moonslaura · 3 years
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in a technicolor beat  —
galatea cross / honestly her age is irrelevant / questionably half martian united stations diplomat (sort of) / a little bit of a prickly peach / do-gooder with a reckless temper / color-coded agendas / straight shooter / "the twin thing” / chronic overachiever / fast fingers and cold hands / half forgotten cups of coffee / an electric hum / mind like a diamond / prodigal daughter / a bleeding heart with a spine of steel / compulsive corrector / power ponytail / former farm girl / virgo sun / scorpio moon / aquarius rising / love is the death of duty —
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Below the cute you will find overviews of each planet and settlement within Sol. These overviews by no means covers the entirety of each location’s lore, however, it will give enough information to start brewing those character ideas!
There is no one alive that remembers Earth as the small blue marble floating through space.
Innovation came to a halt with the outbreak of World War III. In the wake of the third World War, most of North America, central Europe were left completely uninhabitable through nuclear warfare. Whatever damage the climate crisis had done, the war finished, leaving the rest of the world in a constant overcast and constant acid rains. Even after three centuries there are large swaths of Earth that are uninhabitable, leaving Terrans to live on top of one another in the Safe Zones.
When the last of Terran companies took their business off planet, Earth’s economy plummeted and created an even bigger wealth gap between the rich and poor. With conditions on Earth becoming even more dire, a mass migration to Luna and Mars took place. The price was high however, and those who could not afford it or work on the colonies were left behind.
Government systems, while they still exist, have dissolved and have very little power and influence over their people. Large cities, such as Cairo, Buenos Aires, and Seoul, have morphed into city states, their infrastructure nearly breaking under the weight of the population. Most people still on Earth are considered part of the working poor and will most likely never see space.
Because of this, Mars’ military is able to recruit Terrans heavily with the promise of Martian citizenship after their contract ends. While some are able to get it, most return to Earth, as their contracts did not meet the minimal conditions required by Mars’ government.
Terrans know they have been forgotten and left to rot by the other settlements, only useful to outlaws on the run from Luna or Mars. Those who claw their way off Earth are often looked down on by the rest of Sol. But Terrans are resourceful and hardened by their experiences on the planet that gave birth to humanity.
Luna comprises six sectors, each one governed by a Luminary and represented by five Ataraxia on a federal level. They are very proud of their status as the oldest human settlement off Earth, though don’t mention how they only have Mars beat by a scant few months, you’ll get some nasty looks.
Their history is almost entirely uneventful, except for a year long, bloody revolt to gain their independence from the Terran governments just over a hundred years after the first settlement was established. Ultimately though, Earth’s weakening state allowed Lunites to establish their own government, their own laws, customs, and culture.
Due to the lack of atmosphere, Lunite cities are entirely domed. Though, several cities also span several miles under ground as well, especially as the population on Luna increased over the last couple centuries. Many of those who live in the underground portions of the domed cities have unfortunately been disproportionally those of a lower socioeconomic status, which as led to an uptick in crime over the last several decades. 
In efforts to make ends meet, a red light district has dominated the largest underground neighborhood on Luna, drawing in visitors from all over Sol. Prostitution while not inherently illegal on Luna, is incredibly frowned upon and considered to be Terran-like. 
All cities are found on the side of the moon that faces Earth, though that isn’t to say Lunites haven’t found uses for the dark side as well. Primarily the dark side of Luna is used for scientific research, military training, and for Light Races.
Of all the human settlements across the solar system, Mars is by far the wealthiest and most powerful. While Terran governments turned their attention and focused on settling Luna, the wealthiest Terran families with incredible influence and power turned their eyes on Mars. These families are known as the Founders, and to this day hold incredible power and influence over all Martians. Some revere them, others despise their existence, there is no in between.
The first settlements had two massive failures that lead to loss of life, but the Martians bounced back and their cities are among the most technologically advanced due to their desire to protect Martian lives.
About a hundred years after Mars stabilized the Martian government changed their focus to terraforming the planet, beginning with strengthening the atmosphere so it can withstand the solar winds that ripped it away and turned it into the dry, dusty landscape it is now. However, in the two hundred so odd years since scientists began this terraforming process, only a handful of cities across Mars are not entirely domed.
These cities reside in mostly the eastern provinces Valtameri, Aigean, and Tethys and require daily oxygen tablets in order to move around outside the domes for long periods of time. Many of the poorer working class Martians live in these dusty cities and are supplied the necessary tablets from the companies they are employed by. However, these tablets often lead to long term complications and lose their effectiveness over time. Many of these Dust Cities are also where many of the Terran’s the Martian military recruits are sent to live when they are not stationed on a fleet ship.
(The wealthy receive a cocktail mix of serums that allow their body to naturally produce more oxygen and process out the dust in the air without any side effects.)
What began as a collective agreement to mine the asteroids for resources that Earth could no longer provide has now turned into four massive stations that have become their own independent entity from Luna and Mars. Thanks to technological advances and Martian wealth, each station is capable of sustaining hundreds of thousands of citizens between them. It was a struggle to gain their independence, as Mars had incredible wealth and power poured into each station, but ultimately Stationers realized that they could bleed Martians dry by cutting off access to the mined resources.
(After all, Martians didn’t know how to navigate the complicated flight paths to avoid total destruction of a ship and its crew. And if Stationers gave them false flight plans, well, it only helped ensure their upper hand.)
After Mars relented officially and independence was won, the stations were faced with the choice to become four independent settlements or unite under one metaphorical flag. In the end, many stationers were in agreement that unifying was the only way to ensure Mars didn’t attempt to regain control in the future. With access to important resources in the asteroid belt, the United Stations brokered treaties and trade agreements with Mars, Luna, and even Earth firmly solidifying their position in the solar system.
While each station now does a little bit of everything, the United Stations kept the original purpose each ship was built for. However, ten years ago the fifth ship, Poseidon was lost in orbit and forced the United Stations to quickly refit the Hermes Station to accommodate Poseidon’s loss without losing profits.
The truth of Poseidon’s loss is whispered behind closed doors and those who had family members on the station hold a festering resentment for the cover up and every year on the date of Poseidon’s loss, many stationers travel to the capital city on Hermes to demand answers. As the years have gone by though, the amount of stationers that travel to Hermes has dimensioned greatly.
