#somebody didn't check the yeild
beloveddawn-blog · 5 months
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“Zari!” The angel gave a hum of acknowledgement while continuing to sort items from her backpack into the chests in the crafting shed. Someone must have managed to use up the last of the copper ore and logs, as she hadn’t been able to send them to their homes with a spell and instead needed to place them herself. “I’ve brought something for you.”
That did make her look up, and her eyes widened as she saw her friend drop a giant stack of boxes near her before backing up. She blinked at them, but before she could actually respond the magic in her backpack sucked them towards her. Only familiarity with this phenomenon kept her from flinching, but they disappeared moments before touching her, as they always did.
She looked curiously over at her grinning friend, then checked her belt pouch to find… A full hundred dozen cookies. “What in the world…?” She began, but Helios waved her off.
“I may have… miscalculated. And not read the recipe as closely as I should have. But it’s fine! Everybody likes cookies!” He had his chin tilted up slightly defensively, but Zari could also see the humour hidden in the line of his shoulders. She smirked and grabbed one out, taking a bite of it.
“You didn’t realize the recipe made four dozen instead of one, did you?” Her question caused his defensiveness to disappear, buried under his usual good humour.
“No. No, I did not. It was a surprise when I got back to the oven and got bombarded.” He grinned at the memory, and she smiled back at him.
“Was this all of them?” She asked, and he shook his head.
“I left the others on the bridge.” He replied. “That way they’ll be right there when Sass and Char teleport in. I made enough that they can have some too.”
The air did a strange little shimmy as the world reordered itself the way it always did when someone arrived from a different dimension. Zari rose from beside the chest, prepared to greet the newcomer, when a startled shriek rent the air.
“What the fuck… HELIOS!!!”
He grinned again. “It sounds like Sass found the cookies.”
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