
minjung shook her head, “i don’t like looking at comments.”
“why not?”
“it’s just what i’ve always been told. people always tell me not to look.”
despite minjung’s words, yongmi scrolled down to the comments anyway, “look here... i think fans are overreacting, if you live in a dorm with someone you see everyday you’re bound to not get along with them 24/7. that’s a good point... i’m sure everything’s fine! okay... min ruins their image for me anyway, and leda doesn’t stand out much, she’s always at the- okay, that one is just plain mean.”
“and that’s why,” minjung said.
“is this why you want to apologize? to get the media off our backs?” yongmi asked, pushing minjung’s phone back in her direction.
“no! i-“ minjung stopped herself when she began to raise her voice, and groaned. “i actually want to apologize and say i’m sorry, why is this so difficult?”
“because you’re not used to apologizing to people,” yongmi replied knowingly, “you never hold yourself accountable.” minjung had almost forgotten how long they’d known each other, and just how much they knew about each other. it sucked, it fucking sucked that they felt like they didn’t know each other anymore despite their closeness just a year prior.
minjung stared down, unmoving, eyes burning holes in the bedsheets, she didn’t want to admit it, but yongmi was right. and to the former’s surprise, yongmi spoke again.
“i just...” the redhead bit her lip, trying her best to not let the tears in her eyes spill pitifully down her cheeks and into her lap, “i just wanna know what happened. between debut and now... why we grew apart so much.”
the shakiness in yongmi’s voice struck a deep chord in minjung’s heart, one that she hadn’t been aware of since she was maybe seventeen, when she and yongmi were young trainees with empty promises of a near debut, without another care in the world. to be honest, she had no clue why the two of them had grown apart. was it jaemin? was he taking up too much of minjung’s time? she shouldn’t be blaming that on him, he had nothing to do with it. for all minjung knew, it could be entirely her fault.
“i wish i knew,” minjung replied quietly as yongmi let a tear slip down her cheek.
she quickly wiped her cheek before laughing nervously, “oh god, i don’t want this to turn into a pity party. i just wanna make sure we’re apologizing for the right reasons.”
minjung paused, “...we? no, i should be the one apologizing-“
“no, i overreacted,” yongmi sighed, “i shouldn’t have called you a bitch, i shouldn’t have talked about your parents like that, and you were right. i need to get over myself and be more assertive.”
“wh-“ minjung stopped, she’d almost forgotten how forgiving yongmi was, too forgiving, definitely, she wouldn’t even let minjung apologize without apologizing herself first- even though minjung had a lot more of a reason to than yongmi did.
“you don’t- don’t apologize for that, that’s something you can’t help. i can help acting like a bitch, i can work on that.”
yongmi stuck out her bottom lip in a sad pout, she looked like a kicked puppy as she tried to argue, “but i wanna apologize-“
“you don’t need to!” minjung stopped herself again so when she realized she was beginning to raise her voice again. she immediately slowed down and her voice softened, “you didn’t do anything wrong, i just want you to know that. can i apologize for myself for once?” she laughed awkwardly in a flimsy attempt to ease the once again growing tension.
“i’ve already accepted your apology, but all i really want, is-” minjung watched helplessly as tears began forming in yongmi’s eyes again as she continued, “i just want things to go back to the way they were before, i guess?”
“i do too,” minjung replied quietly, looking up at yongmi and seeing just the raw sadness behind her eyes. she finally let the tears fall, and minjung watched as tears began to stream down her cheeks, not the same frustrated tears from a few days prior, but tears just filled with complete exhaustion and mourning. mourning for all the minutes spent sweaty and exhaustingly laughing at stupid stories when they had a break from training, the hours spent talking on the grassy hill across the street from the company building, the days spent sneaking out and laughing down the streets of downtown seoul, the nights spent staring up at the sky and mindlessly spilling their biggest desires. yongmi missed it, minjung missed it, they missed the sense of complete comfort associated with those days that felt like decades ago.
it made minjung want to cry too, and although a thin layer of tears brimmed her eyes, she didn’t let them fall. she never cried, she’d only ever cried once in front of her other members, and then another on camera, she hated it, never again, she vowed.
as much as she hated physical affection (unless it was from her boyfriend obviously), minjung felt the overwhelming urge to pull yongmi into a heartfelt hug. the former wrapped her arms tightly around the redhead, letting her silently cry into her shoulder without a word, and they stayed like that. they stayed like that for what felt like an hour but probably wasn’t more than five minutes.
“i’m sorry,” minjung whispered, her voice cracking at the end of her sentiment, and although quiet, yongmi could tell that she absolutely meant it, and that maybe, things could start to go back to the way they were before.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : it took a whole month for milo to realize that maybe dating a fan you meet out in public isn’t the best idea he’s ever had.
characters : zhao honghui , jung yeonwoo , lee hayoon , some of solar ensemble are mentioned
genre : fluffy at the start but it gets more angsty near the end
warnings : swearing , talk of sex , they do fuck but i ended up not including the smut , lowkey manipulation if you squint , overall this is what not to do if you have an idol bf
words : 3.9k
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[ february 20th, 2020, smk building cafe ]
“so... remember when we were at the airport last week when our flight was delayed?”
“yeah, what about it?”
honghui fiddled with the straw in his drink, watching the liquid swirl around as he tried to properly string his words together, “uh- basically i- i kinda met a girl?”
yeonwoo nearly choked on her drink.
“pfft- how on earth did you meet a girl at the airport for the hour we were separated?”
“did you not see the vlog from that day?”
“who are you kidding? i don’t watch our vlogs.”
“i-“ honghui chuckled, “it sounds so weird. so when i took minjae and jihoon with me to get a snack-“
“and you brought me back a cold coffee.”
“yeah. anyways, this girl- hayoon- was working at the counter, and she recognized me. she said something like, ‘are you milo from solar?’ i said, ‘yep, i am!’ and she started talking about how big of a fan she was, which was cool because we don’t meet many fans out and about like that.”
yeonwoo hummed, running her thumb down the side of her glass, leaving a dry stripe down the center of the condensation build. “so...? don’t stop there, tell me more!”
honghui nodded hastily, “yeah, we actually talked for a few minutes while my drinks and stuff were getting made, and we got along really well. she ended up slipping me her phone number with the order. we haven’t texted much but i have her instagram.”
“you’ve gotta talk to her!” yeonwoo exclaimed, slamming her hand on the table with each syllable for emphasis, “she seems sweet, shoot your shot dude.”
“shoot my-? nevermind. maybe i’ll find time to talk to her when promotions end, i’m a little busy right now,” honghui said, “i mean, we’re all a little busy.”
“you’d better.”
“i will!” honghui exclaimed, slightly taken aback by yeonwoo’s pushiness.