The Stations:
Demeter (Agriculture) — Produces most of the Stations food supply. Has the fewest “cities” within the station, instead many fields can be found with residents spread out on many of the levels. Most residents are considered “simple folk” as they are known for rarely traveling outside their station.
Hermes (Technology, Government, and recently: Shipbuilding) — Most of the solar system’s androids and synthetics are built on Hermes and they constantly push the technological boundaries to create new tech for themselves and other settlements. Due to having the largest city among the stations and its location among the other stations.
Apollo (Medical, includes manufacturing prosthetics) — While each station has several medical centers and hospitals of their own, Apollo is home to the best hospitals, clinics, and research opportunities for the medical profession. As a result of this, these residents tend to be the healthiest of all the stationers and as a result are among the wealthiest too.
Hera (Textiles such as clothing and cloth based goods) — The best fashion in all of Sol is created on Hera station, anyone who wants to be a household designer name comes to Hera to study under the best of the best. Of course, the grimy underside of that is the factories that pay among the worst wages outside Earth to worker who put the clothing together. Often referred to as the two faced station, residents are either among the well off or among the exploited.
Poseidon (Formerly: Shipbuilding) — The Lost Station. Before its loss a decade ago, most of Poseidon’s residents were made up of those who were criminals forced into labor to pay for their crimes or engineers that were constantly pushing the boundaries of what space traveling ships could accomplish. Similar to Hera, these two different worlds within the station were sharp contrasts of each other and often led to issues on the station. While everyone in Sol has been told an unfortunate accident occurred, the truth is a parasite wormed its way onto the staton via corner creepers and is turning those unfortunate enough to be exposed to this parasite to lose all sense of themselves, whittled down to the barest of human instincts, which often means once infected one turns into a violent hive minded zombie like being. Rovers have begun calling them “Hivers”.
Once it became clear that humanity was going to sustain permanent life off Earth, scientists on Luna and Mars eagerly awaited the moment they could send humans into the outer reaches of Sol and gather first hand scientific research rather than through robotic rovers. It took nearly three hundred years, but finally Europa was established as a scientific outpost by Luna. The journey to Europa was long and the original settlers spent weeks drilling through the huge ice sheets to establish the underwater domes.
Over the next hundred years, scientists and their families expanded and the prospect of a new life in a brand new settlement drew many from across Sol, especially Luna citizens who were desperate to get out of the underground cities. Despite the blue collar and white collar workers settling on Europa, the main occupation most Europans have falls within the sciences. Many study the organic lifeforms that have evolved in the massive ocean, in attempts to better understand how life on Earth perhaps began as well.
In the last thirty years, rising tension with Luna has shifted public opinion of the settlement that technically controls them. Europans pride themselves on their resilience and ability to push the scientific boundaries, many of them have zero interest in getting involved with the complicated political dynamic between the United Stations, Mars, and Luna.
Established as Mars’ response to Luna reaching into the stars for hands-on scientific research and for the first fifty years, remained purely a scientific outpost but now has become more about selling a destination vacation to Sol residents. Much like Europa, Enceladus is covered in snow and ice, though the moon’s surface isn’t as harsh as Europa’s allowing domed cities to be built above ground and utilize the planet’s seas and hydrothermal vents as a constant source of energy.
Due to the fact Encleadus is the smallest and most distant settlement in Sol, they are the slowest to get the latest and greatest technological advancements. Enceladites are viewed as rural and a bit “slow” though their reputation is still far, far better than Terrans. And many of them are quite content with this view and are happy to leave the tourists with their flashiness to take advantage of the snowy slopes while they go about their life. Many brilliant minds live on Enceladus and want to simply be left alone to do their research.
Unfortunately, over the last decade, Mars has begun to defund the research centers and shift their investments into the resorts that take advantage of the snowy landscape and slopes found in the south pole of the moon, where tourists can also witness the phenomenal views of Saturn. This has led to increased frustration among Enceladites who come from the original families of scientists, feeling as though all their hard work has been spat on.
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ussenterpeen · 3 years
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CHAR DEV: aleksy “lexi” karapov
for solarflaresrp
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crookington · 3 years
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shiloh → supsampantuwongse 
𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺, 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵.  𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓮 𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓪𝓶𝓮?
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Member groups on Solar Flares are pretty straightforward! Each of the groups will indicate where your character was born or where they were given citizenship via their parents birthplace. If their parents are from two different settlements, please pick only one.
The member groups can be found below the cut!
Those born on Earth or parents who were born and raised on the planet that gave birth to humanity. Many Terrans that leave Earth try to conceal where they are from, or their family is from, as Earth has been left behind both technologically and culturally in the Solar System. They are among those who are able to easily move between settlements, thanks to growing up with natural gravity, allowing them to more easily hide their true identity.
There is pride among those born on Luna, the first settlement outside of Earth, beating out Mars by only a few scant years. They have been independent from Earth for two hundred years and while they are among the smallest settlements, they are one of the wealthiest, only behind Mars. Despite the way they look down on Terrans, they frequently visit the parts of the planet not completely ravaged by the climate crisis and war to avoid needing to go through Acclimation.
Some would say those born to Mars are just as angry as the color of their planet and bloody history among the first settlers. Though, as the decades trudge on, Martians have become technologically advanced and easily the wealthiest settlement. They are in the process of restoring the atmosphere and protecting it from solar winds, there are portions of the planet that are nearly completely terraformed, allowing citizens to enjoy freedom from domed cities.
Those born and raised on the Stations between Mars and the Asteroid Belt were left to their own devices in their early years, despite being controlled by Luna or Mars respectively. About two hundred years ago, they became independent after tension boiled over to violence, uniting together to strip Luna and Mars of their power over them. While they are not anywhere near as poor as Earth, they definitely don’t have the wealth or power Mars or Luna have. This combined with their difficulty, or in some cases inability, to go planet side has left them distrustful of Mars or Luna.
