#some people will see an artist sitting in a musuem copying a painting and call them an art theif
2001zootycoon · 2 years
Yes art theft is real but art studies are a real thing that artists do. Artists since forever have looked at the art of the greats and copied it over and over .. that’s how they learned.
It’s the “references don’t make you a real artist” all over again
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nichetraveldesign · 6 years
We here in Scandinavia have had an unusually long winter – 5 1/2 months to be precise. 5 1/2 months of snow, sleet, rain, cold grey days.  This weekend the spell was broken, however. It was sunny at last. A proper spring day with sun and a chill in the air. All day I kept hearing the Beatles refrain in my head , “Here comes the sun . . .”
In honor of the lovely first day of spring we headed to one of our favorite indoor/outdoor spaces – The Lousiania Museum of Modern Art in Humlebæk, Denmark.
The museum sits on a bluff overlooking the Öresund Strait.  Sweeping lawns with an incredible display of sculpture, trees, flowers, sea breezes. Just visiting the grounds are worth it, but then there is the museum itself. Architecturally, the museum structure and grounds evoke Frank Lloyd Wright. The building is designed with lots of big windows bringing nature inside the museum itself. It is a space that simply makes one feel calm, peaceful and good.
The grounds have sculptures scattered throughout. The sculptures are not placed haphazardly, however. The sculptures are specifically placed and positioned in order to interact with the architecture and nature that surround them. The placements are precise and are designed to allow visitors to enjoy a different experience with each visit depending on the weather and the season.
People enjoying picnics on the grass.
The original home on the property.
Enjoying the first day of sun and some sea air.
Enjoying the first day of sun and some sea air.
Sculpture in the garden by Henry Heerup.
I love this room overlooking the Lake Garden. And featuring Giacommetti sculpture.
Although it does not contain sculptures, the Lake Garden is an essential part of the Lousiana and demonstrates the museum’s commitment to the interplay between art and nature. The garden was excavated and served as a fortified privateer port during the British bombardment of Copenhagen in 1807. Today, the lake provides a peaceful escape and offers many a nook an cranny to sit, contemplate and listen to birds chirping. It is one of my favorite spots on the grounds.
This always reminds me of Keith Haring, but it is by Jean Debuffet
There are peaceful nooks and crannies all over the property to sit and contemplate life.
Alexander Calder – Nervures Minces.
Joan Miró – Personnage. Photo credit: Louisiana Museum
Max Ernst – Le Grand Genie. Photo credit: Louisiana Museum.
Alexander Calder – Almost Snow Plow and Little Janey Waney. Photo Credit: Louisiana Museum.
Henry Moore – Reclining Figure No. 5. Photo credit: Louisiana Musuem.
We would have been happy just enjoying the sun and sea that day, but imagine our surprise when we arrived and discovered that there was a Picasso ceramics exhibit going on.  This particular exhibit was named one of the top exhibits to see in 2018 by the New York Times and it does not disappoint.
In fact, it was stunning. One of the things I have always loved about Picasso is that his work is so dynamic and prolific –  his work encompasses traditional paintings, the cubists phase, sculpture and then his colorful, whimsical ceramics.  There are over 160 pieces on display and a lovely film offered with English subtitles about this period in Picasso’s life.
Picasso’s interest in ceramic making, began in the summer of 1946 when he attended a ceramics exhibition in Vallauris, France, an area known for its ceramics. After WWII and at at the height of his success, Picasso returned to Vallauris seeking new artistic experiences. The war had worn him down emotionally and he sought new challenges and inspiration artistically.  In this last period of his life he began to pick up clay. He immediately began experimenting with the materials, glazing techniques and processes.  He apparently loved how unpredictable the firing process was and he enjoyed the resulting surprise of the colors that emerged.
All in all, it is estimated that Picasso produced over 4,000 cera­mic objects during this ti me. It is said that one of the things that inspired him to create ceramics was the desire to put art in the hands and lives of the common man.  By turning utility objects like a platter or a water pitcher into an art piece, it allowed art to enter the every day world. So dedicated to the concept of making art available to all, Picasso created a line of work called Edition Picasso which were created specifically to be affordable. Picasso essentially served as the designer and allowed a ceramic workshop in Madoura, France to actually replicate each piece. This was one of the first (if not the first) times in art history that copies were mass produced based on an original work.  Picasso’s confidants advised him against this idea warning him that the practice would devalue his other works. Picasso soldiered on with the idea and from 1947 – 1971 he designed over 600 editions for the collection. And while initially affordable, once the artist died, the Edition Picasso ceramics went steadily up in price and did no damage at all to the value of Picasso’s other works.
If you are in the Copenhagen area and are looking for a unique museum experience as well as an outstanding collection of art, I highly recommend the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. And if you are not in this area, keep a look out for the Picasso ceramic exhibit coming to a museum near you. You will not be disappointed.
The First Day of Spring at The Louisiana. We here in Scandinavia have had an unusually long winter - 5 1/2 months to be precise.
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