lightdash · 6 years
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☆ ooc; i’d like to join in! you’re all so sweet & i wanna show some love to my mutuals! these are all great role-players you should check out. their stuff inspires me so much! ♥
@burstbombbitch @rosehammcr @greendreambro @hoverskates @smashmeltingpot @peachycrown @thefutureissilver @cosmcther @chaossensed @wisheternally @soldimension @antibadnik @theswordqueen @doceggman @crueltymade @masterprotector @magnanimousmonarch @nightmaresend @blackblur @collectiingmoments
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markhatting · 9 years
Setting up. Checking levels. We are #soldimension
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drakedomitor · 10 years
✌ What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
knowing how to write adventure and conflict and SETTING. if you’re a writer who LIKES getting into trouble like i do. it comes to you fairly easy and sometimes it might be a challenge depending on the situation. but hiccup’s world just fits so well because i ENJOY writing about dragons, details of landscapes & surroundings--sight & smells are important when trying to invoke a certain thought or imagine in someone’s head. touch of hot scales, a flickering fire, the texture of leather or the smears of ash across the skin. his world is all SETTING, ADVENTURE & CONFLICT. also doesn’t hurt it’s on the line of fantasy as well B))).
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I actually don't know if this opinion is popular or not? But as much as I love Disney's Pocahontas for what it is, I wish someone would make a more historically accurate verison of the movie.
Send me UNPOPULAR opinions (or popular, it doesn’t matter) and I’ll rate them like this:strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I think someone might have? The New World (2005). It’s not exactly historically accurate, but more so than Disney’s version. And while I looooove Disney’s version and wouldn’t want it changed, I would love to see a historically accurate movie too. 
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dxucement · 10 years
( soldimension )
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            ❛ you are a new face, mademoiselle. have you come               to see the SHOW? ❜
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lightdash · 5 years
✮  :  ━  BOLD WHAT APPLIES ! ❫
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tagged  by: @burstbombbitch ♥♥♥ tagging: @rosehammcr @hoverskates @argentnaivety @magnanimousmonarch @astrahero @collectiingmoments @soldimension !!
𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑: a chill right down to the bones.   tobogganing.   teeth chattering.   sleeping all day. sitting by the fireplace. spending time with family.  layered clothing.  seeing another’s breath.  loving the cold. a state of inactivity. cold hands. blistering winds shaking the closed windows. a bookcase full of brand new books and all of the time in the world to read them.  cable knit socks.  a bitter remark.  a log cabin in the middle of nowhere . hating the cold.  full-length windows to peer out of.  pale skin.  deep conversations.  watching the snow fall.  sharp edges.  hot cocoa. smelling every candle in the store.  a wild snow storm.  melancholy.  lighting candles around the bathtub.  snow globes.  expressing yourself but never finding quite the right words.  the softest blankets.  liking, but not loving something or someone.
𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: the smell after it rains.  being in control of yourself.   a soft breeze blowing through your hair.  lightning when it strikes.  cherry blossoms.  bright mornings.  the first sign of hope.  the relief of finding something you lost.  paris in the spring. birds chirping. the art of growing.  a kiss on the cheek.  the clap of thunder.  a tornado in the valley.  smiling at a stranger.  planning.  saccharine pinks.  making promises.  trying something new.  hugs when you need them the most.  a bee sting.  sitting on the steps of the met.  coming inside drenched from the thunderstorm.  picnics on a red checkered blanket in the new sun.  that feeling you get when you put on a good dress . a long hike.  rushing when you can take your time.  going to the gym at ungodly hours. excitement for what’s coming. becoming yourself.  rain boots.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑: lanterns lit around a campfire.   seeing the sunrise like it’s the first time again and again.  melting ice cream.   the warmth of the sun rays on your skin.  fireworks.   the feeling of never wanting something to end.   beach days.  the lone blow-up floaty left in the pool.   drifting with the warm nights breeze and nothing else.   music blasting at 3am.  palms trees on sunset boulevard.   longer days and shorter nights.   wanderlust.   nights spent staring at the stars.  sand castles.  road trips.   blood orange sunsets.   leaving the laundry to hang outside.  flowers in bloom.  sneaking out of your room late at night. pure contentment.  barefoot in the sand.   the street lights coming on.   the sound of the ocean in the seashells.   freshly squeezed lemonade. loose clothing.  a cannonball into the pool. sunflowers.   the hazy pink before dawn. relaxation.
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋:     the leaves changing colors.   a heavy backpack.   the smell of old books.  eating until you’re stuffed.   deep, dark woods.   the silence in loudness.   abandoned houses. ripped jeans.   crunching leaves beneath feet.   feeling like you’ve been somewhere before.   sitting at a bay window.   having endless amount of homework.   charcoal drawings.   screaming into a pillow as loud as you can.   pumpkin patches.  creaky floorboards. accepting that some things have to change.   museums.   small talk.   being ignored. procrastinating.   a door slamming shut.   going to bed early.   baking pies.  the fear of walking alone in the dark.   feeling completely and terribly lost.   a twig snapping.   crisp, cool days.   belly laughter after crying.   converse.  foggy mornings at the shoreline. writing a daily entry in a journal.   a lonely day.
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markhatting · 9 years
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Off to do some recording with #soldimension, then head to band practice, hen a friend's kid's birthday with @cindy_coffee.
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glassfit · 10 years
( notaflouncygirl & soldimension )
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        ❛ Bit of a tall tale don’t you think? ❜
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solcitio · 10 years
soldimension liked your post: solcitio:        &...
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                         ❛ man ! you should do that again, that was                            A W E S O M E !
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tobluff · 10 years
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      " oh, no, 
                it's my first time visiting here.                 you have a truly beautiful                  kingdom. "
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raxcityarchive-blog · 10 years
● soldimension​ ●
          ❝NAH NAH NAH NA-NA-NA-NAAAAH !              Okay, now JUST humming fish on three !              Ready ?? ONE, TWO, THR----------
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          ❝Blaze ! ? I--I mean, uhhhh ? Hey, Blaze,              how's it goin' ?? I didn't know you were...              but how did you...----eh-heeh, you didn't              see any of that, did you ?
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soldimension replied to your post:flurriies​ I can’t get the idea of Richard Gere as...
{ NO. No no no. John Smith was hot enough before WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? YOU MADE IT /WORSE/.}
Oh no don't blame me! Blame flurriies! Although as soon as they said it and I went to go compare I knew it was his face. Chris Hemsworth just doesn't feel like his face, you know? But he has the hair and the eyes so I kinda overlook it. I may be weird. idk. but fffff it's too much, I can't handle this
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spiderspath-blog · 10 years
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           ❛  DON'T LOOK now, but I think we                    might be out of coffee.                                          Join me for a run ?   ❜
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labeautes-blog · 10 years
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❝ don't you think every popular book turns into a movie? -- i think they ruin beautifully-written works. some don't, but most do. it gets utterly annoying. ❞
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