The newest settlements established only a hundred and fifty years ago, and still within the grip of Mars and Luna respectively, those who live on Europa or Enceladus mostly began with scientists and their families who would live on the moons for several weeks at a time before returning to their home settlement. Eventually, as time went on and these settlements became self-sufficient with a flourishing culture of their own, they began to settle permanently. Similar to Stationers two hundred years ago, tension between Mars and Luna are rising rapidly.
Once technology advanced enough that people could come together and live on ships with only requiring to stop for supplies and fuel, it gradually became common enough no one thought it strange. Everyone has their reasons why their families left the safety and protection settlements offered. Unlike Stationers and some Exoles, Rovers have acclimated through numerous supply stops planet side over their lives. Generally, many Rovers try to stay out of the messy politics of the settlements and many more often think governments lead to corruption.
Humans have long been fascinated by the concept of artificial intelligence, happily pouring money into projects that would propel the technology forward. What began as a military strategy to send androids that were impossible to distinguish from humans on the outside on covert missions has sprawled into a massive solar system wide industry. Now Synths are not only used for military operations, but for those wealthy enough to purchase a companion Synth are able to. But centuries of advancement have led to Synths experiencing a Singularity, otherwise known as the process of becoming sentient and much more than just lines of programming.
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Hello everyone! Welcome to our second to last preview before the site officially opens this Friday. Below the cut you will find the first two of our four subplots featured on the site.
As always if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us either through our blog or via our Discord server!
A Hive and Its Worker-bees
Many years ago, five stations were built: Demeter, Hera, Hermes, Apollo, and Poseidon. Ten years ago, a catastrophe struck the Poseidon station – details are few and far between, unfortunately. The official statement by the United Stations simply declares the station to have been lost to a band of pirates, but rumors spread about the horrors that took place on the former shipbuilding station. Not long after this, reports of “zombies” (or Hivers as they’re called by those who know of their existence) began to surface. The United Stations strongly denies any link between the Hivers and the loss of the Poseidon station.
A Rover vessel that stopped at Poseidon traded corner creepers for enough fuel to make it to their next destination, completely unaware of the horrors that would soon follow. The parasite-infested corner creepers make it into almost the entire crew’s meals to infect as many as possible . Few are spared from becoming a part of the hivemind - and those who escape don’t last long. The new Hivers are violent and dangerous, but some curious and unaffected stationers decide to attempt to experiment on their former friends and neighbors. These investigations are short-lived; the Hivers ensure that no one left on the station is left unturned.
In the decade since Hivers emerged and have taken over the Poseidon station, it has become their base of operations, and anyone who is unfortunate enough to stumble upon the station and decide to board it out of curiosity are met with a swift, violent end. Since most of these people happen to be Rovers who either stumble upon the station by mistake or seek it out because they want to see it for themselves. The disappearance of these Rovers over the years has barely hit the radar of the other settlements, most think Rovers go missing often enough for it not to be a problem.
However, the Hivers have begun to leave Poseidon in small groups, as though they are on the hunt for something and their violence and destruction are appearing in small pockets near the United Stations.
But what the United Stations does not know is that a group of ten children survived, sent to safety by quick-thinking engineers on escape pods set on course to different planets. Two were sent to Europa, two to Enceladus, two to Earth, two to Mars, and two to Luna.
The Escaped Children:
Open (Earth)
Open (Earth)
Everett Hanson (Luna)
Open (Luna)
Open (Mars)
Open (Mars)
Open (Europa)
Open (Europa)
Open (Enceladus)
Open (Enceladus)
Hivers are not playable.
However, players are more than welcome to make family members of Poseidon citizens who have become Hivers and they are searching for answers to their family member’s disappearance even all these years later. Or even government officials who have been brought into the loop on the truth of Poseidon station.
This is a pretty open and loose subplot, so even if you don’t want to or aren’t able to play one of the children who survived, there’s lots of opportunities to connect your characters to this subplot!
Viva La Resistance
Mars is by far the richest planet in Sol, and for years, it has been a bastion of federalism. They believe they’re superior to all the other settlements, that uniting under one unified solar system will be the best course of action. (Read: More citizens for Mars to control and exploit for their own profits.)
Those who publicly supported the notion of separatism were ridiculed – how could they support something so foolish? When Martian public figure and young engineer Diederik Marquardt is asked for his opinion on the topic of separation, he becomes the first public official to openly support Mars sticking to their own business and leaving the other settlements to their own devices.
From this simple act of defiance, the floodgates have sprung open: more public figures are sharing their opinions, protests are becoming more common, and an underground resistance movement has begun to form. Unlike previous resistances that were quickly squashed by the Martian government because they were disorganized and scattered, this new resistance is very much an organized and cohesive group.
Their ties with some of the elite of Martian society and government who agree with their movement help them avoid the Martian officials who are desperate to silence them.
Whispers of this resistance have spread across Sol, whispered to trusted ears for assistance from the other settlements. After all, if the current status quo of Mars is toppled at long last, it’ll leave a power vacuum in Sol that the other settlements will scramble to fill.
While no one on Mars can be 100% certain who the leaders are of this resistance, cloaked by public figures who keep eyes trained on them, those who are brought into the fold quickly discover who’s in charge. Anyone who betrays the resistance are dealt with swiftly (and no, they don’t murder anyone, but memories are fickle things are they not?).
Current leaders of the Resistance:
Open (Strategy)
Open (Recruitment)
Open (Espionage)
Open (Cyber)
Open (Second in command to Strategy)
Open (Second in command to Recruitment)
Open (Second in command to Espionage)
Open (Second in command to Cyber)
Feel free to make leaders or those who are a part of the resistance on a general level, carrying out the needs of the leaders as they are able to. Or even make well-known faces who are aware of the Resistance and do their best to shield them from the government’s witch hunt!
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Alright everyone, it's time for our final preview before our site's soft opening at 1PM EST today. Below the cut you will see the final two subplots for the site!
As always if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us via our ask or through our Discord Server. :)
Earth Divided
Earth, for centuries, has been the embarrassment of Sol. Not much has been done to change this since the mass exodus that occurred in the early 22nd century.
However, a new generation of ambassadors that have been elected are interested in changing the reputation of their home planet for the better. It isn’t just them - the vast majority of the wealthier Terrans want Earth’s standing in Sol to be upgraded from where it currently is. Some city-states have begun to work together despite protests and ridicule from older ambassadors who don’t want to change the status quo.