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[ april 1st, 2020, solar dorms ]
the only light in the room was coming from honghui’s phone screen, the brightness fully down but somehow still too bright. it may have been the middle of the night, but promotions had just ended and he was texting with hayoon. well, more specifically he sent hayoon a text fifteen minutes prior and was nervously anticipating her reply. which had yet to come.
[ honghui : hey hayoon! just thought i’d say hi because promotions are over now and i have a bit of a break to talk :) ]
sent at 12:03 am
honghui sighed dramatically, then paused hearing minjae stir on the top bunk of the other bed. he forgot it was the middle of the night and people were actually sleeping.
he was so caught off guard by minjae that he didn’t even realize for a few seconds that his phone had buzzed.
[ new message from : lee hayoon ]
[ lee hayoon : hi milo! what’s up? ]
he swore the room got a few degrees warmer.
honghui quickly typed a message back, subconsciously bouncing his foot under the cover out of what was most likely nervousness, excitement, anticipation, who knows.
[ honghui : just wondering what you’re up to ]
[ lee hayoon : well, right now i’m getting ready for bed because it’s late. why aren’t you asleep? ]
[ honghui : i don’t know, if you want to go to sleep though i’ll let you ]
[ lee hayoon : it’s fine! i don’t mind talking for a while ]
[ honghui : are you sure? i don’t want to keep you up too late, i’ve got nothing going on tomorrow but i don’t know about you ]
[ lee hayoon : you’re so cute. it’s fine, i’m serious! ]
honghui felt his chest swell, as well as a strong urge to squeal into his pillow. but he didn’t, because that’s weird, and there were people sleeping a few feet away from him. a cute girl called him cute, and that absolutely made his heart melt.
he kinda lost track of time texting her. before he knew it, it was suddenly 2am and they had plans to hang out that friday. he could barely keep his eyes open.
[ honghui : i’m about to pass out. want to continue talking tomorrow? ]
[ lee hayoon : of course! goodnight :) ]
after reading her final message, honghui shut his phone off and turned over, smiling to himself. he’d consider that to be a pretty good night.
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[ april 3rd, 2020, a random street corner ]
honghui stared at his phone eagerly, waiting for hayoon to say she was around the corner. they had decided to meet up and walk to the park nearby, where a couple of her friends might join her later that day. he was hesitant to this idea at first, but hayoon assured him everything would be fine. he was in such a good mood though that he didn’t let it bother him, not even the loud incessant honking of vehicles going down the street or the rather smelly dumpster in an alley behind him would dare taint his good mood.
suddenly his phone dinged, and he looked down to see a text from hayoon.
[ lee hayoon : i’m right around the corner! are you here yet? ]
honghui smiled excitedly before typing a message back.
[ honghui : yep! i’m wearing a long coat and a bucket hat lol ]
just then, a girl in a cute sporty jacket and chunky white sneakers walked around the corner and looked at him. it was hayoon, obviously, with her hands in her pockets and a big smile on her face.
“hi milo!” she said, waving excitedly at him. one of the first things he noticed about her was how short she was, not that that was a turn off or anything, but he had a good eight inches on her with her shoes on, he suspected she’d be about yongmi’s height without them, maybe shorter. it was cute.
“hi!” he said back, “you don’t need to call me milo by the way, my real name is fine.”
hayoon giggled nervously, “i totally would, i’m just really bad at pronouncing chinese words and names.”
“would calling me hyunsu make it easier? it’s my korean name, i don’t mind.”
hayoon nodded, smiling, “that works a lot better, i’ll remember that.”
as they walked to the park, they struck up friendly conversation with each other, hayoon told honghui about her new job at a cafe her aunt owns, and how she quit her job at the airport cafe because the transportation was too much of a hassle. honghui answered some questions she had about what being an idol is really like, and how their living situation is and all that. he was really starting to like her, she was cute, sweet, and fun to talk to.
eventually they got to the park, there wasn’t a lot there, but it was peaceful. it had a sort of serene vibe, an oasis within the concrete walls of the city.
they found a bench to sit down on which they stayed on for a while, continuing their conversations from the way over there. honghui never thought he’d learn so much about someone in a few hours, but by the time they were done, he knew the exact ages of her parents and siblings, he knew she had a tank of five fish each named after one of her favourite foods, he knew that she counted the stars through her window every night to help her fall asleep.
eventually, hayoon ran into a few of her friends while they walked around the park, and she introduced him as “her celebrity friend”. he thought that was... odd, but he didn’t say anything. they were nice enough, they asked him lots of questions about what it’s like being an idol, and he answered what he was allowed to. but before he knew it, the air was chillier and the sun was sinking down lower in the sky, giving him a signal that he probably should’ve gone back already.
as the candy floss clouds bled into the sunset, honghui bid his temporary goodbyes to hayoon and her friends, promising that they’d meet up again that weekend.
“so, i’ll see you again this weekend, right?” hayoon asked.
“definitely,” honghui replied, smiling softly with pink cheeks.
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[ april 11th, 2020, hayoon’s living room ]
it didn’t feel like it had only been a week since the first time honghui and hayoon actually started hanging out.
this was officially their fifth “date”, and they had been texting 24/7, or at least it felt like they were. things were moving really fast. the first two times, they were out in public, but then their time time hanging out, hayoon took honghui to her apartment after he had come to visit her while she was working. she still lived with her mother, she was only 20 after all, and she was gonna start school soon and couldn’t afford to live on her own. her mother was out late working most nights though, so honghui never saw her.
this time, they were at her apartment, sitting in her living room watching a show. the heat wasn’t up far enough and both of them didn’t wanna get up to turn it off so hayoon resorted to cuddling up close next to honghui under their blanket, which made his heart race faster than he’d like to admit.
he really liked her, he’d already admitted that to himself, he’d also admitted it to yeonwoo right before he left that day. he could hear her voice ringing in her ears, saying, “tell her! you’ve got nothing to lose! she’s clearly interested in you.” maybe she was right.
“uh- hayoon?” he blurted out suddenly.
she looked over at him, “what’s up hyunie?” right. she had a nickname for him. maybe yeonwoo was right.
“i- uh-“ he started, trying to properly string his words together, but not getting far.
she smiled, chuckling slightly, “you what? spit it out! what do you-“
“i really like you.”
hayoon stared silently at honghui, which didn’t make him feel any better.
“oh god, sorry, that was sudden,” honghui replied quickly, his cheeks reddening, “it’s only been a week, i know, if you don’t feel the same i underst-“
hayoon cut off honghui’s rambling by sealing the gap between their lips, pressing hers against his. honghui didn’t know how to react at first, but soon sighed and relaxed into the kiss. the kiss was timid from honghui’s end, while hayoon smiled into the kiss before slowly pulling away.
honghui stared at her, dumbfounded, “so... is that a yes?”
hayoon laughed, “you’re so cute. and now i can tell people i kissed a celebrity.” honghui laughed along with that, but the laugh wasn’t as genuine as he thought it’d be.
