#soldat boisrond
z-spy · 1 year
a duet of insane toussaint and the ghost of boisrond what do you think
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ardenrosegarden · 1 year
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they're in their natural habitat 🌳🌳
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shrimpquota · 7 months
Henri Clément was born somewhere in France during the late 19th Century, most likely the early 1890s.[3] At some point Henri got married to an unmentioned woman. He was presumably conscripted or volunteered for the Great War, becoming a soldier in the French Army and then being sent to the front to help repel the advance of the German army. Henri held the rank of "Soldat," which is equivalent to a private, serving in Sgt. Stéphane Joubert's unit and under the overall command of Commandant Fournier. During the war he became very good friends with a fellow soldier in his unit, Augustin Lambert. The two spent a lot of time together, often pranking one another, with Augustin going so far as to urinate inside of Henri's flask, placing lice in his bunk bed, and being involved in an unspecified incident with a barmaid.[5] Their unit was possibly transferred to, or originally stationed at, a secure frontline bunker.
Events preceding Amnesia: The Bunker
On July 8th, 1916, Sgt. Joubert informed Henri and Augustin that he needed one of them to go on a relatively safe and routine nighttime patrol to the communication wires.[5] Joubert suspected one of them was part of the tunnel sabotage, and so wished to test them; however, he allowed the two friends to choose who would go between themselves.[5]
Augustin and Henri decided to play a game of dice to decide who would go on patrol, but Henri, wanting to get out of a boring patrol and get revenge on Augustin for previous pranks, used a slight of hand trick to cheat and win.[5] Augustin gracefully accepted his loss and left on his patrol, while Henri got a goodnight's sleep, albeit during a period of intense shelling.[5][6]
However, just before dawn on the next day, after the back and forth shelling stopped, Henri awoke and discovered that Augustin was not in his bunk.[7] He looked to see if he was smoking outside the entrance, fooling around in the mess hall, or being seen by Dr. Josinski, but didn't find him anywhere.[7] He ran into another soldier, Dax, who informed him that Augustin had not returned from his patrol.[7] Henri was left worried, but decided to try and get another few hours of sleep.[7]
Some time later, Henri woke up again and found out that Augustin was still missing.[8] He agonized over his own childish stupidity, remarking that he never thought about the potential consequences of his prank through; however, Henri decided to wait and see if Augustin would return by dusk before seeking help.[8] Henri spent the entire day in this state of perturbation, being too repulsed to eat or hang out with his compatriots.[9] When dusk arrived, he asked Sgt. Joubert about Augustin's potential trouble, but the sergeant was blasé about the matter, leaving Henri in a state of acute distress; furthermore, he was angered by his other compatriots drinking and arguing as if they didn't have a care in the world.[10]
When night fell, Henri ultimately decided that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't try and save Augustin, and he snuck out of the bunker to find him.[11] Henri then ventured out into no man's land, searching for his friend despite only carrying a revolver. By a stroke of luck, he came across a large crater-like formation where a distress flare was burning, he looked inside and saw Augustin, injured, starved, and parched, but alive.[12] Henri lowered himself into the crater and hydrated Augustin with strange water from a nearby spring to help him regain his strength, after which he managed to get him out.[12] He carried him on his back on the return to the bunker. However, they were spotted by the Germans, who fired at them, and despite Henri’s best efforts, the duo were nearly struck by an artillery shell, with Henri being subjected to a traumatic head injury, giving him amnesia and putting him in a comatose state.[13]
Events of Amnesia: The Bunker
Henri eventually woke up in infirmary at the bunker. Moving through the bunker, he meets with Sdt. Boisrond, seemingly the only other survivor around. Boisrond gives Henri his revolver, pleading with the latter to take his life so as to spare him a grisly death at the hands of the creature that had, over the past several days, systematically hunted down many of the other soldiers in the bunker.
Before Henri could do anything about Boisrond's request, Boisrond was dragged screaming into a tunnel to his death. Henri realized something sinister had been happening in his torpor, with a monster crawling through the underground, hunting him as well. He now begins his quest to escape the facility, all the while uncovering details of what had transpired.
Once the Emergency Lockdown in the Central Bunker had been lifted, Henri travelled through the areas of the Bunker, acquiring a wrench from Mission Storage using Foreman Stafford's code and a pair of cutters from the Prison. Using a code he acquired through Communications sent over by Sgt. Stéphane Joubert, he gains access to the Arsenal and retrieves a bundle of dynamite.
Henri also travels through the haunted Roman Tunnels, being forced to confront a crazed Toussaint Beaufoy, who has armed himself with a shotgun and is constantly singing to himself. He either sneaks past the lunatic or kills him in self-defense, upon which he acquires the detonator handle needed to trigger the dynamite.