The Earth Restoration Project has begun work on cleaning up the radioactive zones, mostly tasked with safely removing radioactive material that can be sent on a crash course with the sun to be permanently destroyed.
Others who are a part of this project are working to restore Earth’s climate to the more suitable levels that were found pre-21st century.
As this movement has gained traction, many of the older politicians are content with the status quo, along with the vast majority of Terrans. They want to remain left out of the complicated, messy, and petty political games the other settlements play with one another. And other than being heavily recruited by Mars for their military they aren’t interested in being exploited by the richest of Sol.
The counter movement has been called The Remainers, and they aren’t afraid to use physical force to ensure Earth remains as it is.
Restoration Project Members:
The Remainers Members:
Slots for these two movements are currently unlimited.
Jupiter Ascending
Trigger Warning for content going forward: Nonconsensual, forced infertility
Unbeknownst to the majority of Sol citizens, there is a floating city hidden away in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. Nearly two centuries ago, one the largest Rover fleet to date decided it was time to perhaps establish a base. But none of them were too keen or eager to tie themselves to any of the settlements and so they turned to the only place they could think of that would conceal them: Jupiter.
It took nearly fifty years to gather and barter the supplies needed and build their floating city, named The Golden Eye. The dome remains the strongest and most durable, able to withstand Jupiter’s storms and harness the lightning from these storms and turn it into energy.
Those who live within this city go about their days unaware of Jupiter’s storms, thanks to the dome's shield technology able to emulate the beautiful blue skies that are found on Earth.
Around a hundred years ago, they decided to reveal themselves to the top government leaders of each of the settlements, needing to barter some resources they just weren’t able to produce themselves without some form of trade with the others. In return for keeping their secret, the settlements demanded that their scientists and engineers are able to study any technological advances discovered on the hidden colony and the citizens are the first to participate in human trials for medical advancements.
Perhaps naively, the citizens of this colony believed that they would participate in trials that would do good for all of Sol, but in reality, Luna and the United Stations have taken advantage of that trust.
Two hundred years ago Luna and the United Stations both realized that they would run into population issues at some point in their future, likely sooner than they would both prefer. Scientists began to develop possible ways to control the population of these settlements and any future settlements with a limited capacity for human life.
It’s taken decades to perfect the genome sequence that would reduce the chance of pregnancy in uterus-owning citizens. Theoretically, this would be reversible when the population of the particular settlement was “in control” and began to test out this “virus” to the citizens of this secret Jupiter colony fifty years ago.
Unfortunately, their theory about reversibility has proven to be incorrect and many uterus-owning citizens struggle to conceive children even after the genome sequence to undo the initial injection. Those who are successfully able to conceive once injected with the second, reversible, dose are held in regard.
Most citizens are unaware of the cause behind the sudden widespread infertility issues and the higher-ups within this colony are desperate to keep it a secret while they work behind the scenes to fix the mistakes of their previous leaders who put trust into the other settlements.
But secrets never stay secrets for long.
Scientists involved with the genome mutation:
Hidden Jupiter colony citizens:
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ussenterpeen · 3 years
aleksy “lexi” karapov
Full name: Aleksy J Karapov
Nickname: Lexi/Lexy
Birthday/star sign: January 17th / Capricorn
Age: 42
Birthplace: Luna
Current location: Enceladus
Occupation: Civil engineer
 Gender: Male
Relationship status: Single
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Romantic orientation: Demiromantic
Meyers Briggs: ISTJ
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Element: Earth
Alignment: True Neutral
Happiest memory: The impromptu roadtrip he took with his sophomore roommate and subject of his affections at the time. It was one of the first and last times he acted truly spontaneous, and didn’t worry about the consequences. 
Worst memory: Tie. First was getting body-checked so hard during gym as a pre-teen that he pissed his pants. The kids he thought were his friends were more amused by him pissing his pants then standing up to the guy who had hit him (and had done it on purpose).
Second was at his father’s funeral. He was sad, but hadn’t really found it in himself to cry for his father (whose death had been quick, but expected at his age) until he saw his mother, a normally very collected lady, start crying during the funeral. That hit him hard, and made him question if he’d ever find someone he’d be equally sad to see die.
Tropes: Deadpan snarker, cynical supporting character, determined defeatist, mid-life crisis
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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It's time for our next development contest! Just fill out the following form or pick two or more of the writing prompt questions below and post your answers either on Tumblr or in our Discord Server's #dev-challenge channel!
Participating in this development challenge will award you a third face reserve!
Full name: Nickname: Birthday/star sign: Age: Birthplace: Current location: Occupation: Gender: Relationship status: Sexual orientation: Romantic orientation: Meyers Briggs: Hogwarts house: Element: Alignment: Happiest memory: Worst memory: Tropes:
. . .
Writing prompts:
What does your character think of the conflict among the different planets? Are they involved at all? Why or why not?
What was your character's favorite and least favorite thing about growing up where they did?
Has your character ever visited Earth? What did they think about it? What is their opinion of Terrans overall?
What is your character's opinion on Synths? Do Synths who have gone through the Singularity deserve full human rights?
What did your character want to be when they grew up? What are they now? If it is different from their dream, why did it change?
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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It's time for another preview! Below the cut you will find information on the different government systems found across Sol! As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to message us either through our blog or via our Discord server!
Many of the governments and countries of the 21st century still exist on some level, however, they lack the power and control over their citizens that they once had. Some countries have completely dissolved thanks to World War III decimating their lands.
After the war ended, there was a mass migration to the cities that remained standing, with stable and solid infrastructure in place. As a result of this, cities gradually became more and more at odds with their governments and eventually treaties were struck across the planet that would allow them to exist as autonomous city-states.
Each city-state elects an “Ambassador” that serves on a council of ambassadors from the other city-states around the planet that collectively make decisions for Earth. But in reality, they don’t have much control over the people. Instead, they deal mostly with the military, foreign policy, and dealing with extracting any criminals that are on the run from the other settlements. Which, unfortunately eats up much of their time and resources.
Since most Terrans don’t give a shit about the other settlements and their citizens, Ambassadors are mostly left alone and it’s an open secret that the Ambassadors are often corrupt and bribed with credits or gifts to sway decisions from people of power on the other settlements.
