#solsyn speaks
solar-synapse · 4 months
It is the funniest thing to me that people think I'm this super respectable, straight laced person when I'm actually a rotten little jester who loves a good bit. Sorry you were taken in by my fancy words and serious demeanor. My sona is a raccoon for a reason.
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solar-synapse · 10 months
Me, minding my own business at work:
My brain: Overtly dangerous Sun is such a good flavor, we should do more with that
Me: We should finish what we've started :)))
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solar-synapse · 6 months
I love reading the tags people leave on the art Ohno drew of Sol from the Tailor/DBD au because sometimes they double as nice comments about my story too.
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solar-synapse · 11 months
Hmm. Chapter 5 is almost done, but I have hurt myself unexpectedly in the process of writing it. Also, it has crossed 8,000 words. My concern for the length of later chapters grows with the word count.
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solar-synapse · 9 months
After much thought, I'm giving my Silt Verses crossover fic the working title of Tintinnabulation. Still subject to change before publishing, as it is a bit of a mouthful, but at least I have something to call it for now.
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solar-synapse · 5 months
I'm so sleepy, but I have got to write tonight. I now have three active wips for GITM fics, and I'd like to finish one of them this week. An acquaintance (Friend? They're cool, I would like to be friends) surprised me with art inspired by one of those drabbles last night, so now I'm feeling motivated to write the most ambitious version of that story. I didn't feel pressure to finish it by any particular point in time before then, but they wanna hold off on posting the art until they can link it to the story, so now I'm like, "Damn, I don’t wanna make them wait too long. Better pick up the pace."
I don't expect to complete that one this week, but getting through one of the other two would be nice...
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solar-synapse · 9 months
Saw a poll that was like "How do you see Sun and Moon's relationship?" And like, it had the usual options of brothers, lovers, friends, etc. but no option for multiple interpretations and like. Isn't it boring limiting yourself to just one dynamic? I get that Sun x Moon is often a squicky pairing for people who exclusively interpret them as brothers (which is why I will always tag it, so folks can filter), but damn, that's a choice. You don't have to make them brothers. They aren't even brothers in canon! They're just two AI's who are inextricably connected and you get to decide exactly what that means.
I often like to run with the brother interpretation myself in AU's, but sometimes I don't! I'm just here to have fun and smash blorbos together in whatever configuration seems pleasing or interesting.
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solar-synapse · 10 months
The Silt Verses fic now has a rough initial outline, so I can begin making headway into that. I gave it the working title of Daydreamer back when I started it in October, but I'm not quite happy with that name, so I will come up with a new one before I post the story. Also, someone else has an ongoing DCA story called Daydreamers, and I'd rather not give my story such a similar name.
I am sitting here though like, man, how do I even tag this one? It's not really ship fic. Silt Verse gods are closer to concepts than solid physical presences and this is horror, not romance, but it sure as hell isn't gen fic either. A god is slowly but surely laying claim to a very reluctant follower. It's a nasty, grim setting because of the world it is set in, and it doesn't have what I would consider a happy ending because it's not really a good thing to be a god's prophet, but the horror is primarily psychological, so I can't actually think of a huge number of things that need to be tagged for? Maybe I should throw Dead Dove on this one. I hate how people use that tag now, but the tags I do add to this story should be taken seriously.
For all my fretting, I think this story is tame compared to what you'd find in the podcast. I just don't want someone who hasn't listened to the Silt Verses but is curious enough about the premise to give this crossover story a shot and wind up unpleasantly surprised. If people think Star-Crossed has a heavy setting, know that this one is so much worse, and the DCA boys are even less human in how they think and act.
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solar-synapse · 10 months
Man, it sure is the first day of December.
When I post this next chapter of Star-Crossed, I'm going to announce a one month hiatus. I wrote somewhere between 40-50k for it in November, which I had not planned to do, and I desperately need some time to recharge, though taking a break from Star-Crossed doesn't mean I won't be writing.
I want to poke at my Silt Verses crossover, which I haven't had time to work on since October. It should clock in somewhere between 20-40k by the time I’m finished with it, since I'm writing it as a beefy one-shot (my favorite flavor of denial). That's not a small amount of writing to get through in a month, but no one is waiting for it to be posted, so it doesn't really matter if I don’t finish it by the end of December (though it would be very pleasing to upload something on New Years Day).
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solar-synapse · 6 months
Oh, a few GITM folks from the server have found this sideblog. Hello, hello, welcome to my cave. Just a heads up, this is a containment zone for DCA hyperfixation content, so 90% of what I do here is just reblog fanart I like. The other 10% of the time, I yell into the void about my DCA fandom writing, which I haven't done in a while because GITM has devoured my brain for the last two and a half months.
I can't follow back from this blog since it's not a main blog, but I see you and wave 👋 Please feel free to unfollow at any time with no hard feelings if the content I put on your timeline gets too repetitive, since in the end, it is mostly reblogs and not a lot of personal content!
