inanthesis · 6 months
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@sombracat : "" i don't want to seem rude but . . . i think you have something on your shirt . "" @ maybe kaeya ? ? ?
"Ah, is there?" Sure enough a quick examination of his clothing came up with the culprit, a feather lodged just inside the cuff of his sleeve that looked entirely out of place with his outfit. With a quick pluck it was sent fluttering off on the wind, The Cavalry Captain meeting his helper with a charming smile.
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"The friendly little bird I'd stopped to chat with on my walk earlier must've left that behind and it might've become an embarrassing sight if I'd walked around with it stuck to me all day without noticing. Oh, how it would wound the pride of any knight to be seen as so unobservant and on top of that the color was rather ill-suited to me. Orange clashes so awfully with blue... but you have my gratitude, young lady! Might I, perhaps, know the name of my savior to thank you properly?"
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bndair · 5 months
@sombracat ➔ "" you can jump quite high . . . impressive . ""
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boy beams in an instant , face lighting up like a firework.           ❝ oh , thanks ! but if you think that was high , you should see my sneezes. ❞ best guess is that his record is about 20 feet , but it's surprisingly hard to measure your own sneezes.
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wcrden · 6 months
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@sombracat asked: she will just . . . stare . but not in a threatening way , no --- just . . . curious about the man , really .
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❛  ...  ❜                    ❛  ...  ❜
                                      ❛  miss  lynette,  i  believe  a  picture  might  last  you  longer.  ❜
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damagecompilation · 2 months
It is a shame that jack appeared on the dash and Lynette immediately looked JKDKDKD
this is the most unexpected thing i've ever received but like. thats fucking adorable????? i'll take ten.
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swirldmg · 2 months
@sombracat said : "" lyney . . . it's just a scratch . i've dealt with worse than this . ""
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          " i know you have . "  yet he doesn't take his eyes off the wound anyway ,  carefully dressing this  " scratch "  with a clean bandage .  for it to even need a bandage at all should prove it isn't just a scratch !  but he can argue about that in a few moments .   " sure ,  you could clean it up yourself ...  but isn't it better to err on the side of caution with these things ?  sometimes it's better to have someone else do it ,  just to be on the safe side . "
          lyney has been avoiding her gaze for some time now :  he doesn't like the way she looks at him sometimes ,  when he worries over her well being .  it makes him feel like he's doing something wrong ...  he worries about her ,  and she worries about him worrying too much .  ( she was always better at handling stress than he is ... )  a cycle he'd rather ignore .
     " now that's all done ...  are you going to tell me what happened ?  a simple scratch wouldn't bleed that much ,  lyn . "
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sungracd · 5 months
@sombracat : "" do you need any help , by any chance ? ""
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blinking, the question seems to pull the lady saint from their thoughts. " ah, miss lynette. " talented magician, child of the knave. the curve of their lips is faint but the warmth behind it filled with a sense of familiarity. though the saint is no stranger to the nation of justice, visiting a foreign land for business affairs is entirely different from a leisurely trip. and it seems they've found themself with some time to spare between responsibilities.
" thank you for offering, but i should be able to find my way around without too much difficulty. i am curious, however ... if there are any places in particular you favor for tea and desserts? "
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ohferal · 5 months
@sombracat said: "" . . . are you always like this ? ""
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   "  eeeh ?  what's that supposed to mean ?  "  the pout the kitsune wears is exaggerated more than anything,  but there is a bit of a hidden hurt truth within it.  despite their demeanor,  tails still calmly sway behind kisho.  "  i've never been to fontaine before !  am i not supposed to be excited ?  "
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devourensarc · 7 months
@sombracat : she will just . . . stare at him with those big eyes of hers . she is waiting instructions , sir ( plus , she isn't one to start conversations very often ! ) !
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Even if she hadn't been the Knave's kid, that round, unblinking stare would have prickled against his skin like barbs — but where most stares held fear, or disgust, or disdain, hers held nothing. It was empty, but he knew better than to assume nothing was going on behind those eyes.
So he stares back, just as unblinking. He wore his name well at times, unconcerned with how childish his antics were as he found himself locked into a ( likely one sided ) staring contest.
❝ Would you like some tea? ❞
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amemoire · 5 months
"" . . . are you sure you don't want to talk about it ? "" // @sombracat
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There's a furrow in his brow at those words. Ones he never wishes to hear from his beloved siblings. They slipped between the cracks of his mask and reached for his throat. Any typical, practiced response instantly died on his lips. He had slipped up somewhere— caused reason for concern, but really he's fine. He has to be.
To fool others, one must learn to fool themselves. But he could never put on a convincing enough performance when it came to Lynette. One glance and she saw right through him. Every nervous tick and subtle shift of the eyes. The way his hands itched to be occupied— because if he wasn't messing with something, he'd end up restless. She knew everything about him. But still he hesitated to find solace in her. Finally prying his voice free, he manages a fake smile.
" Lynette, you worry too much. I said I was fine, didn't I ? Surely I don't look that bad. " Apologies, sweet sister. He hates lying to you most of all.
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soliloquics · 12 days
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@sombracat : “” . . . . do you need anything , duke ? “” hehe !