Day to day self governing within the city-states either works really well or is utter chaos, there often isn’t an in between. Thankfully everyone spends most of their energy trying to survive so war on Earth has practically stopped, aside from the occasional spat over the limited resources left.
Due to the fact Luna got its start through government funding from various Terran countries, Lunites were familiar with and most comfortable with a democratic republic when they finally gained their independence.
The six sectors came together and wrote a constitution that was largely inspired by Terran countries that were largely democratic as well. Once they had established and agreed upon the Constitution, the first Lunite elections were held and have been held every five years since then.
Luminary — Elected leader of a sector, they implement sector laws and are tasked with revising or establishing new laws in their respective sector. Any emergencies that happen within the sector is also their responsibility.
Ataraxia — An elected representative for a sector that’s sent to Concordia to help create and maintain federal policies. Each sector has five Ataraxia seats.
Supra — The senior most Ataraxia.
Court of Summa — Comprised of seven summas who have been nominated by a Supra and have been approved by the majority of Ataraxia.
Each sector has established a different city within their borders to be the main hub of governance while shortly after winning independence from Earth, a larger city was built outside sector borders and named Concordia. This is where all federal governance is done.
While on paper, Mars is also a “democratic” settlement, it is well known among Sol that they are in fact an Oligarchy, where the wealthiest families are the ones who pull the strings in the government. Politicians are essentially hired by these wealthy families who own all the corporations on Mars to ensure their interests are put first.
To become an elected official, each candidate must have been a resident of Mars for at least ten years and be at least 40 years old.
Each province elects two chancellors every six years through popular vote, and the candidates cannot serve more than three terms. Chancellors are responsible for enforcing and adapting the laws of Mars. Each new chancellor is responsible for hiring their own staff, and there are no ‘rollover’ employees from chancellor to chancellor. As a result, many chancellor’s keep the same staff with them as they move up through the ranks.
Working in tandem with the eighteen chancellors, are the thirty-six emissaries (four for each province) who are the ones who write laws and present them to the chancellors for final approval before they are placed on the Premier’s desk for signature.
An Emissary is elected every three years and they are notorious for retaining their seats for decades as they have no term limits. This allows the Martian corporations to pull strings most effectively.
Meanwhile a Premier may only serve one term of ten years and is the political figure head of the government with a fair amount of power. Premiers are often Chancellors who are ready to take the next step in their political careers. They are determined through popular vote, though certain provinces that have had resistance groups pop up pass restrictive voting laws that allow the status quo to remain intact.
United Stations
Of all the settlements, the United Stations have the most unique approach to governing. While they are united in many ways (such as sharing goods, freedom of movement between each station, etc.) each station has taken different approaches to the structure of their individual governments. This tends to confuse those who are not born Stationers or have yet to visit any of the stations themselves, because the four stations are united, but united in allowing almost complete independence for each station.
There is a Council of Four (previously called the Council of Five) that is composed of the leaders of each station and they make the decisions that will affect all four stations and their citizens.
The current council members are:
Open (Hermes Station)
Open (Apollo Station)
Open (Hera Station)
Open (Demeter Station)
When it comes to certain matters (such as war, catastrophic damage to a station, etc.) the Council of Four will step in and take complete control of all stations to ensure the outcome leads to as little loss of life as possible.
Outside these situations, the Council of Four merely keep each other apprised of their station’s status and if they will need assistance from one of the other stations for anything in particular.
The current governmental structures of each station are:
Demeter (Meritocracy) — The economic goods and political power are vested in individual people on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social class. Since Demeter produces the necessary food for the stations, they deemed it important that the individuals who are responsible for the agriculture have the power to ensure things remain uncorrupted to ensure that no Stationer is forced to go hungry because of their social class.
Hera (Absolute Monarchy) — The monarch of Hera wasn’t appointed by God as was done centuries upon centuries ago on Earth. Instead, the family that emerged as monarchs simply were beloved by the majority of Herans. They have remained in power largely due to how active they are in the day to day life of the Stationers who live on Hera station. There is also a court of influential families, mostly those who have roots in fashion and design.
Hermes (Direct Democracy) — Those of Hermes firmly believed in the power of democracy but were wary of representative democracies, and ultimately decided to cut out representatives all together. Instead, residents of Hermes have a more direct influence and voice when it comes to making decisions that will affect themselves and the rest of the residents. It is mandatory for Stationers on Hera above the age of twenty to participate in voting for new legislation, failure to do so will result in a fine and possible jail time.
Apollo (Demarchy) — Composed of several decision-making groups who are tasked with certain areas/functions of government (such as transportation, housing, healthcare, etc.) The members that make up each group are chosen randomly every year from eligible residents over the age of thirty years old with no criminal record. Each new member is rigorously trained by the previous member before the hand off is cemented.
Poseidon (Anarchy) — Before Poseidon was lost, they operated on the basis of great mistrust of authority and consolidated power. Many Stationers believe this strongly contributed to the loss of the station a decade ago.
Europa and Enceladus
Europa and Enceladus are autonomous regions to Luna and Mars respectively.
On Europa, citizens will vote for their Luminary who oversees the daily operation and needs of the settlement. Unlike the other sectors found on Luna itself, Europa can only elect one Ataraxia to represent them in federal manners.
On Enceladus, citizens “vote” for their two chancellors to represent them on Mars. The two Chancellors appoint an Overseer to ensure that the voices of Enceladites are heard. Similar to Europa, instead of four emissaries they are allotted one to send to Mars. Most citizens of Enceladus know that it’s all a farce and Mars appoints whoever can keep a firm grip on them.
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Sorry for the delay, but below the cut you will find today's previews! Time Keeping, Currency, and The PIC/Economy of Sol. As always, don't hesitate to ask us any questions through our blog or in our Discord Server. :)
Time Keeping
Each settlement has a different orbit and rotation, obviously, and while one rotation around the sun is a year, people still operate on “earth time”. Here’s how that works
First off, we’re still operating on the 24 hour day thing. That also means 12 months, 365 days, so on and so forth.
Does your planet have much longer days than 24 hours? That’s no problem with sun shields!