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solar-synapse · 9 months
🎵 for Star-Crossed please :3c
🎵 - Do you have a playlist/particular song you associate with your AU? If so, share it!
Hello Suki :3c There is actually one song I associate very strongly with Star-Crossed. I've mentioned it here before, but I don't think you were following me at the time, so I'll just go ahead and link it. It's Moonn, by Radical Face:
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solar-synapse · 9 months
🌒⭐️💬 🎭
(I am only somewhat sure I got all those right have fun sol~)
🌒 - Do you prefer Sun & Moon to be separate animatronics or share the same body?
I think if I was going to write a more canon-typical AU, I would write them as animatronics sharing the same body. The tension in their relationship is fundamentally tied to how unequal their control is over their shared body, and that's something I would want to dig into in my own writing, but I love seeing other people write them as separate animatronics too.
In my existing AU's, I've done both! The boys in Star-Crossed are twins, but they're very different individuals. In the Silt Verses crossover, they're two aspects of one god. So I guess my answer is both. Both is good.
⭐️ - Favorite AU character design?
If you asked me this three days ago, I probably would have said the Fairweather Fool, but now I'm looking at some of these proposed Digimon evo line designs and sweating over Sun and Moon's mega fusion.
If we're talking about other people's AU designs, hands down, it's gotta be Dusk and Dawn from head-in-the-icloud's Royal Jesters AU. They're just so appealing.
💬 - How would you describe this AU to a friend who wasn’t in the DCA fandom?
Both of the AU's I am actively working on are already so far removed from DCA fandom, they lend themselves really well to being read by people who aren't familiar with the source material! I have a couple friends who have read and enjoyed Star-Crossed who aren't in the fandom. I'd honesty just summarize the premises.
Star-Crossed: Sun is the Seelie court jester, well known and well connected, but in political decline. In order to bolster his waning popularity, he has written an ambitious stage play, a tragedy between star-crossed lovers that is certain to satisfy his fans, if only he can find the perfect actor to step into the protagonist's role. That's where you come in.
You are a sidhe seer searching for someone who was taken to faerie many years ago. In exchange for passage to faerie, you sign a contract with Sun agreeing to perform in his play. However, his twin, Moon, doesn't quite buy your story or the convenient timing of your appearance. Faerie is a treacherous place. He suspects there is someone working in the shadows to sabotage his brother's career, and you are his prime suspect.
TSV crossover: It's been generations since your people's god was outlawed during the religious wars that codified the legal faiths. Your rural, largely agricultural village is struggling to modernize, until a man from the city in a purple suit arrives one day with a tantalizing offer: a newly rebranded god of sunlight and celebrations, guaranteed to help your crops flourish in a way the pesticidal gods never did.
While the village elders and elected council members jump at the opportunity to expand in a new direction, one that promises increased opportunities for religious tourism, you pay the new god little mind, until it becomes clear you've caught his eye. However, the attention of a god isn't necessarily a good thing, and it seems Fazco hasn't been entirely transparent about this god's original aspect.
🎭 - Tell us one cliche/trope you love in AUs and one you dislike
Love: Enemies/rivals to friends/lovers. Bonus points if they were friends before they became enemies too, so you have a friends to enemies to friends/lovers reconciliation arc. Listen, I love a ship that makes me work for the payoff. The more baggage they bring to the table, the better. Messy people make for interesting stories.
Hate: Love at first sight and/or stories with pacing that doesn't give sufficient time for realistic romantic development to take place before characters start making dramatic life-altering gestures for their love interests or choices that go against their established natures. I'm an aromantic who loves ship fic, but nothing makes my romance repulsion flare harder than this. Just start in media res if you don't want to write the build up.
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solar-synapse · 11 months
Hmm, I don't really have a problem with writing content that doesn't broadly appeal to the fandoms I dabble in, but I do think it's funny how reliably I beeline for niche pairings or setups. I guess I just like making weird, self indulgent art.
Yesterday, I started working on a crossover fic that sets the DCA as a god in the Silt Verses universe. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it should end up as a fairly substantial one-shot. I also can't imagine more than ten people will bother to read it, but damn if I'm not proud of the work I've done so far. Given how much horror I read, I'm honestly surprised it took me this long to start writing it!
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solar-synapse · 11 months
Finishes chapter 4 and stares into the void.
This has now crossed 25k, and I am a fool for thinking it would ever land in the ballpark of 50k because the longest outlined chapters are still ahead and I have already had to split chapter 4 unexpectedly. I guess I'll reevaluate projected word count when I reach 50k.
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solar-synapse · 7 months
Augh, I wanted to update Star-Crossed before posting something unrelated, but I finished a GITM AU one-shot on Monday because it ate my fucking brain and would not release me from hyperfixation hell until I finished it, so I may as well edit that and add it to the GITM AO3 collection this week. I am so sorry. These characters have had me in a chokehold for two solid months...
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solar-synapse · 11 months
Finally going to see the FNAF movie, ahh!! I hope it's fun :>
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