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[ april 13th, 2020, solar dorms ]
“you did WHAT?!”
“it all happened so fast! i- we just-“ honghui stumbled through his words, trying to make sense of everything that happened the previous night.
yeonwoo, who sat at the other end of the couch he was on, sighed, “that was a bit of an overreaction. i just can’t believe you lost your virginity before- literally anyone in this group who hasn’t lost their virginity yet!”
“i- don’t say it like that!” honghui’s cheeks burned as yeonwoo laughed, “it just happened, one thing led to another, you know, isn’t that how it usually goes?”
he couldn’t believe he lost his virginity to hayoon. the night after they first kissed, he visited her again, they watched their show again, and somewhere in there they kissed again. somehow that led to them making out, and then somehow that led to hayoon taking her shirt off, and somehow that led to them fucking. like he said, it all went by really fast.
“i can’t believe this.” yeonwoo groaned, “it’s been just over a week!”
“me neither,” she raised her eyebrows at honghui, “i didn’t expect us to go that far in the first place. but we did. and now i’ve lost my virginity to a fan i met at a damn airport.”
yeonwoo knitted her eyebrows together, “so... does this mean you two are a thing now?”
“i-“ he paused. were they a thing? he had no idea, they hadn’t had a serious conversation about it- at all.
“i don’t know,” honghui said finally, “we haven’t put a label on it, i guess.”
“are you going to?”
he shrugged, “maybe, we’ll see where it goes.”
yeonwoo sighed, looking at the ground, “how did you lose your virginity before me?” she laughed, lightly kicking honghui in the shin, to which he just shrugged in response, his cheeks burning a bright shade of vermillion.
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[ april 19th, 2020, hayoon’s work ]
honghui officially had a girlfriend, and her name was lee hayoon.
they made it official the day after honghui had that talk with yeonwoo. he met up with hayoon and they talked about what they were, and since then, they’ve officially been boyfriend and girlfriend. so far, hayoon had been nothing but good to honghui, aside from all the “i’m dating a celebrity” jokes, which honghui found slightly obnoxious, but he chose to ignore it, because he liked her.
the cafe was relatively empty that time of day, so he found himself a table near the front door to sit down at and to wait for hayoon to finish her shift. he couldn’t see out the window well due to the building condensation, but it was overcast, and it had been raining most of the day. but today, instead of the gloomy weather reflecting his mood, honghui was feeling pretty good that day, he’d had a good three weeks, and he couldn’t see anything changing that.
when he saw hayoon emerge from the employee’s room, he stood up to greet her, but as he was about to walk over to her, the door opened. he looked over to see a small group of girls walking in, who hayoon obviously recognized, because she waved to them excitedly when they walked in.
more of her friends.
honghui sighed softly, he liked it better when they spent time together alone, but hayoon always had her friends around her. he knew her as a very social person, so he never thought much of it, but she didn’t seem to be with her friends a whole lot outside of when they hung out. it felt like almost every date now there was at least one of her friends present in some way.
he wasn’t one to protest though, so he kept silent on the issue.
“hi guys!” hayoon exclaimed as she walked over to the area where they all stood, reaching up to placing a hand on his shoulder. “hi hyunie,” she whispered, standing on the tips of her toes to try and kiss his cheek. he was so much taller than her that he had to lean down so she could reach his cheek.
“hi,” he whispered through gritted teeth.
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[ april 24th, 2020, hayoon’s work ]
honghui opened the door to the cafe very slowly, seeing hayoon behind the counter with her back turned to him. with a small bouquet of flowers in his hand and a grin on his face, he snuck up to the counter to surprise her. before he came to visit her, he visited a nearby flower shop and picked up a small bouquet for her, no occasion in particular, he just felt like giving her something.
he paused when he realized she was talking on the phone to someone. now, he was never a nosy person, but he couldn’t help but eavesdrop a little on the conversation she was having.
“no, not today... yeah, he keeps saying he wants to be alone with me... god no not like that! he doesn’t like when i bring a lot of friends along...”
honghui’s face fell as she continued.
“it’s not possessive, he’s a celebrity after all... i’m not just dating him because he’s a celebrity! i mean, that may be part of it... no, but-“
hayoon froze when she turned around to see honghui there. he quickly hid the bouquet behind his back.
“hi, hyunie! you’re early, give me a second-“ she spoke quickly before she went back to her phone, quietly explaining that she was gonna hang up. once she did, she turned back to the boy at the counter with a smile, “how long have you been here? hopefully not long so you didn’t have to hear me talking on the phone for so long. me and my friends talk a lot.”
he shook his head quickly, forcing a smile on his face, “nope. just got here,” he lied through his teeth.
“that’s good,” hayoon said, walking around the counter to meet him on the other side, “did you get me flowers?” she gasped, seeing the bouquet in his hand. he nodded quickly and held them out for her to take.
“i love them!” she exclaimed, kissing his hand because she couldn’t reach his cheek. he softened seeing her reaction to the flowers, a genuine smile creeping across his lips.
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[ april 27th, 2020, hayoon’s apartment ]
when honghui walked in, hayoon was laying on the couch, watching tv like usual. he didn’t even say hi to her, he didn’t need to, he just walked over to the couch and climbed on top of her, his head resting on her chest. she eventually fell asleep, and honghui tried to, but he didn’t feel like sleeping and he wouldn’t be able to even if he wanted to. whether it was the late afternoon sunlight pouring in through the thin curtains or the tv blaring, something was keeping him up.
he perked up when he heard hayoon’s phone buzz from on the floor beside the couch, also waking hayoon up. she didn’t check her phone, however, instead she tried to get up. she didn’t get very far though, because honghui wrapped his arms around her waist.
“don’t get up, you’re warm.”
hayoon tried to wriggle her way out of his grasp, “i’m just going to the bathroom, i’ll be right back.” he made a little sound of disapproval, but let go of her, flopping back down onto the couch as she stood up and left the room.
he groaned when her phone started dinging constantly. once again, he was never much of a nosy person, but curiosity got the better of him. he peered over the side of the couch to see what was so important that they had to sent six messages in a row.
[ message from : bestie 👯‍♀️ ]
that wasn’t really much of an indicator.
[ bestie : hayoooooon ]
[ bestie : are you there?? ]
[ bestie : or are you with your celebrity boyfriend again lol ]
[ bestie : come on he literally takes up so much of your time talk to meee ]
[ bestie : i mean i get it he’s your boyfriend but you keep saying he’s clingy ]
[ bestie : he’s gonna get in the way of our friendship lol ]
he suddenly wished he didn’t read those texts.
he was already an over thinker, but that might made it ten times worse. did hayoon think he was clingy? he didn’t think he was that clingy, but how clingy was too clingy for hayoon? he rolled on his back, sighing loudly, maybe it was just a misunderstanding, that was his solution to everything, just a misunderstanding.
that was when hayoon came back from the bathroom, walking over to the front of the couch. “you okay?” she asked, seeing him sprawled out staring up at the ceiling in thought.
he turned his head towards her hearing her voice, sitting himself up on the couch, “yeah. i think i’m gonna head back though, i don’t feel great.”