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❛    ah,   miss   lynette.   good   day   to   you,   ❜   he   greeted,   a   faint   smirk   offered,   amusement   kept   at   bay.   it   wasn't   every   day   he   happened   to   run   into   a   familiar   face   in   the   overworld,   after   all.   ❛    i   was   just   watching   mister   lyney's   and   your   street   performance.   not   to   fret,   i'm   not   here   to   drag   anyone   beneath   the   waves.   ❜
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dehvours · 21 days
“” father has asked me to give this to you . . . she has also instructed me to mention to you that you must be careful with it . “” now what it is inside the box ? no clue !
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The mention of 'Father' had dull blue eyes narrowing, suspicion not an easy thing to shake off, but its time recovering at the Hearth seemed to indicate that, at least for now, the Knave didn't intend it any harm. Surely, there could be no harm then, in accepting. . . this.
❝ Careful, huh? Does she know who she's talking to? ❞ The flash of a smile signaled its statement as a joke, but even so, it took the box from her with the same care it handled a live bomb, or Teucer's favorite figurines.
❝ There's not a giant spider or something in here, is there? ❞
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tartagla-archived · 3 months
"" are you sure about this ? ""
ㅤㅤ❛❛ truthfully ? no . then again i'm barley ever sure of anything outside of a good fight . ❜❜ he'd laugh , shrugging his shoulders , maybe going out for a walk towards the ocean wouldn't be the best idea , seeing how the waves still brought a bit of fear to the back of his mind .. then again that's exactly why he wanted to bring someone along .
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ㅤㅤ❛❛ but i think , a walk today would be nice . so if you're willing to accept , i'd love to bring you along .. ? ❜❜ he once again holds his hand out towards her , head tilting as he gives her a patient , soft smile .
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electric-ecclectic · 4 months
@sombracat asked:
good tea ; that was what she was looking for in mondstadt . sure , the goth hotel had some , but it is not a good visit if she stays in the same hotel room every day ? besides , lynette was only meant to stay in the nation of freedom for a few days ( to complete her mission the fastest possible ) , for she had another show in fontaine to attend to with her brother . besides , there was something so . . . well , freeing , in this nation . which wasn't surprising , really . "" green tea , and a piece of that tart , please . "" is what she asks for , and after paying , she goes and waits her order by the table . purple eyes seemingly on everyone , as well as ears twitching every once in a while . they turn to the right , actually , when a woman in purple comes into view . head tilts , and her nose twitches a little too . there's something about her . . . that makes her cautious , but intrigued too . perhaps after her quick snack break , she would follow her a bit .
It's not like Signe hadn't noticed the young woman sitting at Good Hunter. Newcomers come and go, sure, but Fontainian visitors felt like a rarity, and visitors that appeared in the Steambird were even more infrequent. How strange that a magician might visit Mondstadt; were the rest of her troupe here too?
Signe paid it little mind, sidling up to the counter of Good Hunter like she usually did to order her coffee and midday lunch. The square was a bit busier and a bit noisier today, perhaps with the clamor of the magicians visiting. The feeling of eyes at the back of her neck was uncanny, and the mage was sure to look over her shoulder every few minutes to perhaps subtly glance at whoever was staring.
Instead of waiting for her to approach, Signe instead made her way to the table, giving the stranger a polite smile. At least it’ll get her to stop staring…
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"You're that Fontainian magician, right? I've seen news about you once or twice in the Steambird copies we receive at the library," she muses. "I hope you're enjoying Mondstadt so far. I've heard it's quite a change of pace from Fontaine."
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wcrden · 6 months
@sombracat said: looks at him with her big purple eyes,,,, she wont ask but she will come closer to the cakes one step at a time-
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he's blind, suddenly, back turned on the cakes and would completely be unaware if anyone at all just so happened to take more than one...............
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decoysouled · 4 months
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unprompted asks // accepting. @sombracat // "" . . . "" she doesn't know what to say , so she will just continuously stare at aether .
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AETHER STARES BACK, a hand raised to his chin, as if trying to figure out what would be best to say to Lynette after drawing a blank on it. It takes several more minutes of this ( unblinking eyes meeting hers ) before he finally opens his mouth to speak. ❝Hi...?❞
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swirldmg · 6 months
‘ hc ‘  + lynette ( @ lyney ! <3 )
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it !
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obviously it's no secret that lyney is protective and very close with his sister : they have been together since the day they were born, and are all eachother have. they protect eachother, before all else, understand eachother better than anyone. however ... it doesn't just stop there. siblings will all eventually become their own person, regardless of closeness, even twins. they'll grow into individuality, with their own lives, but lyney is unwilling to let this happen yet.
he's afraid of something happening to lynette when he isn't there, like past events, and any distance between them becomes a source of stress. she can handle herself just fine, he knows that, but he still worries, and them remaining together puts his mind at ease: just arranging to meet somewhere at the end of individual missions helps. he'd do almost anything if it meant being able to keep up with his sister, or at least ensure she's safe, even going as far as considering using a delusion so they could work together before he earned his own.
his protectiveness and closeness to lynette isn't just the standard expected of siblings: it's an unhealthy dependency, a fear of being alone and not knowing who he is without her by his side, fed by a trauma he's never gotten over. it's not a quirky or cute bond between siblings - it's harmful to his own health and peace of mind, and keeps them as a pair rather than individuals. if anything, it's a sign of a more complex issue, or symptom of mental illness.
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