#some of y'all have never been in devalued artist/creator spaces
astralazuli · 2 months
[vibrates angrily]
I stg if I had any tolerance for dealing with the general public, I would be telling all those asshole W/atcher fans about how even if they paid their employees the BARE MINIMUM to meet their needs (& I'm talking just needs, just barely, no savings, no retirement, no anything unnecessary literally ever, all meals cooked from scratch at home as cheap as possible), they'd currently be spending AT LEAST $117k on payroll every month. & that's like everyone involved working full time, nothing more, including the three founders.
& guess what y'all? Workers' rights don't just go out the window because you want your shows for free.
These people still deserve a living wage. In fact, they deserve a bit more than that, imo. People deserve to not have to live on bare minimum.
& you don't get to be angry as a fan because creators prioritized keeping & paying their workers over you not having to pay anything for the art/content they make.
They are holding themselves accountable to the people whose lives depend on them. Screaming about how they aren't just abandoning their employees because you're mad just makes you look like an ass.
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