“that’s fine, is everything okay though?” she asked.
“yeah, it’s fine, i’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, standing up to give her a peck on the lips before grabbing his shoes and walking out the door.
he stayed up thinking a lot that night.
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[ april 29th, 2020, solar dorms ]
this was the last straw.
over the last week there had been a lot of little occurrences that have almost set honghui off, but for some reason, this was the one that made him snap.
honghui and hayoon were in the middle of texting, and she accidentally sent him a text that was very obviously meant for someone else. normally this wouldn’t have been a big deal, but the message had something to do with how she wouldn’t like him as much if he wasn’t an idol.
[ hayoon : no he’s a sweetheart but not the type of person i’d date it he weren’t a celebrity ]
she deleted it quickly and apologized, but he’d already seen enough. he called her immediately, asking for an explanation.
“it’s not what it seems like, i swear, we were just joking around-“
“seems like a pretty weird thing to joke about, don’t you think?” honghui replied flatly.
“our humour is just like that. hyunie, listen-“
“don’t call me hyunie right now.” his voice dripped with venom. he’d only ever spoken with hayoon in the sweetest, warmest sounding voice, it didn’t sound like him at all. it scared hayoon a little quite frankly. “joke or not, it’s degrading. i just want you to be honest with me.”
hayoon sighed, “hyunsu, i’m sorry-“
“i want honesty, that’s all i want,” honghui replied, his voice softening a little. “i wouldn’t be making a big deal out of this if it wasn’t for everything that’s happened this week. the call, the texts-“
“so you did hear that phone call?”
“that’s not my point. so unless you have an explanation for all of this, i’m gonna hang up. be honest with me, if you don’t want to date me, say it to my face.”
“hyunsu, i...” her voice broke slightly, and honghui softened again. he still really likes her, so the fact that he had to do this fucking sucked. it felt like it was tearing his heart in half.
“you what, hayoon? spit it out.”
“i like you, i really do. but the reason i started dating you was because you were a celebrity, i got excited at the idea of dating a celebrity. and yeah, maybe if you weren’t famous i wouldn’t have been so quick to start dating you, but that doesn’t mean-“
honghui sighed, “i think i’ve heard enough.”
“wait! i’ll explain myself, i really do like you-“
“i like you too. but this fucking hurts, hayoon. would you like it if someone started dating you for your public status?”
hayoon sniffled so quietly it was almost inaudible, and her voice wavered slightly, “hyunsu-“
“i’ve heard enough. i don’t want to deal with this anymore.” honghui said bitterly. “goodbye, hayoon. find some other boy’s heart to break.”
and with that, he hung up.
they were over. a small part of honghui hoped that entire conversation would turn out to be a misunderstanding. they’d make up, and things would go back to normal. but sometimes, life doesn’t work out in your favour. sometimes it treated you like a little kid would a daisy they found in the grass- plucking you clean. which sounded like an exaggeration, but to honghui, a hopeless romantic who thought he and hayoon really had something, it wasn’t.
that was it. they were over. honghui hated it but he tried to remind himself that it was better this way.
that didn’t make it any easier.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
[ IN ORBIT WITH SOLAR S4 EP1 - don’t tell min! ]
[ june 19, 2020 ]
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“it’s currently...” hyesoo held up for phone in front of the camera to show that it was almost 2am, “and we’re not in the dorm right now.”
minjae peered at the camera over her shoulder, “we’re in the staircase by the food court.”
“so...” hyesoo continued, “you’re probably wondering why we’re here and not in bed, it’s because we decided that we really wanted the food court sandwiches. and then we dragged orion along with us so we could have someone keep lookout.”
“i said it probably wasn’t a good idea,” jihoon mumbled off camera.
“what are they gonna do if we get caught? i’m pretty sure there’s still people here practicing anyways,” hyesoo turned her head to the side, presumably in jihoon’s direction, to reply.
next to her, still looking at the camera, minjae said, “can we go see if we can get in now?”
“i just wanna go back,” jihoon said, to which hyesoo whipped her head around again to look at him.
“aren’t you supposed to be the brave one? we’re getting the damn sandwiches.” with that, hyesoo flipped the camera around, handed it to minjae, and carefully began to push the stairwell door open, letting the lounge area of the floor into view. hyesoo was the first out, immediately diving down to the ground and doing a somersault to hide behind the nearest armchair. minjae followed closely behind, minus the somersault, and jihoon was last, shutting the door behind him before reluctantly trudging over to meet the other two behind the chair.
“it’s like a spy mission!” hyesoo said giddily, taking the camera back from minjae. “it looks like the lights are still on over there, but no ones there. so we should be able to sneak into the fridge and grab a few, right? unless the fridge is locked, but who would lock a fridge anyway?” she rambled, zooming in on the other side of the floor, where the food court area was.
“but anyways! let’s just go!” she continued, handing off the camera to jihoon. “you stay over here and keep watch, don’t try to leave, because i’ll know.”
jihoon flipped the camera around on himself, but it was so zoomed in that all that was visible was his nose. “oh no- oops-“ he mumbled as he tried to zoom out, eventually doing so and giving the camera a nervous smile and wave. “don’t tell min about any of this. she doesn’t know we’re here, she thinks we’re in bed. she’ll know by the time this goes up, but it’s okay.”
he flipped the camera again, this time focusing on hyesoo and minjae, who were just making it to the food court, and trying to find a way around the counter so they could get behind. “i wonder if they’ll make it- oop, look at that,” he commented as they got behind the counter, and immediately made a beeline for one of the small display fridges filled with sandwiches.
“they really love those sandwiches...” jihoon said as he watched hyesoo struggle with the fridge handle, “i hope they get me one for making me come along with this. i just don’t wanna get in trouble, y’know? i don’t know what they’d do though... i guess check if we have less lines in our new album, then you’ll know.”
while jihoon was laughing at his own joke, hyesoo managed to get the fridge door open and immediately scooped up a handful of sandwiches, minjae doing the same. “oh look at that,” jihoon continued his commentary, “better not grab too many, don’t make it look sus.”
minjae raised a hand to signal at jihoon that they’d made it, and jihoon gave him a thumbs-up back. “is that it, or are they gonna steal the milk cartons too?” jihoon joked, and as soon as he saw minjae going for the fridge with the milk in it he immediately said “oh god no- i’m just not gonna talk anymore.”
once minjae had grabbed a milk carton for himself, the two started to make their way back to jihoon. he exhaled and said, “finally, they’ve gotten us into enough trouble for the night. it’s funny, i’m usually the one getting us into trouble, but this time it’s with the company. goeun is kinda scary sometimes, i wouldn’t wanna mess with her.”
