mimwhorrison · 1 year
every day im like, shocked and horrified to see that Solarbabies (1986) isn’t as much of a cult classic as it should be
it’s fully just Beyond Thunderdome on rollerskates and these desert-dyke outfits???
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months
Wishing a happy birthday to Adrian Pasdar! Here's some art inspired by Solarbabies and Made in U.S.A.!
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vintage69reborn · 2 months
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scuddish · 2 years
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JASON PATRIC as MICHAEL THE LOST BOYS 1987 | dir. Joel Schumacher
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writergeekrhw · 9 months
Since he came up recently, here's a little trivia:
Lt. Vilix'pran (who's probably a Captain at least by now), is not from some random species. When I created him, I based him roughly on an alien race from a series of non-Trek scifi stories.
So... you may very well have seen Vilix'pran's people in print before. The question is... WHO ARE THEY?
Best guesses?
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Image by Solarbaby from Deviant Art!
Lt Vilix'pran Star Trek Deep 9 by S0LARBABY on DeviantArt
We have a winner! Kudos to @sashajwolf for correctly guessing that Vilix'pran is loosely based on a Mi-Go from the Cthulhu mythos (minus the being able to travel between worlds at will and the horrifically evil parts). Sasha even got the joke that Vilix'pran never appears on the show because Mi-Go can't be filmed! Well done.
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demon4dilfs · 7 months
my questionable movie choice tonight was solarbabies (1986) in which richard jordan (jean valjean from les mis 1978) tortures terrence mann. im....
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dark universe valvert
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marypsue · 1 month
I've also got three The Lost Boys AUs that I've been chewing on, only one of which has deigned to offer me anything like a 'conclusion' or even a 'plot':
It turns out that impaling a vampire does count as a first kill. As long as Michael doesn't taste human blood, though, there's still enough him left in him not to turn fully cold-blooded killer. However, a guy's still gotta eat, which is how he ends up teaming up with the Frogs to keep the Boardwalk vampire-free - and his larder stocked. This works for about eight years, until Star comes back into town, looking for help again - somebody's left a newspaper article on her doorstep about a group of kids on a surfing trip to California who'd been murdered. One of them is still missing. And Star and Michael both once knew the missing kid by the nickname Laddie. Somebody knows what happened that summer in 1987, and they're looking for revenge. And the vampire Michael thought was his first kill might not actually be all that dead...
It turns out that impaling a vampire doesn't count as a first kill, and it doesn't matter what a stake is made of so long as it pierces the heart. In the aftermath of canon, everything is normal again - until one night Michael suddenly finds himself back in the cave, with a terrifyingly familiar hunger in the core of him, surrounded by people who should be dead. Something's gone terribly wrong - nobody remembers the ambush at the cave or the fight at the house, his family are pointing crossbows and water pistols full of holy water at him, Star's not speaking to him, David's implying that the sun will crispy-fry him and that he's killed, and worst of all, Max is still dating his mom. Also, Michael's having strange dreams in which he's trapped inside his own reflection - which is made even stranger by the fact that vampires, apparently, don't dream. It takes the combined brains of three comic book nerds to work out what seems to have happened - somehow, Michael from the canon timeline has swapped bodies with the Michael from a timeline where he gave in at the bonfire. And he has to figure out a way to take care of Max and save his family in this timeline and get back to his own, fast, before the other him has a chance to ruin everything Michael had to kill for.
Westworld-inspired/time loop AU where the Frog brothers visit an escape-room-style attraction on the Santa Carla Boardwalk in the nebulous spacefuture, where the point of the game is to figure out which of a cast of artificially-intelligent meat-robot actors is behind the killings taking place in a 1987 version of the Santa Carla Boardwalk. For less paranoia-prone players, it'd be a fun immersive game. For the Frog brothers, it's an excuse to stake everything in sight (requiring them to restart the narrative multiple times), and a short descent into madness and questioning the nature of their own reality and cognition as the 'hosts' slowly become self-aware around them. Also, vampire bites can be used to transmit data packages, and I get to make fun meta jokes (the 'escape room' was previously skinned with a storyline based on Solarbabies, the movie Jami Gertz and Jason Patric were in together before TLB!).
