#some youtuber: here's what's wrong with xyz trend
solemntitty · 7 months
i love watching youtube videos on tiktok trends because i'm like wow i'm glad i'm totally removed from that. is this how other people feel when they watch strange-aeons' videos about tumblr history
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putschki1969 · 6 years
Hi Sarah-chan! O((^o^))O Thank you very much for replying my question regarding the girls voices! It was really helpful! (I was so sad to see how some people bash the girls voices T.T but I'll let it pass, I found very interesting things!). Thank you one more time! You're very kind! ~^u^~
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Hi again!
Sorry for the late reply, it took a while to write this.
You are very welcome. I am glad I was able to be of some assistance at least. Like I said, I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to all the technical aspects of singing and music. That cpm thread I linked to is generally a great source of information because lots of people have been sharing their knowledge (although I am not sure how many of these so called “experts” are self-proclaimed and how many of them are actually well-versed in the matter). But yeah, those 50+ pages are also filled with a lot of bullshit unfortunately. I certainly do not appreciate all these random posts by people who feel the need to share their uneducated opinions. And I am definitely not a fan of people outright bashing Wakana’s voice. Under no circumstances that will ever be acceptable to me (not even when it is done under the guise of concern).
Once again, you are very welcome (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
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Not 100% sure whether this message is from the same anon but I thought they fit together quite well so I decided to combine them in one post. If you are a different anon than the one from before, I am really sorry! I hope you still see my reply.
And yes, the forum isn’t exactly a pleasant place, most of the time the atmosphere is negative and borderline toxic. I try my best to stay away and I usually advise others to do the same.
**** Long rant ahead ****
People have told me again and again that I am overreacting, that the forum isn’t as bad as I make it out to be. People have accused me of looking at everything “through rose-tinted glasses”, of being “too sensitive”, of being “a snowflake” (a term I despise btw), of “playing Kalafina-police”, etc…There is nothing I haven’t heard before…
But honestly, people can call me whatever they want, I stand by my opinions. Contrary to popular belief, I have nothing against people expressing dislike, there is nothing wrong about critcism per se. I myself dislike a lot of things and I am certainly not always happy with every performance. For example, there has never been a performance of “ring your bell” that I truly liked. I usually like parts of it but generally I am really not a fan of the voice Wakana uses for the chorus. I am not scared to admit that and I will usually mention it in my reviews/reports. But do I choose to focus on a performance I didn’t like just to bash on it for the fun of it?? NO! I am acknowledging that it didn’t sound good (at least to me) but other than that I am simply accepting it as it is, I am shrugging it off in order to move on to something I actually enjoyed.
Unfortunately, I seem to be one of the very few people with this approach. Most fans focus on what they DON’T like and they choose to express their dislike in a very disrespectful manner.
For me, fandom has always been about fun, about celebrating the things I love, about highlighting the positive aspects, about respecting the things I love. Yes, there will always be lots of stuff to criticise (you can’t make everyone happy) but if I only ever focus on the negative stuff, if I am literally desperate to find something I can hate on, it takes all the fun away for me. I am over 30 now and I have been in many fandoms in my life. Fandoms have never been perfect of course but people definitely used to focus more on the positive things. Back in the day (ages ago) I spent YEARS in various big Star Trek and Stargate forums and I can’t say that I have ever come across the kind of hate that is omnipresent now across all fandoms. I feel like throughout the years fandoms have become increasingly more negative and it’s getting worse every year.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand why people love bashing and hating, it’s in the human nature to be like that. But personally I choose to hate on things I actually hate and not on things I claim to love. And should I realise that there is nothing left for me to love or that I am having a hard time finding things I can appreciate then I simply move on to find something else. I have enough negativity in my life as it is, if my fandom doesn’t give me joy, there is no need to waste my time with it.
Also, I have noticed that a lot of the negativity stems from a severe case of entitlement. It isn’t even any sort of valid criticism. Just people thinking they are “owed” something. They have all these expectations, they want THIS and they want THAT and if they don’t get it they get bitter and frustrated and start complaining. And the worst thing about it, those who feel most entitled, those who complain the loudest, it’s usually the ones that haven’t done a single thing in their life to support their favourite artist/musician/show/franchise/etc. Not saying that those who spend a fortune to uspport their faves are somehow more entitled than others but I think it showcases how hypocritical a lot of fans are.
Focusing on the negative aspects, bashing, hating, these things have become cool and trendy. It’s the negative stuff that generates most of the traffic online. People just eat it all up. They are like vultures, the nastier the content the better. It’s like people are getting off on seeing things they “claim” to love being torn apart into shreds by so called “critics”.
No one cares for all the good stuff anymore, I guess it’s too boring for most people. Everyone just takes the positive aspects for granted and they don’t think it’s necessary to mention them. OR people simply overlook them because they are too busy trying to find things they can complain about.
Just go to Youtube and compare the views on videos titled ”Why I love xyz” and “Why I hate xyz”. The hate videos get a ton more views and it’s not just that. The love videos are usually written off as crazy fan talk, not to be taken seriously, only to be ridiculed. On the other hand, hate videos are praised for their so called “honesty” and “objectiveness”, every single word is taken at face value, no one even thinks to question what is being said.
I hate this trend. It’s hard to find joy if everyone around you is dragging down something you love. Most of the time I can handle it because I make sure to keep my little corner of the fandom positive but yeah, sometimes it’s difficult.
Anyways, sorry, this got a little out of hand. I didn’t intend to go off on a tangent and write an essay about the changes in fandom. Not even sure what I was trying to say here. Guess I just wanted to rant a little. Over and out..
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