“we made it!” hyesoo exclaimed once they were within a few feet of jihoon. she took the camera once again and pointed it at herself, saying, “period sis.” and the clip cut off from there.
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the next clip was them sitting in the stairwell once again, happily eating their sandwiches.
posie turned to jihoon and said, “so now are you glad we dragged you along?”
jihoon paused for a second before answering simply, “yeah.”
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
[ IN ORBIT WITH SOLAR S3 EP3 - our flight got delayed! ]
[ february 10th, 2020 ]
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“we’re at the airport,” minjung said quietly, “i’m sitting in the waiting area, we’re waiting for our flight. we’re going somewhere to film a little bit and take some pictures.”
she flipped the camera around to show the other members. the airport was almost strangely deserted, and the dark colour of the sky through the windows made it clear that it was night. the members of solar were all spread out through the row of chairs, with honghui across from minjung in another chair, elizabeth and yongmi near the window, jihoon and hyesoo sitting on the floor, minjae sprawled out on his back on the floor, and yeonwoo asleep across at least three chairs.
honghui looked up at the camera, and minjung slowly zoomed in on his face, “there’s milo over there, hi milo~”
“aren’t we supposed to be boarding by now?” he asked. minjung shrugged in return. “look at the clock, it’s 8pm, that’s our boarding time.”
minjung turned the camera around to face herself, “maybe our flight got cancelled.”
“oh no i hope not!” minjae replied, still laying on the floor. minjung turned the camera around again and zoomed in on minjae’s face.
“oh- hi! do you like my new hair?” he asked the camera, pulling his hood down a little to reveal he had dyed it pink, “the fans don’t know yet, but they’ll know by the time this goes up, so it’s okay.”
“when we got here, there were a few fans here to say hi and mj’s hood fell down,” honghui explained, “someone shouted ‘mj has pink hair!’ and then he pulled his hood back up and said ‘no i don’t!’”
“ooh, we should show everyone all of our new hair colours!” minjae exclaimed, ignoring honghui’s little story about him, “i dyed my hair pink, min dyed her’s blonde! milo’s is still black but it’s longer. can i see the camera?”
minjung handed minjae the camera, and he made sure to zoom in on each member individually and talk about their hair. “see posie and orion right there? orion’s hair is dark blue and posie’s is blonde! over there, beth has dark red hair and leda still has blonde, she told me she wants to dye it brown. and over there... eri is asleep so you can’t really see but she has short hair now!”
“are you guys filming right now?” yongmi asked from a few chairs down. she sat near elizabeth who had her phone propped up against the windowsill, very obviously recording herself, probably for tiktok, who knows,
minjae nodded, “come over here and say hi!” he exclaimed, zooming in on her.
she walked over and sat down, “it’s so warm in here,” she said while taking off her coat and rolling it into a ball small enough to put in her carry on, “i don’t know how you guys are surviving, especially elizabeth.”
elizabeth looked over, dressed in a long sleeve shirt, leather jacket, ripped jeans, and platform sneakers that made her at least two inches taller (minjae and jihoon both didn’t like those shoes). “it’s called fashion,” she huffed, “i wanna look good, and some people wanna be comfortable.”
minjae turned and zoomed in on yeonwoo, looking like she was still asleep- although you couldn’t really tell because of the way her hat and facemask were covering her face.
“are you filming me?” yeonwoo asked from under her hat.
minjae kept zooming in, “...no.”
“are you guys judging me because i decided to dress comfy?” she asked, and minjae zoomed in on her outfit for emphasis, a hoodie and sweatpants, with a facemask and bucket hat (it matched the one that leda wore! they bought matching ones with bananas on them).
“...nope,” minjae said again.
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the video cut off, and it’s evident a few minutes have gone by. minjae still has the camera, but it’s pointed up at minjung.
“we just found out our flight is delayed an hour and a half,” minjung explained, “it’s still departing tonight but we have to wait a while.”
the conversation was suddenly interrupted by jihoon, who called out to minjung, “min! i’m hungry.”
minjae turned towards him, “me too! is there a cafe or something around here?”
���probably,” minjung said, “milo? do you mind taking them to go find somewhere to eat?”
minjae looked at minjung, “min... i’m 17, i think i can get there myself.”
“you’re gonna get lost,” minjung said, “it’s a big airport, you’ve almost gotten lost here before. milo? can you take them?”
honghui nodded, putting his phone in his pocket, “yeah, i can do that, i’d like a drink anyways.”
“get me a coffee?” yeonwoo asked from under her hat.
“not unless you come with us,” honghui replied.
“nevermind then,” yeonwoo responded, “i’ll stay here.”
“alright,” honghui said, standing from his seat, “are you guys coming?”
jihoon and minjae both nodded, also standing up and following behind honghui.
honghui waved goodbye to minjung, “we’ll be back... whenever. i don’t know yet.”
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the video cut to minjae with his face pushed right up against the camera, only his eyes and nose in frame, “guys look how stylish milo is,” he said, turning the camera around to pan up and down honghui’s outfit, a black and white patterned button up shirt, black skinny jeans, and black sneakers.
“i just threw this on this morning,” honghui explained, putting his hand on the camera and turning it back towards minjae, “this is one of my favourite shirts though, i wear it out a lot.”
“guys, there’s a little cafe right there!” jihoon exclaimed, pointing towards a store a little ahead of them. as they got closer, they could see a few tables and a person or two sitting and eating, as well as a young woman at the cash. all their faces were blurred for privacy reasons, obviously.
“okay, what do you guys want?” honghui asked the two younger boys.
“can i get a cookie? and a hot chocolate?” jihoon asked.
“can i get that too?” minjae said.
“i don’t know, that’s a lot of sugar...” honghui replied, “do you really wanna eat that much sugar this late?”
“yeah!” jihoon said, “do you not have enough money for it or something?”
“i have enough money, i just don’t think that much sugar is a good idea this late but if you want it i’ll get it. how about you two go find a place to sit while i order?”
this time, the video cut to a zoomed in scene of honghui talking to the lady at the cash. he was smiling and laughing, and she was too although it was hard to make out under the blur. minjae and jihoon were audibly giggling in the background.
“they’ve been talking for a few minutes, do you think he’s gonna shoot his shot?” minjae asked.
“no way,” jihoon laughed, “he’s too shy, he’s probably being so awkward up there.”
honghui turned around to return to the table, a tray in his hands with a few drinks and their cookies balanced on top.
“there he is!” jihoon exclaimed, “so what’s with you and that girl up there? was she nice?”
“i was literally just ordering. she recognized me and that’s what we were talking about,” honghui replied, a light rosy blush dusting his cheeks.
