#some treats from flipping thru the sketchbook looking for something today
bonkin · 1 year
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mythicallyyours · 6 years
I'm a gmm fan who likes to draw Rhett and Link. However, I hardly see any fanfiction or oneshots or head cannons for the drawing or painting artists. If you have a little time could you write a lil piece with some whimsy for the mythical Beast artists? ☺
Hello anon! Your request intrigues me, most of the artist mythical beasts I know may feel the same in the fan fiction world. Also, many of those artists have been recognized by Rhett and Link *even in their Book of Mythicality* 
Hmm, whimsy. Magic can be whimsy, can't it?
Hope this is something you were looking for, nonny. Have a marvelous day and keep drawing our boys.
"Oh god, oh god! How!? Wha!?" You whispered as your room seemed to explode in a shimmery light.
The room shook as you dove into your closet just incase it was an earthquake. Then it went still. You peeked out, and covered your mouth to hide your gasp.
They were standing beside your desk, big as life. Rhett and Link, both looked about your room bewildered.
Link licked his lips, "Uh, what did you do?"
Rhett frowned as he stepped over a backpack, "Me? What makes you think I did this?"
Link crossed his arms, "Look man, your pranking has gone too far this time. Did you drug me?"
Rhett rolled his eyes, "No! I'm not that heartless. Food poisoning, were hallucinating from that shady taco stand Josh suggested."
Link shook his head, "I don't feel sick, what the crap happened?"
Rhett leaned over on the desk, "I haven't a clue. But it appears we are in someone's room. Maybe a girl."
Link stared at the stuffed animal collection organized on the shelves, "Definitely a girl. Were we kidnapped?"
Rhett shook his head, "I doubt it. Hey look, she's an artist. Pretty good one too she drew us. Hey! She has a gmm hoodie, she's probably a Mythical Beast."Link stepped over her side table,  "There's our book. Definitely a Mythical Beast."
Rhett placed his hands on his hips, "Well, that's good to know."
Link picked up the sketchbook, "Drawn wearing the same outfits we had on today...how would she know?"
Rhett scratched his beard, "Psychic spy mythical beast in training?"
Link ran his fingers over the leather cover, "This looks old, like Victorian old. Maybe it's magic."
Rhett's eyes narrowed, "Maybe she's a witch?"
As the duo continued to voice their opinions, frustrations, ideas about what had happened, you slowly moved to the corner of your closet, to get a better view of the two men bumbling about your room. As much as you enjoyed their daily show, you didn't want them to see you. Mostly because you weren't the most socially engaging person on the planet. Plus they were not happy, and they were fairly gigantic. 
Rhett kept getting his head caught up in your decorative lights and Link nearly hit the floor over your book case. They looked so much smaller online.
As you shifted to the corner, your foot thumped against the wall and the room went quiet.
Rhett shushed Link, "Shh, hey, did you hear that?"
Link lowered his voice, "Yeah, maybe she has a cat."
Rhett groaned, "I hate cats. It came from the closet."
You frantically looked around to find something to hide under. 
Links voice got closer, "Wanna check it out?"
Rhett joined him, "Might as well." The handle jiggled upon contact, "3,2,1."
The door flung open.You froze under the open sleeping bag you had covered yourself with.
Link moved a few of the hanging clothes, "Here, kitty..."
Rhett elbowed Link and pointed down at a lump under the sleeping bag, "I don't see anything."
Link reached for the top of the sleeping bag, "Me either." He yanked off the sleeping bag and grabbed your foot, "Ah ha! Gotcha!"
You screamed and bolted away.
Your scream was joined with two more screams from Rhett and Link, "Aaaaagh!"
The duo slammed the door and fell on top of each other in a pile of arms and legs with a thud.
Rhett groaned, "Oooh my back...ugh."
Links eyes remained wide as he searched the room trying to catch his breath, "T-there's a-a girl in t-there.."
Rhett shifted to his knees and held his lower back, "Yeah, I could tell by the shriek. Definitely female."
Link pushed his glasses back up on his face, "Gosh, I almost had a heart attack. I-I grabbed her foot, I thought it was the cat."
Rhett reached for the door, "Well, we can't leave her in there in the dark."
The door opened again allowing light into the closet.
Link crawled back towards the closet, "Hello? A-are you alright?"
He pushed back the hanging clothes to let some light in, "Sorry we scared you, but you scared us too."
Rhett chuckled, "Yeah, we're old, brittle and startle easily."
 You were curled into a ball in the corner holding your hands over your ears sniffling back tears when the light hit you.
