#somehow the idea of Gerda being a big puppy AND awkward?
hyperpsychomaniac · 9 months
I've actually been meaning to draw this for ages, back when I wrote 'The Curse of the Black Hound'. But never did, because I only had Erik turn into a Barghest. I just remembered it for some reason, and so... I give you Erik and Gerda as Barghests.
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The plot if this had a plot:
Erik is being an idiot yet again, and gets into a spot of trouble with some Trolls outside Trolberg. Gerda tries to rescue him, but gets caught up in the Troll-magic-blast, and, suddenly, they're both Barghests.
This causes problems, as Safety Patrol doesn't know what has happened to Erik or their Chief Officer - no bodies, but there are very clearly Barghests seen in the area, including one with some striking (and very hard to hide colouring). The Chief has been implementing some changes recently, encouraging the officers to think twice before engaging the magical creatures in the area, to try and investigate without violence, at least at first. Not everyone is happy with these very recent changes. With her out of the picture, will they continue to follow her lead in her absence, and take the time to find out what really happened? Or will they revert to old ways, and hunt down the animals that seem so obviously to be responsible?
Meanwhile, Gerda and Erik, are still not on the best of terms after the wall, and certainly not after Erik has gone and turned them into these creatures. Gerda, who would usually just take over in situations like this... just... can't seem to get control of this new body. There are too many legs, and any athletic attempt that would come easily to her in her human body ends in a tangle of limbs and derp. As if that's not bad enough, in this form she does not have the good camouflage genes and stands out far too easily, even without the clumsiness. Erik, though he takes to his new body fairly well, has about the exact same level of common sense as before - attacking things bigger than him, running out and barking at Safety Patrol to get their attention, etc. But they're going to have to learn to work together, as a team, if they're going to get out of this mess - Erik's going to have to listen to Gerda and do what she tells him, and Gerda's going to have to depend on Erik.
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