#soma virus dragged me back in. help!
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my friend jin yoshida
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revolutionyoga · 5 years
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The first case of Corona virus has been confirmed on Long Island. There is so much information about what the virus is and what symptoms to look out for at The World Health Organization and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) so educate yourself on the ins and outs of the virus if you’re not aware yet. There are a few things I would like to share with you. 1.  I wanted to make you aware of what Revolution has been doing to keep our staff and practitioners safe since Corona virus landed in the US and what we will continue to do moving forward to keep you in your yoga practice safely during this stressful time. 2.  I wanted to share some Ayurvedic wisdom in regard to this particular virus and offer some information on what is recommended by the CDC, Yoga Alliance and our insurance company if it can help our beloved community at all. 3.  Lastly, even if the whole state is put under quarantine we have creative plans in place to make sure your yoga practice is not interrupted at any time. What we are doing inside the studio Surfaces Twice daily all surfaces and items commonly touched are disinfected with cleaners proven to kill coronavirus that pose no threat to our students with chemical sensitivities. Staff follow a stringent list so that nothing is forgotten and everything is cleaned uniformly each time. Air We use an ancient Ayurvedic Technique to disinfect all the air throughout the studio in the evening, daily. Bowing Policy We all love each other to the moon and back and everyone in our community tends to be very affectionate. With that being said let us all shift how we show affection to one another for the time being. There will be a policy of instead of hugging, kissing, shaking hands we all bow to one another. In Vedic tradition the head is the highest part of the body and to lower that to another person is a sign of great admiration and respect. Hands in prayer at heart center signifies Namaste which means I cherish and honor the pure, divine consciousness in you which is the same consciousness in me. It's simply bringing us back to the way things used to be done. Practice at home Policy We ask that if you have a cough, cold, or fever before coming back to the studio wait two weeks and/or undergo testing for coronavirus before coming in. We will send you an at home sick day yoga video if you want to keep up with your practice while feeling unwell. We have students in our population healing from cancer, autoimmune and more and we need to protect the community as a whole by being conscientious of one another. This also applies to people who have travelled to other affected countries within the past two weeks. Hands on Adjustments Policy To protect the teachers and students at the studio we will suspend all hands on adjustments until the virus is under control in New York. Disinfect your hands within the studio As of Monday March 9 we will have alcohol based hand sanitizer at the front desk for use during sign in and in all the bathrooms. Wash hands, bring fresh clothing to practice in and we should all be safe within the space we love so dearly. Mat Rentals and Props Mats rentals will now be kept behind the front desk. Please return to the front desk staff when finished so mats can undergo a deep disinfecting treatment. Props like blocks at the studio will all be disinfected twice daily and blankets will be cleaned frequently. That being said it can’t hurt to bring your own blanket to place over bolsters or use in your practice. We sell them in our shoppe up front. What you can do inside your body I wanted to share some ancient wisdom. I’ve put in orders to stock the shoppe with all you need to keep your at home apothecary ready to go just in case you need it. If we all take part in getting our bodies to their healthiest state we protect not only ourselves but others as well. Obviously this is not meant to replace the recommendations of your doctor. Always check with your doctor before taking herbs. Ayurvedic Ojas The Best thing you can do for yourself is boost your immune system. Ojas means a person’s inner glow which comes from a robust immune system. To get into that space it is helpful to adjust your diet (eat sattvic food and drink- see images below) and lifestyle to nourish all the tissues. Eat Sattvic Foods Sattvic means balanced, Life giving and Ojas Giving-