Links expression softened into a small smile when you made eye contact with him, "There you are. You alright?"
Your eyes shifted to Rhett who was staring at you. His large greyish green eyes expressed equal parts curiosity and warmth, "She looks pretty shaken."
Link pushes up his glasses, "What's your name, mythical beast?"
You shook your head.
Rhett tipped his head, "Why don't you come out of there?"
You shook your head again and swallowed the lump in your throat.
Link reached for you, "I'm sosorry I grabbed you like that. Hope your not hurt."
Your eyes followed his hand as it neared your shoulder and you recoiled.
Regardless of your apprehension, Links large palm gently cupped your shoulder and gave it a light steady squeeze, "Easy now, don't be alarmed." 
Rhett bent down with his hands resting on his knees, "I don't think you hurt her, Bo. Just scared her speechless." 
Link looked about the room, "Is your name Aria? It's written in your art book."
You nodded, "I-I'm Aria."
Link motioned with his palm, "Come on out, Aria. Its okay. You know we thought you were a cat at first."
Rhett chuckled, "I'm glad you're not a cat."
You shifted to your knees, "M-me too.."
The duo chuckled.Link grasped you by the arm helping you up, "Up and out." 
Rhett sat in the art desk chair, "So, Why were you in the closet?"
You pointed at your sketchbook, "I-I thought there was a-an earth quake and the book sort of exploded like fireworks."
Link scratched his head "Exploded? It looks fine to me."
Rhett clapped his hands together and shouted, "Magic! It has to be magic."
The sudden movement caused you to jump.
Link reached for the book, "It could be, it looks really old maybe? Aria?"
The duo glanced at you, seemingly shocked that you were several feet away.
They looked at each other.Rhett cleared his throat, "Uh, you okay?"
Your lip quivered, "I-I'm sorry. If I-I'd known you'd b-be zapped here b-because of a drawing, I-I wouldn't h-have t-touched it. P-please d-don't be angry at me."
Link tipped his head, "Hey, hey, it's alright. We're not mad, just befuddled. Come on over here. Don't be shy."
Rhett flipped thru the book, "Maybe drawing us again would put us back where we are?"
Link kept a hand on your shoulder, "That would be worth a try. Could you do that, Aria?"
You raised an eyebrow, "What if you get cloned?"
Rhett frowned, "Oh, good point. Well, we were in our offices when we got zapped here, maybe draw us in there?"
Link locked eyes with you, "Do you know what our office looks like?"
"I-I may have a reference photo. I-I could try and draw your office around in the background."
Rhett nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I'm up for that! Try that."
An hour later, you were sketching the basics of Rhett and Links office while the dynamic duo occupied your couch and your bean bag pillow. You had given them a bag of Doritos and a 2 liter of mellow yellow to snack on and put on a movie for them to watch while you worked; An American Tail.
It was unnerving having an audience in the room while you drew, but Rhett and Link were friendly and didn't seem to be unhappy as you did your best to make them comfortable. They stirred up conversation, but you couldn't always find words to speak in response. Words were always hard, but now in the presence of people you actually admired and liked, it was harder.
Another 30 minutes passed and you were finishing up the details of their office when Link crouched beside you with an arm around you, "How's it coming?"
You nodded, "A-almost done."
Rhett appeared above you, "Wow, you don't leave out any detail do you? That's awesome!"
Link laughed, "I bet Stevie has had a cow trying to figure out where we disappeared to. It was kind of nice to have a few hours to relax a little. Thanks to our hostess."
Rhett nodded, "I even took a little nap during the movie."
You erased a smudge, "I-i think I'm done. I'm not sure how it works with you guys getting back home."
Link spun your chair around so you were facing them, "Hey, believe it or not we needed a little magical trip today."
Rhett took a knee, "Just sitting back, snacking and drinking a little mellow yellow was a treat. I had a good time. Just be careful what you draw in that book."
Link pushed up his glasses, "Actually, If you could zap us out of a nasty taste test we have next week, I wouldn't be upset at all."
Rhett laughed, "Right, that would be great; just kidding."
The book began to have a soft  iridescent glow and you sighed, "Well, goodbye."
Link pulled you into a quick tight hug, "If you're ever in Burbank, look us up."
Rhett gave you a warm side hug, "We'll return the hospitality."
The room shook as light blew up from the page of the journal. The duo faded from view like fog in the daylight leaving you alone in your art room.It all could have been a dream, except for the drawing in your journal had changed cause Rhett and Link were holding up Barbra and Jade their dogs waving at you with smiles.It was real.
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