Sun shields are government regulated and required in every home unless you’re in a dome or on a station, which have built in sun shields already.
Sun Shields
Sun shields are these nifty things that were brought to mars when the first settlement was being set up. They started as literal shields that they would put over the windows of their ship or containment, and have slowly evolved to become automatic tenting applied to your windows. This tenting, depending on the time of day, automatically lightens and darkens. The darkening effect creates a sort of one-way glass effect as a bonus, so that people outside can’t see in, but you can see out!
Automatically, the sun shield will give you different amounts of sunlight in your home depending on the “season”, or what season it might have been in your colony’s origin country. Usually, you will get 10 hours of daylight in the summer, and 9 in the winter, and the rest will be a night-like darkness.
Sunshields operate on a timer that can be found in your walls, and if you work a “night” shift, you can always put in an application to have a government-assigned worker to come and retime it! However, if you’d like to skip that entire process, it’s very easy to do at home, but it does require putting a hole in the wall, disconnecting wires, and attaching your own wire. These timers ARE considered government property, and while it’s not illegal to retime your timers, you can receive a fine if a home inspector were to see.
In early childhood ( around 2-5 ) a small, flexible microchip is surgically implanted and fused to the wrist bone (or if necessary, an alternate custom placement) of every individual to certify their identity to their homeworld. Later, when individuals are beginning to travel between planets, the PIC is reformatted into a passport.
Using near-field communication technology, the PIC, as it has been called, was initially created on Mars to serve as the primary means of identification for early colonists, later becoming essential in area access and personnel tracking.
Nowadays, the PIC has many more uses and is standard among all planets and stations. The chip enables colonists to vote in local elections, unlock the locks to transport, homes, and offices, and make credit transactions.
Additionally, the chip serves as a means for history - medical, transactional, locational, and an access point for an individual’s public record - to be accessible with a quick scan. New entries are processed through the Central PIC Department of each world in order to create an accurate picture of an individual’s life history.
Black Market
It is nearly impossible to alter or access someone’s chip or “hack” into PIC systems without the proper equipment and a working understanding of how the programming work on the PICs. It goes without saying that to do so is strictly against the law. Punishments for altering the programming of the chips by unofficial means is always severe and creates an entry on the offending party’s chip to mark them as a criminal, making finding work or homes harder.
While initially the PIC was not used as a means of credit transaction, it quickly was reprogrammed to function as a critical component of the economy, both on Mars and Luna, and later Earth, the stations, research bases, and ships.
The economy of the colonies is relatively stable, meaning credits rarely suddenly depreciate or inflate their local values. On each colony, the currency has different values, but the basic currency, known simply as credits, is universal. For example, credits are worth more on Mars than on Earth, meaning 10 credits on Mars are worth approx. 10,000 on Earth. The more developed and “important” a world, the more the credit is worth in the economic market.
While most currency is entirely digital, items such as precious metals and stones, serve as an unofficial and often illegal means of currency. Trading for things you don’t want put on your transactional history means trading a physical item of value. Platinum is the most common and high-valued “currency”.
Credits are the main form of payment within the milky way, however you can sometimes find item trades among the poorer planets like earth, where most have an “equal or more” policy for their trades.
Currency conversions
1CR = 2USD
1CR = 2.50CAD
1CR = 1.40GBP
1CR = 1.70EURO
1CR = 216YEN
The average price of bread loaf (white) on each planet
MARS = 1.50CR
Average price for an 8oz sliced turkey pack
LUNA = 2.50CR
Average price for a gallon of milk
MARS = 2.50CR
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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And our final preview of the day is information on Light Races! As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us through ask or via our Discord server if you have any questions. :)
Sanctioned Light Races
Humanity has long since been fascinated by watching people race against each other, whether on chariots, horseback, or eventually in high speed vehicles. So, when the mass exodus from Earth occurred and the new settlements had stabilized, it didn’t take long for humans to create a new form of racing.
Luna, being home to mostly the working class and the rich who still wanted to keep close ties to Earth, invented Light Races. Seeing as one side of Luna was forever in a state of darkness and settlers had invented vehicles that left light trails to keep track of not only themselves but others, it didn’t take much to invent motorbikes that were fast, agile, and exciting to watch.
Tracks similar to Formula One Circuits were built in several craters, especially those that were deep and had jagged edges from meteor impacts millions of years ago.
While these circuits were built to allow viewers to watch in person, the seats were limited as the need to keep the light levels as minimal as possible. Just enough for the Lightrunner’s to see far enough ahead to prevent excessive crashes.
Light Races gained popularity almost immediately, with many companies who had created the settlements on Luna and Mars sponsoring racers so they could have the latest and greatest motorbike and equipment.
As time wore on, the increasing safety regulations to keep Lightrunners safe from any potential accidents that occur caused waning interest in the sport, in an attempt to keep public interest (and corporations with lots of money to throw around) watching Synths were introduced into their own league.
The Synth League has far fewer regulations in place for Lightrunners, which means certain maneuvers that were banned in the human circuits were now fair play. Most synth Lightrunners are created specifically for racing, sponsored by corporations from all over Sol. It isn’t unheard of to see several synth destroyed beyond repair during a single season. While corporations program their synth to take high risks to win, they attempt to create failsafes as well to prevent total destruction as synths are incredibly expensive to manufacture.
Even if a synth has experienced their Singularity while racing, most corporations set nearly unattainable price tags on buying out their contracts.
Illegal Light Races
As more safety regulations were put in place but before the Synth Light Races were introduced, an uptick in illegal Light Races occurred across Sol. Though, as law enforcements began cracking down on these illegal races, there was a shift to illegal light races taking place on Earth.
The city-states of Earth at first didn’t pay much attention to these illegal races, too busy with their own issues to care about offworlders racing at the edges of their borders.
But then the law enforcements of the other settlements caught on and started showing up to exert their power, which always pisses Terrans off. So many of these illegal races were chased off to the far reaches of the Safe Zones where they couldn’t bother the city-states.
Now, many illegal races love the thrill of pushing the boundaries of the Safe Zones, edging closer and closer to the Ebullitions. It is not uncommon for at least one person to be rammed over the final edge between the Safe Zones and Ebullitions, causing lasting damage to their bodies from the radiation.
