doxypsychlean · 2 years
Was there ever a time, ever a moment?
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Pairings: Aemond Targaryen X OC
Summary: "That bastard truly loves her. And she's been toying with him this whole time"
Warnings: Explicit language(more will be added later on, gotta come up w it first)
Multiple Chapters
Previous chapter/s: 1 , 2
Next chapter/s: 4
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/n: We do NO blinking in this establishment! Gotta get our eyes all nice and dry. There's some translation of the Asshai'i down below btw. Wasn't sure what to do w it tbh, but I felt like trying to fit it btwn the actual convo would be too much to deal w.
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It was days like this one that made the young woman regret ever leaving her home. King's Landing weather did not agree with her, nor did she with it. It was always too hot, too sunny. She was used to the cold Asshai days and even colder nights.
Although the Shadow city was as southeast as Essos goes, the weather there had always been on the colder side. The thick blankets of black clouds that stood watch over the city did not let any light pass through.
Another thing she was starting to miss dearly was how silent Asshai was in comparison. It's sheer size was massive, said to be great enough to contain all of King's Landing, Oldtown, Volantis and Qarth within its walls combined. The population however, was low. Low enough for a person to spend their entire day walking around without encountering another soul. And even if they did, the locals stayed out of eachother's way. They did not spend their time hiding in the shadows. They were the shadows.
Shadows with some busy lifestyles, that is. Everyone had somewhere to be. Something to do. No distractions. The Asshai'i were devoted to their craft. There were no children around to scream their lungs out or babble to no end. There were no birds to chirp happily in the trees. In fact, there were no animals in the Shadow. They'd all die within a day of being brought into the city. Only thing they had were blind, deformed fish that dwelled in the contaminated waters of the Ash, only madmen would dare consume.
For her and for few others Asshai was Heaven on Earth. Quiet, as peaceful as it would allow and mostly importantly- one was free to do as they wished. As long as they had the necessary means. As long as they possessed the power.
"Salen guenhwyvār xen'h Nevae."
Rebonna sensed their presence long before they even appeared behind her.
"Āeksio salen." The two shadows siad in unison.
"Kav othok emā nesh syt tel'quien tha?" Rebonna asked, never stopping to look at them. All the while pretending she did not see the silver haired man watching them from afar. About time.
The two creatures walking close behind her did not say anything. Not that they had to, she already knew what they answer would be.
"Āeksio salen, eron iksis daor narom a feer...Thamar saz'gon daor." The taller one's voice reached her ears . His dull eyes were staring at hers. Never blinking.
The woman stopped and turned to face the two. They held her gaze. Doing the opposite in such a moment would be a fatal mistake. They knew what happened to cowards.
"Essa mirith, guenhwyvar salen. Aeth tha eron iksis maleē bithreem."
Silence fell upon the halls of the Red Keep. They could all hear him now. He thought himself a skilled, great warrior. One of great vigor and low-cunning. Yet he walked around the place as if he were purposely trying to get his cover blown.
"Āeksio salen...Mirri eno iksis egzieā thamar."
Rebonna circled around her servants, so she could stand between the two. She grabbed each of their arms and pushed them forward,the skirts of her dress trailing behind her as she sped up.
"Tha millentu rumol issa. Ha'ave kav othok, guenhwyvar salen. Thamar keskidosso ti." She let out a laugh. Her eyes were not laughing though. She did not appreciate him meddling.
"Mero thamar...?" The one on her right asked.
"Daor neh-akh, Enek. Kāolin issa naeot, tha ledā zyrelá sen thaóla. Giś forbin."
"Hae othok ukasire, Āeksio salen." Enek agreed. He picked up the pace, so did Beliz.
They walked through the halls for a bit, trying their best not to think of the scorching sun outside.
"Ziry iksos iā gevie den...othok umbagon issa daor harev tha. Harāth. Adelan o ivestragon se hama, tezo Nevae ono othok kav soliz tha. Ukairth iorwe issa."
"Yare, Āeksio salen." The two creatures responded.