“what’s her name? is she your age?” minjae asked.
“can i say that? i feel like that’s kinda private,” honghui said hesitantly, “her name is pretty common though.”
“say it!” minjae exclaimed.
honghui leaned in, “her name is hayoon, don’t go find her and stalk her or anything, she’ll probably blame me. can we blur her face out?”
jihoon glanced down at the tray, noticing an extra fourth drink that didn’t look like it was for any of them. “why’d you get two coffees? isn’t one enough?” honghui didn’t respond.
“it’s for yeonwoo isn’t it?” minjae said, and honghui nodded quickly.
jihoon laughed, “you’re such a pushover.”
honghui suddenly pulled his phone out of his pocket, “i got a text from leda. where is she? oh, she found a candy shop with posie and beth, do you guys wanna go now and meet her there? you can bring your drinks.”
minjae nodded frantically, “i wanna see a candy shop!”
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six members of solar were now in frame, minjung and yeonwoo were still sitting near the terminal, and the others were in a candy shop.
“do you wanna see what i have milo saved as in my phone?” yongmi asked the camera, or more specifically minjae, who was behind the camera. she lifted up her phone to show their messages, “it’s darrel,” she giggled, “it’s an inside joke, i gave everyone english names, right, gary?”
“i don’t like being called gary,” minjae huffed.
hyesoo skipped over, a baggie of multicoloured gummies in one of her hands, “what’s going on over here?”
“oh hi sandra,” yongmi greeted hyesoo, and she laughed in return. “see? posie likes it, why can’t you respond to my jokes like that?” yongmi said to minjae.
“look at how pretty this store is,” minjae said, completely ignoring yongmi and instead moving the camera in a slow pan around the shop. the shelves were lined with rows and rows of colourful candies that would make any little kid freak. this time, particularly any little kid named hyesoo, minjae, or jihoon.
“are you gonna buy that?” yongmi asked hyesoo, referring to the gummy bag in her hand.
“probably,” hyesoo replied, “why?”
“just wondering,” yongmi answered, “i might buy something small, i’m not sure yet.”
“you should,” elizabeth appeared seemingly out of thin air, startling yongmi and hyesoo, “they’ve got these cute little- ice cream- popsicle- ...things. i don’t know what to call them but they’re cute.” she held out the little packet the frozen treat was help in in front of her.
“wait where did you find those? i want one!” yongmi said.
“come over here!” elizabeth said, leading yongmi to a different section of the shop, leaving minjae and hyesoo by themselves.
“so...” hyesoo started, “have we even talked about why we’re at the airport yet?”
“i don’t think so,” minjae answered from behind the camera.
“oh! well in that case...” hyesoo began, “we’re shouting a few scenes for our new music video! can i say the name of the song? this will probably be up after the song comes out anyway, it’s called crush! we’re also going to take some pictures, and honestly it’s mostly just a vacation more than anything. i’m excited!”
minjae nodded, “yeah, it’s exciting. but what kind of candy should i buy?”
“guys?” the two heard honghui call from a few metres away, “min just texted me... we’ve been out for an hour, our flight is gonna be here in less then thirty minutes.”
“does that mean we need to go?” jihoon asked.
“really soon, yeah,” honghui said, “hurry up and pay for your stuff so we can go back and not miss our flight, okay?”
“don’t rush me! i need to pay for my gummies!” posie called back.
“do you want to miss your flight? hurry up!” honghui yelled right back at her.
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yeonwoo had the camera now, still waiting on the terminal.
“we’re gonna board in a minute,” she explained, “milo bought me a coffee. it’s cold, but i appreciate it.”
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finally, the camera was back in minjung’s hands, and she was on the plane, sitting next to hyesoo who was asleep on her shoulder.
“we’re landing, thought i’d just update you and say we made it through the flight. i’ll come back when we’re on the ground!” she covered the camera with her hand.
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minjung took her hand off the camera, and they were in another airport, “we made it!” she tilted the camera towards yongmi who was walking beside her, she looked like she had just woken up.
“yay!” yongmi said with rather flat sounding enthusiasm, “i wanna go back to bed.”
“when we get to our hotel,” minjung said, looking at the camera, “shoot, i think it’s about to die. it’s a sign we’ve filmed too much today i think.” yongmi nodded.
“time to say bye now, i think.”
“okay,” minjung said, “it was a long day, but we made it! we’ll see you tomorrow, b-“
then the camera died, cutting off the vlog.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
34 for any member of solar
[ 3:23 am , solar dorms ]
— in which leda is woken up to some strange noises in the kitchen.
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seriously? at this ungodly hour?
yongmi suddenly jolted awake to a strange noise. it took her a minute to process what she had heard, but it sounded like a loud bang and a yell of something along the lines of “god dammit!” coming from the kitchen area. looking around her room, she determined that elizabeth and hyesoo were still fast asleep in their beds. she checked her phone, and groaned seeing the time.
although now that she was up, she was rather thirsty, and in her half awake state, she decided that she’d go out and see what was in the kitchen and- knock them out if they were a burglar or something. seemed reasonable enough. and with her phone in hand (the flash on) and not being able to see more than three feet in front of her, she was off.
the hardwood was cold on her bare feet, and she shivered slightly going down the seemingly always cold hallway. sure enough, she heard shuffling noises coming from the kitchen, and when she peered through the doorway, she could make out a silhouette of someone looking through the fridge. there was a pot on the floor, the source of the loud bang she had heard from her room.
“who’s there?” yongmi said quietly, her voice slightly hoarse from just being woken up, “if you’re here to take our food you’re not gonna get much all we have in there is cheese-“
the figure lifted its head and looked directly at her, and only when she saw its curly hair did she figure out who it was. standing behind the fridge door with a fistful of shredded cheese in his mouth.
“jihoon?! what are you-“
“i can explain.”
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
[ 2:43 pm , solar dorms ]
— in which yeonwoo picks up honghui off his ass and attempts to help him get over his ex
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“dude, this is getting ridiculous,” yeonwoo said loudly, pounding on the door of the bedroom, “get out here.”
it’d been over a day since honghui had left his room for more than two minutes. the only people that had seen him were minjae and jihoon, but even that’s just because they share a room. they’d tried multiple things to get him out of bed, minjae started jumping on the bed with him on it at one point, and not even that worked.
he’d been sulking all day over hayoon, and frankly, yeonwoo was sick of it.
“i’m not gonna stop pounding on the door until you get out here and stop being sorry for yourself!”
after a few seconds, yeonwoo heard a muffled, “why should i?” from inside the room.
“because i ordered kimchi fried rice from your favourite takeout place,” she answered, “so you can either stay in there wallowing in your own self pity or eat.”
it took a few seconds, but soon the door cracked open and honghui poked his head through.
“you can come in,” he said quietly.