Food Should Be: Clean, Pure- Chemical FreeNatural Processed Free Vital, Energy giving, Fresh Be Conscious- Stay Present and lovingly aware while cooking Foods prepared wisely Foods for Consitution Eat only when Hungry Leave 1/4 Stomach Empty Avoid Excess sour, salt, bitter, oil, spice Avoid Unripe Vegetables, Fermented, Leftovers, alcohol and drugs  Raw Cold Pressed Olive, Red Palm, Sesame, Flax Oil  All Fruits Milk from loved pastured cows only after baby has eaten Yogurt and Cheese Made the Same Day Ghee and Cooked Whole Milk All vegetables excluding fungi, nightshades and alliums Sprouted and roasted whole grains Mung Beans Honey & Jaggery Basil, Corriander, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cumin, Fennel, Fenugreek, Ginger, Turmeric, Soma Salt Always Activate Nuts in Water Overnight Hemp Seeds Coconut Pine Nutes Walnuts Sesame Seeds Pumpkin Seeds Flax Seeds
Get Proper Rest Ayurveda teaches to wake before the sunrise each morning (usually around 6a) and be in bed before 9:30p. Honor darkness an hour before bedtime to help melatonin naturally rise and avoid using electronics with artificial light during wind down time. If you have trouble falling asleep lay down in bed and listen to yoga nidra recordings to help you fall asleep. Proper rest means the body can repair itself and the immune system can be healthy. Follow a Predictable Eating Rhythm The largest meal at noon, the smallest lightest meal at night before 7p and a medium sized breakfast around 7:30a. Two snacks if still hungry during the day. Follow proper combinations of foods. Simple ways to do this- eat fruit alone, don’t combine dairy with fruit or meat. Practice Yoga and Meditation Daily This helps to keep the channels clear and healthy and reduce stress that can inhibit the immune system’s response.   Proper Ayurvedic Cleanliness Protocols Oiling Oil inside the ears and nostrils (we sell nasya and ear oil in the shoppe) this will help create a barrier to viruses getting in. Massage the whole body before taking a shower. This boosts the immune system and keeps the skin healthy. They say the oil helps to bar anything bad from getting in. We carry ayurvedic daily massage oil which is good for all constitutions but also a simple coconut oil massage will suffice! Oil pull as well with coconut oil before brushing teeth. Shoes Take off your shoes in your house and the studio. We drag innumerable viruses into our houses. Go barefoot or keep house slippers by the door so you can swap into them. Wash your hands As soon as you get home before touching anything. Wash again before you eat your food, or before washing your face/ applying product. Try not to touch your eyes nose or mouth before washing hands as this is how disease most quickly enters. This isn’t Ayurvedic but I’m considering the cell phone an extension of my hands while I’m out with it during the day. Keeping rubbing alcohol and cotton balls near the sink to wipe down the phone upon arriving home can’t hurt! Cover your Mouth Avoid the spread of disease by covering your mouth with your inner arm when you cough or sneeze. Antivirals to take Proactively -  Chyavanprash is an effective “ayurvedic vitamin” that is incredible for the immune system and high in natural vitamin C. It’s great to take daily. If you are fire constitution taking with cow’s or coconut milk drink beside it will help to cool its heating qualities. -  Zinc Bhasma- this is a special formulation that is more easily absorbed than regular zinc supplements. -  Turmeric should be a part of your every day diet or taken as a supplement. Indian Bay Leaf is a potent antiviral that can be thrown into soups, stews and even made a tea of. Herbs that Help Manage Symptoms if you Catch the Virus to Have on Hand -  Dashamoola will help open the lungs making it easier to breath, cut out congestion, and reduce fever quickly -  Shatavari and Amalaki will act quickly on reducing fever -  Ginger and Turmeric will help to decrease inflammation and counteract the effects of the virus -  Cinquefoil is proven in studies to stop the viral replication of corona viruses. - Take only after symptoms begin -  Eucalyptus is a bronchodilator that can be hung in the shower and help to open lungs quickly. Preparing for a Quarantine There is no expectation that any of us will have to be in quarantine but many countries struggling with this virus have instituted this. Again I’ll reiterate your practice at Revolution Yoga will not be affected by this if it happens we have really great contingency plans in place for our members and those who want to continue to “drop in” to classes. - Make sure your kitchen is stocked with the herbs you need. -  Rice, mung beans and ghee with turmeric and dried cilantro can keep you healthy and well for a long time so have these on hand in bulk. -  Dried beans, grains, dehydrated vegetables can all be rehydrated and made into soups. Gourds, root veggies, apples all have a long shelf life in the fridge. -  Whatever you use often try to have more of it in the house. -  We still have lots of seeds in stock if you want to get your garden going for ensured source of healthy fresh veggies you can pick right in your backyard. Sending you all Love and Gratitude and Good Health! Feel free to share with friends and family! Peace and Love, Amanda DiGiovanna and the good folks at Revolution Yoga
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