As Henri explores the Bunker, he discovers through letters and journal entries that the Beast is actually Augustin who, by the effect of the water from the crater, transformed slowly and inexplicably. Augustin initially fought the monstrous urges but soon gave in, leading to him attacking and killing his fellow soldiers.
Finally, Henri detonates the dynamite at the Bunker entrance, though instead of opening the exit, it blows open a pit that leads deeper underground. Going down into this hole and running through an old mine shaft as he's tailed by The Beast, Clément emerges into a massive ritualistic Arena created by the Mithraic Cult over a foggy chasm.
Confronting his former friend one last time, he is faced with two choices. Either choice ultimately sees him making his escape, climbing a large structure at the opposite end of the Arena and running through a passageway. After clearing the exit of lodged debris, he loses his footing and rolls down the side of a cliff into a water-logged ditch filled with bodies. Henri then hears a German patrol closing in on his position.
Main article: Amnesia: The Bunker/Endings
If Henri evades the Beast and manages to push two boxes over to a large wall blocking access to the exit stairs without letting the Beast catch him or break the boxes, he will flee the Arena and subsequently the bunker, falling down a ditch full of dead corpses of fellow infantrymen. Henri looks up and through the exit he made his escape from he can see The Beast leave the caves, roaring and running outside through the cliffs. This alerts the Germans outside, who can be seen approaching their position. The fate of the Beast, of the Germans, and of Henri are ultimately left unknown.
If Henri in the final battle decides to stay and confront the Beast, he will instead utilize the environment around him, luring his mutated friend onto a fragile wooden bridge. At this point, the Beast can be stunned by the Revolver of the Shotgun or be trapped by grenades or gas grenades, or by being distracted with the Rabbit Toy. Henri then destroys the bridge undearneath him with an explosive or by shooting it with the Shotgun, which takes the creature down with it plummeting to it's apparent death. Henri will flee the Arena and subsequently the bunker, falling down a ditch full of dead corpses of fellow infantrymen. Henri looks up at the passageway he used to escape, but his attention is quickly drawn to the German forces outside, who can be seen approaching the area his position. The game then ends with Henri's ultimate fate left unknown.
If Henri jumps or falls into the endless pit below the Arena, he will land in an endless expanse of darkness akin to a void. A distant screeching howl can be heard coming from afar as a red light expands and seems to engulf Henri, killing him. Although this is an outcome and special event that is accessed through this last area, it is not to be considered an ending, as it will simply reload the game.
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Jacques Marin.
Años 1940-1950
1946 : Le Beau voyage de Louis Cuny - Un mauvais garçon
1948 : L'assassin est à l'écoute de Raoul André - le barman
1950 : Dieu a besoin des hommes de Jean Delannoy
1950 : Le Mystérieux colonel Barclay, cortometraje de Jacques Vilfrid
1951 : Seul dans Paris : de Hervé Bromberger un homme du village
1952 : Jeux interdits de René Clément - Georges Dollé
1952 : Nous sommes tous des assassins de André Cayatte
1953 : Quitte ou double de Robert Vernay - Lucien
1953 : Un jour comme les autres, cortometraje de Georges Rouquier - Pierrot
1954 : Faites-moi confiance de Gilles Grangier - Bob
1954 : Avant le déluge de André Cayatte - L'ouvrier à bicyclette
1954 : J'y suis... j'y reste de Maurice Labro
1954 : Papa, maman, la bonne et moi de Jean-Paul Le Chanois - Le voisin
1955 : Si Paris nous était conté de Sacha Guitry - Un gardien de prison
1955 : Papa, maman, ma femme et moi de Jean-Paul Le Chanois - Le garagiste
1955 : Ça va barder de John Berry
1955 : Sur le banc de Robert Vernay - Le policier qui court après La Hurlette et Carmen
1955 : Le Dossier noir de André Cayatte - Un policier
1955 : Les Évadés de Jean-Paul Le Chanois - Un prisonnier
1955 : French Cancan de Jean Renoir - Un homme dans la file d'attente
1955 : La Rue des bouches peintes de Robert Vernay - Le commissaire
1955 : Les Hommes en blanc de Ralph Habib
1955 : Gas-oil de Gilles Grangier - Le gendarme
1955 : L'Amant de lady Chatterley de Marc Allégret - Un homme du pub
1956 : Des gens sans importance de Henri Verneuil - Le routier qui fesse Clotilde
1956 : Marie-Antoinette de Jean Delannoy - Un crieur de journaux
1956 : Mon curé chez les pauvres d’Henri Diamant-Berger
1956 : Ces sacrées vacances de Robert Vernay - L'automobiliste
1956 : Le Sang à la tête de Gilles Grangier - L'agent de police
1956 : Paris, Palace Hôtel de Henri Verneuil - Le livreur de fleurs
1956 : La Traversée de Paris de Claude Autant-Lara Le patron du restaurant
1956 : Cette sacrée gamine de Michel Boisrond - Un gendarme
1956 : Reproduction interdite de Gilles Grangier
1957 : Le rouge est mis de Gilles Grangier - Un flic de garde
1957 : A Paris tous les deux - (Paris holiday) de Gerd Oswald.
