diviously · 1 month
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Out of Abyss!
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pyroanime2k16 · 4 years
Custom Core Gundam Armors for Hiroto and May
Plunine Gundam
This PLANETS System armor, named after Pluto and the number 9, is designed for melee and stealth combat. It features thin, yet durable armor for high speeds, agility, and mobility. For its stealth, it is colored in a black, dark gray, and matte gray color scheme. The green parts of the Core Gundam II’s chest are also covered.
It is equipped with four short swords on its waist, two beam tonfa on its forearms, two beam sabers on its legs, and six sword bits that are stored on the left side of the back in a Qan-T-like shield. These bits are called the Charon Sword Bit system, named after Pluto’s moon, Charon. It has optical camo, night vision, and a visor that covers the Core Gundam II’s eyes.
Moon Satellite Weapons
These weapons, named after the moons, are secondary support weapons used with the Gundams.
Earthree’s Lunacycle is named after the moon’s roman name, Luna and has three parts (a shoulder, a forearm, and a leg) that can be put on either side of the Gundam. They help increase the Gundam’s overall balance and power. They can also be attached to a motorcycle (that can be ridden) when not in use.
The Marsfour has two swords, named Deimos and Phobos, that can use fire and heat and can combine to form a duel-ended sword. The Jupitive has a new funnel system, named Ganymede, that is a part of two new legs and shoulders.
The Saturnix has a new set of drills and pliers, called the Titan Arms, and are able to change size via a unique funnel system in them. Though it only works on the Arms.
The Uraven has a funnel system named Titania on its arms and back, which helps with locking on to a target, locating a target, and increasing the damage output of the Beam Shoot Rifle U7.
The Nepteight (if Hiroto decides to recover it) has the Triton Shield and Rifle. These both provide superior defense, offense, and the ability to use the energy of enemy attacks to increase the power of the Gundam’s own attacks.
As stated before, Plunine has the Charon Sword Bit system, which work and are stored very similarly to the Qan-T’s sword bits on the Gundam’s back. They also share the Plunine Gundam’s optical camo.
Solzero/Solten Gundam + Hiroto’s Avalon avatar
This Gundam, named after Sol (the roman name for the sun) and the number 0/10, is a tournament-only mobile suit and was made from Hiroto’s experience in Eldora and use of the Re:Rising Gundam. It is made from the original Core Gundam and has one part from the nine PLANETS System armors, allowing the Gundam to have the abilities of the nine armors.
It had data from all of Hiroto’s gunpla, including the Re:Rising, meaning the Re:Rising’s abilities are usable too. This ultimately means that the gunpla is the accumulation of all of Hiroto’s gunpla and skills as a builder and fighter, making it his strongest unit.
The armor is unable to be switched out, meaning the original Core Gundam can’t use the other PLANETS System armors but this one. The armor can’t be purged either. However, it makes up for it with the suit’s unique abilities, aside from having all of the abilities of the other nine armors and the Re:Rising Gundam (Yes, this means this gunpla can also use the Grand Cross Cannon).
As this Gundam is a Team Avalon suit, Hiroto’s avatar is much more different. While he wears the Avalon uniform, he has white hair, green eyes, and green marks on his head and body that match the Cora Gundam’s green chest parts. Hiroto’s profile, under this avatar, is named: Galactic Warrior Hiroto. This is a reference to him being a fighter and how his Gundams are named after the planets of the solar system. 
The placement of the armor parts are as follows: Jupitive for head, Earthree for chest, Marsfour for right forearm, Satrunix for right shoulder, Veetwo for left forearm, Mercuone for left shoulder, Uraven for right leg, Nepteight for left leg, and Plunine for the left side of the back. It has unique waist parts so it can store its buster rifle and a unique backpack so it can attach the Plunine’s equipment to the left side and store its buster sword on the right side.
(As Plunine doesn’t exist in the show, the Gundam would have an entirely unique backpack to store both of its weapons. Buster Sword on the right. Buster Rifle on the left.)
The Core Gundam’s limbs and some of its head were given a crimson paint scheme, while the armor itself has been coated in a golden paint material which acts similar to the Akatsuki Gundam’s "Yata-no-Kagami" Anti-beam Defensive Reflection System. It also has crimson accents on certain parts of the suit to break up the gold and is also featured along the panel lining. What was originally red on the Core Gundam has been changed to yellow and the Gundam’s eyes are a more vibrant and heroic red as well.
The Gundam has several unique features, aside from the nine armors’ abilities. 1: It is able to max out the armors’ abilities, much like the Perfect Pack of the G-Self. 2: It has a multi-use time-limited burst system called the Galaxy Burst, which is able to grant the Gundam teleportation, enhanced mobility, speed, strength, and reaction, invulnerability against most attacks, and can enhance the abilities of, at maximum, 4 allied suits. This time limit works like the Trans-Am’s time limit and is gold, like the Grand Cross Color. 3: The armor allows the Gundam to absorb sunlight and radiation, allowing it to get stronger and use it as fuel. 4: It has three unique weapons/attacks.