“i know that would work,” yeonwoo said, smiling to herself as she opened the door further, letting herself into the room with two takeout boxes in her arms.
while the two of them sat on honghui’s bed with him scarfing down his food like he hadn’t eaten in a week, yeonwoo suddenly piped up, “so, spill it. what happened between you two and why are you so upset about it?”
honghui swallowed, sighing dramatically, “it was... it was a lot of things honestly. a lot of things that kinda just built up until i- realized this wasn’t gonna work- i guess.”
yeonwoo nodded solemnly, “do you wanna... elaborate?”
“god, you sound like a guidance counsellor.”
“i’m trying to help, hong,” he couldn’t help but chuckle at yeonwoo’s dramatic, drawn out tone when saying the stupid nickname she gave him. “consider me your part time therapist.”
“definitely not. i don’t think you’re qualified to be my therapist.”
“says who?”
“says me.”
“just tell me what happened between you and this bitch!”
“she’s not-!”
yeonwoo quickly shushes honghui’s protests, “don’t even. she’s a bitch. i don’t know what happened, but she’s a bitch.”
“it was just...” honghui jabbed his utensils into his takeout box while he tried find his words, “like i said, it was a lot of things that just built up over time- like how she only seemed to want to hang out with me when her friends were around? like she wanted to show me off almost?”
yeonwoo hummed in disapproval as honghui continued, “this one time i overheard her talking on the phone to one of her friends about me, and another time i saw some texts her friend had sent her. the whole thing just felt- off.”
she furrowed her eyebrows and simply replied, “that stinks. what did the texts say?”
honghui took another jab at his food, “her friend said something about how i was ruining their friendship... she also mentioned how hayoon thought i was clingy.”
“the fuck was she expecting?” yeonwoo blurted, “if you’re gonna be in a relationship it’d be nice if you were somewhat committed to the relationship.”
“i was pretty clingy though-“
“shut the fuck up,” she replied in a harsh yet reassuring tone, “being committed to a relationship isn’t clingy.”
honghui sighed, knowing that yeonwoo was defending him much more than she should’ve been, although it was probably in an effort to get him up off his ass, which he appreciated. instead of saying any of that, he rubbed his eyes and groaned, “i can’t believe i lost my virginity to her.”
yeonwoo scoffed, “what’s the worst she can do, write an angry tweet about your tiny dick?”
“hey-! i’m average.”
“you measure?”
“...who doesn’t?”
“anyways...” yeonwoo took a bite of her food, continuing, “you need to get up and get over her, she’s not worth your time! i can make plans with some friends for dinner tonight somewhere?”
honghui hesitated, not wanting to leave his bed but also realizing that he needed to sometime soon. he finally replied, “sure, just not minjung and jaemin, i don’t wanna see any more couples right now.”
“yeah, yeah, get over it you big baby,” yeonwoo laughed, “i can text dahyun and chaeyoung, how about that?”
“and tzuyu?” honghui asked.
“yeah, of course, tzuyu too,” she replied, pulling out her phone.
honghui sat up straighter, setting his empty takeout box on his bedside table, “since we’re going out tonight, i’m gonna go shower.”
“good idea, you haven’t left your bed in a day,” yeonwoo said, crinkling her nose. she stopped honghui before he left the room though, clapping her hand on his shoulder.
“hayoon isn’t worth your time, or energy,” she said, “but if it’s still bothering you, you know you can y’all to me, right? or minjung, or yongmi, or jihoon- or anyone.”
honghui smiled warmly, feeling a sense of relief wash over him that he hadn’t felt in weeks.
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starmakerdotcom · 5 years
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summary : why are milo and eri so close, yet so awkward with each other?
characters : zhao honghui , jung yeonwoo
genre : eighdj i wanna say angst but i dunno i’m bad at writing angst ig it’s kinda an angst/fluff hybrid
warnings : yhh probably none?? jus sad boy hours n a breakup but the breakup was mostly on good terms so it’s fine. also the entire thing might not make any sense i dunno
words : 1.5k
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[ november 2018, 8:54 pm , behind the smke building ]
honghui’s phone lit up.
[ new message from : yeonwoo <3 ]
[ yeonwoo : are you still here? i want to talk to you ]
a feeling of dread instantly overcame honghui. yeonwoo never texted him like that.
he sighed, running a hand through his hair, which was damp from sweat. he’d stayed a little later than usual that night to get some extra training in, just to make up for a few practices he felt like he could’ve done better in. he never felt like his practice was enough, like he wasn’t able to show his full potential. although he tried to convince himself, with the help of yeonwoo, that he was doing great and he would improve.
he read the message again, and then sent one back.
[ honghui : i’m still here, i’m staying a bit late. is everything okay? ]
it took a minute for yeonwoo to respond, but he received another short message from her.
[ yeonwoo : everything’s fine, i just wanna talk about something. meet me behind the building? where you and the others used to go ]
he knew exactly where she was talking about.
before honghui started dating yeonwoo, and before yeonwoo helped him quit smoking weed, he had a certain spot he’d go to with a few other trainees who had picked up smoking, they had a name for this place, “the spot”. simple, but they all understood what it meant.
“the spot” was a small place behind the smke building where the security cameras didn’t reach, it was sort of a little hideout for trainees to go where they wouldn’t be caught. honghui hasn’t been there in a long time, this only worsened the feeling of dread growing stronger in the pit of his stomach.
he typed one more message to yeonwoo before grabbing his things and leaving the practice room.
[ honghui : i’ll be there soon ]
before heading to the door, honghui made a quick stop at a bathroom on the way to wash up. he had just gotten out of practice, and would prefer to freshen up a little bit before meeting up with his girlfriend.
he splashed his face with water from a running faucet and attempted to fix his hair a little. he found a hoodie in his bag from earlier, so he took off his sweaty practice shirt and put the hoodie on.
“ugh, that’ll have to do,” he mumbled to himself, sighing quietly. with that, he was out the door and heading to the spot. the spot where really nothing great happens, the spot where the druggies go, what could go wrong! he thought to himself.
what a stupid question! a whole lot could go wrong!
the fresh air outside was kind of nice. he hasn’t been outside much that day, and the cool breeze comforted him a little. the light of day had long since dwindled, replacing the brilliant hues of the pink and orange sunset with darker blues and purples. the moonlight illuminated the concrete in front of him, and he could see a shadow just around the corner of the building.
he turned the corner, and yeonwoo was standing there.
“hey.” she was wearing his hoodie, that was the first thing honghui noticed. the grey hoodie he let her keep on their first date, it was huge on her, it almost covered her shorts.
“hey,” honghui replied, “sorry, i just got back from training so i’m kind of sweaty.”
“it’s fine. can i just talk to you about something? i’ve been thinking about it for the past week.”
the feeling of dread returned almost instantly. mentally shoving the feeling aside, honghui replied, “of course, what is it?”
yeonwoo took a deep breath, “okay, you know how the final lineup for the new group has been confirmed, right, and you know how we’re both supposed to be in the group?”
honghui nodded.