1957 : Les femmes sont marrantes de André Hunebelle - Le taxi
1957 : Les Vendanges (The Vintage) de Jeffrey Hayden
1957 : Le Coin tranquille de Robert Vernay
1957 : Porte des Lilas de René Clair - L'inspecteur qui enquête sur le vol chez l'épicier
1957 : Une Parisienne de Michel Boisrond - Le motard
1957 : Montparnasse 19 de Jacques Becker - Le patron du café
1958 : Les Misérables de Jean-Paul Le Chanois : Le messager (dans la première époque)
1958 : La Tour, prends garde ! de Georges Lampin
1958 : Le Désordre et la Nuit de Gilles Grangier - Le garçon de café bavard
1958 : En cas de malheur de Claude Autant-Lara - Le réceptionniste du Trianon-Hôtel
1958 : Les Racines du ciel (Roots of Heaven) de John Huston - Cerisot
1958 : Le Miroir à deux faces de André Cayatte - Un professeur
1958 : Le Temps des œufs durs de Norbert Carbonnaux - Le pêcheur
1958 : Trois jours à vivre de Gilles Grangier : le gendarme
1958 : Les Tricheurs de Marcel Carné - Monsieur Félix
1958 : Madame et son auto de Robert Vernay - Monsieur Rouille
1958 : Le Joueur de Claude Autant-Lara
1959 : Archimède le clochard de Gilles Grangier - Mimile, un habitué du café
1959 : Rue des prairies de Denys de La Patellière - Monsieur Mauduis
1959 : Maigret et l'affaire Saint-Fiacre de Jean Delannoy - Albert, le chauffeur de la comtesse
1959 : Guinguette de Jean Delannoy - Albert
1959 : Drôles de phénomènes de Robert Vernay - L'inspecteur
1959 : Croquemitoufle ou Les Femmes des autres de Claude Barma - Le contrôleur
1959 : La Bête à l'affût de Pierre Chenal - Le contrôleur routier
1959 : Match contre la mort de Claude Bernard-Aubert.
Año 1960
1960 : Les Vieux de la vieille de Gilles Grangier - Le brigadier de gendarmerie dont la chaîne de vélo a sauté
1960 : La Française et l'Amour, sketch Le Mariage de René Clair - Le contrôleur
1960 : Drame dans un miroir (Crack in the Mirror) de Richard Fleischer - Le gardien
1960 : Pantalaska de Paul Paviot - Monsieur Tropman
1960 : Monsieur Suzuki de Robert Vernay
1960 : Vers l'extase de René Wheeler - Le boucher
1960 : Au cœur de la ville de Pierre Gautherin
1961 : Le Président de Henri Verneuil - Gaston, le chauffeur de car.
1961 : Le cave se rebiffe de Gilles Grangier - L'inspecteur Larpin, de la police mondaine
1961 : Le Général ennemi (The Ennemy General) de George Sherman - Marceau
1961 : Le Grand Risque (The Big Gamble) de Richard Fleischer - L'employé de l'hôtel
1961 : Arrêtez les tambours de Georges Lautner - L'épicier
1961 : Le Monocle noir de Georges Lautner - Trochu
1961 : La Pendule à Salomon de Vicky Ivernel
1962 : Le Gentleman d'Epsom de Gilles Grangier - Raoul, le boucher turfiste
1962 : Gigot, le clochard de Belleville (Gigot) de Gene Kelly - Jean
1962 : Le Couteau dans la plaie de Anatole Litvak - Le commissaire
1962 : La Belle des îles (Tiara Tahiti) de Ted Kotcheff - Desmoulins
1962 : Portrait-robot de Paul Paviot
1963 : Charade de Stanley Donen - L'inspecteur Édouard Grandpierre
1963 : Le Glaive et la Balance de André Cayatte - Un gendarme
1963 : Méfiez-vous, mesdames de André Hunebelle
1963 : Le Poulet, cortometraje de Claude Berri
1964 : Le Train de John Frankenheimer y Bernard Farrel - Jacques, le chef de gare de Rive-Reine
1964 : La Vie conjugale (version Françoise) d’André Cayatte
1964 : Vacances pour Yvette (Vacaciones para Yvette) de José-Maria Forque
1965 : Fantômas se déchaîne de André Hunebelle - L'agent de police ferroviaire
1965 : Humour noir, sketch La Bestiole de Claude Autant-Lara
1965 : Les Bons Vivants, sketch La Fermeture de Gilles Grangier - L'acquéreur du mobilier de la maison close
1966 : Comment voler un million de dollars (How to steal a million) de William Wyler - Le gardien-chef du musée
1966 : Paris au mois d'août de Pierre Granier-Deferre - Bouvreuil
1966 : Les Centurions (Lost Command) de Mark Robson - Le maire coléreux à qui on prend son hélicoptère
1966 : Le Plus Vieux Métier du monde, sketch Aujourd'hui de Claude Autant-Lara - L'agent de police
1966 : La Vingt-cinquième Heure de Henri Verneuil - Le soldat chez Dubrosco
1968 : La Motocyclette (The Girl on a Motorcycle) de Jack Cardiff - Le pompiste
1968 : L'Homme à la Buick de Gilles Grangier - Un déménageur
1969 : La Nuit du lendemain (The Night of the Following Day) de Hubert Cornfield y Richard Boone - Le patron du café
1969 : La Fiancée du pirate de Nel.