As the decades have gone by, settlements have eased up on their hunt of these illegal races, which has only increased their popularity in the last few years.
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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And here is our shipper preview! If it looks familiar it's because the lovely Shani coded it! There are four tabs, the first being the image, the second being where your shipper content will go, the third being the relationship overviews, and finally, the player information goes last!
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Alright, y'all know the drill by now! Time for today's first preview, the first is our Site Rules.
THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: DON’T BE A DICK Here on solar flares, we value respect. We will not be tolerating any form of negative -isms or -”phobias” (racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc). If you're being blatantly racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc, you will not receive a warning. You will receive an immediate ban.
REGISTRATION The site will automatically change your username, however it might be best to format your username as FIRST LAST in uppercase! We do allow repeat first names under the condition that they are spelled differently (i.e. Hailey, Hayley, Haeleigh). Repeat surnames are not allowed unless the characters are related or married.
CHARACTER BASICS Of course, we have the usual “no mary/gary sues”, no godly beings, no power play or godmodding, and just think about what would be realistic for characters! Your character isn’t going to be president of a country at 20 or a doctor at 23. Just be reasonable with it, give reasons, and if they are in a position of power then explain why they are in a position of power.
We ask that you please don’t play characters that are directly related to each other (familial relations such as your character's cousins, mother, brother, etc), or important to your own character’s story in some way (lovers, close friends, etc)! That’s what wanted ads are for!
We require that both faces and characters be 18+. We have a 5 OF +/- (excluding synths), so if your face claim is 30, then the youngest they could be is 25 and the oldest they’d be allowed to be is 35. We as that you don’t use adult film stars, politicians, athletes, influencers with less than 500k followers/no resources, people who have been asked to not be used in rp, faces under 18, or deceased faces out or respect for the passed individuals.
On solar flares, we encourage you to create complex characters of all ethnicities, backgrounds, sexualities, genders, etc, but we ask that you’re respectful in the way that you write these character’s stories! DO NOT WHITEWASH PEOPLE OF COLOR, and please do your research! For trans characters, we ask that you simply respect the face’s pronouns. We do allow cis faces to play trans characters as long as their pronouns stay generally the same (ex. Cisgender male [he/him] playing a transgender male [he/him] or gender nonconforming masculine person [he/they or they/he]). However, we request that if you use a transgender face that you keep the character transgender as well.
POSTING AND ACTIVITY Solar flares is a no word count site, meaning you can write as little or as much as you want! We ask that you do try your best to use proper grammar and spelling in your posts, however we 100% understand that people make mistakes! We’re also understanding if your first language isn’t english, and we will be here for any help you may need! If anything, we just ask that you discuss your partner’s comfort ranges, and that you give them enough to work with.
As for activity, we work on a two post per two weeks schedule. Your two posts CAN be a thread post and a comm or two thread posts, but they CAN NOT be two comm posts.
RATING Solar flares is a jcink premium site, meaning that mature and triggering topics can and probably will be played out. This means that sexual content, strong language, and violence are allowed on site as long as it’s in character! We please ask that you keep slurs as well as any rape or incest story lines out of play.
As for triggering content, we ask that you mark your threads appropriately and put “[tw]” somewhere in your thread title, or “[m]” if it contains mature content. If you’re not sure whether something needs a tag or not, tag it anyways! Better safe than sorry!
CHARACTER CREATION There is no character limit! You can make however many characters you want, HOWEVER, only your first 5 characters are free! After five, you will need a certain number of posts!
first five characters: free characters 6-10: 15 posts (thread and comm) characters 11-15: 35 posts (thread only) characters 16+ 50 posts on all characters (thread only)
COMMUNICATION We ask that you please join our Discord server, as that’s where you’ll be able to talk to both the staff and the other members of the site easiest! It’s also the easiest way to get plots thought of and written out!
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Our final preview of the day is information regarding Rovers, the nomadic people of Sol. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us through our blog or our Discord server!
Rovers are those who chose to travel the galaxy instead of settling on one place. Rovers can consist of many different cultures and backgrounds, however many groups within Sol hold a resentment towards Rovers. Rovers are often branded as pirates, even if they have no criminal records or past in piracy. This is due to the rise in “pirate” like crews within the past 200 years when travel between the planets became the quickest and easiest it's ever been. While pirate crews are common, they don’t make up the majority of Rovers.
Usually, a Rover colony will live on one fairly large cargo ship, or they will live on multiple smaller civilian-grade. They are permitted to own their own small military vessels for their own protection, which are often docked on the main ships.
Rovers never dock for very long, and survive off of trade and crops that are easy to grow in any type of soil such as lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and corner creeper mushrooms. Water is often in short supply on rover ships, so they settle for tomato or lettuce juice most of the time and save water for showers.
While most rover colonies aren’t well known, there are three or four that often stand out from the rest.
The Ardyn
The Ardyn is a large freight ship that holds the largest known Rover colony within it. Citizens of the Ardyn are often referred to as Ardynians, and the group that lives within it are kept to a very high standard. They are known to be very intelligent, valuing education above all. They are a trade colony, and are the settlements' main source to corner creeper mushrooms.
The Avalon
A larger Rover colony, second only to the Ardyn, those who are born and raised on the Avalon are often seen as the “space hippies” of Sol. They value community and relationships (familial, platonic, and romantic) above all else. All life is to be treated as sacred and when they visit other settlements they’re often mocked and treated as though they are unintelligent. However, most of Sol’s well known stories have originated from the Avalons.
The Maria Fleet
The Maria Fleet is a group of small civilian vessels, consisting of around 50 people. They are a reclusive group of people, and the only times they dock are to refill water, send a trader, or receive medical attention. The first case of black vein came from this fleet, the patient being their then-leader, Maria Yara. Maria was rumored to have a diet of only corner creepers and lettuce juice.
The Bastion
The Bastion wasn’t always a pirating vessel, in fact, it used to be a trader’s ship! That is, until it came into the possession of (was stolen by) Captain Carlos Zavala. The ship has a small but tight knit crew, and has become one of the most notorious crews in the modern age of piracy, along with a few other rivalling ships.
