#somebody used their fun pass🙏
sugar-on-fries · 7 months
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Linc does in-fact like fancy things and does in-fact have long hair!
too bad he died before he could wear this again🙏
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jinjuomo · 8 months
Hey, I came across your profile on twitter and idk if you're aware but the word "chink" is an extremely racist slur and I wouldn't encourage using it casually to describe yourself. I know you're chinese so you might think it's ok to reclaim it but since there's a lot of rising racism being experienced by chinese people right now, I don't think treating it as something that's not a big deal is a good idea.
I also want to say that I myself am a Chinese person and I'm not trying to police your experience, but it's something to consider removing from your profile as it really shocked me when I came across it and others may have felt the same.
I’m aware that the word chink is a slur — I’ve been called it numerous times as somebody that passes as a Chinese person and I tend to cope through trauma by making self-deprecating jokes since that’s my type of humor. Of course, I do understand that other Chinese people may not be comfortable with other Chinese folks using slurs casually like that (the word mayochink sort of started off as a joke between me and another Chinese friend initially as a way to sorta poke fun at Chinese wasians). I rarely ever use or even say slurs, but yes, I will remove it 🙏 thank you for letting me know.
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