Enek dissappeared without saying a word, leaving but a trail of black smoke where he once stood. His disdain for this foreign land was more than obvious. Rebonna felt the same. She had to stay here though. Just for a bit longer. But she couldn't force her shadows to do the same. It wouldn't be fair to them.
While the Master of Shadows was getting lost in her own thoughts, her loyal servant had allowed himself to turn and face the young prince that was following them. Their eyes met. He could sense it. The jealousy, the possessiveness, the questions, the distrust, the slight hints of anger. All bubbling inside.
"Othok io vesnābi havve, morgon salen. Tanaka vesnābi." He said while still looking at the silver haired stranger. "Sen daor keskidossa linta,  zāh se tolie kessa. Enok ov latruum."
"Othok ukasire tha eron?" The lady let out another laugh "...Thamar pendagon ēma ukam, nek-akh vallo. Sem harāth, kav daor ez onast fuihiniv."
"We'll see you soon, friend." Beliz was gone as well. Rebonna kept pushing forward, she was almost out of the Red Keep and into the godswoods.
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Not long after she reached the Weirwood. So many years had passed. She couldn't help but feel like they were still watching. She stood still, watching as the wind raced between the red leaves.
"Do you remember the last time I saw one of your...?" She trailed off. "My Prince."
"My lady." Aemond cleared his throat, his fingers fidgeting.
"I haven't seen you since the feast."
He took another step towards her. All he wanted to do was take her in his arms. Be able to touch her. Just like those strangers had.
He was drawn to her, like a moth is to a flame. Everything in his being screamed, pleaded for him not to do it. It was unnatural. One side of him found it odd how close he felt to her, to someone he'd only seen once in his whole life. The other side of him couldn't care less. All he wanted was her. All he wanted was to make her laugh like she did at that feast. Like she did with those two mysterious strangers. He needed to hear all the stories she had to tell- of the foreign land she came from, of her past, of the strange tongue she spoke in. Of those strange creautures that had the ability to dissappear into thin air.
"For which I am filled with more sorrow than you could ever imagine, my lady. There were matters in need of attending to."
In reality, the silver haired prince had tried to avoid her as much as possible after the conversation he had with his mother, the Queen. She was right. He knew nothing of her. Of her people. He had to be careful.
The prince tried to find as much information on the Asshai'i before he had to face her again. But the Westerosi rarely ventured that far east. And when they did, they almost never made it back. The Shadows either swallowed them or drove them to insanity.
If he had to be honest, he was scared. All these unfamiliar emotions made him feel overwhelmed. She was a stranger. Not to be trusted. Yet.
Even so, Aemond felt shame tug at his heart. He should have been spending more time with his betrothed. Damned be the council meetings, the training sessions with Cole, his studies and all his other excuses. He should be with her. Maybe he would've found some answers by now, had he not tried to hide from her like a scared little boy...
"I... You are to be my wife. I should be spending more time with you. I apologize. "
"No need, my prince." She finally turned to look at him, the prince freezing in place. "And I beg of you, adress me by my name."
"Only if you'd do me the honor first, my-"
She was looking at him, one eyebrow raised and a mischievous grin lighting up her face. The void her eyes were fixed on him.
"-Rebonna." The prince corrected himself.
His heart felt like it was about to explode into million tiny pieces any second now. His. His.
"Care to take a walk with me?" Rebonna asked, her eyes searching his.
The man's arm shot up so fast, it didn't even register to him he had moved.
"Let's go then." Soft giggle made it's way out past her lips, her hand finding it's way around his, just like it did the night of the feast.
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Lady Vessard did not expect for it to be so easy to get the gorgeous prince to open up to her. From what she'd heard about him, he was an ill-tempered, stubborn and distant. With her, he was dashing, thoughtful and eager to tell her as much about himself as he could. Of course, Aemond made sure to leave out the unpleasant memories. There was more than enough time for that, his betrothed was not worried. If she could trick him into telling her that much with only having met once prior to this leisurely stroll, she'd be getting everything she needed out of him in no time.
