#some random love bc ugh i'm so lucky to have all these people
catapults in sO... how about some random love for some awesome peeps!! bc i’m bored at work
@virassxn actual bae and has been with me on this blog from the start omg it’s been over a year that’s crazy bUT. i have so many great memories with you, gaby. and i think about the very first time we interacted and discussed cullen and cyrran pretending to be an item to get girls off of cullen at the ball and it turning into this HUGE DEBACLE of gossip bUT. look at our boys now. :’ ) one year. still NO SMOOCHES -side-eyes cullen- bUT SOON. ilu and i love cyrran okay. you two are so important to me and help reel me back into this blog when i wander off. i know things are rough for you rn--STICK IT OUT <3 i believe in you and can’t wait to see more of you on my dash when time permits
@winterfollows omygosh you’ve been around here for awhile too gdjangona i think our first interaction was when cyrran was being an impish little shit to cullen and hal weighed in on the situation for prime cullen fussiness. but adfjhnoga i’ve adored hal from the beginning and then getting to chat ooc?? you are a dELIGHT okay i’m so happy we talk fairly regularly now. not to mENTION the new depth of our roleplay partnership now that i have my solas sideblog screaMSSS i’m so flattered you were so supportive of my solas and now we’re writing them together and i’m having so much fun just ahhhh you are such a great person ty i love writing ANYTHING with you <3
@re-no VikAAAA it’s been awhile fsjgonaho but i am always so thrilled to see you on my dash and poke my nose into what you’re doing :’ D you have been such a huge inspiration to me and my cullen and any interaction we’ve ever had has always been a treat just jnadhgoha i may or may not follow you on ever blog i make bc i just love having you around. you are so sweet and so talented and tBH i know embarrassingly little about ff but i still just adore reno and how you write him ugh. you are a gift.
@fendeurs + @moralbirthright so you two kinda?? adopted me?? apparently! i’m still a mix of flattered and just downright honored by it because the two of you are sUCH wonderful writers who understand your characters so well; it’s INSANELY inspiring okay!! I’ve not had the pleasure of chatting with elise, yet, bUT you’re brought up in conversation a lot and you seem so nice fdjahngonhao indra has been an absolute pleasure to talk to and i’ve only interacted with the both of you IC a little so far, but just gOSH i love. i love seeing your writing on my dash and just am in awe of how much love and passion go into your characters jeez. i super look forward to more writing from you two in the future and am still just dumbfounded that i’ve been welcomed into your arms so lovingly!! thank you! <3
@neverarhyme jELLYYYY the rp partner who sticks with me even when i take 5ever or drop threads or offer subpar replies that give little to respond to. IT YOU. honestly tho i am so glad you are as assertive as you are with all of my blogs and our interactions; i can always count on you to reach out with a meme to get the ball rolling when i’m twiddling my thumbs. i’ve loved what we’ve written together so far and am always happy to see you in my inbox. our muses have very conflicting views and personality types that have made interaction so interesting thus far--cULLEN HAS NO IDEA WHAT TO THINK OF HER OKAY. we’ll see where our threads take us~
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