Año 1970
1970 : Hello, Goodbye (Hello Goodbye) de Jean Negulesco
1970 : Darling Lili (Darling Lili) de Blake Edwards - Le major Duval
1971 : Mourir d'aimer de André Cayatte - Le correspondant
1971 : Le drapeau noir flotte sur la marmite de Michel Audiard - Antoine Simonet, chef de train S.N.C.F
1971 : Jo de Jean Girault - Andrieux, un policier chercheur
1971 : Le Cinéma de papa de Claude Berri - L'acteur jouant le chef de gare
1971 : Le Petit Matin de Jean-Gabriel Albicocco - La Bouhère
1973 : Shaft contre les trafiquants d'hommes (Shaft in Africa) de John Guillermin - L'inspecteur Cusset
1973 : Mais où est donc passée la septième compagnie ? de Robert Lamoureux - L'épicier français collaborateur
1974 : L'Île sur le toit du monde (Island at the Top of the World) de Robert Stevenson - Le capitaine Brieux
1974 : Les murs ont des oreilles de Jean Girault - Lucas
1974 : Vos gueules, les mouettes ! de Robert Dhéry - Le porte-bannière
1974 : Les "S" pions (S.P.Y.S) d’Irvin Kershner - Lafayette
1974 : Impossible... pas français de Robert Lamoureux - Dussautoy
1975 : Bons baisers de Hong Kong d’Yvan Chiffre - Le gradé de la police
1975 : Opération Lady Marlène de Robert Lamoureux - Le bistrot
1975 : Flic Story de Jacques Deray - Le patron de l'auberge de Saint-Rémy
1975 : Catherine et compagnie de Michel Boisrond - Le patron de l'agence de location de voitures
1976 : Marathon Man (Marathon Man) de John Schlesinger - Leclerc
1976 : L'Année sainte de Jean Girault - Moreau, le gardien de prison
1976 : Le Jour de gloire de Jacques Besnard - Le patron du bistrot
1977 : Le mille-pattes fait des claquettes de Jean Girault - L'inspecteur de police
1977 : La Coccinelle à Monte-Carlo (Herbie Goes to Monte-Carlo) de Vincent McEveety - L'inspecteur Bouchet
1978 : L'Horoscope de Jean Girault - J.L. Beauché
1978 : La Grande cuisine (Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?) de Ted Kotcheff - Masseret
1978 : Général... nous voilà ! de Jacques Besnard - Mac Goland
1979 : Grandison d’Achim Kurz.
Años 1980 - 1990
1981 : Ach du lieber Harry de Jean Girault - Un haut dignitaire
1982 : Te marre pas .. c'est pour rire ! de Jacques Besnard - Albert, le chauff.
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z-spy · 1 year
i just imagine henri toussaint lambert and boisrond working in a group it's every time henri gets really carried away and smashes his instrument against the wall and toussaint just starts howling in the middle of their song while in some corner boisrond tears appart augustin's artwork VIOLENTLY and says NO then dead tired of drawing it all his day lambert screams AAAAAAAA and the whole audience just goes WHAT THE HEEEELL IS HAPPENING THERE all this happens ALL THE TIME i swear
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z-spy · 1 year
i am thinking about henri and augustin being mini versions of toussaint and boisrond....
i mean
if henri and toussaint both sing and make music then lambert and boisrond are their friends-artists! i find idea of boisrond admiring lambert's artworks and helping him teaching him adorable and the little music duet of toussaint and henri is also heartwarming because i think though both toussaint and boisrond are not so fond of the company of young little sodiers like lambi and henri they also enjoy spending some of their time with them because it's actually fun and cute especially how these boys respect their opinion and react to their approval and the boys actually want to earn respect of their older friends by showing them their talent and work,,,,,
yes it's all fun and games until these mini versions unalived their big versions💀💀 it's also very interesting how boisrond wanted to die with honor at the hands of a brother soldier and his brother soldier actually gave him what he asked for but henri and toussaint- they were just killing each other insanely ok
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