#someday i'll be on first name basis with miles edgeworth
audiodramatist · 2 years
Edwright (is that how it’s spelled)
that is absolutely not how it's spelled but i appreciate the effort. thank u king
who hogs the duvet: phoenix hogs it when theyre going to sleep bc edgeworth takes forever to fall asleep & remains very aware of his share of the blankets. and then when they wake up edgeworth has ALL the blankets & phoenix has none.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both, constantly. edgeworth once faked his death and disappeared for a year. phoenix once fell 70 feet off a burning rope bridge into a frozen river. they are always worrying about each other. will text to check in while in different rooms of the same building.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: edgeworth. phoenix always asks trucy/maya/pearl to help with gifts because he cant think of anything.
who gets up first in the morning: edgeworth
who suggests new things in bed: neither theyre old and boring (phoenix)
who cries at movies: both, edgeworth is usually fine but gets hit really hard by seemingly random movies & cries for a really long time when no one else does. phoenix cries a little bit at absolutely everything.
who gives unprompted massages: phoenix. clingy bastard
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: edgeworth. if he doesn't fuss enough phoenix will just pretend he isnt sick and run himself into the ground. the man got hit by a car and broke out of the hospital to go to court the next day. he wasnt even a lawyer at the time.
who gets jealous easiest: edgeworth
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: phoenix's playlists are specially curated for maximum cringe. he has different options depending on who he's trying to bother. as far as his genuine taste, it's literally fine. but edgeworth unironically and very secretly LOVES the soundtrack to the pink samurai musical.
who collects something unusual: edgeworth canonically collects silver samurai stuff i think? but also they both have weird shit that the kids give them. kay's made a game out of stealing the weirdest little trinkets to pass on to edgeworth
who takes the longest to get ready: edgeworth. if phoenix combs his hair before getting in the car that's a lot for him. edgeworth wears a cravat.
who is the most tidy and organised: edgeworth
who gets most excited about the holidays: christmas to new years isn't a great time for them, so neither. the kids love halloween, so they both get excited about that (phoenix slightly more so) and edgeworth really likes valentine's day even though he pretends to think it's silly.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: phoenix big spoon
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: edgeworth
who starts the most arguments: they don't seriously argue often, phoenix can tell when edgeworth's annoyed by something & they talk it out. but also theyre both lawyers and will have arguments for fun over anything and everything. strangers observing think that their marriage is in shambles. they're having a great time.
who suggests that they buy a pet: phoenix is a "we should get a puppy" person. edgeworth reminds him that they already have a dog once a week.
what couple traditions they have: they celebrate the anniversaries of important cases. sometimes phoenix will make up a case anniversary to get edgeworth to buy him dinner. edgeworth knows, of course.
what tv shows they watch together: canonically, all those samurai shows that miles likes. i also think they'd like survivor. and actually phoenix adopted a 7 year old in 2019. this is a bluey household
what other couple they hang out with: franziska and maya (fun, pleasant, good sibling bonding), apollo and klavier (oh god why did we agree to spend time with them this is awful). also i like to think they're still friends with lana skye & she's got a girlfriend/wife now.
how they spend time together as a couple: going out for dinner after long days in court, staying in the house all day whenever possible, taking trucy to her magic shows, walking pess, they do literally everything together
who made the first move: i mean. mr phoenix "elle woods" wright became a lawyer to find this guy again. if that doesn't count...
who brings flowers home: phoenix
who is the best cook: edgeworth's cooking is safe but tastes bad. phoenix is a safety hazard but it tastes great. they get takeout most of the time.
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