The short walk in the gardens had turned into a whole tour around the Red Keep. The prince couldn't stop talking. He told her the story of how he'd claimed his dragon,Vhagar, and the excitement of getting to ride her for the first time. As a student of history, the mention of Vhagar led to him telling her of all the dragons that came before her. Like Balerion the Black Dread, his father's dragon. The only memory that was left of Old Valyria, his skull now decorating the rat-infested dungeons. Then came the topic of Valyria itself. Rebonna listened to him w half a ear. Unlike the young Targaryen, she'd had the pleasure of seeing the city at it's strongest. She didn't need to hear tales of it, especially from someone like him.
Prince Aemond was baring himself to her without even realizing it. It was the simplest of things that made him most vulnerable to her power. The feeling of her gentle hand around his forearm was enough to keep the satisfied smirk on his face and any rational thought out of his head. He was doing all the work for her. So easy.
He didn't notice she'd completely stopped listening to him at first. Her eyes were going over every crack and crevice of the Red Keep, never stopping at one place for too long, never blinking. As if she was afraid she'd miss something.
Her hand had dropped back to her side. Aemond was standing in front of her now, searching her face.
"Am I boring you?" A wave of sadness and insecurity, then one of confusion flashed across his face in the matter of a split second second.
"Oh Aemond, never! I have simply had a tiring day. I have yet to get used to everything around here. It's a bit..."
"Overwhelming?" He finished her thought for her.
She nodded, gripping his arm once again, just a bit stronger this time. Aemond's face flashed red. She caught him staring at her as they walked, mind blank.
"You must be tired, Rebonna, I apologize..."
"Do you do this often, my prince?"
"What exactly, my lady?"
"Apologizing when you're not at fault" the woman laughed.
She had him backed into a corner. She could see the gears turning in his head, he was about to offer her another apology.
"Oh...I apolo-"
"Brother! Seven Hells, I've been looking for you for hours now! Ah, Lady Vessard! It's so good to see you again!"
The sweet, shy boy in front of her dissappeared in the blink of an eye.
"What is it that you want?" His voice had dropped, eye darting from the woman that was still clinging to him and his brother. If it weren't for her, he would have ripped Aegon's head off with his bare hands.
"Our presence has been requested at the small council meeting." Aegon winked at his brother. "Come now, I'm sure lady Vessard has had enough of you talking her ear off and all that... My lady!"
Prince Aegon grabbed his brother by the sleeve and tried to pull him forward, but Aemond wouldn't budge. His attention had gone back to his wife-to-be, crystal blue eye silently pleading.
"My lady, would you do me the honor of dining with me this evening?"
"Of course, my prince. It'd be my pleasure." She let go of his arm with a sweet smile. Aemond felt sick at the loss of contact. "I'll see you later this evening then?"
He simply nodded. The prince couldn't trust his voice in this moment.
"That would be lovely!"
Aemond nodded again.
"Prince Aemond, Prince Aegon."
The two men were left there to stare at her as she turned the corner and dissappeared into the depths of the Red Keep.
"Told you she won't bite. You should've asked her long ago, instead of sulking and hiding from her"
"One more word..."
"Fine, fine..."
The entire time the two brothers spent walking towards the small council chamber, the younger prince could think of only two things. The feeling of his betrothed wrapped around his arm and what he meant to ask her after he followed her into the godswoods. But he couldn't remember.
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*Translation of the Asshai'i down below*
R: My Shadows of Darkness.
B,E: Master.
R: Have you got anything for me?
R: ...Well?
B: Master, there's no trace of them... We found nothing.
R: It's all right, my shadows. I did not expect them to show their faces this soon.
E: Master... Someone is here.
R: I know exactly who it is. As do you, my shadows. We share the same eyes.
E: Should we...?
R: No need, Enek. If it were to come to this, I would deal with him myself. Keep walking.
E: As you wish, Master.
R: It's a beautiful day, you shouldn't stay here because of me...Go. Get back home and tell the Dark Ones what you told me. It's their move.
B,E: Yes, Master.
B: You're playing a dangerous game, old friend. Extremely dangerous. He may not be able to see through,but the others will...Sooner or later.
R: You think I don't know that...? We'll deal with them accordingly, need be. Now go, do not leave the others waiting.
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