“well... i’ve been thinking...” yeonwoo fiddled with the strings on the hoodie, “i... ugh, i don’t know how to word it.”
“it’s okay, take your time,” honghui replied reassuringly, even though he could sense what was coming.
“uh, i- i think we should take a break.” yeonwoo stuttered through her words.
honghui froze, feeling his chest tighten. he was right, he was dreading this conversation for a reason.
yeonwoo continued, “it’s because we’re debuting soon, and- uh- i just think now isn’t really the time for a relationship. we’re gonna be so busy, and i think it’ll be better for the group as a whole.”
honghui still stayed silent, was this really how it would end? they were only together for four months, sure, but honghui genuinely loved yeonwoo. she was his first relationship, and she helped him through a lot in those four months. she helped him quit doing drugs. he thought they were perfect together.
although, he supposed, it wasn’t her fault, it was their schedules’ fault she decided they had to break things off. being an idol isn’t exactly a laid-back career, in a few months time, they would be booked 24/7. it didn’t seem right that it was going to end like this.
yeonwoo met honghui’s gaze for a split second, pale moonlight illuminating her glossy eyes, before she looked back down at the ground, “i- look, i’m really sorry, but i think it’s for the best. i- i know you don’t deal with super busy schedules super well, so it’s already gonna be a lot for you, and-“
“it’s okay, i get it,” honghui reassured her. he didn’t think it was fair, but he understood it was for the best.
“oh.” yeonwoo froze, “i didn’t think you would take it that well honestly.”
“no i actually appreciate you making a decision now, instead of a few months down the road when it becomes too much to handle.” honghui replied.
“i just think it’d be good for the group as a whole, too, like in the long run, you know?” yeonwoo continued, “someone would no doubt find out about us eventually, and knowing the public, they probably wouldn’t take it well. idols dating is already a touchy subject, imagine two idols from the same group.”
“i can only imagine,” honghui said. he never understood why certain subjects, like dating, were such a taboo in the industry. he always thought the standards for idols were ridiculously high, and he thought that idols got treated less like humans and more like... a vintage porcelain dolls in a glass display case, or something like that.
“well, thanks for understanding. that’s one of the things i love about you, you’re such an understanding person. i know this isn’t the most ideal way we could’ve ended things, but better now than later.” yeonwoo looked back up at him, smiling a little sadly.
“hey, it’s not like we’re never gonna see each other again,” honghui said, “we’ll see each other every day, and even if we’re not together we’ll still be best friends, right?”
“of course we will be! even if it’s awkward for a while...” eri said reassuringly.
the silence that almost instantly filled the air seemed deafening. the pair didn’t know what would happen next. it was over, now what? you could practically hear all the thoughts bouncing around both of their heads.
that was interrupted when honghui heard yeonwoo sniffle. “are you crying?”
yeonwoo had her head down so honghui couldn’t see her face, but when she looked up, honghui noticed tears streaming down her cheeks. “i- i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to cry. i just feel so bad...”
when honghui heard yeonwoo’s voice quiver, he immediately crouched down to wrap her in a tight hug. “don’t cry! you didn’t do anything wrong!”
yeonwoo sighed and laid her head down on his shoulder, “it just doesn’t feel like the right way to end things,” she mumbled.
“it feels like that a bit, yeah,” honghui replied, “but you had a reason, and i understand. i think now would be the best time anyway, what if we had a rough breakup while promoting with our group? i don’t think i’d wanna see something like that go down.”
“i guess so,” yeonwoo said, wiping under her eyes with her sweater sleeve, “do you want your hoodie back?”
honghui shook his head, chuckling softly, “it’s okay, you can keep it. do you want to go back inside now? it’s getting cold.”
yeonwoo nodded, “yeah, let’s go.”
strangely, honghui felt a sense of relief as him and yeonwoo walked hand-in-hand back inside, almost like they hadn’t broken up. of course, they’d still see each other probably every day from then on, and he knew they’d always be best friends, because he knew they got along great even when they weren’t dating.
they didn’t have to be boyfriend and girlfriend to help each other, and yeonwoo would still remain one of the best things that ever happened to honghui so far.
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starmakerdotcom · 5 years
“NSFW stands for never saw frickn’ whales.” to the pairing of your like 💕🥺
summary : min tries desperately to protect orion’s innocence, and eri is not helping.
pairing : kang minjung + jung yeonwoo + appearances from song jihoon (!! platonic !!)
genre : comedy ?
words : 0.4k
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“minjuuuuung! get over here!”
minjung practically jumped over a chair to get from the kitchen to the living room. in the living room, jihoon, the one who called her, was sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand. across from him, next to where minjung stood, yeonwoo was on a separate armchair with a glass of water watching some tv show that minjung didn’t recognize. not like she watched much tv anyway.
“jihoon? what is it?” she asked.
“what does nsfw mean?”
minjung’s eyes shot open, mouth slightly agape. “and why the hell do you need to know that?”
jihoon shrugged, “i found this weird website called ao3. its got a bunch of stories about other idols, so i looked us up on it,” he explained, “i found this one, apparently it’s about yeonwoo and honghui, and in the description it says nsfw.”
yeonwoo nearly spit out her drink, “it fucking WHAT?”
jihoon, a little confused by yeonwoo’s sudden outburst, said, “what, is it something bad?”
“nope!” minjung said quickly.
“it’s-“ yeonwoo started, but was quickly cut off by minjung.
“so,” minjung started, stumbling over her words while desperately trying to protect jihoon’s sweet sweet innocence, “nsfw is like- it’s- it’s like a way of saying-“
“it’s what, minjung?” jihoon asked, getting slightly annoyed.
“it’s-“ yeonwoo started before getting interrupted by minjung once again.
“NSFW STANDS FOR... nnnnever saw frickn’ whales,” minjung blurted. yeonwoo looked at her with a look of confusion, as if saying ‘what the fuck?’ with her eyes. “yeah. never saw frickn’ whales.”
“okay...” jihoon said, obviously not sure if he should believe her or not, “why would that be on a story about us then?”
minjung shrugged, “pfft, beats me. now, that my work is done here, i’ll be back in the kitchen, goodbye.” she turned around to walk out of the living room, but as she did, yeonwoo leaned closer to her whispered something to her.
“dude, what was that all about?” yeonwoo whispered.
“i’m not telling him what that means!” minjung whispered back.
“he’s literally 16. he’s old enough to know what that means.”
“i didn’t when i was 16!”
“the hell kinda sheltered life are you living? anyway, i think we should be more concerned about to fact that someone is writing smut between me and honghui!”
minjung snorted at that. yeonwoo didn’t reply but simply punched her in the arm.
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