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zippocreed501 · 19 days
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...images from the lost continent of cult films, b-movies and celluloid dreamscapes
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Children of the Atom: children in post-apocalyptic films
Damnation Alley (1977) Mad Max 2 (1981) Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) Solarbabies (1986) Steel Dawn (1987) Waterworld (1995) Terminator Salvation (2009) The Girl with All the Gifts (2016)
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On July 3, 1987 Solarbabies debuted in Finland.
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blood-breath · 2 months
There's no solarbabies gifsets on this stupid fucking app dude
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pubird · 11 months
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01turnkill · 5 months
2024 Media Post Time - Master
4. Solarbabies
For fun I searched "sci fi hockey" to see if anyone had made a blend of those things and well.. not really, but this movie appeared so I decided to ask no questions and just watch it. It's a sci-fi movie from 1986. Plot is kind of everywhere but at the same time there's stuff I like.
It's about a group of orphans who live in an orphanage facility, controlled by the Eco Protectorate. The world is post apocalyptic where water is controlled and used as payment by the Eco Protectorate and there's constant control and brutality of the lower classes and other communities. A group of them are friends and call themselves the Solarbabies, more as a name of their team when they play the fictional skateball sport.
Eventually one of them finds this special orb called Bodhi who has magical powers. Bodhi gives them water, cures the deafness of one of the children and brings them all closer together.
Over the movie we see a few communities. One of them is the family of Darstar, one of the characters. His clan is destroyed entirely and one of the leaders is tortured for information by the Eco Protectorate. One of the Solarbabies, Terra, also finds her family: the Eco warriors, who have been living away in a cave with the support of a glacier for water. Earlier in the movie we see the Eco Warriors presented as negative in learning material at the orphanage.
I liked the dynamic with Strictor Grock, one of the higher up of the Protectorate and calls for more cruelty towards the orphans, and one of the orphans, Gavial, who is a suck up to him. He is accepting of cruelty even towards himself. Grock shows him hands-on what the Protectorate's new special simulation torture machine does. He still follows him until he dies.
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Eventually the Eco Protectorate get their hands on Bodhi and want to destroy it since it's able to give other people control and hope that they can't easily take away. I liked this part too. Robot who knows how to love being cruel being cruel to a nonmoving, nonverbal, sentient object.
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A robot who was created by humans to hurt things and love hurting things. Many unnecessary steps. Creating just so your creation can destroy. Don't destroy these things by yourself because destroying requires care, too. It's careless to make your tools destroy things. It's passive. You don't even have to look.
Movie was fun and I enjoyed it. Totally needed more time or needed to pick an identity but I love all kinds of sci fi so it's cool. There's always something in there that I like and I can think about.
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PMH OMG OMG Okay, I've been inspired by your blog to binge weird 89s movies, and have I found a doozy. You MUST watch 1986's 'Solarbabies'. It's a post-apocalyptic movie about space roller skating rebel orphans trying to restore water from an evil government, complete with camp costumes, mad max Australian bounty hunters, a little kid with a pet magic ball, a cult who really love leaves, and a mysterious loner with a pet owl. Also, everyone is hot. It's stupendous.
I already watched it! And you’re totally right about everyone in the film being hot lol. 💖
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meloveless · 8 months
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Solarbabies (1986)
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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Cinefantastique #61
Oct 1986
Cover: Alfred Hitchock's Psycho.
Is There Life After Dune?, Aliens, From Beyond, Night of the Creeps, Solarbabies, The Texas Chainsaw Massacres, Psycho, The Fly, Maximum Overdrive, Jim Henson on Labyrinth
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