The Black Hole Buster Rifle, which can fold up to store on the back of the Gundam’s waist and is exceptionally powerful...and quite dangerous. The Dai Uchu Ken (Great Universe Sword), which acts like the GN V Buster Sword and also quite powerful. And finally, the Big Bang Punch, which is similar to the Sekiha Tenkyoken and the Grand Cross Cannon, but is able to get stronger via the radiation light from stars and even the sun. It is also equipped with a shield that is based on the Akatsuki Gundam’s Type 71 Experimental Defensive Shield, although it is in the shape of a cross star or crux.
There is something else about the Gundam that is...dangerous and concerning. Sometimes, it’ll move on its own. This causes some to believe that it’s somehow alive, like the Wing Gundam Zero and Devil/Dark Gundam. However, unlike both, it seems to have a more protective and selfless demeanor or “personality”. Despite that, some worry about the Gundam....and with good reason, given its abilities and very possible sentience.
Gundam Black Hole
Based on Alus’s (or another corrupted AI’s) scanning of Hiroto and May, this two-man piloted Gundam is extremely dangerous. It is piloted by twisted counterparts of May, Hiroto, Kyoya, Sarah, Captain Zeon/Rommel, and Ruck Arge, who much more expressive (and for others, emotionless), arrogant, violent, and sadistic. The Gundam and its weapons were made to reflect these aspects...and, as such, are very unpredictable.
It is also, essentially, psychological warfare.
Its Core Gundam’s size matches that of an armored up Core Gundam, while the Black Hole armor makes it about as big as a standard Master Grade. The unit’s equipped with Core Gundam’s standard weapons, but it has the Void Shield and the Quasar Buster Rifle. The Void Shield absorbs and stores energy from attacks and weapons that make contact with it, while the Quasar Buster Rifle is able to use said energy for attacks.
The Core Gundam is based on Hiroto’s, but is more aggressive, taller, and darker. The Black Hole Armor is based on elements of the Re:Rising and Alus’s Earth Armor, though is more aggressive, bigger, and darker. The colors are black, dark gray, and dark red to reflect this.
The Gundam can combine with the Nova Mobile Armor, which is inspired by the Neo Zeong...and makes it about as tall as a Perfect Grade or a 1/48th scale Gundam, if not larger. The Nova Mobile Armor is a six arm unit, where each twisted counterpart controls each arm. The Gundam + the Nova Armor is defeatable, but it’s extremely difficult. The only Gundams KNOWN that can take it down without an issue are the Re:Rising and the Solten/Solzero.
(I say known because it is possible others could take it down. They just haven’t be discovered yet.)
The middle right that has a giant Zeon shield is controlled by the twisted Captain Zeon/Rommel, the middle left arm with a version of the Try Slash Blade is controlled by the twisted Kyoya, the bottom arms that have versions of the Avalanche Rex Buster are controlled by the twisted Ruck Arge, the top arms that are used as wings are controlled by the twisted Sarah, the Mobile Armor’s thrust and movements are controlled by the twisted May, while the twisted Hiroto controls the Gundam Black Hole itself.
Full Armor Mobile Doll May
This upgrade of May’s Gunpla body is not too much different from May’s Mobile Doll’s regular appearance. The hair, though, is now black to match May’s Diver appearance and she has a trench coat and scarf. her feet have been retooled to be more like combat boots. The black and white colors from the neck down have also been inverted. These changes were made to reflect her avatar’s new outfit.
She’s equipped with weapons that are similar to and in the same placement as the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam's. She’s also outfitted with extra thrusters, to keep her speed up despite the weapons’ weight. They can also be purged and detonated for a last resort attack.
However, this will leave May with just her base weapons and abilities. Though this will make her faster and more mobile, as she no longer has the heavy weapons weighing her down.
She also has a new special system installed, which can increase the size of the weapons and even her body for increased damage output, and even an Unicorn Gundam-inspired awakening state that works effectively the same way as the Unicorn Gundam’s and turns the black on her gunpla body green (hair excluded) and the green on her body blue (eyes included).
However, May doesn’t have a lot of control on this awakened state. This is mainly because she rarely enters it. When she does, it’s like she’s entirely different person.
Terza Gundam (named after the feminine Italian word for “third”)
This Gundam is based on Masaki’s Gundam Advanced Tertium and the Gundam Seltsam he once piloted. It’s piloted by two AIs: one being an AI replica of his Masked Man persona (though far more expressive and vicious) and an being an AI version of his own sister, Mizuki Shido (who is very sadistic and emotionless).
The right side is much like the Seltsam, as it has a more aggressive version of the Seltsam’s arm and leg. The left side is more like the Advance Tertium, due to the thrusters on its back and its bulky leg.
It has some of the abilities of both and a couple unique ones.
It can grow its arm to increase its damage output, transform it into a buster sword or rifle, and can fly at tremendous speeds to make up for its weight.
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diviously · 1 year
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haven't posted on tumblr for a long time but since it's valentine's day here's a 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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diviously · 1 year
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everytime sol accidentally burns zero he dies on the inside
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