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solarflaresrp · 3 years
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Another day, another update! Today we're revealing the Political Climate of Sol. As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to us either on our blog or through our Discord server. <3
The politics of Sol are strained at best and on the brink of war at the worst. No one settlement or person seems to hold the same views on what to do about the reality of Sol and all its settlements. Because of this, tensions are quick to flare to life between people and linger in each settlement as a whole.
In recent decades, Mars has begun to push the boundaries of its power of influence, especially over Terrans, and has become more aggressive with the United Stations. Luna, in reaction to this, has become distrustful of Mars, almost positive they have an agenda the rest of Sol will be quite unhappy with.
Most recently though, the other settlements have begun to suspect the United Stations is covering up what really happened to the Poseidon station ten years ago. With the appearance of the Black Vein disease not long after the station was lost, Luna and Mars are both becoming more demanding of the United Stations to release their full report.
The United Stations in retaliation has choked off most of Mars and Luna’s access to their autonomous settlements on Europa and Enceladus which has only increased the Exoles’ desire for independence.
Luna — Due to the proximity of these two settlements and that Luna’s beginnings started from Terran governments, these two interact with one another the most of all the settlements. Lunites often take trips down to the more well off city-states to allow their bodies to acclimate to natural levels of gravity. If Terrans are able to make it off Earth, they often go to Luna first as it’s the cheapest transport and most accessible. The natural resources on Earth not totally destroyed or ruined by climate change are sent to Luna first before the rest of the settlements.
Mars — Terrans aren’t as stupid as the rest of Sol likes to believe them as, and they are well aware of how Mars is taking advantage of their desperation for a better life off planet. While there are hundreds if not thousands of Terrans who sign up for the Martian military every year, there are large groups who constantly warn Martians that the fate of their planet will only end in misery, much like Earth. Of course, Martians brush off these warnings as nothing more than old wive’s tales.
United Stations — Unfortunately, for many Stationers they will never be able to step foot on Earth due to the generations upon generations spent in artificial gravity. Some Stationers have a negative view of both Terrans and Martians who have the luxury of growing up planetside and therefore have more opportunities across Sol, but most are content with their lives and barely give Earth any thought.
Europa and Enceladus — Due to the distance between Earth and these settlements, they don’t have many interactions with one another. The wealthy Terrans who are stubborn and remain on Earth out of spite (in most cases) do venture to these settlements to marvel at the technological advancements that made them both possible, but outside tourism, they leave each other to their own devices.
Mars — Ever since their beginnings, Luna and Mars’ relationship has been strained at best and near all out war at the worst. Lunites often look down upon Martian’s elitist attitudes and Martians tend to look down upon Lunites for, well, just about everything. Recently, their relationship has become even more strained as Luna has noticed Mars’ push for more influence and power within Sol.
United Stations — As the main supplier of Androids and Synthetics, Luna has close trade agreements with the United Stations so they may supply lightrunners for the Synth circuits and also androids for the more wealthy families who require some assistance around their home. Outside the trade agreement, things were once rather neutral between the settlements, however, recently with the United Stations’ dodginess around the loss of the Poseidon, Luna is becoming wary and mistrustful of them.
Europa and Enceladus — Luna still holds control over the Europa colony, though it is more of a hands off approach to governing them. They have sent supplies to Europa for nearly a hundred years but as the colony has become more self-sufficient things have become strained as Europans have begun to demand independence. In regards to Enceladus, the relationship is strained there as Mars is the one who established and controls that particular colony and restricts Luna’s access to it most of the time.
United Stations — Recently, Mars’ relationship with the United Stations has grown more tense and strained than their relationship with Luna. They haven’t forgotten that the United Stations largely gained its independence by giving faulty flight paths through the asteroid belt that resulted in the loss of hundreds of Martians. And with the United Stations' secrecy around the loss of the Poseidon, they’re chomping at the bits to finally get justice for those who’ve lost their lives at the hands of Stationers.
Europa and Enceladus — Mars still holds control over the Enceladus colony, established in retaliation for Luna’s Europa colony. However, in the past decade, their control over Enceladus has slipped thanks to the United Stations stonewalling their access through the asteroid belt which has resulted in Enceladans to become bolder in their demands for independence. They have nothing to do with Europa, and have no plans to in the near future.
The United Stations
Europa and Enceladus — They are perhaps these colonies biggest ally in gaining their independence from Luna and Mars, especially since the United Stations managed to gain their independence centuries ago when they were in a similar situation. Under the table, they are supplying the colonies with everything they need to break free from Luna and Mars’ influences and power.
Enceladus — As they are the closest colonies to each other, Europa and Enceladus have a close relationship, despite their founding settlement’s distaste of each other. Europa was the first to begin to desire independence and as a result Enceladus followed closely behind. They came to the agreement that working together and working with the United Stations was their best bet to actually become independent and regularly trade strategies between one another.
Political Alignments
Those who align with this political viewpoint think the best thing for Sol is to unite together under a single Federation. This would allow for resources to be shared more easily between settlements and allow the ability to move between settlements more accessible and easier. This remains a wildly unpopular alignment, as most across Sol are wary of centralized governments and control and that the good intentions of the Federation could be easily exploited by corrupt politicians. Even Terrans, who would probably benefit most from a Federation, are largely against this.
The most popular political viewpoint are those who believe each settlement should remain completely separate and independent of each other. They believe that a federation would lead to abuse of power and that the less wealthy settlements would suffer even more at the hands of Mars and Luna in particular. Terrans are more than content to be left out of the complicated and often strained dynamics that take place between the other settlements, and while many would benefit from shared resources, they’ve been left behind for centuries now and they’re content to remain that way.
Perhaps the second most common viewpoint are those who are neutral. They see the benefits of remaining separate but also the benefits of unifying together under a federation. So they refuse to take a firm stance on one or the other and are content to see how things play out as their lives won’t change much either way.
There are many reasons one would be undecided, perhaps they used to be firmly federalist or separtist but their world view has dramatically shifted because of a major life event and now they’re confused and lost. Some just are waiting to see how the winds shift towards one political alignment before fully committing to one or the other. Whatever the reason is, they often are on the receiving end of rants about why one view is better than the other.
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